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Water Flows Toward Power: Socioecological Degradation of Lake Urmia,Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water is an invaluable resource, and equitable access to it is a fundamental human right. Disenfranchised groups often lose access to water resources because their interests are not well represented by decision makers. Excluding these groups from resource management policy often results in myopic decisions that contribute to further ecosystem damage. We describe the ecological degradation of Lake Urmia in Iran, which has recently experienced increased salinity and declining water quantity. The lake is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Ramsar site, and supports unique biodiversity in the region. The lake's decline is driven by the destruction of Zagros forests and the government's water policies, which diverted water to more politically connected agricultural land users, increasing social inequity and prompting more deforestation. The most straightforward restoration solution is to discontinue the diversions and allow critical inflows to recharge Lake Urmia, preserving the lake and wetlands for migratory birds, tourists, and local communities.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction Alkaline Lake Khilganta located in a steppe zone of South Siberia(N 50°42'535,E 115°06'086)is unique among adjacent lakes because of a development of a thick(up to 3 cm)cyanobacterial mat dominated by  相似文献   
2007-2008年云南高原湖泊鱼类多样性与资源现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁刚  茹辉军  刘学勤 《湖泊科学》2010,22(6):837-841
为了解云南高原湖泊鱼类资源及多样性现状,于2007-2008年对云南高原11个大型湖泊进行了2次调查.共鉴定鱼类39种,隶属于7目13科33属,鲤形目鱼类最多,占65.0%.其中共调查到土著鱼类14种,外来鱼类25种.在种数上,外来鱼类已经成为各湖泊的主体.在鱼类区系上,由高原鱼类区系向长江中下游鱼类区系演变.主要经济鱼类年龄结构以0+和1+鱼为主.分析表明,土著鱼类多样性与海拔和湖泊面积密切相关.土著鱼类物种数在中等海拔(1700-1800m)处最高,并与湖泊面积呈显著正相关.最后根据调查结果,提出了一些保护建议.  相似文献   
The Chilean lake district includes diverse lentic ecosystems along ca. 700 km of the country (36°–43°S), including the “Nahuelbutan lakes”, “Araucanian lakes” and “Chiloe lakes”. This area is recognized as an important “hot spot” of benthic freshwater biodiversity in Southern South America. In Chilean temperate lakes, increased nutrient loads of P and N caused eutrophication, particularly in the Nahuelbutan Lakes. The freshwater Hyriidae mussel Diplodon chilensis (Gray, 1828) which is one of the most abundant species in Chilean temperate lakes, is known to be very susceptible to eutrophication. This species presents a clear reduction in its geographic ranges and is considered to be a threatened species in many Chilean lakes. In this study, we used a correlative approach to determine how eutrophication-driven changes in the food supply and in geographical parameters of different Chilean lakes affected the shell growth rates of D. chilensis. The results obtained from sclerochronological analyses of the mussel shells suggest an association with a group of environmental variables, including geographical types (negative), such as latitude and altitude, and limnological types (positive), especially phosphorous and turbidity. However, the D. chilensis populations under extreme conditions of turbidity in eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes are extinct or nearly so. The high positive correlation of the mean D. chilensis growth rates with orthophosphate (R=0.76; P<0.05), in relation to dissolved inorganic nitrogen, suggests that P is the major limiting factor of the primary productivity in Chilean temperate lakes. We discuss some implications of our results in terms of the conservation of biodiversity in temperate lake ecosystems at different taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
沙漠湖泊水体和东部大型湖泊如太湖等存在较大差异.为深入研究沙漠湖泊水体的光学特性,利用腾格里沙漠月亮湖实测水面ASD高光谱数据和同步采集的水样,对水体矿化度与叶绿素a、DOC、悬浮物的含量进行相关性分析,比较沙漠湖泊水体和其它水体的黄色物质、浮游植物、非藻类悬浮物吸收特征光谱,探讨不同波段中水深和矿化度对水体反射率的影...  相似文献   
Opal Lake, a cold, acid lake on the central volcanic plateau of the North Island, New Zealand, had an average pH of 4.3 and was highly eutrophic. The biota was less diverse than in neighbouring near‐neutral waters. Macrophytes were rare; phytoplankton were mainly represented by the Chlorophyceae, and there were only 4 zooplankton species. The mean standing crop of macroinvertebrates was 6240 per square metre; this was higher than in other eutrophic lakes in the region and comprised more than 98% chironomid larvae represented by 4 species. Molluscs were absent. The fauna was more diverse than in more acid lakes of the .central volcanic plateau.  相似文献   
