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低纬和中高纬度火山爆发与我国旱涝的联系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘永强  李月洪  贾朋群 《气象》1993,19(11):3-7
根据500年旱涝等级资料,采用时序迭加方法,分析了低纬和中高纬火山爆发对我国降水的影响。此外,还对1600-1979年南方涛动指数的变化进行了类似的分析。结果表明,低纬和中高纬火山爆发发后全国旱涝分布型和部分地区降水变化趋势有很大差异。爆发当年华北就可能明显变旱,而次年长江流域才出现明显的降水异常。计算不明,1991年皮纳图博火山及去仙岳火山爆发与江淮特大洪涝有直接联系的可能性不大。  相似文献   
陕北砂黄土区公路地质灾害及防治对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国西北黄土的颗粒组成具有明显的地带性分布规律,自NW向SE可依次划分为砂黄土带、典型黄土带和粘黄土带。黄土高原北部地质灾害综合调查表明,砂黄土区公路地质灾害的主要类型包括黄土边坡滑塌灾害、路堤裂陷灾害、路桥变形和冲蚀灾害等。根据试验测试分析结果,公路地质灾害的形成主要受黄土本身的物质组成、结构及力学性质控制,人类工程活动的盲目性是诱发地质灾害的重要因素。文章在砂黄土公路地质灾害特征分析的基础上,提出加强边坡防护和冲蚀灾害防治是公路地质灾害防治的两个基本途径,并给出了针对性的防治对策。这不仅对该地区的公路建设具有重要的指导作用,而且对其它生命线工程如铁路、输油气管道、渠道等也具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
In the East China Sea (ECS), there are some mud areas, including the south coastal mud area, the north coastal mud area, and the mud area to the southwest of Cheju Island. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques and Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) were used to study the high-resolution sedimentary record of Pb concentrations and Pb stable isotopic compositions in the past one hundred and fifty years in the coastal mud of the ECS. Pb concentrations of a ^210Pb dating S5 core in the study area have increased rapidly since 1980, and reached the maximal value with 65.08 μg/g in 2000, corresponding to the fast economic development of China since the implementation of the "Reform and Open Policy" in 1978; ^206Pb/^207Pb ratios generally had stabilized at 1.195 from 1860 to 1966, and decreased gradually from 1966 to 2000, indicating that the anthropogenic source Pb contribution to the ECS has increased gradually since 1966, especially since 1980. Pb concentrations decreased distinctly from 2000 to 2003 and ^206Pb/^207Pb ratios increased from 2001 to 2003, corresponding closely to the ban of lead gasoline from 2000 in China. From 1950 to 2003, there occurred four distinct decrease events of ^206Pb/^207Pb, possibly responding to the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) catastrophic floods in 1998, 1991, 1981 and 1954; from 1860 to 1966, there were two decrease periods of ^206Pb/^207Pb, which may respond to the catastrophic floods of Changjiang River in 1931 and 1935, and 1870. As a result of the erosion and drowning by the catastrophic floods, the anthropogenic lead accumulated in soil and water environments over a long period of time was brought into the Changjiang River, then part of them was finally transported into the ECS, which leads to changes in Pb stable isotopic composition.  相似文献   
In this study, the differences in annual rainstorm changes in the Second Songhua River Basin and the Nenjiang River basin and their causes were compared from the perspective of mountain effects. The following results were drawn: (1) Altitude effect is the primary factor leading to increased rainstorms in the southern source; (2) Slope effect primarily leads to differences of the weather systems in the two sources, and thus cause the difference of the rainstorms; (3) Slope effect is responsible for the greater fluctuation in the observed floods in the southern source. These landform differences eventually lead to the differences in the characteristics of floods in the southern and northern sources. Commensurability method was used to identify the period of rainstorms in the southern and northern sources. The results showed that although rainstorms do not appear at the same time in the two sources they are characteristic of a 10 years’ period in both areas. These results can serve as hydrological references for flood control and long-term flood disaster predictions.  相似文献   
通过1850~1991年旱涝百分率的CEOF分析,研究了近百年来中国东部旱涝的分布特征、时空变化特点及年际演变规律。结果表明,我国东部主要有三种旱涝分布类型。第一种类型是以长江流域为中心全国大范围旱或涝,空间位相近似相同,且有10.7年和3.1年周期性变化,振幅强度在1923~1924年间曾发生过增强突变。第二种类型为南北旱涝趋势相反的分布,空间位相自北向南变化显著,且有4.3年周期性变化,振幅强度在1884~1885年间曾有一次减弱突变。第三种类型呈江淮流域与华北和华南旱涝趋势相反的分布,空间位相从南北两个方向向中间或相反方向移动,并有3.4年周期性变化,振幅强度在1911~1912年有过增强突变。  相似文献   
豫西诸煤田主采煤层二1煤层顶板非原生顶板,而是滑动构造的滑覆体。其由下而上可分为断层带、破碎带、裂隙带。它的水文地质条件简单,但工程地质条件复杂。岩石破碎,力学强度指标较低,回采中顶板不易管理。按其稳定性可分为较稳定的、不稳定的和极不稳定的三类,且以后两类为主,对这些顶板管理的基本措施是:短工作面,控顶距,快速推进,及时放顶,正常循环,不放大炮。  相似文献   
