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在开封自南宋以来的变迁历程中,因中原地区地理空间区位形势所造成的频繁战患直接导致开封城市的破坏与衰落,更重要的是开封在黄河泛滥区中所处的地理中心位置,不仅使开封周边地区土壤严重沙化,而且还在堰塞其水运河道的同时,也使其失去了成为现代铁路交通枢纽的机会。区域环境因素发生的重要改变导致中原地区区域政治中心在建国初从开封迁离,而改革开放以后随着经济自由流动程度的加强,更多的发展资源向邻近的郑州集聚,也造成开封经济发展的弱势。但随着国家及河南省政府利用开封地理空间区位形势所实施的"郑汴一体化"等当代发展策略的介入,开封将改变长期以来形成的下降趋势而实现复兴与发展。  相似文献   
姚云浩  栾维新 《地理科学》2018,38(2):249-257
通过对中国游艇俱乐部相关数据的收集与分析,探讨游艇俱乐部的区域宏观区位特征和城市微观区位特征,并揭示出区位特征的核心影响因素。主要结论为:中国的游艇俱乐部主要集中在三大经济区,其中广东、海南、山东、上海和浙江等地的游艇俱乐部综合能力较强。中心城区和近郊区是游艇俱乐部的主要聚集地,纯游艇俱乐部和地产型游艇俱乐部为主要载体,有泊位的与无泊位的俱乐部在区位上高度重合。影响游艇俱乐部区位的因素既包括区域自然资源环境、经济水平、旅游业发展、上游游艇制造业,也包括游艇产业相关政策及区域海洋文化等因素。  相似文献   
This article examines the intraurban geography of craft breweries in ten cities across the United States. First, through an exhaustive literature review, we outline both supply- and demand-side factors that might cause craft breweries to cluster. Second, we empirically test whether these establishments tend to cluster within cities using spatial statistical techniques. Many communities are attempting to support the establishment of more craft breweries as a way to boost tourism and economic development. The findings from this article aid in this discussion by providing insights into how craft brewers locate and the factors that could influence their location decision behavior. Our findings suggest that craft brewers do in fact cluster. There are both supply and demand factors responsible. On the supply side, the collaborative environment within the industry and the artisan nature of the industry's products allows for benefits of clustering to outweigh the costs associated with this behavior. On the demand side, the emergence of “brewery districts” allows individual brewers to enjoy the reputation benefits associated with the district in terms of increased foot traffic from locals and visitors looking to sample a variety of beers.  相似文献   
梁育填  周政可  刘逸 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1449-1461
随着“走出去”战略的实施和“一带一路”倡议的提出,中国在全球化经济中逐渐成为国际投资的主要力量之一。海外华人华侨网络曾经积极促进外商对华的直接投资,是否在这个过程中再次扮演积极的作用,是当前经济地理领域尚未充分探究的问题。因此,本文从经典的区位选择问题切入,探究海外华人华侨网络与中国企业海外投资的区位选择的关系,利用2001-2016年中国企业投资东南亚国家的数据,通过混合逻辑模型回归分析海外华人华侨对中国企业投资区位的影响。结果表明:① 从整体上看,东南亚各国的华人华侨规模和中国企业对外直接投资的区位选择之间存在显著的正相关关系;② 从投资时间上看,海外华人华侨规模与中国企业对外直接投资区位选择之间的关系显著性呈现扩大趋势,说明华人华侨在促进中国企业对外投资方面存在较大潜力;③ 从投资的行业和环节上看,不同行业和不同职能部门的企业在东南亚投资中海外华人华侨在其投资区位选择中所起的作用不同。  相似文献   
The spatial mismatch situation of tourism development in Guangdong Province is analyzed by gravity model and two-dimensional matrix based on the spatial mismatch hypothesis, and the results are visualized using ArcGIS software. This study finds that varying degrees of spatial mismatch exist between the level of tourism development, abundance of tourism resources and accessibility of tourism locations in the 21 cities in Guangdong Province. The gravity centers for tourism economy, tourism resources and tourism location are (113.55° E, 23.00° N), (113.69° E, 23.21° N) and (113.74° E, 22.86° N), respectively. According to the two-dimensional combinatorial matrices, synchronous development is shown in 10 prefecture-level cities for the tourism revenue-resource abundance combination, whereas it is shown in seven prefecture-level cities for the