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Fluvial terraces along the middle reaches of many Japanese rivers were formed during the last glacial period as a result of changes in sediment discharge related to cooler temperatures and/or reduced water discharge because of lower precipitation. The influence of climate change on these fluvial terraces is not yet fully understood because most previous studies lacked detailed reconstructions of the chronology of terrace development. This study provides a detailed luminescence chronology of fluvial terrace deposits along the Ani River, northeastern Honshu, Japan, and compares that chronology to paleoclimatic records. Eight samples for luminescence dating were obtained from an outcrop of terrace deposits (∼10 m thick) in the Ani River valley. The fading-corrected infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages are consistent with the fading-corrected post-IR IRSL ages for some samples, which suggests that fading corrections were effective despite the higher fading rates of the IRSL signal. However, for the other samples, the post-IR IRSL ages are significantly older than the fading-corrected IRSL ages due to incomplete bleaching. The pulsed IRSL signals are close to field saturation for older samples, which might have resulted in a greater variation of the ages. Fading-corrected IRSL ages demonstrate periods of rapid aggradation during 105–90 ka and 75–60 ka. Comparison of terrace development with paleoclimatic records indicates that the two periods of fluvial deposition correspond to decreases in precipitation caused by weakened East Asian summer monsoon precipitation and possibly decreases in temperature. The results of this study show that the Ani River responded rapidly to climate change on a time scale of a few tens of thousands of years during the last glacial period.  相似文献   
Flume experiments were conducted on different bed stages across the ripple–dune transition. As flow velocity increases, an initially flat bed surface (made of fairly uniform sandy material) is gradually transformed into a two‐dimensional rippled bed. With further increase in velocity, two‐dimensional ripples are replaced by irregular, linguoid ripples. As the average velocity necessary for the ripple–dune transition to occur is imposed on the bed surface, these non‐equilibrium linguoid ripples are further transformed into larger, two‐dimensional dunes. For each of these stages across the transition, a concrete mould of the bed was created and the flow structure above each fixed bed surface investigated. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to study the flow characteristics above each bed surface. Detailed profiles were used along a transect located in the middle of the channel. Results are presented in the form of spatially averaged profiles of various flow characteristics and of contour maps of flow fields (section view). They clearly illustrate some important distinctions in the flow structure above the different bedform types associated with different stages during the transition. Turbulence intensity and Reynolds stresses gradually increase throughout the transition. Two‐dimensional ripples present a fairly uniform spatial distribution of turbulent flow characteristics above the bed. Linguoid ripples induce three‐dimensional turbulence structure at greater heights above the bed surface and turbulence intensity tends to increase steadily with height above bed surface in the wake region. A very significant increase in turbulence intensity and momentum exchange occurs during the transition from linguoid ripples to dunes. The turbulent flow field properties above dunes are highly dependent on the position along and above the bed surface and these fields present a very high degree of spatial variability (when compared with the rippled beds). Further investigations under natural conditions emphasizing sediment transport mechanisms and rates during the transition should represent the next step of analysis, together with an emphasis on quadrant analysis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
ILOWERGUADALUPERIVER,SANJOSECALIFORNIATheLowerGuadalupeRiverProjectAreadoesnothavetheabilitytoconveytheflowofthe100-yearfloodevent.LocatedbetweentheSanrranciscoBayandDowntownSanJose,theLowerGuadalupeRiverProjectareaissubjecttomanynaturalandman-inducedagentsandnaturalphysicalprocessesthataffectthehydraulicandsedimenttransportcharacteristicsoftheRiver.Themostsignificantagentsandprocessesincludethelocalgeology,regionalseismicity,tidalprocesses,pastsubsidenceintheregion,risings…  相似文献   
A drainage basin simulation model is used to interpret the morphometry and historical evolution of Mancos Shale badlands in Utah. High relief slopes in these badlands feature narrow divides and linear profiles due to threshold mass-wasting. Threshold slopes become longer in proportion to erosion rate, implying lower drainage density and higher relief. By contrast, in slowly eroding areas of low relief, both model results and observations indicate that drainage density increases with relief, suggesting control by critical shear stress. Field relationships and simulation modelling indicate that the badlands have resulted from rapid downcutting of the master drainage below an Early Wisconsin terrace to the present river level, followed by base level stability. As a result, Early Wisconsin alluvial surfaces on the shale have been dissected up to 62 m into steep badlands, and a Holocene alluvial surface is gradually replacing the badland slopes which are erocing by parallel retreat. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A morphometric comparison of valleys has been made for the Ben Ohau Range in the central Southern Alps of New Zealand. The range is undergoing rapid tectonic transport and uplift. The humid north of the range is a glacial trough-and-arête landscape, with a temperate glacial climate. The dry south has rounded divides and plateau remnants dissected by fluvial valleys. Assuming that space–time substitution allows today's spatial valley-form transition to represent evolutionary stages in valley development, the tectonic history allows time constraints to be placed on the rate of transition to an alpine glacial landscape. Morphometric change has been quantified using hypsometric curves, and distance–elevation plots of cirque and valley-floor altitudes. Ancestral fluvial valleys have less concave long profiles but are stepped at altitude owing to the presence of high-level cirques and remnant plateau surfaces, and possess a low proportion of land area at low elevation. Increasing glacial influence is manifest as smoother, more deeply concave long profiles and U-shaped cross-profiles associated with a higher proportion of the land area at lower elevation. The full morphological transition has involved up to 2.4 km of vertical denudation over the 4 Ma lifetime of the mountain range, of which 80 per cent would have occurred by preglacial fluvial erosion. Combining the trajectory of tectonic transport with reconstructed glaciation limits and climatic history, it is indicated that about 200 ka of temperate glacial erosion produces recognizable trough-and areête topography. Mean and modal relief increase where glacial activity is confined to cirques, but decrease when trough incision by ice becomes established as a dominant process in the landscape. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study, a flood wave transformation analysis for the largest historical floods in the Danube River reach Kienstock–Bratislava was carried out. For the simulation of the historical (1899 and 1954) flood propagation, the nonlinear river model NLN-Danube (calibrated on the recent river reach conditions) was used. It was shown that the simulated peak discharges were not changed significantly when compared to their historical counterparts. However, the simulated hydrographs exhibit a significant acceleration of the flood wave movement at discharges of between 5000 and 9000 m3 s-1. In the second part, the travel time-water level relationships between Kienstock and Bratislava were analysed on a dataset of the flood peak water levels for the period 1991–2002. An empirical regression routing scheme for the Danube short-term water level forecast at Bratislava station was derived. This is based on the measured water level at Kienstock gauging station.  相似文献   

