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The Walter‐Outalpa shear zone in the southern Curnamona Province of NE South Australia is an example of a shear zone that has undergone intensely focused fluid flow and alteration at mid‐crustal depths. Results from this study have demonstrated that the intense deformation and ductile shear zone reactivation, at amphibolite facies conditions of 534 ± 20 °C and 500 ± 82 MPa, that overprint the Proterozoic Willyama Supergroup occurred during the Delamerian Orogeny (c. 500 Ma) (EPMA monazite ages of 501 ± 16 and 491 ± 19 Ma). This is in contrast to the general belief that the majority of basement deformation and alteration in the southern Curnamona Province occurred during the waning stages of the Olarian Orogeny (c. 1610–1580 Ma). These shear zones contain hydrous mineral assemblages that cut wall rocks that have experienced amphibolite facies metamorphism during the Olarian Orogeny. The shear zone rock volumes have much lower δ18O values (as low as 1‰) than their unsheared counterparts (7–9‰), and calculated fluid δ18O values (5–8‰) consistent with a surface‐derived fluid source. Hydrous minerals show a decrease in δD(H2O) from ?14 to ?22‰, for minerals outside the shear zones, to ?28 to ?40‰, for minerals within the shear zones consistent with a contribution from a meteoric source. It is unclear how near‐surface fluids initially under hydrostatic pressure penetrate into the middle crust where fluid pressures approach lithostatic, and where fluid flow is expected to be dominantly upward because of pressure gradients. We propose a mechanism whereby faulting during basin formation associated with the Adelaidean Rift Complex (c. 700 Ma) created broad hydrous zones containing mineral assemblages in equilibrium with surface waters. These panels of fault rock were subsequently buried to depths where the onset of metamorphism begins to dehydrate the fault rock volumes evolving a low δ18O fluid that is channelled through shear zones related to Delamerian Orogenic activity.  相似文献   
A geoelectrical monitoring activity has been carried out to improve the geological and hydrogeological knowledge about the Varco d'Izzo landslide (Potenza, Basilicata, Southern Apennine, Italy), an active rotational–translational slide evolved in earth-flow. In this work we have focused on the Self-Potential (SP) method by applying three different SP measuring techniques and combining modern technologies for data acquisition and new methods for tomographic inversion. A SP map and three static SP tomographies have been carried out to better analyse the groundwater circulation system and to better reconstruct the geometry of the landslide body. In the accumulation zone, which is the area more exposed to the geomorphological activity, a new SP measuring strategy has been applied. This strategy, based on time-continuous 2D SP tomographies, helps identify water flow changes in subsurface by studying the time series of SP tomographic images. The analysis of time-dependent changes of water infiltration in near surface is the key to better understand the hydrogeological processes underlying the ground instability phenomena. The time-lapse analysis of tomographic images has allowed us not only to investigate the correlation between the temporal changes of SP signals and rainfall events, but also to quantify the range of these changes. The modification of the distribution of the SP source accumulation zones is associated with the dynamics of the groundwater flows. These preliminary results allow us to consider the SP tomographic method as a tool for geophysical monitoring of landslide areas and encourage to develop new measuring systems for near-real time applications.  相似文献   
Geochemical analyses and geobarometric determinations have been combined to create a depth vs. radiogenic heat production database for the Sierra Nevada batholith, California. This database shows that mean heat production values first increase, then decrease, with increasing depth. Heat production is 2 μW/m3 within the 3-km-thick volcanic pile at the top of the batholith, below which it increases to an average value of 3.5 μW/m3 at 5.5 km depth, then decreases to 0.5–1 μW/m3 at 15 km depth and remains at these values through the entire crust below 15 km. Below the crust, from depths of 40–125 km, the batholith's root and mantle wedge that coevolved beneath the batholith appears to have an average radiogenic heat production rate of 0.14 μW/m3. This is higher than the rates from most published xenolith studies, but reasonable given the presence of crustal components in the arc root assemblages. The pattern of radiogenic heat production interpreted from the depth vs. heat production database is not consistent with the downward-decreasing