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The recent discovery, by the Chandra satellite, that jets of blazars are strong X-ray emitters at large scales     , lends support to the hypothesis that emitting plasma is still moving at highly relativistic speeds on these scales. In this case in fact the emission via inverse Compton scattering off cosmic background photons is enhanced and the resulting predicted X-ray spectrum accounts well for the otherwise puzzling observations. Here we point out another reason to favour relativistic large-scale jets, based on a minimum power argument: by estimating the Poynting flux and bulk kinetic powers corresponding to, at least, the relativistic particles and magnetic field responsible for the emission, one can derive the value of the bulk Lorentz factor for which the total power is minimized. It is found that both the inner and extended parts of the jet of PKS     satisfy such a condition.  相似文献   
An Mw 5.9 earthquake occurred in the Lake Rukwa rift, Tanzania, on 1994 August 18, and was well recorded by 20 broad-band seismic stations at distances of 160 to 800 km and 21 broad-band stations at teleseismic distances. The regional and teleseismic waveforms have been used to investigate the source characteristics of the main shock, and also to locate aftershocks that occurred within three weeks of the main shock. Teleseismic body-wave modelling yields the following source parameters for the main shock: source depth of 25 ± 2 km, a normal fault orientation, with a horizontal tension axis striking NE-SW and an almost vertical pressure axis (Nodal Plane I: strike 126°–142°, dip 63°–66°, and rake 280°–290°; Nodal Plane II: strike 273°–289°, dip 28°–31°, and rake 235°–245°), a scalar moment of 4.1 times 1017 N m, and a 2 s impulsive source time function. Four of the largest aftershocks also nucleated at depths of 25 km, as deduced from regional sPmp–Pmp times. The nodal planes are broadly consistent with the orientation of both the Lupa and Ufipa faults, which bound the Rukwa rift to the northeast and southwest, respectively. The rupture radius of the main shock, assuming a circular fault, is estimated to be 4 km with a corresponding stress drop of 6.5 MPa. Published estimates of crustal thickness beneath the Rukwa rift indicate that the foci of the main shock and aftershocks lie at least 10 km above the Moho. The presence of lower-crustal seismicity beneath the Rukwa rift suggests that the pre-rift thermal structure of the rifted crust has not been strongly modified by the rifting, at least to depths of 25 km.  相似文献   
Systematic inversion of double couple focal mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the northern Andes reveals relatively homogeneous patterns of crustal stress in three main regions. The first region, presently under the influence of the Caribbean plate, includes the northern segment of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the western flank of the Central Cordillera (north of 4°N). It is characterized by WNW–ESE compression of dominantly reverse type that deflects to NW–SE in the Merida Andes of Venezuela, where it becomes mainly strike–slip in type. A major bend of the Eastern thrust front of the Eastern Cordillera, near its junction with the Merida Andes, coincides with a local deflection of the stress regime (SW–NE compression), suggesting local accommodation of the thrust belt to a rigid indenter in this area. The second region includes the SW Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador, currently under the influence of the Nazca plate. In this area, approximately E–W compression is mainly reverse in type. It deflects to WSW–ENE in the northern Andes south of 4°N, where it is accommodated by right-lateral displacement of the Romeral fault complex and the Eastern front of the northern Andes. The third, and most complex, region is the area of the triple junction between the South American, Nazca and Caribbean plates. It reveals two major stress regimes, both mainly strike–slip in type. The first regime involves SW–NE compression related to the interaction between the Nazca and Caribbean plates and the Panama micro-plate, typically accommodated in an E–W left-lateral shear zone. The second regime involves NW–SE compression, mainly related to the interaction between the Caribbean plate and the North Andes block which induces left-lateral displacement on the Uramita and Romeral faults north of 4°N.Deep seismicity (about 150–170 km) concentrates in the Bucaramanga nest and Cauca Valley areas. The inversion reveals a rather homogeneous attitude of the minimum stress axis, which dips towards the E. This extension is consistent with the present plunge of the Nazca and Caribbean slabs, suggesting that a broken slab may be torn under gravitational stresses in the Bucaramanga nest. This model is compatible with current blocking of the subduction in the western northern Andes, inhibiting the eastward displacement of slabs, which are forced to break and sink in to the asthenosphere under their own weight.  相似文献   