Modelling of the rainfall–runoff transformation process and routing of river flows in the Kilombero River basin and its five sub-catchments within the Rufiji River basin in Tanzania was undertaken using three system (black-box) models—a simple linear model, a linear perturbation model and a linear varying gain factor model—in their linear transfer function forms. A lumped conceptual model—the soil moisture accounting and routing model—was also applied to the sub-catchments and the basin. The HEC-HMS model, which is a distributed model, was applied only to the entire Kilombero River basin. River discharge, rainfall and potential evaporation data were used as inputs to the appropriate models and it was observed that sometimes the system models performed better than complex hydrological models, especially in large catchments, illustrating the usefulness of using simple black-box models in datascarce situations.  相似文献   

A revised approach to the calculation of baseflow using the method originally proposed by the United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology is presented. The revisions resolve two aspects of the method that lead to less than optimal results; that is, the calculation of values of baseflow that exceed the corresponding values of streamflow and the dependence of the calculated values on the origin of the five-day segmentation of the input streamflow data. The approach is illustrated using streamflow monitoring information that is typical for areas of southern Ontario, Canada, where baseflow is primarily the result of groundwater discharge.  相似文献   

Abstract The MASONW (MACRO + SOILN + Watershed) model describing nitrogen leaching in watersheds was developed and tested. The model is based on the MACRO and SOILN models. The dual-porosity model MACRO simulates water flow on the field scale. The SOILN model describes turnover and leaching of nitrogen. Two main features of a watershed have been added into these two models: (a) the existence of a river system, and (b) variable thickness of the aeration zone within a watershed. Good agreement between the output of the MASONW model and observed data for water discharge and nitrate concentrations were achieved in the Odense watershed (496 km2) in Denmark.  相似文献   
The present analysis derives a stability criterion for long‐term equilibrium channel heads. The concept of finite perturbation analysis is presented, during which the surface is subjected to perturbations of a finite amplitude and resulting changes in flow path structure and slope are computed. Based on these quantities the analysis predicts whether the perturbed location is going to erode, be filled in or remain steady. The channel head is defined geometrically as the focus point of converging flow lines at the bottom of hollows. It is demonstrated that stability at the channel head grows out of the competition between the rate of flow path convergence and the degree of profile concavity. Analytical functions are derived to compute channel head‐contributing area and ‐slope, flow path convergence and profile concavity as a function of perturbation depth, distance from the crest and the initial slope. In a numerical model these quantities point to the long‐term equilibrium channel head position, which is shown to depend also on the width to length ratio of hollows. It is also demonstrated that the equilibrium channel head position is sensitive to the base‐level lowering/non‐dimensional slope length ratio and to the slope of the initial topography. Morphometrical measurements both in the field and on simulated topographies were used to test the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   
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