tourism revenue-tourism location combination. Guangzhou and Shenzhen are synchronous-double high zones for both combinations, while Foshan, Qingyuan, Yangjiang, Zhongshan and Jieyang are deviating-negative mismatch zones for both combinations. Furthermore, the vast majority of prefecture-level cities within the province currently present mismatching trends in tourism development. Based on the analysis results, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward taking into account the actual situation and opportunities for further tourism development in various prefecture-level cities.  相似文献   
彭国平 《气象科技》2017,45(5):876-881
利用湖北省闪电定位系统(Lightning Location System,LLS)资料,用网格地闪密度数据表征地闪的空间分布,测站距离因子表征探测站布局,对2015年地闪空间分布特征进行分析,结果表明,其密度与因子之间存在负相关,其中雷电流幅值5~30kA的密度分量与因子之间存在显著性相关,大于30kA的密度分量与因子相关不显著。同时发现探测站布局对地闪空间分布的疏密程度有一定的影响,因此有必要对密度进行修订,以消除测站布局的影响。运用线性回归方法及其残差理论,建立了网格地闪密度的修订模型和相对探测效率的统计模型。验证了密度分段修订和不分段修订结果的一致性。通过对理论探测效率和相对探测效率的对比分析,论证了地闪密度修订方法和相对探测效率统计方法的可行性。  相似文献   
地理本性进化与全球地缘政治经济基础探析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
王铮  韩钰  胡敏  朱艳硕  吴静 《地理学报》2016,71(6):940-955
从克鲁格曼的地理本性论出发认识全球地缘政治经济基础。本文通过收集2000-2012年的世界主要21个国家(地区)的金融业和制造业增加值,运用区位商模型分析世界主要国家(地区)的金融业与制造业发展集中度,同时对各国资源输出情况进行对比,最后进行聚类分析。结果发现:全球一体化使世界典型国家(地区)类型趋于明显,呈现新的“三个世界”特征:美国、英国、瑞士、新加坡以及中国香港属金融业主导国家(地区);泰国、中国大陆、韩国、德国、日本、越南和中国台湾属制造业主导国家(地区);加拿大、俄罗斯、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、澳大利亚和墨西哥属资源开发业主导国家;印度和法国目前在多领域均得到发展,属过渡型国家。这种地理本性决定的经济分工分类,是各国的地缘政治经济学基础,将影响他们的地缘政治经济学立场。  相似文献   
本文针对大量车辆的位置定位及其信息管理等主要内容进行了研究,给出了具有广泛扩展性的车辆监控管理信息系统的设计,并对其关键技术进行了探讨,最后给出了基于GPS与GPRS的系统实例测试分析。  相似文献   
刘琳 《干旱区地理》1999,22(3):30-36
着重对具相对性的特殊地理应用研究的基础上理论与方法的进行探讨,主要探讨了地图投影选择与图形处理为核心心的定位研究,特殊地理位置旅游辐射区定区原则与广泛旅游区位类型系统及其应用分析等方面的内容。  相似文献   
The coupled plate interface of subduction zones—commonly called the seismogenic zone—has been recognized as the origin of fatal earthquakes. A subset of the after-shock series of the great Antofagasta thrust-type event (1995 July 30; M w = 8.0) has been used to study the extent of the seismogenic zone in northern Chile. To achieve reliable and precise hypocentre locations we applied the concept of the minimum 1-D model, which incorporates iterative simultaneous inversion of velocity and hypocentre parameters. The minimum 1-D model is complemented by station corrections which are influenced by near-surface velocity heterogeneity and by the individual station elevations. By relocating mine blasts, which were not included in the inversion, we obtain absolute location errors of 1  km in epicentre and 2  km in focal depth. A study of the resolution parameters ALE and DSPR documents the importance of offshore stations on location accuracy for offshore events. Based on precisely determined hypo-centres we calculate a depth of 46  km for the lower limit of the seismogenic zone, which is in good agreement with previous studies for this area. For the upper limit we found a depth of 20  km. Our results of an aseismic zone between the upper limit of the seismogenic zone and the surface correlates with a detachment zone proposed by other studies; the results are also in agreement with thermal studies for the Antofagasta forearc region.  相似文献   
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