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Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials and Chondrites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High‐precision iron isotopic compositions for Fe‐bearing geological reference materials and chondrites with a wide range of matrices (e.g., silicates, oxides, organic‐bearing materials) are reported. This comprehensive data set should serve as a reference for iron isotopic studies across a range of geological and biological disciplines for both quality assurance and inter‐laboratory calibration. Where comparison is available, the iron isotopic compositions of most geological reference materials measured in this study were in agreement with previously published data within quoted uncertainties. Recommendations for the reporting of future iron isotopic data and associated uncertainties are also presented. Long‐term repeat analyses of all samples indicate that highly reproducible iron isotopic measurements are now obtainable (± 0.03‰ and ± 0.05‰ for δ56Fe and δ57Fe, respectively).  相似文献   

L'étude des bassins côtiers de Sfax et de la Djeffara de Gabès Nord, basée sur l'interprétation des données hydrochimiques (éléments majeurs) et isotopiques (18O, 2H et 14C), a permis une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement hydrodynamique de l'aquifère Miocène le long de la frange côtière. En effet, d'après les données géochimiques, apparaît la présence de deux types de faciès chimiques: chloruré sodique dans le bassin de Sfax et mixte à chloruré sodique dans le bassin de Gabès Nord. Cette transition d'un faciès à un autre souligne la variabilité des origines de minéralisation des eaux. L'utilisation des outils isotopiques a permis l'identification d'une eau relativement ancienne à l'exception de quelques poches de recharge récente matérialisées à partir du relief de Zemlet El Beida en amont du bassin de Gabès Nord. Ceci a été vérifié par les fortes activités en14C des eaux dans cette région. Par conséquent, on peut noter que le passage du Sud au Nord le long de la côte est marqué par une grande variation latérale de lithologie et d'épaisseur de la formation aquifère, soulignant ainsi l'indépendance de chacun des deux réservoirs de Sfax et de la Djeffara de Gabès en absence de toute continuité hydrodynamique entre les deux bassins.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé S. Faye

Citation Ben Cheikh, N., Zouari, K., et Abidi, B., 2012. Application des outils chimiques et isotopiques à l'étude de la relation hydrodynamique entre les aquifères profonds de Sfax et de la Djeffara de Gabès Nord (Sud-Est tunisien). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8), 1662–1671.  相似文献   
Thin levels of amphibolites from the Canigou, Albères and Cap de Creus massifs have been studied in order to investigate their pressure and temperature evolution during time. P and T values have been calculated using the amphibole–plagioclase–quartz thermo-barometer. Si, Al, Mg and Fe of zoned amphiboles have been analysed from core to rim by microprobe. By combining the results obtained from several (or different) crystals, PTt paths have been determined using the amphibole-plagioclase-quartz equilibriums. In the Canigou Massif, the amphibolites have recorded anti-clockwise PTt paths around a peak of metamorphism located at about 650?°C–6.1 kbar, whereas in the Albères Massif, the calculated PTt paths of amphibolites near the paragneisses are retrograde only, from 600?°C–5 kbar to 450?°C–2.5 kbar, but one cummingtonite-bearing amphibolite has also recorded an anti-clockwise evolution around 650?°C–4.5 kbar. The retrograde PTt paths recorded for amphibolites from the ‘Cap de Creus’ Massif are retrograde only, from 650?°C–6 kbar and 400?°C–1 kbar. To cite this article: C. Triboulet et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Volumes of sediments eroded and deposited during floods were quantified in a vegetated secondary channel of the Loire River at the study site of Bréhémont (France). The topographic survey highlights the temporal variability in filling of secondary channels. Upstream riffle of secondary channels governs sedimentary supply. In these channels, sediments show a by-passing in the lower parts and an accretion in the higher vegetated areas. The asymmetrical morphology is reinforced during both intense and moderate floods. Sedimentary accretion in the vegetated areas leads progressively to channel narrowing. To cite this article: S. Rodrigues et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
