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The estimation and review of discharge flow rates in hydraulic works is a fundamental problem in water management. In the case of dams with large regulating capacity, in order to estimate return periods of discharge flow rates from the spillways, it becomes necessary to consider both peak flow and volume of the incoming floods. In this paper, the results of the validation for several methods of assessing design floods for spillways of dams with a large flood control capacity are presented; the validation is performed by comparing the maximum outflows (or the maximum levels reached in the reservoir) obtained from the routing of the design floods with those obtained from the routing of the historical annual maximum floods. The basin of Malpaso Dam, Mexico, is used as the case study.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Domínguez, M.R. and Arganis, J.M.L., 2012. Validation of methods to estimate design discharge flow rates for dam spillways with large regulating capacity. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 460–478.  相似文献   

This work presents a method for calculating the contributions of sea-level rise and urban growth to flood risk in coastal flood plains. The method consists of hydraulic/hydrological, urban growth and flood-damage quantification modules. The hydraulic/hydrological module estimates peak annual flows to generate flood stages impacted by sea-level rise within flood plains. A model for urban growth predicts patterns of urbanization within flood plains over the period 2010–2050. The flood-damage quantification module merges flood maps and urbanization predictions to calculate the expected annual flood damage (EAFD) for given scenarios of sea-level rise. The method is illustrated with an application to the Tijuana River of southern California, USA, and northwestern Mexico, where the EAFD is predicted to increase by over US$100 million because of sea-level rise of 0.25–1.0 m and urban growth by the year 2050. It is shown that urbanization plays a principal role in increasing the EAFD in the study area for the range of sea-level rise considered.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Garcia, E.S. and Loáiciga, H.A., 2013. Sea-level rise and flooding in coastal riverine flood plains. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 204–220.  相似文献   
张文兰  胡欢  刘鹏  陈小丹 《岩矿测试》2022,32(5):754-763

产自广东省梅州市玉水铜矿的景文矿,属于含水、重稀土-矾-铝硅酸盐矿物(简写为HREE-V-铝硅酸盐矿物),其化学结构式为Y2Al2V24+(SiO4)2O4(OH)4,该矿物在全球属首次发现,暂未开展相关研究。相对于含轻稀土矿物,含重稀土矿物在电子探针分析过程中,当被高压电子束轰击时,被激发出来的特征X射线线系繁多,线系之间分布更加密集,彼此之间相互重叠的现象也更为严重,要获得理想数据的难度很大,是亟待解决和突破的技术难题。本文对该矿物进行了精细的电子探针定量分析,获得理想的化学成分数据,为新矿物命名提供了理论数据技术支撑。通过对实验方法的探索和总结获得以下结果:①利用15kV加速电压、100nA束流对试样进行全元素扫描,以此确定出17种元素;②在定量分析过程中,对重叠峰进行了剥离;③利用仪器软件中的Zoom-Peak ID程序,选择出17种元素的分析线系、精确的峰位及上下背景值;④选取合适的标样及测试时间等定量分析条件,最终获得理想的定量分析结果(平均总量97.41wt%)。上述四条也是确保获得理想定量分析数据的关键因素。

