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Meeting the food needs of the growing and increasingly affluent human population with the planet’s limited resources is a major challenge of our time. Seen as the preferred approach to global food security issues, ‘sustainable intensification’ is the enhancement of crop yields while minimizing environmental impacts and preserving the ability of future generations to use the land. It is still unclear to what extent sustainable intensification would allow humanity to meet its demand for food commodities. Here we use the footprints for water, nitrogen, carbon and land to quantitatively evaluate resource demands and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of future agriculture and investigate whether an increase in these environmental burdens of food production can be avoided under a variety of dietary scenarios. We calculate average footprints of the current diet and find that animal products account for 43–87% of an individual’s environmental burden – compared to 18% of caloric intake and 39% of protein intake. Interestingly, we find that projected improvements in production efficiency would be insufficient to meet future food demand without also increasing the total environmental burden of food production. Transitioning to less impactful diets would in many cases allow production efficiency to keep pace with growth in human demand while minimizing the food system’s environmental burden. This study provides a useful approach for evaluating the attainability of sustainable targets and for better integrating food security and environmental impacts.  相似文献   
The ‘Anthropocene’ is now being used as a conceptual frame by different communities and in a variety of contexts to understand the evolving human–environment relationship. However, as we argue in this paper, the notion of an Anthropos, or ‘humanity’, as global, unified ‘geological force’ threatens to mask the diversity and differences in the actual conditions and impacts of humankind, and does not do justice to the diversity of local and regional contexts. For this reason, we interpret in this article the notion of an Anthropocene in a more context-dependent, localized and social understanding. We do this through illustrating examples from four issue domains, selected for their variation in terms of spatial and temporal scale, systems of governance and functional interdependencies: nitrogen cycle distortion (in particular as it relates to food security); ocean acidification; urbanization; and wildfires. Based on this analysis, we systematically address the consequences of the lens of the Anthropocene for the governance of social-ecological systems, focusing on the multi-level, functional and sectoral organization of governance, and possible redefinitions of governance systems and policy domains. We conclude that the notion of the Anthropocene, once seen in light of social inequalities and regional differences, allows for novel analysis of issue-based problems in the context of a global understanding, in both academic and political terms. This makes it a useful concept to help leverage and (re-)focus our efforts in a more innovative and effective way to transition towards sustainability.  相似文献   
周孔霖  孙松 《海洋与湖沼》2016,47(4):787-794
中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)C5期幼体的油脂积累是种群在黄海冷水团中得以顺利度夏的关键过程。本研究对温度(10°C和19°C恒温,10—19°CⅠ和10—19°CⅡ变温)与饵料种类(硅藻饵料,自然饵料)双因子培养实验进行研究,探讨温度和饵料种类对中华哲水蚤油脂积累与生长发育的影响作用。结果表明,不同的温度和饵料种类对C5期幼体的油脂积累均有影响。C5期幼体在变温组的油脂积累是10°C组的31%—102%,是19°C组的1.8—6.1倍,低温有利于C5期幼体降低个体代谢消耗以增加油脂的积累。在恒温培养下,C5期幼体在硅藻饵料组的油脂积累是自然饵料组的2.8倍,硅藻饵料比自然饵料更有利于油脂的积累。雌体的体长和油囊体积均随着温度的升高而减小。与硅藻饵料相比,在自然饵料组中雌体的性腺发育速度更快,性腺成熟度更高(繁殖指数:58%—65%)。  相似文献   
