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1995年日本兵库县南部地震时在淡路岛上出现的地表地震断层主要由三条地表破裂带组成、野岛地震断层、松帆地震层和楠本地震断层。野岛地震断层从淡路岛北端的淡路町住西南延伸到一宫町的尾崎,长达18km,其北段沿着早期存在的野岛断层分布,而南段则作为新断层出现,野岛地震断层的断层的北段主要由一些相互平行或次平行的右列剪切断层和许多左列和性裂隙组成,其南段则是由集中在十多米宽的大量不连续的地表破裂带所组成。野岛地震断层一般走向N30°~60°E倾向SE,地貌错位和断层擦痕均显示出此断层为一具有逆断层性质的右旋走滑断层,沿一些主要露头测定的北段水平位移量一般为100~200cm,垂直位移量为5O~100cm;而南段的水平、垂直位移量均只有几厘米至20cm。最大位移量在平林断层崖测得;水平180cm、垂直l30cm、实际位移量2l5cm。松帆地震断层走向N40°~60°W,沿着淡路岛北端部的海岸线分布,长达约1km。楠本地震断层沿早期存在的楠本断层出现,分布于淡路岛东北部的海岸边上,走向N35°~6O°W倾向NW 。根据地表地震断层的形态及地貌错位特征,野岛地震断层可被分为四条断层段,并在形态上呈现右列。地质和地貌证据以及余震分布的特征清楚地表明这4条断层段的几何形态和分布特征是受早期存在的地质构造所控制的,同时也说明了地震断层的破裂过程具有拉分(pulling-apart)和推隆(pushing-up)的过程,这两个过程分别产生了张性裂隙、拉分盆地、逆断层和挤压隆起等构造。  相似文献   
针对走滑断层诱发的水库地震,建立了尖点突变模型,提出了发震的充要力学条件判据及地震释放能量的简单表达式。以突变理论分析为依据,建立了水库诱震机制的新假说,简称为断层带弱化与岩体软化效应诱震理论,较合理地解释了水库地震与岩性、构造、水位的关系及水库地震序列b值的特征。本文的讨论从整体上深化了对水库诱震机制的认识。  相似文献   
A general overview of some of the problems involved in earthquake catalogue handling is given as part of the works carried out into the ESC/SC8-TERESA project related with the seismic hazard assessment in two selected test areas: Sannio-Matese in Italy and the northern Rhine region (BGN). Furthermore, the necessary input data to be used in the calculation of seismic hazard has been obtained, including earthquake source zones and their seismic hazard parameters.The importance is pointed out of detailed analysis of seismic catalogues, mainly in relation to the use of aftershock information, the historical records of the region, and the possible temporal and spatial variation of seismicity, which could have an important influence on short-term hazard assessment.  相似文献   
The territory of Croatia and neighboring regions is divided into 17 seismic source zones, considering available seismological and geological data. On this basis, seismic hazard elements (seismicity rate, maximum magnitude, b-value, probabilities of exceedance and return periods for a predefined set of magnitudes) are computed using the maximum likelihood method appropriate for treating data-sets with variable completeness thresholds. The values of long term expected peak horizontal acceleration obtained by using a combination of the deterministic and the probabilistic procedure are the highest in the Dubrovnik zone, while the Zagreb zone has the highest earthquake hazard in the continental part of the country. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
鉴于我国目前正面临着本世纪第五个地震活动期,探索地震的发生规律,是个很重要的地学问题。作者在前期工作的基础上,提取了不同分量、不同阶次的区域地磁异常的特征线,并对比了 20 世纪以来大地震( Ms≥60)的分布,发现大地震多数分布在特征线上,特别是交叉点处。说明这些特征线反映了地壳深部构造特征,故对中、长期地震预报将起到重要作用。  相似文献   
利用FLAC3D软件对四川省雅安市汉源县二蛮山滑坡坡体进行建模,模拟降雨滑坡过程,并进行应力应变特征及稳定性计算分析,从而为深入研究地震及降雨诱发再次滑坡及防灾减灾提供可靠依据。研究中假设地震工况,对边坡进行详细的动力分析,得到了各监测点动力特征曲线;通过降雨工况下坡体稳定性系数分析得到了不同强度折减安全系数。研究结果表明,滑源区相对特殊的地形条件和地质构造以及不利的结构面组合是滑坡的基础;前期强降雨期间饱水加载以及大量雨水沿斜沟张裂结构面的下渗软化作用,是诱发滑坡发生的关键因素。   相似文献   
