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Soil erosion threatens long-term soil fertility and food production in Q’eqchi’ communities native to the Sierra Yalijux and Sierra Sacranix mountain ranges in the central highlands of Guatemala. Environmental factors such as steep topography, erodible soils, and intense precipitation events, combined with land subdivision and reduced fallow periods as a consequence of population growth, contribute to severe erosion and strain soil resources. The preservation of the region's cloud forests hinges on enhancing production of staple crops through agricultural intensification while maintaining soil fertility through implementation of soil conservation measures.  相似文献   
This paper looks at the Green for Grain Project in northern Shaanxi Province.Based on remote sensing monitoring data,this study analyzes the locations of arable land in northern Shaanxi in the years 2000,2010 and 2013 as well as spatio-temporal changes over that period,and then incorporates data on the distribution of terraced fields to improve the input parameters of a RUSLE model and simulate and generate raster data on soil erosion for northern Shaanxi at different stages with a accuracy verification.Finally,combined with the dataset of farmland change,compared and analyzed the characteristics of soil erosion change in the converted farmland to forest(grassland)and the unconverted farmland in northern Shaanxi,so as to determine the project’s impact on soil erosion over time across the region.The results show that between 2000 and 2010,the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in northern Shaanxi decreased 22.7 t/ha,equivalent to 47.08%of the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in 2000.In the same period,the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland fell 10.99 t/ha,equivalent to 28.6%of the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland in 2000.The soil erosion modulus for all types of land in northern Shaanxi decreased by an average of 14.51 t/ha between 2000 and 2010,equivalent to 41.87%of the soil erosion modulus for the entire region in 2000.This suggests that the Green for Grain Project effectively reduced the soil erosion modulus,thus helping to protect the soil.In particular,arable land that was turned into forest and grassland reduced erosion most noticeably and contributed most to soil conservation.Nevertheless,in the period 2010 to 2013,which was a period of consolidation of the Green for Grain Project,the soil erosion modulus and change in volume of soil erosion in northern Shaanxi were significantly lower than in the previous decade.  相似文献   
眉山市地质灾害隐患数量多,分布广泛,险情较严重.地质灾害隐患点以滑坡、不稳定斜坡和崩塌为主.主要分在市境内的中山、低山和深丘等地质灾害高易发区和地质灾害中易发地区.发生时间多集中每年在6~9月的雨季高易发期.地质灾害发育分布主要受地形地貌、地质构造和岩性组合的控制,而降雨和人类不合理工程经济活动则是眉山市地质灾害发生的主要引发因素.  相似文献   
湖南省煤炭坝是闻名全国的大水矿区,其矿井充水的特点是:矿井水主要由地下水集中径流带补给;涌水量大主要是因降落漏斗面积与深度扩大所致。防治水措施应主要采取帷幕截流,减少矿井涌水量;井下埋管控制大突水点,注浆堵塞小突水点;地面防塌堵漏,缩小降落漏斗范围。  相似文献   
综合一致性质量控制方法及其在气温中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
由于历史逐日气温资料在气候分析、气候变化研究中的基础性作用,其数据质量状况日益受到关注。利用邻近参考站日平均气温、最高气温和最低气温资料及线性回归模型,设计了基于线性回归数据估计方法的质量检查算法,该算法同时包含了时间一致性和空间一致性两种检查方法。通过数据植入误差检测以及与单一空间回归检查方法的比较,该算法的错误数据检测性能较高,可检测出与正确日气温数据相差3℃左右的可疑值。在该算法的基础上,研制了综合一致性数据质量控制方法,该方法具有以下特点:第一类错误发生率较低;保持了时间、内部和空间一致性的逻辑关系;参考了天气因素。因此,与一般的数据质量控制方法相比,综合一致性数据质量控制方法具有较高的错误数据检测性能。经过在华中区域湖北、湖南和河南三省251个站1961—2009年逐日气温资料的应用,取得了较好效果。各要素奇异值检出率平均气温为0.001%,最高气温为0.05%,最低气温为0.04%。  相似文献   
