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郑威威  洪义  王立忠 《岩土力学》2022,43(8):2233-2240
含气软黏土广泛分布在世界五大洲,大量离散气泡的存在对软黏土的不排水抗剪强度具有强化或损伤作用,然而目前仍缺乏能综合考虑气相强化与气相损伤竞争机制的含气土不排水剪切强度解析表达式。结合临界状态土力学理论,基于笔者提出的含气土屈服函数,建立了v-lnp¢ 空间下临界状态线截距与土体含气特性(uw 0,y0)的数学关系,进而推导了含气软黏土在三轴应力状态下不排水抗剪强度su的理论显式表达式。同时,采用所提出的含气软黏土不排水抗剪强度理论计算公式,分别对比了3种典型的含气软黏土在不同含气特性下的不排水抗剪强度理论预测与试验结果,包括马来西亚高岭土、Combwich 黏土和高岭黏土。另外,对比分析了4种不同的含气软黏土不排水抗剪强度理论计算模型的预测误差百分比,证明了提出的基于改进的含气软黏土本构模型的不排水抗剪强度理论计算式的合理性,能够更加准确地同时考虑含气软黏土的气相强化与气相损伤双重效应。  相似文献   
Delay-difference models are intermediate between simple surplus-production models and complicated age-structured models. Such intermediate models are more efficient and require less data than age-structured models. In this study, a delay-difference model was applied to fit catch and catch per unit effort(CPUE) data(1975–2011) of the southern Atlantic albacore(Thunnus alalunga) stock. The proposed delay-difference model captures annual fluctuations in predicted CPUE data better than Fox model. In a Monte Carlo simulation, white noises(CVs) were superimposed on the observed CPUE data at four levels. Relative estimate error was then calculated to compare the estimated results with the true values of parameters α and β in Ricker stock-recruitment model and the catchability coefficient q. α is more sensitive to CV than β and q. We also calculated an 80% percentile confidence interval of the maximum sustainable yield(MSY, 21756 t to 23408 t; median 22490 t) with the delay-difference model. The yield of the southern Atlantic albacore stock in 2011 was 24122 t, and the estimated ratios of catch against MSY for the past seven years were approximately 1.0. We suggest that care should be taken to protect the albacore fishery in the southern Atlantic Ocean. The proposed delay-difference model provides a good fit to the data of southern Atlantic albacore stock and may be a useful choice for the assessment of regional albacore stock.  相似文献   
曾昭华 《西北地质》2005,38(3):111-118
论述了宁夏回族自治区土壤元素含量和农作物优质高产与土壤环境中化学元素N、P、K、S、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、B、Mo、V、Sr、Ti、Mg、La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu、Y、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb、Lu、Ca、Co、Ni、F、Tl、Si、Na、Cr、Pb、Cd、Hg、Se、Ba、Te、Ta有密切的关系。提出了生态农业地质研究的目的、内容、方法、管理及其前景。  相似文献   
Large silicic explosive eruptions are the most catastrophic volcanic events. Yet, the intratelluric mechanisms underlying are not fully understood. Here we report a field and laboratory study of the Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT, 161 ka, Aegean Volcanic Arc), which provides an excellent geological example of conduit processes that control magma vesiculation and fragmentation during intermediate- to large-scale caldera-forming eruptions. A prominent feature of the KPT is the occurrence of quite unusual platy-shaped tube pumice clasts in pyroclastic fall and current deposits from the early eruption phases preceding caldera collapse. On macroscopic and SEM observations, flat clast faces are elongated parallel to tube vesicles, while transverse surfaces often occur at ~ 45° to vesicle elongation. This peculiar pumice texture provides evidence of high shear stresses related to strong velocity gradients normal to conduit walls, which induced vesiculation and fragmentation of the ascending magma. Either an increasing mass discharge rate without adequate enlargement of a narrow central feeder conduit or a developing fissure-like feeder system related to incipient caldera collapse provided suitable conditions for the generation of plate tube pumice within magma volumes under high shear during the pre-climactic KPT eruption phases. This mechanism implies that the closer to the conduit walls (where the stronger are the velocity gradients) the larger was the proportion of plate vs. conventional (lensoid) juvenile fragments in the ascending gas–pyroclast mixture. Consequently, plate pumice clasts were mainly entrained in the outer portions of the jet and convecting regions of a sustained, Plinian-type, eruption column, as well as in occasional lateral blast currents generated at the vent. As a whole, plate pumice clasts in the peripheral portions of the column were transported at lower altitudes and deposited by fallout or partial collapse closer to the vent relative to lensoid ones that dominated in the inner column portions. The plate tube pumice proportion decreased abruptly up to disappearance during the emplacement of the main pyroclastic currents and lithic-rich breccias related to extensive caldera collapse at the eruption climax, as a consequence of an overall widening of the magma feeder system through the opening of multiple conduits and eruptive vents, along with fissure erosion, concomitant to the disruption of the collapsing block.  相似文献   
