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利用钻井、二维和三维地震资料,剖析了孟加拉湾若开海域晚新生代的构造变形特征,探讨了构造变形对油气的控制作用。区域深度地质剖面揭示,研究区南部仅发育底部滑脱层(深度10 km),而北部则发育底部滑脱层(深度12 km)和中部滑脱层(深度4 km);受滑脱层的控制,研究区南部仅发育一套构造层,而北部则发育变形不协调的上、下两套构造层;南部背斜的南北向延伸距离、波长及背斜间隔距离均明显大于北部。通过北部局部构造精细解析表明,研究区北部变形相对较复杂,上构造层主要发育近南北向的背斜和次级张扭性右旋走滑断层,二者形成时间分别为晚第四纪和晚第四纪末。若开海域晚新生代的构造变形对圈闭形成、油气运聚和保存条件具有重要的控制作用。指出研究区南部平缓褶皱带构造—岩性复合圈闭具备形成大油气田的条件,是下一步油气勘探的重要目标。  相似文献   
The eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt (EQFTB) is part of the active Kuqa fold and thrust belts of the northern Tarim Basin. Seismic reflection profiles have been integrated with surface geologic and drill data to examine the deformation and structure style of the EQFTB, particularly the deformational history of the Dina 2 gas field. Seismic interpretations suggest that Dongqiu 8 is overall a duplex structure developed beneath a passive roof thrust, which generated from a tipline in the Miocene Jidike Formation, and the sole thrust was initiated from the same Jidike Formation evaporite zone that extends westward beneath the Kuqatawu anticline. Dongqiu 5 is a pop-up structure at the western part of the EQFTB, also developed beneath the Jidike Formation evaporite. Very gentle basement dip and steep dipping topographic slope in the EQFTB suggest that the Jidike Formation salt provides effective decoupling. The strong deformation in the EQFTB appears to have developed further south, in an area where evaporite may be lacking. Since the Pliocene, the EQFTB has moved farther south over the evaporite and reached the Yaken area. Restoring a balanced cross-section suggests that the minimum shortening across the EQFTB is more than 7800 m. Assuming that this shortening occurred during the 5.3 Ma timespan, the shortening rate is approximately 1.47 mm/year.  相似文献   
Early Proterozoic granitoids are of a limited occurrence in the Baikal fold area being confined here exclusively to an arcuate belt delineating the outer contour of Baikalides, where rocks of the Early Precambrian basement are exposed. Geochronological and geochemical study of the Kevakta granite massif and Nichatka complex showed that their origin was related with different stages of geological evolution of the Baikal fold area that progressed in diverse geodynamic environments. The Nichatka complex of syncollision granites was emplaced 1908 ± 5 Ma ago, when the Aldan-Olekma microplate collided with the Nechera terrane. Granites of the Kevakta massif (1846 ± 8 Ma) belong to the South Siberian postcollision magmatic belt that developed since ~1.9 Ga during successive accretion of microplates, continental blocks and island arcs to the Siberian craton. In age and other characteristics, these granites sharply differ from granitoids of the Chuya complex they have been formerly attributed to. Accordingly, it is suggested to divide the former association of granitoids into the Chuya complex proper of diorite-granodiorite association ~2.02 Ga old (Neymark et al., 1998) with geochemical characteristics of island-arc granitoids and the Chuya-Kodar complex of postcollision S-type granitoids 1.85 Ga old. The Early Proterozoic evolution of the Baikal fold area and junction zone with Aldan shield lasted about 170 m.y. that is comparable with development periods of analogous structures in other regions of the world.  相似文献   
不同构造环境下的壳─幔过渡带结构   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
