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In order to track the space-time variation of regional strain field holistically(in a large scale) and to describe the regional movement field more objectively,the paper uses a nonlinear continuous strain model focused on extracting medium-low frequency strain information on the basis of a region with no rotation.According to the repeated measurements(1999~2001~2004) from GPS monitoring stations in the Sichuan and Yunnan area obtained by the Project of "China Crust Movement Measuring Network",and with the movement of 1999~2001(stage deformation background) as the basic reference,we separated the main influencing factors of the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake in 2001 from the data of 2001 and 2004,and the results indicate:(1) the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake has a discriminating effect on the Sichuan and Yunnan area,moreover,the deformation mode and background had not only certain similitude but also some diversity;(2) The movement field before the earthquake was very ordinal,while after the earthquake,order and disorder existed simultaneously in the displacement field;The displacement quantities of GPS monitoring stations were generally several millimeters;(3) The principal strain field before earthquake was basically tensile in an approximate EW direction and compressive in the SN direction,and tension was predominant.After the earthquake,the principal strain field in the Sichuan area was compressive in the EW direction and tensile in the SN direction,and the compression was predominant.In the Yunnan area,it was tensional in the NE direction and compressive in the NW direction,and tension was predominant;(4) The surficial strain before the earthquake was dominated by superficial expansion,the contractive area being located basically in the east boundary of Sichuan and Yunnan block and its neighborhood.After the earthquake,the Sichuan area was surface contractive(the further north,the greater it was),and south of it was an area of superficial expansion.Generally speaking,the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake played an active role in the accumulation of energy in the Sichuan and Yunnan area.Special attention shall be focused on the segment of Xichang-Dongchuan and its neighborhood.  相似文献   
黄河 《气象研究与应用》2012,33(1):67-68,72
简述ADTD闪电定位探测仪的安装、调试的注意事项,对其中出现的问题进行总结,提出日常维护维修的要点及注意事项。  相似文献   
长输管道抗震研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要从以下4个方面:地震对长输管道的危害、长输管道震害的研究方法、管道抗震分析和管道抗震的措施,介绍了近几年长输管道抗震方面的研究进展,指出了今后长输管道的研究方向。  相似文献   
介绍了地壳流体CO2的3个主要成因:有机成因、变质成因及幔源成因,并着重讨论了CO2气体的稳定同位素13C的示踪性能;总结了由地壳释放CO2的主要方式、上升通道及其存在形态。在回顾地壳流体CO2等释放在目前地震监测、预报及相关研究中的主要研究进展的同时,指出地壳深部流体(CO2、He、CH4等)在同位素地球化学、深源流体运移与地震活动、深源流体对震源介质的影响等。此外,提出对深源流体监测不能仅限单一组分(CO2)的监测,需多种深源成分(He、Ne、Ar、H2、CH4)同时监测。  相似文献   
地震定位研究及应用综述   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
地震定位是地震学中最经典、最基本的问题之一,提高定位精度也一直是地震学应用研究的重要课题之一。本文就目前各种地震定位方法进行了大体分类并概述了基本原理及其应用,介绍了目前在国内各实时地震观测系统中应用的台网定位方法,同时将部分台网方法应用于黑龙江省绥棱爆破的定位。  相似文献   
This article extends a signal-based approach formerly proposed by the authors, which utilizes the fractal dimension of time frequency feature(FDTFF) of displacements, for earthquake damage detection of moment resist frame(MRF), and validates the approach with shaking table tests. The time frequency feature(TFF) of the relative displacement at measured story is defined as the real part of the coefficients of the analytical wavelet transform. The fractal dimension(FD) is to quantify the TFF within the fundamental frequency band using box counting method. It is verified that the FDTFFs at all stories of the linear MRF are identical with the help of static condensation method and modal superposition principle, while the FDTFFs at the stories with localized nonlinearities due to damage will be different from those at the stories without nonlinearities using the reverse-path methodology. By comparing the FDTFFs of displacements at measured stories in a structure, the damage-induced nonlinearity of the structure under strong ground motion can be detected and localized. Finally shaking table experiments on a 1:8 scale sixteen-story three-bay steel MRF with added frictional dampers, which generate local nonlinearities, are conducted to validate the approach.  相似文献   
结合地震地球物理观测台网台站监测工作实际,研制一款地震观测仪器自动监控软件。该软件适用于不同网络环境下IP类仪器设备的网络实时或定时自动监控,地球物理观测类仪器时钟、状态和观测数据的定时自动监控,能自动识别当日观测数据中的无效数据、变幅异常、干扰、地震和限幅等信息,无需借助其他硬件和软件即可将告警信息以短信方式发送给值班人员和管理人员,可实现对仪器原始观测数据的自动备份和手动恢复,及对仪器的一键重启和校正时钟等控制类操作,无需跨平台操作即可查看当日观测数据曲线及分析数据的完整性和有效性,从而实现对仪器的统一高效管理。  相似文献   
地震安全性评价和高层建筑的地震动输入   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文根据现行的中国地震烈度区划图中烈度的含义,指出在使用现行“建筑抗震设计规范”时存在的一些问题和与《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》的不协调之处。根据多年参加工程场地地震安全性评价的经验,总结了目前进行地震安全性评价过程中存在的一些问题。文中建议:针对高层建筑进行新的场地分类方法的研究;对高层建筑工程场地作地震安全性评价时,可根据高度的不同,适当简化安全性评价过程。  相似文献   
在讨论地震地质背景基础上,综合分析了震区的深部构造、地表活动断裂、地面形变、极震区展布方向、震害、余震分布、震源机制解等发震构造标志,并且进一步探讨了发震机制。初步认为北北西向罗明坝-太平断裂和北东向飞陵-丙麻断裂是2001年施甸地震的主要发震构造,二者具有共回轭构造活动的特征。  相似文献   
合成孔径雷达(SAR)影像具有明显的斑点噪声,在变化检测中,一般需要考虑空间邻域信息。本文结合SAR影像丰富的纹理信息,提出一种考虑空间邻域信息的高分辨率SAR影像非监督变化检测方法,用基于灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)的32维纹理特征向量构造差异影像。通过最大化熵法自动选取阈值,对精度指标随窗口大小的变化进行回归分析,得到适合于变化检测的窗口为11×11。试验表明,本文方法优于马尔科夫随机场法,可以减小斑点噪声的影响,有效提高高分辨率SAR影像变化检测的精度。  相似文献   
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