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高放废物处置库预选场地地学信息库的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李军  樊艾 《铀矿地质》1998,14(2):107-111
本文以高放废物处置库预选场地甘肃北山玉门镇地学信息库的建立为例,详细阐述了地理信息系统在高放废物地质处置中的应用,并在此基础上分析了其应用前景,为不同层次的管理、科研人员提供了全新思路;介绍了将地理信息系统技术引入图件和资料管理的优点。  相似文献   
The elastic and structural behaviour of the synthetic zeolite CsAlSi5O12 (= 16.753(4), = 13.797(3) and = 5.0235(17) Å, space group Ama2, Z = 2) were investigated up to 8.5 GPa by in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction with a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic conditions. No phase-transition occurs within the P-range investigated. Fitting the volume data with a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state gives: V 0 = 1,155(4) Å3, K T0 = 20(1) GPa and K′ = 6.5(7). The “axial moduli” were calculated with a third-order “linearized” BM-EoS, substituting the cube of the individual lattice parameter (a 3, b 3, c 3) for the volume. The refined axial-EoS parameters are: a 0 = 16.701(44) Å, K T0a = 14(2) GPa (βa = 0.024(3) GPa?1), K′ a = 6.2(8) for the a-axis; b 0 = 13.778(20) Å, K T0b = 21(3) GPa (βb = 0.016(2) GPa?1), K′ b = 10(2) for the b-axis; c 0 = 5.018(7) Å, K T0c = 33(3) GPa (βc = 0.010(1) GPa?1), K′ c = 3.2(8) for the c-axis (K T0a:K T0b:K T0c = 1:1.50:2.36). The HP-crystal structure evolution was studied on the basis of several structural refinements at different pressures: 0.0001 GPa (with crystal in DAC without any pressure medium), 1.58(3), 1.75(4), 1.94(6), 3.25(4), 4.69(5), 7.36(6), 8.45(5) and 0.0001 GPa (after decompression). The main deformation mechanisms at high-pressure are basically driven by tetrahedral tilting, the tetrahedra behaving as rigid-units. A change in the compressional mechanisms was observed at ≤ 2 GPa. The P-induced structural rearrangement up to 8.5 GPa is completely reversible. The high thermo-elastic stability of CsAlSi5O12, the immobility of Cs at HT/HP-conditions, the preservation of crystallinity at least up to 8.5 GPa and 1,000°C in elastic regime and the extremely low leaching rate of Cs from CsAlSi5O12 allow to consider this open-framework silicate as functional material potentially usable for fixation and deposition of Cs radioisotopes.  相似文献   
随着我国煤炭资源的枯竭,大量矿山关闭,遗留了广大的地下采空区场地。不少化工企业向废弃矿井内倾倒化学废液等导致了矿区地下水污染事故,威胁地下水水源地的水源安全。针对此类复杂场地条件下污染事故的应急处置案例和经验都非常少,本文以北方某废弃矿区地下水污染注浆帷幕应急处置为例,通过对矿区地质条件的分析、地下空间结构和地下水流场的刻画,构建三维地质模型,以模型为基础设计帷幕注浆工程并实施,研究复杂场地条件下开展帷幕注浆应急处置的重要内容和决定因素,并利用场地地下水样品监测结果,分析研究帷幕内外污染物浓度分布特征及差异,找出地下水运移规律,评价注浆帷幕效果。研究表明:在事故井周边100 m范围实施的帷幕注浆工程,对污染物运移的封堵效果显著,帷幕注浆内外污染物含量差距明显。一期检测结果显示帷幕注浆范围内地下水中二氯甲烷浓度最高1390 μg/L,帷幕范围外最高浓度仅为8. 07 μg/L;二期检测结果为污染物检出浓度大于5 μg/L的区域全部位于帷幕范围内,帷幕范围外均未检出。同时污染物的分布特征指示着地下水沿巷道运移成为最主要的形式,对地下空间结构的精准刻画是决定帷幕注浆工程成效的重要因素。  相似文献   
Early Estimation of Seismic Hazard for Strong Earthquakes in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A shakemap system providing rapid estimates of strong ground shaking could be useful for emergency response providers in a damaging earthquake. A hybrid procedure, which combines site-dependent ground motion prediction models and the limited observations of the Real-Time Digital stream output system (RTD system operated by Central Weather Bureau, CWB), was set up to provide a high-resolution shakemap in a near-real-time manner after damaging earthquakes in Taiwan. One of the main factors that affect the result of ground motion prediction analysis is the existence of site effects. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the local site effects and their influence in the ground shaking and then establish an early estimation procedure of potential hazard for damaging earthquakes. Based on the attenuation law, the site effects of each TSMIP station are discussed in terms of a bias function that is site and intensity-level dependent function. The standard deviation of the site-dependent ground motion prediction model can be significantly reduced. The nonlinear behavior of ground soil is automatically taken into account in the intensity-level dependent bias function. Both the PGA and the spectral acceleration are studied in this study. Based on the RTD data, event correctors are calculated and applied to precisely estimate the shakemap of damaging earthquakes for emergency response.  相似文献   