位于中国西北部的天山造山带与准噶尔盆地是典型的盆岭构造。通过对横跨天山造山带与准噶尔盆地的沙雅-布尔津地学断面地震宽角反射、折射资料进行小波分析,获得了天山造山带与准噶尔盆地壳-幔过渡带的详细结构。结果表明,天山造山带的壳-幔间是以多个薄层过渡的。这些薄层的层厚度2~3km不等,层速度高低相间,总厚度约20km,平均速度较低,接近塔里木盆地下地壳的速度。塔里木盆地北缘与准噶尔盆地的壳-幔间不具有这种特点,其壳-幔间主要表现为一级间断面。而位于中国东北部的间阳-海城-东沟深地震测深剖面所揭示的辽东台隆-辽河盆地-燕山台褶带壳-幔过渡带的结构似乎具有完全相反的特征:辽河盆地的壳-幔过渡带比较复杂,它由数个薄层叠合而成,总厚度达15km;辽东台隆与燕山台褶带壳-幔过渡带结构十分简单,皆以一级间断面过渡为主。研究认为,造成二者差异的主要原因是它们所处的构造环境不同:前者为挤压环境,而后者为伸展环境。在挤压环境下,复杂的壳-幔过渡带形成于造山带的下面;而在伸展环境下,复杂的壳-幔过渡带形成于盆地的下面。壳-幔过渡的复杂程度与构造活动性相联系,在一定程度上反映了岩石圈目前的构造活动水平。  相似文献   
地质图切剖面中褶皱构造的计算机辅助编绘   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
计算机对褶皱的处理能力的强弱,是决定地质图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统实用价值大小的一个重要指标。以兰姆赛分类方案为基础,通过褶皱形态的几何特征分析,提出一种针对简单背,向斜构造的计算机辅助设计算法,并编写出相应的褶皱剖面形态的模拟程序,利用各种不同形态的褶皱实例进行试验。证明该种算法正确可靠,将其嵌入作先前开发的地质图切剖面编绘程序中,可大大提高地质图切剖面编绘的自动化水平。  相似文献   
前人认为皖南地区加里东运动仅表现为抬升造陆运动。文中从构造运动不整合接触关系证据、盖层构造、劈理及变形变质程度,以及古构造应力场特征等方面开展研究。于皖南地区多处发现了上泥盆统与下伏志留系呈角度不整合接触,表明了区内发育加里东褶皱。通过区域地质调查和构造解剖,揭示了区内复式褶皱为加里东和印支两期褶皱叠加的产物。其中,加里东期构造样式主要为区域性开阔褶皱,规模巨大,其轴迹呈北东东向或近东西向延伸,然而,印支期构造样式为线性中常褶皱,规模较小,其轴迹主要呈北东向展布。应用赤平极射投影法对研究区内的褶皱轴面产状、劈理产状要素进行统计分析,结果显示发育加里东期、印支期等多期变形构造;并利用该法求得褶皱两翼优势产状,应用数学计算法计算出区内3期构造应力场特征值,显示华南地块自南而北向扬子地块俯冲挤压的陆内造山动力学过程。早古生代盖层造山属性为陆内造山。区内加里东期褶皱构造属性的厘定和深入研究,对区域构造格架的建立具有重要意义。  相似文献   
浙北双溪坞群的构造特征及地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在野外地质工作基础上,通过对双溪坞群的岩层对比和构造分析,认为本区的双溪坞群与上覆地层间在构造样式上的存在着较大差异。双溪坞群的章村组和北组具有相似的地质特征,为同一火山放心回的产物。神功运动使早期形成的双溪坞群褶皱造山,开怀 竖线型平臣褶皱构造,并受后期构造的叠加改造,形成轴向北东的叠加褶皱构造格局。  相似文献   
初论陆内造山带的造山模式──以四川龙门山为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
四川龙门山造山带是陆内造山带的一个典型实例。陆内造山带经历了漫长的发展演化历史。前寒武纪时期的环境是属于古板块俯冲、碰撞的历史。具活动性大陆边缘性质,岩浆变质作用强烈,构造混杂明显。古生代以来转入地台环境,形成台相沉积。中生代早期转入陆内造山阶段。由早期的褶皱造山进而转化为推覆造山。两类不同性质的造山运动伴随了两类不同性质的前陆沉积盆地的形成和两类不同性质的沉积体系的形成。最终的区域构造特征不同程度地保留了陆内造山各阶段的地质记录,而以最后一次的推覆造山作用的影响最深刻。陆内造山的动力机制是与区域性的板块构造活动的大环境密切相关的。  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic geotectonic triad of the Brasiliano Orogen is reconstructed in southern Brazil from studies focused on the Porongos fold and thrust belt. We integrate field geology with isotopic studies of zircon U–Pb SHRIMP and Lu–Hf–O laser determinations in seven metasedimentary and three metavolcanic rock samples. The results indicate that the Porongos palaeo-basin was derived from mixed sources (3200–550 Ma), with major contributions from Rhyacian (2170 Ma) and Ediacaran (608 Ma) sources. Minor contributions from Archaean to Tonian sources are also registered. The maximum depositional age of the Porongos palaeo-basin is established by the age range of 650–550 Ma with TDM model ages between 2.5 and 1.3 Ga. The reworked signature (εHf values = ?34 to ?4) and the characteristic crustal magma reservoirs (δ18O ≥5.3 ‰) indicate that these sediments are equivalent to Neoproterozoic granites of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The episodic depositional history started in the Cryogenian (650 Ma) and lasted until the Ediacaran (most likely 570 Ma). A magmatic event of Tonian age is recorded in rhyodacite samples interleaved with the metasedimentary rocks and dated at 773, 801, and 809 Ma. The crustal evolution of the Sul-Riograndense Shield included mountain building, folding and thrusting and flexural subsidence in the foreland. An orogenic triad is revealed as the Pelotas Batholith, the Porongos fold and thrust belt and the Camaquã Basin, all part of the Dom Feliciano Belt.  相似文献   
褶皱是韧性剪切带内普遍发育的构造变形,是研究韧性剪切带乃至造山带构造作用的桥梁,但是对于剪切带中存在的这类褶皱国内尚无统一命名,本文根据剪切带内褶皱的最新研究成果,引进了“韧性剪切带相关褶皱”的概念。目前,国内外学者对韧性剪切带相关褶皱(尤其是鞘褶皱)的研究多集中在运动学和动力学上。本文介绍了韧性剪切带相关褶皱的类型及其研究方法,为客观理解韧性剪切带相关褶皱的形成机制提供了新思路和方法,进而为恢复陆内造山作用过程提供了客观的约束条件。  相似文献   
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