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金龙山——丘岭金矿区含金矿源为层上泥盆统南羊山组和下石炭统袁家沟组。组成含金矿源层岩石为高频互层的细碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩,其中细砂岩、粉砂岩、碳酸盐岩含成矿流体物性较好.页岩、板岩含成矿流体物性较差,构成屏蔽层。金鸡岭Ⅰ级复式向斜控制着金、砷、锑等异常范围;松枣Ⅱ级复式背斜控制着金的矿化带;金龙山-丘岭金矿Ⅲ级背斜控制着金的矿(化)体;镇安——板岩镇断裂的次级断裂是金矿化体的容矿有利位置。在成矿过程中,构造变形与成矿流体的形成、运移及储集密切相关。其规律是:①原生构造导致成矿流体的初次聚集。②第一期构造变形导致成矿流体的聚集。③第二期构造变形导致成矿流体运移及金矿床形成。此期变形是金的主要成矿期。④第三期构造变形使成矿流体进一步聚集和金矿体的富集。⑤第四期构造变形是石英方解石脉的形成时期。总结出矿床形成模式。据此提出了在4种不同的构造部位找金的方向。  相似文献   
小佟家堡子、林家金矿是青城子铅锌、金、银矿集区的中-大型金矿床,金矿床与沉积-变质期硅化岩关系密切。通过与矿区尖山岩体、新岭岩体中流体包裹体对比研究表明,金矿床与尖山岩体中主要发育水溶液包裹体,极少量的CO2包裹体、含CO2三相包裹体,而新岭岩体除发育以上包裹体外,还发育含子矿物多相包裹体。测温结果显示金矿床成矿流体温度为110~335℃,盐度3.9%~16.2%NaClrq拉曼光谱分析表明金矿床流体成分以H2O为主,少量的CO2、CH4等气体,表明成矿流体属NaCl-H2O体系。金矿床与尖山岩体中流体包裹体温度、盐度及成分相近,推断成矿流体主要来自沉积-变质期。  相似文献   
Sungun porphyry copper deposit is in East Azarbaijan province, NW of Iran. There exist four hypogene alteration types in Sungun: potassic, propylitic, potassic–phyllic, and phyllic. Copper mineralization is essentially associated more with the potassic and less with the phyllic alterations and their separation is, therefore, quite important. This research has tried to separate these two alteration zones in Sungun porphyry copper deposit using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method based on the fluid inclusion data, and seven variables including homogenization temperatures, salinity, pressure, depth, density and the Cu grade have been measured and calculated for each separate sample. To apply this method, use is made of the radial basis function (RBF) as the kernel function. The best values for λ and C (the most important SVM parameters) that perform well in the training and test data are 0.0001 and 1, respectively. If these values for λ and C are applied, the phyllic and potassic alteration zones in the training and test data will be separated with an accuracy of about 95% and 100%, respectively. This method can help geochemists in separating the alteration zones because classifying and separating samples microscopically is not only very hard, but also quite time and money consuming.  相似文献   
在河北广宗勘探区深孔施工中,由于地表钻探用水水质影响及原钻井液体系不合适,造成钻井液性能指标达不到要求,性能难以控制,尤其失水量严重超标,接连发生孔内事故。针对存在的问题,经过分析和实验,采用化学方法处理钻探用水,选用聚合物钻井液,解决了深部钻孔施工存在的难点,收到了较好的效果,单孔深度达到1937.35m,并刷新了本单位及局属单位的钻探记录。  相似文献   
云南巍山—永平矿集区流体地质填图的理论与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
流体地质填图是一种全新的地质调查及找矿方法。本次研究选择云南巍山-永平矿集区进行流体地质填图试验,研究了矿集区的控矿地质要素、各种主要的矿床(点)特征、成矿流体子系统及流域、流体的盐度与均一温度、流体的气液相成分、微量元素含量、稳定同位素特征及成矿流体的浓集中心。得到的流体地质图基本反映了本区成矿流体的性质与状态,反映了两个成矿流体子系统的基本特征,圈字了2个成矿流体子系统的流域范围及7个成矿流体浓集中心。这些浓集中心与已知矿化点分布、化探异常及有利的地质条件基本吻合,成为该区进一步找矿预测的重要依据之一。本项目的实践表明,流体地质填图不失为一种有效的找矿手段。  相似文献   
Abstract. The Ta'ergou tungsten deposit in Gansu province, northwestern China, is located in the western part of the North Qilian Caledonian orogen, and consists of scheelite skarn bodies and wolframite quartz veins. The tungsten‐bearing skarn developed by the replacement of carbonate layers intercalated in the Precambrian schist and amphibolite whereas wolframite‐quartz ore veins developed along a group of fractures that cut through horizontal skarns. The Ta'ergou tungsten deposit is genetically related to the Caledonian Yeniutan granodiorite intrusion and occurs ca. 500 m wide in the exo‐contact zone 300 ~ 500 m apart from the intrusion. The granodiorite displays a lower grade of differentiation, low content of SiO2 and high contents of mafic components. There are three types of fluid inclusions in the wolframite‐quartz vein systems, i. e. aqueous, CO2‐H2O and CO2‐rich. The homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusion ranges from 140 to 380d?C and their salinities from 6.4 to 17.4 equivalent wt% NaCl. Laser Raman spectroscopy shows that