Adopting a critical geopolitics approach that accounts for the mutually reinforcing link between geo-informed narratives and projection practices, this article proposes that ocean governance and maritime security have translated into states' and regional organisations' increasing control over maritime spaces. This leads to a certain territorialisation of the sea, not so much from a sovereignty and jurisdictional perspective but from a functional and normative perspective. The article starts by discussing the ways oceans have been represented and shows that they are far from a placeless void, both in practice and in discourse. The article then frames the analysis of ocean governance and maritime security within critical geopolitics, and elaborates on the case of the European Union's narrative and practice. It concludes on the mutually reinforcing link between discourse and practice in the field of ocean governance and maritime security in general, and on the consequences for the EU in particular. Scholars working on ocean governance and maritime security are encouraged to challenge the traditional view that oceans are placeless.  相似文献   
The scarcity of data on fish catches difficult management of small-scale fisheries in developing countries. This study applies fishers’ knowledge to investigate temporal changes in the amount (biomass) and composition (major ecological categories) of fishing resources exploited by small-scale coastal fisheries in the southeastern Brazilian coast. Four hypotheses were investigated: (1) The amount of fish caught reported by fishers would decrease over time. (2) Older fishers would report higher fish catches than younger fishers. (3) Recent interviews would mention large-sized predators less often. (4) Recent interviews would mention less high valued fishing resources. Interviews with 421 fishers in 36 communities in the southeastern Brazilian coast were analyzed, covering a time span of 14 years, from 1995 to 2009. The hypothesis 1 was confirmed, 3 was partially confirmed, while 2 and 4 were not confirmed. Fishers’ age was unrelated to all variables. The results from fishers’ interviews indicated the temporal trends of: (1) a decrease in the biomass of fish caught; (2) an increase in the occurrence of smaller fish and invertebrates in the catch; (3) an increase of high value fishing resources; and (4) maintenance of large predators. The first two indicators suggest excessive fishing, but the later indicators (3 and 4) suggest that the socioecological system of the southeastern Brazilian coast had not yet undergone major ecological shifts.  相似文献   
为提高对虾养殖过程中的饵料利用率并减少养殖废水的排放,作者以凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为实验对象,研究了不同饵料种类、投喂方式、体质量、充气量、光照强度、水温及盐度对其相对摄食量的影响。结果表明:配合饲料组对虾的相对摄食量显著高于冰鲜虾肉组;连续单颗投喂时对虾的相对摄食量较高;相对摄食量随对对虾体重升高而显著(P0.01)下降,而且不同规格的对虾在竞争条件下平均相对摄食量会降低;充气量6 L/min组对虾的相对摄食量明显高于另外两组;弱光环境下对虾的相对摄食量较高;水温和盐度对相对摄食量的影响极显著(P0.01),在32℃时对虾获得最大相对摄食量,在盐度为5时相对摄食量最小,高盐度下组间差异不显著(P0.05)。因此,在实际生产中应采取少量多次的投饵策略,并根据环境条件的变化合理的调整投饵量。  相似文献   
煤炭地质勘查工作关系国家能源安全,在国民经济发展中具有重要的战略地位。伴随煤炭行业绿色转型和新能源革命新形势,及时调整产业结构,向大地质、大资源、大生态方向拓展服务领域,为国家生态文明建设和煤炭产业绿色安全高效发展提供坚实的地质技术保障,成为煤炭地质勘查产业转型发展必然趋势和未来发展方向。结合煤田地质勘查工作发展历程及现状、发展趋势,对煤炭地质勘查产业转型发展方向进行深入剖析和探讨。  相似文献   
随着互联网的飞速发展,医疗数据爆炸性增长,大量的医疗数据面临着安全共享问题.本文提出了一种基于医疗联盟链的数据安全保护方法,其中包括提出了一种安全认证与访问控制模型,并将查询逻辑分离存储技术引入该模型中,同时描述了基于医疗联盟链的认证凭据和访问权限数据的存储和访问.基于医疗联盟链的安全认证与访问控制模型包含了三个角色,第一角色是患者,第二角色是医护人员,第三角色是医疗联盟链.通过查询逻辑分离存储技术保护患者数据隐私,查询逻辑分离技术与医疗联盟链技术紧密结合,满足了不同医院之间医疗数据共享的需求,保障了患者的数据隐私和医护人员查阅数据的权限.  相似文献   
随着W ebGIS的不断深入、发展应用,基于行业级的W ebGIS系统已深入到了政府、事业及大型企业。系统中除了大量的地理信息外,还存储着单位业务系统(OA/M IS)重要的技术和专题信息。系统内联办公自动化局域网络,外联因特网,在网络上进行着大量的重要信息交流。系统安全问题在信息系统整个生命周期过程中显得非常重要,本文论述了如何制定系统完善的安全计划和安全管理,为行业的信息安全工作提供具体的指导,提高行业信息系统的整体安全水平。  相似文献   
在国家重点研发计划支持下,项目提出了陆表不均一性检测和订正的新方法,解决了渐变型不均一性检测和订正的难题,构建了中国地表太阳辐射、气温、地温、风速和降水等参数均一化站点和格点数据集,修订了关于中国地表风速变化趋势、增温格局及其形成机制的结论。融合多源数据,构建并验证了千米级、流域级或县域级的电厂、人口、生物质能、取水量、氮排放、二氧化碳排放等影响自然系统的关键人文要素历史和未来预估数据集。构建了未来关键人文要素情景,研制了碳中和目标下甲烷和氧化亚氮排放情景和用于驱动全球模式的未来情景,预估了中国碳中和战略的实施对全球变暖的减缓作用,发现中国碳中和对远期和中期全球变暖的减缓作用显著。给出了中国各省份水体氮排放安全阈值及超越时间,阐明了中国粮食产量与氮施肥的关系,提出了在保障粮食安全的前提下减少水体氮排放的有效途径,指出重构城乡养分循环体系是同时保障粮食安全和恢复水质的必要途径。发现全球饱和水汽压差的年际变化与大气二氧化碳浓度上升速率的年际变化显著相关,阐明了饱和水汽压差变化在调控生态系统生产力中的重要角色以及多因素耦合作用在生态系统生产力变化中的复杂影响。建议更全面细致地评估中国各种碳中...  相似文献   
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