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The assessment of the static vulnerability under gravity loads of existing reinforced concrete (r.c.) framed buildings is a serious problem that requires the use of reliable methodologies to evaluate ductile and brittle mechanisms. The present work compares alternative formulations of member chord rotation and section and joint shear strength, proposed by Italian and European seismic codes and guidelines and other expressions available in the scientific literature. To this end, a r.c. framed building built sixty years ago with bi-directional (perimeter) and mono-directional (interior) plane frames, originally designed for five storeys then elevated to six during construction, is studied. A full characterization of the structure and its materials is carried out by means of destructive and non-destructive methods. Then, retrofitting based on the use of both innovative material, such as carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP), and technology, such as base-isolation, are adopted to improve the static and seismic performances of the original structure. Finally, nonlinear analyses are carried out on a three-dimensional fibre model of the original and retrofitted structures, where an elastic linear law idealizes the behaviour of the CFRP up to tension failure and viscoelastic linear and bilinear models are used to idealize the behaviour of the elastomeric and sliding bearings, respectively.  相似文献   
This study investigates seismic interferometry in which the Green's function is estimated between two receivers by cross-correlation and integration over sources.For smoothly varying source strengths,the dominant contributions of the correlation integral come from the stationary phase directions in the forward and backward directions from the alignment of the two receivers.Gaussian beams can be used to evaluate the correlation integral and concentrate the amplitudes in a vicinity of the stationary phase regions instead of completely relying on phase interference.Several numerical examples are shown to illustrate how this process works.The use of Gaussian beams for the evaluation of the correlation integral results in stable estimates,and also provides physical insight into the estimation of the Green's function based on seismic interferometry.  相似文献   
A biological oil adsorption filter   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pasila A 《Marine pollution bulletin》2004,49(11-12):1006-1012
A new oil adsorption method called adsorption filtration (AF) has been developed. It is a technology where by oil residues can be cleaned from water by running it through a simple filter made from freeze treated, dried, milled and then fragmented plant material. By choosing suitable plants and fragmentation sizes it is possible to produce filters, which pass water but adsorb oil. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities of manufacturing oil adsorbing filter materials from reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) or hemp fibre (Cannabis sativa L.). The oil (80 ml) was mixed with de-ionised water (200 ml) and this mixture was filtered through 10 or 20 g adsorption filters. Fine spring harvested hemp fibre (diameter less than 1 mm) and reed canary grass fragments adsorb 2-4 g of oil per gram of adsorption material compared to 1-3 g of water. Adsorption filtration is thus a novel way of gathering spilled oil in shallow coastal waters before the oil reaches the shore.  相似文献   
The field deployment of a heated distributed temperature sensor (DTS) for over three years has revealed two obstacles to estimating soil moisture (θ) that may hamper subsurface DTS applications as well as use of other subsurface thermal probes. The first observed obstacle was a hysteretic response of the DTS sensor. The relationship between θ and the temperature response (?T) within the cable was not only dependent on θ of the soil, but also on the previous wetting and drying cycles leading to that state. The second observed obstacle was soil structure healing. Soil structure healing causes the relationship between ?T and θ to evolve through time; this calibration curve becomes flatter, or less sensitive, as the surrounding soil makes better contact with the cable. Effects of the hysteretic response of the instrument and soil structure healing are largely the result of small gaps between the cable and soil. These small gaps can be approximated by a contact resistance between the cable and soil. In this article we characterize the occurrence of hysteretic and soil structure healing effects from field data and parameterize contact resistance by simulating heat transfer using a numerical modelling approach Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Water exchange across the sediment–water interface of streams impresses a characteristic thermal pattern at the interface. The use of fibre optic distributed temperature sensing at the sediment–water interface in a small sand‐bed stream identifies such temperature patterns. Groundwater and interflow can be differentiated based on the temporal evolution of temperature patterns. Additionally, sudden temperature changes at the sediment–water interface observed during the transit of floods enable spatial identification of local up and downwelling. Electromagnetic induction geophysics can detect subsurface texture structures that support groundwater–surface water exchange. Our results show that areas of permanent temperature anomalies observed with fibre optic distributed temperature sensing match areas of comparatively homogeneous electrical conductivity. This indicates groundwater discharge and enables differentiating groundwater discharge from interflow and local downwelling.  相似文献   
This study presents a cyclic load test of four RC columns to obtain data on stresses and strains on lateral shear‐reinforcing bars that contact buckled longitudinal reinforcing bars. The specimens include columns laterally jacketed with all‐elastic fibre‐reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets. The buckling lengths and modes in the longitudinal bars of the four column specimens stabilized at a buckling deflection (= lateral deformation of buckled longitudinal bar) from 0.3 to 0.6 mm. The yield portion ratio rby of shear reinforcement around the buckled longitudinal bars was introduced as an index of the development of buckling conditions. Here, the yield portion ratio rby was defined as the ratio of the length of the region where the shear reinforcements yield lby, to the buckling length lb. The rby values of the tested columns ranged from 0.45 to 0.76. The test results show that the buckling stress and the specific compressive stress of the longitudinal bars in the columns were smaller than those of the bare bars. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
由于特殊荷载过桥而引起桥梁结构损坏的情况时有发生,通过碳纤维布加固T形截面钢筋混凝土梁的试验,分析了T形梁的抗弯承载能力,极限破坏形式以及U形箍的不同粘贴形式对加固的影响。  相似文献   
移动质量-简支梁系统的参数辨识   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
给出了移动质量-简支梁系统的动力学方程,并用基于Hamilton原理的结构动响应算法对方程进行数值求解.然后介绍了一种新的从自由响应数据识别时变参数结构系统的伪模态参数的方法,并将该方法引入用于研究移动质量-简支梁系统的参数辩识问题.  相似文献   
钢筋混凝土框架梁的变形能力及基于性能的抗震设计方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以Priestley改进的Mander约束混凝土模型为基础推导了RC梁截面λbv-ξn-μbψ关系的一般计算公式和简化计算公式λbv-ξ-μbψ,建立了配箍特征值λbv、相对受压区高度ξn及曲率延性μbψ三者之间的量化关系式,用于梁截面在目标曲率延性下的变形能力设计,给出了梁截面在目标曲率延性下的设计流程图.对所设计的梁截面进行变形能力验算,均可达到设定的目标曲率延性.在简化的λbv-ξ-μbψ公式基础上建立了框架梁的性能设计方程,即λbv-ξ-θplb关系式,给出了RC框架梁基于性能的抗震设计方法的一般步骤.设计者可灵活地根据性能要求设定可接受的破损指标DI进行梁的性能设计.  相似文献   
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