the inclusions contain a relatively high content of CO2. The δ34S values of skarn type sulfides range from +8.1 to +12.7 per mil and those of quartz vein sulfides from +9.3 to +14.9 per mil, similar to sulfides of the granodiorite with from +6.0 to +11.7 per mil. The δ18O values of quartz are between +10.5 and +13.3 per mil and those of wolframite between +3.4 and +5.1 per mil. The δ18O water values of ore forming fluids range from +0.6 to +6.4 per mil and suggest the mixture of magmatic fluids with meteoric water formed the ore‐forming fluids. It has been proved that Precambrian strata in the west sector of North Qilian region are enriched in tungsten. We propose the strata were remelted to be tungsten‐granitoid during subduction. The polymetallic tungsten was gradually accumulated into the roof pendants of the granite intrusion by fractional crystallization and then was deposited by hydrothermal fluids during metasomatism and infilling along fractures. On the other hand, the granite intrusion also acted as “heating machine” to make hydrothermal fluids leach out the metals from Precambrian strata and these metals joined the ore‐forming hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
工程钻进过程中钻井泥浆在井液压力作用下通过孔壁泥皮失水是导致水敏性地层失稳的主要原因。为了深入了解井液失水规律,本文通过改变井液的压力差,对不同井液压力作用下钻井液漏水情况进行了模拟试验研究。实验结果表明:在相同时差内,失水量随井液压力的增大呈现先减小后增大规律; 在相同井液压力下,失水的速率随时间逐渐减小,并最终趋于稳定值,失水速率的稳定值与井液压力大小没有明显的相关性; 不同井液压力下,随钻井液压力的增大,前期失水量所占的比重增加; 形成泥皮的质量随着井液压力的增大而增大。标准失水量随形成泥饼质量的增加呈现先减小后增大的规律。研究成果为钻井泥浆的失水特征评价、失水量的控制提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
<正>Jinshan gold deposit is located in northeastern Jiangxi,South China,which is related to the ductile shear zone.It has a gold reserve of more than 200 tons,with 80%of gold occurring in pyrite. The LREE of gold-bearing pyrite is as higher as 171.664 ppm on average,with relatively higher light rare earth elements(LREE;159.556 ppm) and lower HREE(12.108 ppm).TheΣLREE/ΣHREE ratio is 12.612 and(La/Yb)_N is 11.765.These indicate that pyrite is rich in LREE.The(La/Sm)_N ratio is 3.758 and that of(Gd/Yb)_N is 1.695.These are obvious LREE fractionations.The rare earth element(REE) distribution patterns show obvious Eu anomaly with averageδEu values of 0.664,andδCe anomalies of 1.044.REE characteristics are similar to those of wall rocks(regional metamorphic rocks),but different from those of the Dexing granodiorite porphyry and Damaoshan biotite granite.These features indicate that the ore-forming materials in the Jinshan gold deposit derived from the wall rocks, and the ore-forming fluids derived from metamorphic water.The Co/Ni ratio(average value 0.38) of pyrite suggests that the Jinshan gold deposit formed under a medium-low temperature.It is inferred from the values of high-field strength elements,LREE,Hf/Sm,Nb/La,and Th/La of the pyrite that the ore-forming fluids of the Jinshan gold deposit derived from metamorphic water with ClF.  相似文献   
近临界特性的地层水及其对烃源岩生排烃过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究利用特制的地层孔隙热压模拟实验装置, 开展了模拟地层孔隙空间高压液态水热体系烃源岩生排烃模拟实验.模拟实验施加的流体压力为38±2 MPa, 温度为290~390 ℃.模拟实验结果显示了有关高压液态水及其与之相联系的流体压力和孔隙空间等因素对烃源岩生排烃影响作用的一些重要现象, 实验发现高压液态水介质条件有利于液态油的生成和保存, 不利于液态油向气态烃的转化, 而且干酪根的生烃潜力和排油效率有一定的提高.这些新的实验现象可能主要与近临界特性的高压液态地层水的作用有关, 进一步推断近临界特性的高压液态水参与干酪根向油气的转化反应, 增加了水对油气的溶解能力.在地下实际烃源岩生排烃的温压(100~200 ℃, 30~120 MPa)条件下, 岩石孔隙中的地层水是一种相对低温高压压缩液态水, 这种地层水可能具有近临界特性, 对烃源岩生排烃过程有重要影响.但目前对这种现象的机理和石油地质意义还知之较少.因此, 加强高压地层水近临界条件下烃源岩生排烃热压模拟实验研究, 对进一步深入理解地层条件下的近临界水介质、流体压力、孔隙空间因素对生排烃过程的影响, 深化烃源岩生排烃机理的探讨, 建立地质尺度上的烃源岩生排烃动力学模型, 都具有重要的理论和实际意义.   相似文献   
试论胶东金成矿区成矿物质条件   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对胶东群、粉子山群和蓬莱群的岩石学、地球化学等特征研究认为,胶东群是金的主要矿源层;粉子山群和煌斑岩脉也提供了部分金的来源。花岗质岩浆活动促使成矿物质转移。  相似文献   
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