A kilometre-scale shear zone is recognized in the Cambro–Ordovician schist of the Bossòst dome, a Variscan metamorphic and structural dome in the Axial Zone of the central Pyrenees. Non-coaxial deformation is recorded by rotated garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts following regional metamorphism M1, while coaxial conditions prevailed during later contact metamorphic M2 growth of andalusite and cordierite. Mineral compositions and bulk rock analyses show that garnet–staurolite–andalusite–cordierite assemblages are significantly enriched in Mg and Mn over the garnet–staurolite assemblage, which lacks sufficient Mg for cordierite to form. The garnet–staurolite assemblage preserves conditions during M1, estimated by AFM diagrams and PT pseudosections to be 5.5 kbar and 580 °C, respectively. Pseudosections also indicate that staurolite is not a stable phase in cordierite–andalusite assemblages of M2, suggesting polyphase metamorphism and decompression along a clockwise PT path for the staurolite–cordierite–andalusite assemblages. This concurs with proposed extensional tectonics along the regional shear zone. To cite this article: J.E. Mezger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
By us considered as Albo-Aptian in age and generated through halokinetic processes, the Bosmendiette breccias have been recently interpreted as Selandian (Palaeocene) globigerine-bearing sediments deposited in sub-marine canyons within a deep trough crossing the Pyrenees, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. These breccias are really azoic in their lower part and contain a scarce microfauna including radolarians and benthic foraminifera at the top of the formation. They are unconformably covered by the Urgo-Aptian limestones and marls and indicate, under opening marine conditions, Lower Cretaceous collapse movements and northward sliding of the Jurassic slumped cover, related to the growth of the Béloscare–Apoura diapir. To cite this article: J. Canérot et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The Palaeozoic of the western Pyrenees shows two superposed tectonics easily defined by their different geometry and the major unconformity of the Permian sediments and volcanics on the Devono-Carboniferous series: an Hercynian tectonic found only in the pre-Permian series, characterised by kilometric westward recumbent folds with a weak cleavage; a Pyrenean tectonic, characterised by tight east–west folds, upright to overturned to the south with slaty cleavage, which is the only deformation found in the Permian and Mesozoic series and the second deformation in the pre-Permian Palaeozoic. The Hercynian folding, roughly perpendicular to the trend of the Pyrenees characterises the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican virgation. To cite this article: P. Matte, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 773–779.  相似文献   
The tholeiitic doleritic magmatism (ophites) in the Aspe valley of the Pyrenees has been dated on the Triassic–Jurassic boundary (199±2 Ma) by the UPb method on zircon (SHRIMP). Emplacement of the ophites was probably synchronous with that of the earliest ‘Infraliassic’ Ségalas tuffs. The ophites are thus related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) whose emplacement linked with the fracturing of Pangea, preceded the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. To cite this article: P. Rossi et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
Raw wastewaters were massively spread on sandy luvisols near Paris from 1899 to 2002, leading to high trace metals (TM) pollution of soils. Mass balance calculations were performed on a soil profile to assess vertical migration of TM. The contamination was estimated by subtracting the natural pedo-geochemical background of the horizons. TM inputs were estimated using Cr as an invariant. It is shown that Pb and Cr remained in the surface horizon, while Ni, Cd, Cu and Zn migrated downward, being more or less trapped depending on the physicochemical properties of the horizons. To cite this article: C. Dère et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
Accurately measuring sediment flux in large rivers remains a challenge due to the spatial and temporal cross‐sectional variability of suspended sediment concentrations in conjunction with sampling procedures that fail to accurately quantify these differences. This study presents a field campaign methodology that can be used to improve the measurement of suspended sediment concentrations in the Amazon River or similarly large rivers. The turbidity signal and Rouse model are together used in this study to define the spatial distribution of suspended sediment concentrations in a river cross‐section, taking into account the different size fractions of the sediment. With this methodology, suspended sediment fluxes corresponding to each sediment class are defined with less uncertainty than with manual samples. This paper presents an application of this methodology during a field campaign at different gauging stations along a 3,000‐km stretch of the Solimões/Amazon River during low water and flood periods. Vertical concentration profiles and Rouse model applications for distinctive sediment sizes are explored to determine concentration gradients throughout a cross‐section of the river. The results show that coupling both turbidity technology and the Rouse model may improve our understanding of the spatial distribution of different sediments fractions sizes in the Solimões/Amazon River. These data are very useful in defining a pertinent monitoring strategy for suspended sediment concentrations in the challenging context of large rivers.  相似文献   
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