To be able to understand year-round river channel evolution both at present and in the future, the spatial variation of the flow characteristics and their sediment transport capabilities under ice cover need to be detected. As the measurements done through cross-sectional drill holes cover only a small portion of the river channel area, the numerical simulations give insight into the wider spatial horizontal variation of the flow characteristics. Therefore, we simulate the ice-covered flow with a hydrodynamic two-dimensional (2D) model in a meandering subarctic river (Pulmanki River, Finland) in mid-winter conditions and compare them to the pre-winter open-channel low flow situation. Based on the simulations, which are calibrated with reference measurements, we aim to detect (1) how ice-covered mid-winter flow characteristics vary spatially and (2) the erosion and sedimentation potential of the ice-covered flow compared to open-channel conditions. The 2D hydrodynamic model replicated the observed flow characteristics in both open-channel and ice-covered conditions. During both seasons, the greatest erosional forces locate in the shallow sections. The narrow, freely flowing channel area found in mid-winter cause the main differences in the spatial flow variation between seasons. Despite the causes of the horizontal recirculating flow structures being similar in both seasons, the structures formed in different locations depended on whether the river was open or ice covered. The critical thresholds for particle entrainment are exceeded more often in open-channel conditions than during ice-covered flow. The results indicate spatially extensive sediment transport in open-channel conditions, but that the spatial variability and differences in depositional and erosional locations increase in ice-covered conditions. Asymmetrical bends and straight reaches erode throughout the year, whereas symmetrical, smaller bends mainly erode in open-channel conditions and are prone to deposition in winter. The long ice-covered season can greatly affect the annual morphology of the submerged channel. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Morphodynamic modeling is employed in the present work to predict the long-term evolution (over the next 100 years) of typical sedimentary coasts in the western Russian Arctic. The studied objects are the coasts of Varandey (the Barents Sea), Baydaratskaya Bay and Harasavey (the Kara Sea). The model developed takes into account both the short-term processes (storm events) and long-term factors (for example, changes in sea level, inter-annual variations in gross sediment flux, lack or excess of sediment supply). Predicted and observed morphological changes in coastal profiles are shown to agree well for time scales ranging from weeks to decades. It is revealed that under given environmental conditions, the morphological evolution is strongly influenced by storm surges and associated wind-driven circulation. The water level gradient created by a surge generates a seaward flow at the bed. This outflow is shown to be an important destructive mechanism contributing to the erosion and recession of Arctic coasts. The rate of change is found to depend on both the exposure of the coast (relative to the direction of dominant winds) and its height above the sea. The open coast of Varandey is expected to retreat as much as 300–500 m over 100 years, while recession of the less exposed coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay would not exceed about 100 m/century. If long-term sediment losses are insignificant, the rate of erosion decays with time and the morphodynamic system may tend toward equilibrium. It is concluded that the expected relative sea-level rise (up to 1 m over the nearest 100 years) is non-crucial to the future coastal evolution if an erosion activity is already high enough.  相似文献   
探讨淡水养殖尤其是大水域网箱养鱼中由于投饵方式的不当和投饵量过多导致过剩饵料沉积引起水域环境污染的解决方法。本研究利用鱼类的听觉生物学特性,参考音响驯化技术的有关参数,结合投饵用400 Hz正弦波连续音对鲤(Cyprinus carpioLinnaeus)进行了音响驯化实验。结果表明,最初放声时,实验鱼产生惊愕反应,迅速离声源而去;但驯化6 d后,实验鱼在放声后迅速游向声源,摄食时间由最初的150 s缩短到实验后期的60 s。整个实验阶段放声组与对照组摄食时间差异极显著(P<0.01),摄食率和特定生长率无显著差异(P>0.05)。根据实验鱼的生长参数,求得了参考投饵量曲线和方程。本实验结果为音响驯化技术在淡水鱼养殖中的推广应用提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
乐山市金口河区位于四川省小凉山腹地,是大渡河中下游流域内的典型山区城镇。区内山高谷深,地质条件复杂,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害十分发育。据调查区内共发育地质灾害133处,严重威胁着当地居民的生命财产安全和地方经济发展。实地调查后,查清了金口河区内地质灾害发育特征及对城镇建设的影响,结合调查分析提出了金口河区地质灾害防治建议。  相似文献   
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