水位变化对河流、湖泊湿地植被的影响   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
水位是湿地生态水文过程的关键因素之一,其改变将影响湿地植被覆盖度和物种组成,最终产生群落演替.从水位梯度,水位波动和人工控湖、控河工程3方面论述水位变化对湿地植被的影响:由于对水位选择的不同及彼此竞争力的差异,湿地植物种沿水位具有梯度分布现象,同时形态可塑性能对其分布范围产生一定影响;水位波动的频率和淹没持续时间对于植被演替具有基础性的作用,水位波动幅度的影响则相对较小,周期性波动能维持以草本植物为主的湿地植被的物种多样性和稳定性,非周期性波动以洪水、干旱为主,易促进湿地植被向固定的水生或陆生方向演替;人工控湖、控河的影响在机理上并无特殊之处,但保证物种多样性和生态系统稳定性的各种缓解措施具有较高的参考价值.基于机理的量化模型,自然、人为因素驱动下水位变化对湿地植被影响的差别研究,模拟水位波动实验以及人工控湖、控河工程的跟踪观测将是今后该领域研究的热点.  相似文献   
高宇  任实  王海  吕超楠  赵汗青 《湖泊科学》2023,35(2):662-672
泥沙淤积问题直接影响着三峡水库的使用寿命及综合效益的发挥,研究其入库水沙特性对于解决水库泥沙淤积问题具有重要意义。根据水文站实测数据,分析了三峡水库入库水沙输移特性及来源组成变化,重点研究了金沙江下游梯级水库运行后的三峡水库高洪水期入库水沙特性。结果表明:2003—2021年,三峡水库入库泥沙集中于汛期的高洪水期,2013年以后该现象更为显著,泥沙来源也由金沙江为主转变为嘉陵江为主。寸滩站洪峰流量高于50000 m3/s的高洪水期三峡入库沙量显著大于30000~50000 m3/s区间的高洪水期,三峡水库泥沙调度关键在于上游发生编号洪水期间。三峡水库上游沱江或嘉陵江等支流发生流域性大洪水时,易引起高洪水期入库水沙出现“小水大沙”的特点。金沙江下游梯级水库运行后,三峡水库高洪水期入库泥沙大幅减少,中小洪水调度期间泥沙淤积量也大幅减小。研究结果可为三峡水库的泥沙精细化调度和长期高效使用提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   
The electromagnetic mass damper (EMD) control system, as an innovative active control system to reduce structural vibration, offers many advantages over traditional active mass driver/damper (AMD) control systems. In this paper, studies of several EMD control strategies and bench-scale shaking table tests of a two-story model structure are described. First, two structural models corresponding to uncontrolled and Zeroed cases are developed, and parameters of these models are validated through sinusoidal sweep tests to provide a basis for establishing an accurate mathematical model for further studies. Then, a simplified control strategy for the EMD system based on the pole assignment control algorithm is proposed. Moreover, ideal pole locations are derived and validated through a series of shaking table tests. Finally, three benchmark earthquake ground motions and sinusoidal sweep waves are imposed onto the structure to investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of using this type of innovative active control system for structural vibration control. In addition, the robustness of the EMD system is examined. The test results show that the EMD system is an effective and robust system for the control of structural vibrations.  相似文献   
Structural vibration control using active or passive control strategy is a viable technology for enhancing structural functionality and safety against natural hazards such as strong earthquakes and high wind gusts. Both the active and passive control systems have their limitations. The passive control system has limited capability to control the structural response whereas the active control system depends on external power. The power requirement for active control of civil engineering structures is usually quite high. Thus, a hybrid control system is a viable solution to alleviate some of the limitations. In this paper a multi‐objective optimal design of a hybrid control system for seismically excited building structures has been proposed. A tuned mass damper (TMD) and an active mass driver (AMD) have been used as the passive and active control components of the hybrid control system, respectively. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has been used to drive the AMD as the FLC has inherent robustness and ability to handle the non‐linearities and uncertainties. The genetic algorithm has been used for the optimization of the control system. Peak acceleration and displacement responses non‐dimensionalized with respect to the uncontrolled peak acceleration and displacement responses, respectively, have been used as the two objectives of the multi‐objective optimization problem. The proposed design approach for an optimum hybrid mass damper (HMD) system, driven by FLC has been demonstrated with the help of a numerical example. It is shown that the optimum values of the design parameters of the hybrid control system can be determined without specifying the modes to be controlled. The proposed FLC driven HMD has been found to be very effective for vibration control of seismically excited buildings in comparison with the available results for the same example structure but with a different optimal absorber. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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