垃圾产生于社会的每一个角落,垃圾也反映了人类生活的各个方面。可是,直至最近,社会依然极少理会垃圾中真正蕴藏着些什么,以及垃圾能够告诉我们些什么。1973年美国图森市亚利桑那大学威廉·拉舍基博士(WilliamLRathje)及其同事们所建立并发展的垃级计划,标志着一门新科学──垃圾学的兴起,即垃圾的系统研究、垃圾产生、运移、利用和处置的机理以及相关的社会经济和环境问题。美国和其它少数国家的垃圾学研究所揭示的各种事实、定律和原理,正划时代地碰击着现代社会、社会心理学、市场和许多其它领域,大量的城市固体废物不仅意味着自然资源的巨大浪费,而且垃圾处理,无论焚化或者填埋,都对环境构成了严重污染的威胁,尤其是对地下水资源。垃圾的管理、再循环和处置费用是昂贵的,而且总是受到错综复杂的社会和法律冲突的挑战,纽约和美国东部其它人口稠密地区所面临的严峻形势就是最好的例证,解决现今进退维谷的垃圾问题,需要包括技术的、社会的、环境的、经济的、政治的、法律的和公共教育在内的多方面协作。中国正经历着令人振奋的经济发展时期。预计以现在的国民经济发展速度,以及因巨量人口而导致的社会消费的急剧增长,在未来10~20年内,很有可能导致严重的  相似文献   
高放废物处置库甘肃北山预选区地下水位动态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐明了甘肃北山预选区地下水位动态特征及其与当地大气降水的关系,并对其动态类型进行了剖析,由此得出北山地区地下水源自当地大气降水补给的认识。为处置库预选区场址评价提供了水文地质依据。  相似文献   
冰雪灾害条件下地质灾害应急抢险处置知识构成分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识库是冰雪灾害条件下地质灾害应急抢险决策支持系统的核心,知识库中的知识构成则是整个研究的基础。本文按照产生式规则法的知识表示方式,分别分析了冰雪灾害条件下地质灾害应急抢险处置知识的前提及结论部分的主要构成内容,并总结了应急抢险处置措施选择应该遵循的基本原则,另外还给出了根据知识构成抽取具体知识的范例,为冰雪灾害条件下地质灾害应急抢险知识库及决策支持系统的建立提供了基础性研究成果。  相似文献   
罗兴章  闵茂中 《地质论评》2001,47(6):658-664
随着世界各国大力发展核电,放射性废料的安全处置已成为当今研究热点和前沿学科。高放废物深地质处置的安全性主要取决于处置库内放射性核素向生物圈的迁移程度。在侵入岩中,放射性核素主要是通过地下水沿岩石孔隙从处置库向生物圈迁移的。为了理解放射性核素在花岗岩体接触带的迁移行为,本文根据两花岗岩体接触带中样品的铀系核素放射性活度比值(^234U/^238U,^230Th/^234U,^226Ra/^230Th,^230Th/^238U),利用 α-反冲(弹射)作用引起的放射性不平衡理论,计算了铀系核素子体^234U,^230Th,^226Ra在后期地下水的作用下在花岗岩体接触带及其裂隙内的迁出率、迁入率、并进行了质量平衡的计算。结果表明,经α-反冲作用进入流体的核素的迁出率要远大于因核素自然衰变的消亡率;裂隙充填物及裂隙能阻滞大量核素的迁移,其沉淀核素来自接触带花岗岩;花岗岩能强烈阻滞核素的迁移,可作为阻止放射性核素从核废料地下处置库向外迁移的有利天然屏障。  相似文献   
Deep geological repository involving a multibarrier system constitutes one of the most promising options for isolating high‐level radioactive waste from the human environment. To certify the efficiency of waste isolation, it is essential to understand the behaviour of confining geomaterial under a variety of environmental conditions. To this end, results from a near‐to‐real experiment, the full‐scale engineered barriers in situ experiment, are studied by means of a thermo–hydro–mechanical finite element approach, including a consistent thermoplastic constitutive model for unsaturated soils. Laboratory tests are simulated to calibrate model parameters. The results of the numerical simulations are compared with sensor measurements and show the ability of the model to reproduce the main behavioural features of the system. The influence of the hysteretic and temperature‐dependent retention of water on the mechanical response is exhibited. Finally, those results are interpreted in the light of thermoplasticity of unsaturated soils, which reveals the highly coupled and non‐linear characters of the processes encountered. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Bricks made of compacted sand–bentonite mixture are considered as a possible engineered barrier to isolate high-level radioactive waste at great depth. This work is aimed at investigating some specific effects related to the presence of discontinuities at the contact between the bricks and the excavation wall. In order to do this, an experimental device was developed in the laboratory. The model is made up of a specially designed infiltration cylinder which allows the precise definition of a planar discontinuity between the compacted specimen (a sand–bentonite mixture made up of sand and Kunigel clay from Japan) and a metal wall. During hydration and subsequent specimen swelling, the planar wall is filled, resulting in a healing process. Three total pressure gauges placed along the wall allow a detailed observation of the increase in total stress against the wall. After different periods of swelling, the maximum resistance of the specimen–wall interface to pressure was tested by imposing a pressure increase through a porous stone placed at one end of the cylinder. It was found that the maximum pressure supported by the interface is a function of the initial thickness of the discontinuity and the initial density of the specimen. It was also found that the maximum sustainable pressure depends linearly on the elapsed time. These results are of interest for optimizing water infiltration procedures in either mock-up tests or real disposal systems. If the maximum sustainable pressure at the interface is known, it is possible either to ensure homogeneous hydration of a mass of bricks by respecting the maximum injection pressure limit or to accelerate hydration by forcing water paths along the discontinuities.  相似文献   
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