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This paper presents a review of the advances in strong motion recording since the early 1930s, based mostly on the experiences in the United States. A particular emphasis is placed on the amplitude and spatial resolution of recording, which both must be ‘adequate’ to capture the nature of strong earthquake ground motion and response of structures. The first strong motion accelerographs had optical recording system, dynamic range of about 50 dB and useful life longer than 30 years. Digital strong motion accelerographs started to become available in the late 1970s. Their dynamic range has been increasing progressively, and at present is about 135 dB. Most models have had useful life shorter than 5–10 years. One benefit from a high dynamic range is early trigger and anticipated ability to compute permanent displacements. Another benefit is higher sensitivity and hence a possibility to record smaller amplitude motions (aftershocks, smaller local earthquakes and distant large earthquakes), which would augment significantly the strong motion databases. The present trend of upgrading existing and adding new stations with high dynamic range accelerographs has lead to deployment of relatively small number of new stations (the new high dynamic range digital instruments are 2–3 times more expensive than the old analog instruments or new digital instruments with dynamic range of 60 dB or less). Consequently, the spatial resolution of recording, both of ground motion and structural response, has increased only slowly during the past 20 years, by at most a factor of two. A major (and necessary) future increase in the spatial resolution of recording will require orders of magnitude larger funding, for purchase of new instruments, their maintenance, and for data retrieval, processing, management and dissemination. This will become possible only with an order of magnitude cheaper and ‘maintenance-free’ strong motion accelerographs. In view of the rapid growth of computer technology this does not seem to be (and should not be) out of our reach.  相似文献   
Species distribution models (SDMs) offer great potential for inclusion into the toolbox of today's marine environmental manager, especially with regard to marine conservation and planning. The application of SDMs in the marine environment over recent years has been varied but there are still relatively few examples in comparison with terrestrial application, and this is especially true in deep-sea marine ecosystems. This short article builds upon two recent review articles concerning the application of species distribution modelling studies in the marine realm, offering additional practical considerations for discussion. Recommendations for progressing the improved application of SDMs to support marine conservation planning are given, including combining model outputs with other data layers, metadata standards and model error. SDMs have both an urgent and long term contribution to make to marine conservation planning globally, and it is hoped that this article, in combination with developing research on marine SDMs, will contribute to some much needed discussion and inform best practice and new research to enable these models to be of greater use to marine managers.  相似文献   
The impact of dropped anchor on submarine photoelectric composite cables may possibly cause electrical faults, i.e. electricity and optical signal transmission failure. In order to study the impact capacity and structural impact failure mechanism, a test setup is designed originally to examine the structural and functional integrity. A detailed finite element model (FEM) is created, considering material nonlinearity and component interaction. A parametric analysis has been performed to predict the deformation of components and impact forces, under different impact velocities and collision directions. Relationships between the armor layer indentation rate and that of internal power and optical units are achieved. The impact deformation of internal entities can be evaluated intuitively by armor layer indentation. The proposed experimental and numerical methods are well correlated, suitable to assess the impact capacity of subsea power cables and assist the protection design of subsea power cables in engineering.  相似文献   
区域矿产资源技术经济评价方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产资源是国民经济发展的重要物质基础。因此,一个区域经济发展战略或规划的制定,都把矿产资源技术经济评价成果作为重要的依据。但国内、外在这方面的研究和实践多只限于某一单矿种或某一矿组;多矿种综合性的定量评价实例尚未见到。本文以区域内所有矿种的矿床、矿点、矿化点构成的整体,在地质评价的基础上,于技术可行的条件下对探明的矿产可利用储量在未来一定时期内进行工业开发的经济评价的理论和方法进行了研究。先以区内大量地质勘查和开发利用的实际资料,对矿产资源优劣类型进行定量评判,论述矿产资源经济价值,以其为基础对矿产资源经济区进行划分。再按区内优势矿产资源进行开发系统评价,并分别提出开发对策意见。最后论述矿产资源技术经济评价的主要结论,总结矿产资源开发中的主要问题,提出切实可行的措施和建议。  相似文献   
基于生态系统的上海崇明东滩海岸带生态系统退化诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带是资源与环境条件最为优越的区域,也是与人类发展关系最为密切的区域之一。本文选择上海崇明东滩海岸带生态系统为研究示范区,在对崇明东滩海岸带生态系统结构分析的基础上,基于"压力-状态-响应"模型构建海岸带生态系统退化诊断指标体系,定量评估了崇明东滩海岸带生态系统退化状况。结果表明,从2000年至2008年,崇明东滩海岸带生态系统整体上表现为健康,局部区域表现为轻微退化,轻微退化的面积分别为25.71km2(2000)、16.66km2(2003)、18.16km2(2005)和40.46km2(2008)。自然湿地生态系统是崇明东滩海岸带中一个重要的生态系统类型,2000年至2008年,崇明东滩自然湿地生态系统大部分面积保持在健康的状态,大规模的围垦工程和外来物种互花米草入侵是造成自然湿地生态系统退化的主要原因。2000年至2008年,崇明东滩农业生态系统整体上表现为健康状态,产业结构不合理和由于化肥、农药使用造成的环境恶化等问题,是造成崇明东滩海岸带农业生态系统局部区域发生退化的主要原因。人口增长和经济发展引起的现有资源的过度使用和环境恶化等问题,使得城镇生态系统健康面临巨大挑战,在2005年表现为轻微退化。本文的研究方法可为我国其它地区海岸带生态系统管理和建设提供理论依据和示范案例。  相似文献   
利用小型低空航摄平台和非量测小相幅相机,搭载动态GNSS/INS组合系统进行空三加密,研究无人机搭载GNSS/INS辅助在不同分辨率、不同基线数量条件下的像控点布设以及空三加密,并对其平面精度、高程精度进行分析,以实现利用少量地面控制点进行大比例尺地形图测图。  相似文献   
The Province of Khanh Hoa, Vietnam, is located in the western South China Sea and boasts a shoreline of 385 km and many islands. Previous studies have indicated the extreme diversity and abundance of coral reefs in its waters as compared with other coastal provinces of Vietnam. A study on the resilience of coral reefs against increased surface water temperature and anthropogenic impact is conducted at 19 reef sites in 2015. At each site, a series of parameters (e.g., coral covers, genus diversity, and coral recruitment, substratum heterogeneity, depth, water exchange level, and sediment deposit and water temperature) are measured quantitatively or semi-quantitatively. The measured data are rated based on the relationship between the parameter values and coral susceptibility; the consideration that reef health reflects the biological capability to adapt to environmental changes and the recruitment potential if bleached; and positive or negative influences of physical factors in the mitigation of thermal stress and protecting corals from bleaching. A cumulative analysis enables researchers to divide the studied reefs into four categories based on varying levels of reef health to support resilience, recovery, and vulnerability in the case of increased water temperature. Relevant management interventions for each category and other supporting activities are suggested to enhance management effectiveness and to plan the rehabilitation of coral reefs for biodiversity conservation and touristic development, taking into account the involvement of related stakeholders.  相似文献   
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