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A MW6.4 earthquake occurred in L'Aquila, central Italy at 1:32:42 (UTC), April 6, 2009. We quickly obtained the moment tensor solution of the earthquake by inverting the P waveforms of broadband recordings from the global seismographic network (GSN) stations using the quick technique of moment tensor inversion, and further inferred that the nodal plane of strike 132°, dip 53° and rake ?103° is the seismogenic fault.  相似文献   
We determine the stress field of Guangdong and its adjacent area by using focal mechanism solutions of 137 earthquakes and obtain tectonic stress tensors in 12 zones. The result shows that the azimuth of maximum principal stress σ1 is approximately WNW in southwestern Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Guangdong’s Heyuan and the Pearl River Delta, NW in Guangdong’s Yangjiang, and nearly NNW in the two zones of eastern Guangxi and Beibuwan Gulf (the Northern Gulf), varying clockwise in WNW-NW-NNW from east to west. The azimuth of minimum principal stress σ3 varies from NNE to ENE. The relative magnitude of medium principal stress σ2 (R value), is the smallest in Beibuwan and largest in Longyan of Fujian. Strike-slip faulting is dominated in the study area.  相似文献   
1976年唐山7.8级地震震区现今地震震源机制分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用首都圈数字地震台网记录,采用双差定位法对1976年唐山地震震区近年来发生的中小地震重新定位,获得1998个高精度结果,据此将震区划分为中、东、西3个分布特征不同的区.唐山7.8级主震所在的中区南部地震分布走向NNE,主震震中北部转为NE向;滦县7.1级余震所在的东区地震分布呈"丁"字形;宁河6.9级余震所在的西区地震分布没有明显优势方向.反演得到198个地震的震源机制解,对进一步划分的5个子区分别给出平均解的应力轴取向,并结合震源位置讨论了唐山地震序列的震源构造.  相似文献   
山东及附近区域部分中小地震震源机制特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了2001~2006年4月山东及周边省记录的20次(其中有8次地震为2003年青岛震群地震)中等地震波形资料。并对上述地震进行了重新定位。根据各台站记录的P波、SV波、SH波初动和它们之间的振幅比,利用Snoke联合计算地震震源机制解的程序,计算了20次地震震源机制解。就所研究的震例来看,断层破裂错动方式以近于走滑错动为主,在NE向断裂上为右旋错动,在NW向断裂上为左旋错动。大部分地震发生在现有断裂上,并且破裂方向与其断裂构造相吻合,这表明,现有断裂构造对中小地震的破裂方式有控制作用。  相似文献   
For the Fiji-Tonga-Kermadec area and for the period from January 1977 to July 2003, the Harvard CMT catalogue lists 1022 shallow, 410 intermediate and 633 deep earthquakes of moment magnitude from 4.9 to 8.0. The magnitude threshold, above which the catalogue is complete, is 5.3–5.4, and the number of earthquakes of magnitude above this value is 691 for shallow, 329 for intermediate and 476 for deep events, respectively. The proportion of earthquakes associated with doublets and multiplets against the total number of earthquakes is approximately the same in both data sets and therefore all earthquake pairs were considered regardless of their magnitude. We investigated all the pairs of earthquakes that occurred at a centroid distance of less than 40, 60 or 90 km from each other and within a time interval of 200, 300 or 450 days, depending on their magnitude. We found 208 pairs of shallow, 31 of intermediate and 92 of deep events. To ascertain whether these earthquakes in pairs are not connected by chance, the possibility of their occurrence in an uncorrelated Poissonian catalogue was considered. It was assumed that in such a catalogue the inter-event time is exponentially distributed, the earthquake magnitude follows the Gutenberg-Richter relation, and the distribution of centroid distances between the events in pairs is controlled by its non-parametric kernel estimate. The probability of the appearance of the observed proportion of doublets of shallow earthquakes in the Poissonian catalogue was found to be very low. The low probability of occurrence in a semi-random catalogue, created by randomising centroid locations in the actual data set, also indicates major importance of the distance criterion