粘弹塑本构模型及用于冻土数值计算的柔度矩阵   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李栋伟  汪仁和  林斌 《冰川冻土》2007,29(2):322-326
随着寒区经济发展及冻结法施工技术在工程中的推广应用,对冻土蠕变的深入研究显得尤为重要.对冻土单轴流变试验结果分析,用非线性牛顿体替代线性牛顿体,从而对西原模型进行了改进,得到了冻土三向应力状态下的本构方程;并利用D-P屈服准则推导出应用与数值计算的柔度矩阵.通过有限元程序的二次开发,将本构模型添加到大型非线性程序ADINA中.用三轴蠕变试验检验了粘弹塑本构模型,获得相应的试验拟合曲线.结果表明:三轴蠕变试验与理论计算结果吻合良好,说明粘弹塑本构模型可以描述冻土在高应力下反映的非衰减性蠕变变形特征.  相似文献   
The response of runoff and erosion to soil crusts has been extensively investigated in recent decades. However, there have been few attempts to look at the effects of spatial configuration of different soil crusts on erosion processes. Here we investigated the effects of different spatial distributions of physical soil crusts on runoff and erosion in the semi‐arid Loess Plateau region. Soil boxes (1.5 m long × 0.2 m wide) were set to a slope of 17.6% (10°) and simulated rainfall of 120 mm h?1 (60 minutes). The runoff generation and erosion rates were determined for three crust area ratios (depositional crust for 20%, 33%, and 50% of the total slope) and five spatial distribution patterns (depositional crust on the lower, lower‐middle, middle, mid‐upper, and upper slope) of soil crusts. The reduction in sediment loss (‘sediment reduction’) was calculated to evaluate the effects of different spatial distributions of soil crusts on erosion. Sediment yield was influenced by the area ratio and spatial position of different soil crusts. The runoff rate reached a steady state after an initial trend of unsteadily increasing with increasing rainfall duration. Sediment yield was controlled by detachment limitation and then transport limitation under rainfall. The shifting time of erosion from a transport to detachment‐limiting regime decreased with increasing area of depositional crust. No significant differences were observed in the total runoff among treatments, while the total sediment yield varied under different spatial distributions. At the same area ratio, total sediment yield was the largest when the depositional crust was on the upper slope, and it was smallest when the crust was deposited on the lower slope. The sediment reduction of structural crust (42.5–66.5%) was greater than that of depositional crust (16.7–34.3%). These results provide a mechanistic understanding of how different spatial distributions of soil crusts affect runoff and sediment production. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
甘肃黄土高原农业水分条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算分析了甘肃黄土高原的降水变化,农田蒸散和农作物水分亏缺的特征及其对农业生产的影响,表明区域主要降水特征均不利于农业生产;农田蒸散强烈,土壤水分亏缺严重;农作物水分供南非差额大,其水分适宜度低,降水产量指数小。  相似文献   
为评估温瑞塘河水环境状况及水华风险,于2015年每月15日7:00-18:00对其下游滞流河段进行高频监测分析,考察了水体叶绿素a浓度、浮游植物群落类型和光合活性等的季节变化及日变化情况,并分析了其与温度、营养盐等环境因子的关系.结果表明:温瑞塘河表层水体中的叶绿素a浓度表现为春季(3-5月)夏季(6-8月)秋季(9-11月)冬季(12-2月),分别为39.98、37.62、21.59和10.74μg/L;4个季节的平均水温则是夏季秋季春季冬季,分别为30.91、25.34、20.72和13.80℃.全年总氮浓度为5.33±0.81~9.40±1.25 mg/L,总磷浓度为0.32±0.18~0.95±0.25mg/L,营养程度属于超富营养.温瑞塘河的浮游植物群落类型为硅藻-绿藻型,全年以绿藻和硅藻种群为主,蓝藻种群只在春末夏初出现,并且所占比例很小.绿藻种群在夏季占绝对优势,而硅藻种群在冬季占优势.绿藻种群的相对丰度与水温呈正相关,而硅藻种群的相对丰度与水温呈负相关.水体的叶绿素a浓度与水温呈正相关,而与总氮、总磷浓度没有相关性.叶绿素a在不同季节呈现出不同的日变化模式,而浮游植物的有效光合量子产率在四季均呈现类似的日变化模式:都是先降后升,与晴天时的日照强度变化趋势相反.绿藻的有效光合量子产率高于硅藻,且除春季外皆存在显著差异.以上结果表明温瑞塘河具备发生各类水华的营养条件,但是由于蓝藻在全年所占的比例都很低,因此发生蓝藻水华的可能性很小;同时由于日照变化会对表层水体中叶绿素a浓度及浮游植物生理活动产生影响,因此在对小型湖泊或者水流滞缓的河道进行浮游植物群落结构调查时还应考虑时间和天气因素.  相似文献   
北方一作区马铃薯种植面积和总产量居我国首位,明确其高产稳产区分布,对马铃薯种植合理布局具有重要意义。基于1981—2019年研究区域内234个气象站点逐日气象数据以及作物、土壤数据,利用APSIM-Potato模型,以产量平均值和变异系数为高产性和稳产性评价指标,将研究区域划分为高产高稳、高产低稳、低产高稳和低产低稳4个亚区,分析不同生产水平下我国北方一作区马铃薯高产稳产区分布特征,探讨降水和土壤对马铃薯高产性和稳产性的影响。结果表明:不同生产水平下马铃薯高产区比例呈下降趋势;随着限制因素增加,高产高稳区面积比例逐渐降低,气候-土壤潜在生产水平下高产高稳区面积比例仅占研究区域总面积的13%;高产低稳区是潜在的高产高稳区,及时采取有效措施可提升稳产性。降水对马铃薯高产性和稳产性的影响大于土壤。实际生产中,降水和土壤限制下高产性和稳产性降低的区域,应注意结合当地灌溉条件配合耕作措施,以确保马铃薯高产稳产。  相似文献   
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