Modelling peak accelerations from earthquakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the prediction of peak horizontal accelerations with emphasis on seismic risk and insurance concerns. Non‐linear mixed effects models are used to analyse well‐known earthquake data and the consequences of mis‐specifying assumptions on the error term are quantified. A robust fit of the usual model, using recently developed robust weighted maximum likelihood estimators, is presented. Outlying data are automatically identified and subsequently investigated. A more appropriate model accounting for the extreme value nature of the responses, is also developed and implemented. The implication on acceleration predictions is demonstrated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effect of urbanization on runoff from the On-Cheon Stream watershed in Pusan, Korea. This watershed has been experiencing considerable urbanization since the 1960s. There are two gauging stations in the watershed. For one of the stations there are recent flow data and for the other flow data were observed in the past. A linear reservoir model was chosen and runoff was analysed for several flood events. The linear reservoir model has been found to generate flood hydrographs accurately for both gauging stations, and its applicability to the study area has also been established. Using two methods of computing effective rainfall or rainfall excess (ϕ-index and constant percentage method), the results of runoff analyses were investigated. The ϕ-index method yielded better results than the constant percentage method. A comparison of hydrographs observed in the past with the simulation results at the Ie-Sup bridge site revealed that the peak discharge increased and the mean lag time of the study area decreased owing to urbanization over the past two decades. It is also possible to evaluate the effect of urbanization quantitatively. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
lintroductionFlooddi~rbringsaboutgreatdamagestopropellesandseriouslossoflives.InChina,onetenthofterritory,500billionPeople,3300X104haofculhvatedland.morethan100largeandndddiecihesand70%ofindusthalandagricultoloutputvaluearethreatenedbyfloodings'l.Watershedflooddisastermanagementconcernsmonitoringandforecastingflood,assessingtheflooddamageandfloodcontrolanddiSasterreduchondecision-makinginthescopeofthewholewatershed.RemotesensingandGeographicalinfonnahonSystemarepowerfultoolstoconstIUctWate…  相似文献   
台湾“莫拉克”台风诱发山地灾害成因与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-07"莫拉克"台风在台湾岛内滞留大于40 h,受中央山脉地形以及西南季风的影响,形成"北部风强,南部雨大"的局面.本次降雨为台湾历年之冠,24 h降雨量1 825 mm,48 h雨量2 467 mm,逼近世界降雨极值.全台湾计有31个雨量站过程降雨量超过1 000 mm,23个雨量站超过1 500 mm, 15个雨量站超过2 000 mm,南部部分区域甚至出现6-10日累积降雨量超过其年降雨量情形.最大总雨量位于阿里山,2009-08-06-10累计雨量达2 884 mm.长时间持续强降雨,造成了大量的泥石流、堰塞湖、崩塌、滑坡、山洪等山地灾害.大量的崩塌、滑坡阻塞河道,形成了16处堰塞湖.这些灾害淤埋村镇,毁坏道路、桥梁、堤防、建筑、输电和通讯设施.由于道路交通受损,电力、通讯信号中断,使得许多村庄与外部隔绝,成为孤岛,救援设施与救援物资无法到达灾区,延缓救援进度.受灾较重的乡镇有高雄县甲仙乡、桃源乡、六龟乡、那玛夏乡、杉林乡,南投县鹿谷乡、信义乡、国姓乡,嘉义县阿里山乡、梅山乡、中埔乡,屏东县高树乡、三地门乡、春日乡,台南县南化乡,台东县金峰乡等.截至2009-08,造成全台共619人死亡、肢体74件、76人失踪,其中小林村和新开部落被完全毁灭.台风暴雨、陡峻地形和丰富的松散固体物质等自然因素决定了山地灾害形成的基本因素,高强度长历时的暴雨是直接激发因素,坡地过度开发、道路建设、河道不合理利用等人为因素则加剧了灾情.莫拉克台风暴雨灾害对人们的启示是合理确定开发度,科学利用土地资源; 确保山区溪流行洪空间,把防洪需求作为河谷地开发的限制条件; 注意环境保育,尽量减少工程建设对斜坡的扰动; 提高山地灾害预警标准,建立巨灾监测预警机制;进行灾害风险分析与管理,开展有机结合资源利用与减灾防灾的流域理性开发.  相似文献   
洪水演进三维模拟仿真系统可视化研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
洪水演进仿真系统的研制,是实施“数字流域”工程的重要组成部分;结合洪水演进可视化目标的分析,基于Visual C 系统开发平台,融GIS技术和Opengl开发技术,采用三角形逼近、光滑处理和加入法向量以控制光照的方式,实现了流域地形及河床的三维可视化仿真;应用广度优先搜索算法确定了运动水体与流域河床形态的自适应与自相依的关系,使流域洪水演进模拟具有真实自然的可视化效果。所研制的系统雏形,可有效的模拟流域洪水的三维演进过程;  相似文献   
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