Lacustrine deposits of the Malanzán Formation record sedimentation in a small and narrow mountain paleovalley. Lake Malanzán was one of several water bodies formed in the Paganzo Basin during the Late Carboniferous deglaciation. Five sedimentary facies have been recognized. Facies A (Dropstones-bearing laminated mudstones) records deposition from suspension fall-out and probably underflow currents coupled with ice-rafting processes in a basin lake setting. Facies B (Ripple cross-laminated sandstones and siltstones) was deposited from low density turbidity currents in a lobe fringe environment. Facies C (Massive or graded sandstones) is thought to represent sedimentation from high and low density turbidity currents in sand lobes. Facies D (Folded sandstones and siltstones) was formed from slumping in proximal lobe environments. Facies E (Wave-rippled sandstones) records wave reworking of sands supplied by turbidity currents above wave base level.The Lake Malanzán succession is formed by stacked turbidite sand lobe deposits. These lobes were probably formed in proximal lacustrine settings, most likely relatively high gradient slopes. Paleocurrents indicate a dominant direction from cratonic areas to the WSW. Although the overall sequence shows a regressive trend from basin fine-grained deposits to deltaic and braided fluvial facies, individual lobe packages lack of definite vertical trends in bed thickness and grain size. This fact suggests aggradation from multiple-point sources, rather than progradation from single-point sources. Sedimentologic and paleoecologic evidence indicate high depositional rate and sediment supply. Deposition within the lake was largely dominated by event sedimentation. Low diversity trace fossil assemblages of opportunistic invertebrates indicate recolonization of event beds under stressed conditions.Three stages of lake evolutionary history have been distinguished. The vertical replacement of braided fluvial deposits by basinal facies indicates high subsidence and a lacustrine transgressive episode. This flooding event was probably linked to a notable base level rise during postglacial times. The second evolutionary stage was typified by the formation of sand turbidite lobes from downslope mass-movements. Lake history culminates with the progradation of deltaic and braided fluvial systems  相似文献   
富营养化浅水湖泊沉水水生植被的衰退与恢复   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37  
对国外近年来有关富营养化浅水湖泊的退化与恢复方面的研究进展以及生物操纵作用作了述评,对有关富营养化湖泊沉水植被衰退的有代表性的3种假说也作了介绍。根据“八五”期间武汉东湖水生植被重建的研究工作和多年积累的湖泊水生植被调查资料,提出了长江中下游浅湖富营养化过程中沉水植被演替的模式。  相似文献   
Mono Lake is a hypersaline alkaline lake in the high altitude Great Basin desert of eastern California. Algal productivity of the lake is nitrogen-limited, and a contributing source is derived from benthic nitrogen fixation. Lake level and salinity have fluctuated with natural climatic variations but have also been affected by the diversion of tributary streams. This research examines the influence of varied salinity and lake level on the potential for benthic nitrogen fixation in Mono Lake. A sediment-surface microbial mat community was exposed directly, and in acclimated cultures, to a range of Mono Lake salinities under anaerobic incubations and the activity of nitrogenase assayed by acetylene reduction. Activity was stimulated in light, but also occurred in darkness. Over an experimental salinity range from 50 to 150 g L−1 TDS, nitrogenase activity was reduced by 90 per cent, with the activity persisting at the highest salinity being attributable to dark fixation alone. Between a salinity of 50 g L−1, occurring in Mono Lake over 50 years ago, and 100 g L−1, nitrogenase activity was reduced by nearly half. Changes in the area of the littoral zone at varied lake levels also affect the total amount of potential benthic nitrogen fixation in the lake. An accounting of yearly inputs of nitrogen to Mono Lake suggests N2-fixation could contribute as much as 76–81 percent of the total. Inhibition of nitrogen fixation rates by increased salinity could limit the long-term nutrient supply and benthic primary productivity of this ecosystem.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地那棱格勒河尾闾盐湖(一里坪干盐滩、东台吉乃尔盐湖、西台吉乃尔盐湖和察尔汗盐湖别勒滩区段)赋存了我国目前最大的卤水锂矿床。那棱格勒河及其尾闾盐湖锂的物源仍存在一定争议,主要有围岩风化、古湖残留、含盐系地层淋滤、油田水、深部水等,目前缺乏有力的地球化学证据。本文系统采集了那棱格勒河流域及其尾闾盐湖不同水体样品16件,分析了其主、微量元素含量及锶、硫同位素组成。结合前人的研究成果,对区域水体中锂的来源进行了探讨,得出结论如下:那棱格勒河水锂含量(0.45~0.79 mg/L)比楚拉克阿拉干河支流(0.00~0.05 mg/L)高出一个数量级,其高锂含量主要受洪水河支流的补给;洪水河高锂含量与其上游热泉水的补给有关,该热泉水锂、锶含量高、87Sr/86Sr比值偏高,δ34S值偏低,与青藏高原典型热泉水地球化学特征(锂含量0.4~34.8 mg/L,锶含量0.07~4.24 mg/L,87Sr/86Sr比值0.71224~0.71259,δ34S值-10....  相似文献   
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