2014年3月27日和30日湖北秭归县发生了三峡水库蓄水以来该地区最大的2次地震,文中通过多种方法分析了2次地震的震源与发震构造特征。采用Kiwi方法反演2次地震的矩张量解,该方法中使用了湖北和重庆测震台网14个宽频带波形记录和6层地壳速度结构模型,反演结果显示,2次地震观测谱和波形与理论谱和波形拟合得比较好,非拟合误差数0.57,表明反演结果是可靠的。2次地震均为走滑兼少量逆冲错动,但前一地震为左旋走滑,后一地震为右旋走滑,矩张量解中DC成分偏少而ISO成分多可能是库水对地下介质物性影响的反映。同时也使用三峡台网15个子台记录的波形资料,采用双差定位法重新精定位了从3月27日至4月27日时段内超过500次地震序列事件,结果显示余震序列分布方向为NNW向和NE向,但主要集中在NE向,并分别沿NNW和NE向作了深度剖面,剖面显示震源深度为4.5~10.0km,余震在深部呈现2个较明显的断面,与震源机制解NE向节面产状一致。野外现场宏观烈度调查指出,Ⅴ度极震区等震线为一椭圆,长轴NWW向,短轴NE向,结合野外现场考察结果和震源区地质构造背景,综合推断仙女山断裂北端的NE向破裂面为2次地震的发震断面,余震序列的NE和NNW向分布、剖面上发震层的形态和深度特征表明,这次地震活动受到了仙女山断裂和九畹溪断裂活动的控制与影响。  相似文献   
The deformation pattern and the dynamics of the southern sector of the Aeolian archipelago are investigated. A study on the ground deformation, measured over the last 20 years in the trilateration geodetic network between the islands of Vulcano and Lipari, has been conducted. Analysis of the relative displacements and the uniform strain tensor parameters, as well as the comparison between areal dilatation and the vertical variations deduced by precise levelling, allow distinguishing different phases associated both with the regional dynamics and the local volcanic context of the area. These phases, however, appear to be closely interrelated. The analysis of the deformation pattern allows to constrain the predominance of a roughly E–W trending extension and a N–S contraction at a regional scale. This regime is consistent with right-lateral movements along a NW–SE striking fault system.  相似文献   
华北地区的共轭地震构造带   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文采用小地震活动图象和4.0级(Ms)以上地震震源机制资料的构造分析方法,得到一幅华北地区震源构造在地面的投影分布图,它显示4条NNE-NE向和1条NWW-NW向地震构造带交切成的共轭剪切构造格架。每条地震构造带又由一系列共轭剪切构造组成。由发生在带内的5个大震序列共轭破裂特征发现,共轭地震构造的孕震与控震作用是地震构造带形成的机制。  相似文献   
进一步搞好离任经济责任审计工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离任经济责任审计,越来越受到各级领导的重视。搞好离任经济责任审计,确保审计质量,值得我们深入思索和关注。做好离任经济责任审计工作,要明确审计范围,把握审计重点,评价客观公正;对任期较长的责任人进行任期期间经济责任任审计;及时下达审计决定,保证审计工作的时效性。  相似文献   
In concert with developments in global trade and energy resource transportation, there has been a marked increase in reliance on overseas shipping. Unimpeded marine transportation has therefore become a key issue which influences national maritime interests including the security of trade and energy resources. A strategic shipping pivot thus performs a vital controlling function for global shipping networks. In this study strategic shipping pivots are defined and subdivided into sea hubs, channels and areas. We then develop a model to identify strategic shipping pivots on a global scale. The results show that, depending on differences in location, function, and type, the concept of strategic shipping pivot permits the identification of both spatial and structural differentiation with respect to strategic hubs, corridors, and seas. Now 44 strategic hubs have formed across the globe. These hubs have become the control centers of local shipping network organization. At the same time, seven strategic corridors containing most shipping routes and transportation capacity connect important sea areas, and permit a high-degree of control over the transport of strategic materials. The strategic seas, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific provide vital import and export pathways, so that the formation of strategic shipping pivots is mainly influenced by factors such as physical geographical conditions, the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities, business organization, technical progress, geopolitical patterns and geopolitical disputes. Physical geographical conditions provide the potential foundations for strategic shipping pivots, while the spatial distribution of socio-economic activities and communications determine the strategic value of these points. Finally, business organization, technical progress, and geopolitical disputes all function to strengthen the strategic mechanisms and the mutagenicity of strategic shipping pivots.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地腹部地区侏罗系地层超压普遍发育,超压层段与声波时差、电阻率两者之间具有较好的响应关系,尤以电阻率响应最为显著,超压层段声波时差表现为异常高值,电阻率为异常低值的特征。利用准噶尔盆地腹部地区大量测井、测试及相关地质资料综合论述超压成因,指出泥岩和砂岩中发育的超压并非由压实不均衡、构造挤压等作用导致,而主要由生烃作用造成的。研究表明有以下几方面主要证据:1)超压泥岩密度不具有异常低值特征;2)超压段泥岩密度与岩石颗粒垂直有效应力之间不存在线性关系;3)超压砂岩不存在异常高地温梯度现象;4)超压顶界面深度范围为3 800~4 300 m,侏罗系烃源岩现今成熟度(Ro%)范围为0.6%~0.9%,温度范围分布在90 ℃~125 ℃;5)超压层段的侏罗系烃源岩现今生烃转化率最高可达70%,现今平均生油率可达90 mg/g·TOC,仍具有较强的生烃能力;6)泥质烃源岩本身对超压具有很好的封闭作用;7)侏罗系烃源岩内发育大量低角度或高角度微裂缝;8)超压储层主要以油层为主,无水层,准噶尔盆地东道海子北凹陷砂岩中超压主要是通过烃源岩中排出的高压流体运移至储层发生超压传递的结果。  相似文献   
川滇块体及周边区域现今震源机制和应力场特征   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
罗钧  赵翠萍  周连庆 《地震地质》2014,36(2):405-421
利用CAP(Cut and paste)方法获取了川滇块体及周边区域2007年8月至2013年4月75次3.5级以上中等地震的震源机制解,结合哈佛大学历史地震震源机制解,分析了震源机制解和震源深度的空间分布特征,并探讨了其构造动力学背景。结果表明:1)川滇块体各不同断裂带、块体内部各次级块体之间、块体内外表现出不同的震源机制解空间分布特征,揭示出位于青藏高原东南缘的川滇块体及周边地区应力场的非均匀性;2)研究区各主要断裂带所反映的与构造背景作用一致的震源机制分布特征表明,川滇块体及周边近期断层破裂方式主要受到各个断裂带的构造活动以及次级块体之间相互作用的控制;3)丽江-小金河断裂带上特殊的震源机制特征和发震应力轴的分布特征,进一步证实了丽江-小金河断裂带对高原逃逸物质的抵挡和屏蔽的作用;4)震源深度分布特征表明,川滇块体及周边地震震源深度主要分布于15km的上地壳,优势分布在5~15km的范围,揭示出研究区的地壳脆性孕震层位于5~15km的上地壳。  相似文献   
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