exponential distribution predicted from modeling of surface heat flow data. The interpreted distribution predicts a reasonable range of geothermal gradients and shows that essentially all of the present day surface heat flow from the Sierra Nevada could be generated within the 35 km thick crust. This requires a very low heat flux from the mantle, which is consistent with a model of cessation of Sierran magmatism during Laramide flat-slab subduction, followed by conductive cooling of the upper mantle for 70 m.y. The heat production variation with depth is principally due to large variations in uranium and thorium concentration; potassium is less variable in concentration within the Sierran crust, and produces relatively little of the heat in high heat production rocks. Because silica content is relatively constant through the upper 30 km of the Sierran batholith, while U, Th, and K concentrations are highly variable, radiogenic heat production does not vary directly with silica content.  相似文献   
The Tongue Creek watershed lies on the south flank of Grand Mesa in western Colorado, USA and is a site with 1.5 km of topographic relief, heat flow of 100 mW/m2, thermal conductivity of 3.3 W m–1 °C–1, hydraulic conductivity of 10-8 m/s, a water table that closely follows surface topography, and groundwater temperatures 3–15°C above mean surface temperatures. These data suggest that convective heat transport by groundwater flow has modified the thermal regime of the site. Steady state three-dimensional numerical simulations of heat flow, groundwater flow, and convective transport were used to model these thermal and hydrological data. The simulations provided estimates for the scale of hydraulic conductivity and bedrock base flow discharge within the watershed. The numerical models show that (1) complex three-dimensional flow systems develop with a range of scales from tens of meters to tens of kilometers; (2) mapped springs are frequently found at locations where contours of hydraulic head indicate strong vertical flow at the water table, and; (3) the distribution of groundwater temperatures in water wells as a function of surface elevation is predicted by the model.  相似文献   
Significant intrusion of geothermal water into fresh groundwater takes place in the Puebla Valley aquifer system, Mexico. The decline in the potentiometric surface due to the overexploitation of the groundwater induces this intrusion. This hydrological system comprises three aquifers located in Plio-Quaternary volcanic sediments and Mesozoic calcareous rocks. The hydraulic balance of the aquifer shows that the annual output exceeds the natural inputs by 12 million m3. Between 1973 and 2002, a drop in the potentiometric surface, with an 80 m cone of depression, was identified in a 5-km-wide area located southwest of the city of Puebla. Chemical analyses performed on water samples since 1990 have shown an increase in total dissolved solids (TDS) of more than 500 mg/L, coinciding with the region showing a cone of depression in the potentiometric surface. A three-dimensional flow and transport model, based on the hydrogeological and geophysical studies, was computed by using the MODFLOW and MT3D software. This model reproduces the evolution of the aquifer system during the last 30 years and predicts for 2010 an additional drawdown in the potentiometric surface of 15 m, and an increase in the geothermal water intrusion.  相似文献   
A conceptual framework for characterization of water bursting and discharge into underground mines with multilayered groundwater flow systems is presented, based on the features of the site conditions and analyses of the water bursting and mine inundation events of the North China coal basin. Comprehensive analyses of the hydrogeological conditions for establishment of the three-dimensional groundwater flow systems of the North China coal basin revealed different vertical hydraulic connection paths or channels. These connections include karst collapse columns, fault or fracture zones, buried weathering zones, and fracture networks in aquitards, within the multilayered groundwater flow systems. Also examined, was the effect of the primary features of the flow system and those different connection paths on water bursting and discharge into the underground coal mines. It was demonstrated that appropriately identifying and adequately understanding the three-dimensional multilayered groundwater flow systems and those various vertical hydraulic connection mechanisms are critical for appropriately preventing water bursting hazards and predicting water discharge into underground mines. A valuable guideline is presented on characterization of water bursting and discharge into underground mines with multilayered groundwater flow systems.