used for a doublet specification. In general, shallow earthquakes tend to form pairs at shorter distances and within shorter time intervals than deep earthquakes. Both the distance and the time intervals do not depend on the magnitude of involved events. The largest number of pairs of deep earthquakes is observed at a depth of about 600 km, and the proportion of deep events associated with doublets against the number of all events increases with depth. From comparison of the focal mechanism of earthquakes in pairs, measured by the 3-D rotation angle, it follows that deep earthquakes forming pairs have a more diverse focal mechanism than shallow events; the rotation angle for three quarters of shallow pairs and only for about one third of deep pairs is reasonably small. The azimuth between two events forming a doublet is in about 60–65% of cases close to the strike of one of nodal planes of the first or the second event.  相似文献   
尼泊尔MS8.1地震造成了重大人员伤亡和财产损失。震后中国地震局地球物理研究所等机构相继发布了本次地震的相关地震应急科技产品,这些产品为地震应急决策、地震救援和救灾、震后灾害损失评估、科学研究提供了科学有效的参考,本文对其中的震源机制解、震源破裂过程、震动图和烈度图的成果进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   
江苏南部地区现今震源机制和应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2000年3月至2014年4月江苏及邻区数字地震波形资料,采用P波、S波初动和振幅比求解方法计算了江苏南部地区123次中小地震震源机制解。分析震源机制解特征表明,研究区中小地震震源类型以走滑型为主,其次为正断层类型,P、T轴优势方向分别为NEE—SWW和NNW—SSE向。依据盆地和断裂发育、历史及现代中小地震分布、震源机制等特征将研究区划分为A区和B区。采用Gphart方法分别反演了这两个区域应力张量,结果显示:A区最大主应力方位角为78°,倾角为23°,最小主应力方位角为340°,倾角为17°;B区最大主应力方位角为60°,倾角为25°,最小主应力方位角为330°,倾角为1°。两个分区应力场结果的差异显示了局部应力场的不均匀性,体现了局部地区地质条件、构造活动等差异性。各分区应力场特征与区内的中强地震震源机制特征较为一致,这在一定程度也佐证了反演结果的可靠性。  相似文献   
根据三峡与邻近地区实际天然地震数据,利用GMT软件绘制出三峡地区两次地震的震源机制解。绘制出了三峡地区1964年以来地震震中分布情况,以及频率变化。震源机制解以及三峡与邻近地区断层资料显示出该地区受到西藏块体、四川盆地、川滇块体与鄂尔多斯地块的共同挤压作用,三峡及邻区的现今水平构造应力场的主压应力轴为北东东向,是喜马拉雅期构造应力场的继续。近东西向的向东移动显示出该地区可能为青藏高原地幔物质向东"逃逸"的通道之一。根据水库蓄水前后震源机制解资料反映的震源机制变化,认为蓄水对于三峡及邻区应力场在垂向上有一定的影响。  相似文献   
On 27th and 30th March 2014, an M4.2 and M4.5 earthquake sequence occurred in Zigui County, Hubei Province, and the earthquake sequence type is double seismic type. The two earthquake sequences occurred at the water unloading stage of the 175m trial impounding, and G-R relations showed the similar characteristics with that of the tectonic earthquakes. In order to verify the influences of dam reservoir on earthquake triggering, ETAS model was introduced, the results showed that the slow water level changes had little impact on the occurrence of earthquake. Double difference precision relocation results indicated that the two earthquake sequences occurred at the intersection part of a NE-striking fault and the NNW-striking Xiannvshan Fault, and the preferred direction of aftershock distribution was separately NE and NNW. Moment tensor inversion method and P wave initial motion method were used to determine the focal mechanisms of the two earthquakes, and the results indicated that the two earthquakes were controlled by the regional tectonic stress field and were of reverse-slip type. Comprehensive analysis showed that the M4.2 earthquake was caused by a small-scale fault striking NE with a big dip angle. From the hypocenter profile, it can be seen that the M4.2 earthquake sequence was restrained by an east-dip fault, and the M4.5 earthquake sequence was the product under the conjugate action of the NE-striking fault and the NNW-striking Xiannvshan fault.  相似文献   
采用双差定位法对2018年5月6日称多5.3级地震及其余震序列进行重新定位,至2018年7月15日共获取129个地震的重新定位结果。结果显示,称多5.3级地震序列主要呈NWW或NNW向分布,其中长轴沿NWW向展布,长约11 km,震源深度主要分布在6-12 km范围内,优势分布为8-11 km。此次地震的震源机制解为走滑型,最佳波形拟合深度为10.1 km。结合精定位、震源机制等综合分析,认为主破裂面走向呈NNW向,发震构造应为巴颜喀拉山主峰断裂。  相似文献   
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