针对强震能否预测以及如何预测的科学难题,建立孕震断层多锁固段脆性破裂理论,发现强震孕育过程的指数规律:sf(k)=1.48ksc,其中sf(k)和sc分别为第k个锁固体断裂点与第一个锁固段膨胀起点对应的累加Be-nioff应变,可以利用锁固段在其变形膨胀点处开始发生的震群事件(加速性地震活动前兆)预测未来大震,并给出了强震四要素相关预测方法。通过对诸多历史强震(如邢台地震、海城地震、汶川地震、玉树地震等)的回溯性检验分析表明:强震可以预测,且其孕震过程都遵循着上述简单的共性力学规律。在此基础上,归纳出4种典型强震的孕震模式,即大震震级呈"大—小—大"型,大震震级呈连续上升型,锁固段快速连续破裂型与标准型。此外,根据相关强震预测理论方法,对有关抗震救灾未来研究的方向提出如下建议:建议加强活动断裂位置精确定位、性质判定的地震地质研究,并开展孕震区锁固段(闭锁区域)判识的地质与地球物理研究等。  相似文献   
We analyze the strong motion accelerograms recorded for the large (MS=7.7, MW=7.3, mb=6.4) Rudbar earthquake of June 20, 1990. The earthquake had a complex source process. We have identified the imprints of rupture of three localized asperities on the major causative fault on the accelerograms. These asperities are interpreted to correspond to (i) the main shock that initiated the rupture process and was located in the domino block between the Kabateh and Zard Goli faults, (ii) a foreshock that occurred about 10 s earlier in the Kabateh fault and (iii) a later shock, on the western end of the Baklor fault, which terminated the bilateral rupture process at the western end. We estimate the strike, dip and slip of these causative sub-event rupture planes using the SH spectral amplitudes, based on a point source representation of sub-events and a non-linear least square formulation for inversion of the amplitude data. The results of our inversion of the near field data are comparable to other studies based on teleseismic data.  相似文献   
Weak and strong ground motions were numerically predicted for three stations of the Ashigara Valley test site. The prediction was based on the records from a rock-outcrop station, one weak-motion record from a surface-sediments station, and the standard geotechnical model. The data were provided by the Japanese Working Group on the Effects of Surface Geology as a part of an international experiment. The finite-difference method for SH waves in a 2-D linear viscoelastic medium (a causalQ model) was employed.Comparison with the real records shows that at two stations the predictions fit better than at the third one. Strangely, the two better predictions were for stations situated at larger distances from the reference rock station (one station was on the surface, the other in a borehole). The strong ground motion (the peak acceleration of about 200 cm s–2) was not predicted qualitatively worse than the weak motion (8 cm s–2). A less sophisticated second prediction (not submitted during the experiment), in which we did not attempt to fit the available weak-motion record at the sedimentary station, agrees with the reality significantly better.  相似文献   
同震地表破裂带是地震破裂最直观的表现。地表破裂带的精细填图对理解地震破裂过程及发震机理有着重要意义。我们对5.12汶川地震映秀-北川同震破裂带南部的虹口乡区段开展了较为精细的填图工作,该区段地表破裂带的平面几何和同震位移特征沿走向均显示出公里尺度的横向变化和复杂性。根据同震破裂不连续性特征可把地表破裂分为4段,自南向北依次为深溪沟段、庙坝段、高原新村段和八角庙段。其中,深溪沟段和八角庙段同震垂直位错较大,达.5~6m;庙坝段同震垂直位移量普遍较低,1~2m或更低;  在高原新村附近,地表破裂带分为近平行的南北两支,北支以右旋走滑为主,南支以南东盘逆冲抬升为主,这与与映秀-北川同震破裂总体北西盘抬升的性质相反。本文对高原新村附近的反向陡坎进行了深入的探讨,并综合前人的研究结果,认为是破裂在从深部往上扩展的过程中,在浅表部位顺着发育在虹口东南部的大鱼洞-龙溪飞来峰后缘的具南东倾向的断面继承而成。与北川沙坝附近的反向陡坎一样,说明老断裂带构造几何特征对单次地震破裂的扩展有牵引作用。最后,讨论了八角庙有切割关系的两组断层擦痕的地震学和地质学意义,指出可能指示了映秀-北川断裂面上局部区段震前的初始应力水平较低。  相似文献   
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