Resumen Un cadre de travail conceptuel pour la caractérisation du jaillissement et de la vidange des eaux dans les mines à plusieurs niveaux d'écoulement est présenté, basé sur les conditions et l'analyse sur site du jaillissement des eaux et des inondations dans les bassins charbonneux du Nord de la Chine. L'analyse compréhensive des conditions hydrogéologiques des systèmes d'écoulement tridimensionnel de ces bassins, révèle des trajets ou des chenaux qui sont autant de connections hydrauliques verticales. Ces connections comprennent des effondrement karstiques en colonne, des zones de fractures et de failles, des zones d'altération, des réseaux de fractures dans les aquitards, dans le système hydrogéologique multicouche. L'influence des caractéristiques primaires du système d'écoulement et de ces différentes connections sur le jaillissement et la vidange dans les mines, est également examiné. Il a été démontré que l'identification appropriée et la compréhension adéquate du système d'écoulement souterrain multicouche et tridimensionnel, et des mécanismes variés de connection hydraulique verticale est critiquée pour prévenir de manière appropriée les risques de jaillissement et de vidange dans les mines. Des guidelines valorisables sont présentées, pour la caractérisation du jaillissement et de la vidange dans de tels systèmes.

Résumé Se presenta un marco conceptual para la de caracterización de la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas con sistemas de acuíferos de múltiples niveles, el cual se basa en las condiciones del sitio, análisis de la despresurización de agua e inundaciones de minas en la cuenca de carbón del norte de la China.Un análisis comprehensivo de las condiciones hidrogeológicas para el establecimiento de los sistemas de flujo de agua de tri-dimensionales en la cuenca de carbón del norte de la China ha revelado diferentes canales hidráulicos verticales. Estas conexiones incluyen columnas de karst colapsadas, fallas o zonas de fracturas, zonas de regalita hundida y redes de fracturas en zonas de poca permeabilidad dentro de los sistemas de flujo de múltiples niveles.También se investigó el efecto de los rasgos primarios del sistema de flujo y los diferentes canales conectivos sobre la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas. Se demostró que el entendimiento e identificación adecuada de los sistemas de acuíferos de múltiples niveles en tres dimensiones es crítico para prevenir apropiadamente la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas. Se presentan lineamientos valiosos en relación con la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas en sistemas de flujo de múltiple nivel.
New theories to explain how tides and river flow determine estuarine bathymetries have been developed. The range of validity of these theories has been subsequently assessed against a recently available observational data set.Success in reproducing the evolution of estuarine bathymetries that has occurred over the last 10 000 years provides the basis for the translation, here, of these theories into new typologies. These then provide reference frameworks to enhance our perspective on existing morphologies and identify ‘anomalous’ estuaries. Further refinement of these new theories requires analyses of causal factors responsible for such anomalies drawing on classical morphological experience. These frameworks can also be used for calculating likely future bathymetric adjustments for prescribed changes in mean sea level, tidal amplitudes, river flow and sediment supply.  相似文献   
Under the assumptions of triangular cross section channel and uniform stable flow, an analytical solution of the minimum ecological in-stream flow requirement (MEIFR) is deduced. Based on the analytical solution, the uncertainty of the wetted perimeter method is analyzed by comparing the two techniques for the determination of the critical point on the relationship curve between wetted perimeter, P and discharge, Q. It is clearly shown that the results of MEIFR based on curvature technique (corresponding to the maximum curvature) and slope technique (slope being 1) are significantly different. On the P-Q curve, the slope of the critical point with the maximum curvature is 0.39 and the MEIFR varied prominently with the change of the slope threshold. This indicates that if a certain value of the slope threshold is not available for slope technique, curvature technique may be a better choice. By applying the analytical solution of MEIFR in the losing rivers of the Western Route South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China, the MEIFR value via curvature technique is 2.5%-23.7% of the multi-year average annual discharge, while that for slope technique is 11%-105.7%. General conclusions would rely on the more detailed research for all kinds of cross-sections.  相似文献   
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