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基于改进的哈丁模型建立了结构海床耦合系统的等效线性化动力分析模型。等效阻尼比是对土体进行等效线性化分析的重要组成,论文着重对土体阻尼对结构海床耦合系统的影响效应进行了考察。接触面分离力是运用滑动库仑摩擦模型进行接触面效应模拟的重要参数,在以前的工作基础上,文中提出了新的结构-海床接触面分离力模型并进行了考察,使其更符合实际情况  相似文献   
于2011年3月、5月、8月和10月对大连沿海10个排污口及部分排污口的邻近水域分别采集水样, 对样本进行细菌总数3M试纸计数、2216E培养基和TCBS培养基培养并菌落计数, 对不同菌株进行16S rRNA基因克隆测序, 鉴定种属, 对细菌时间、空间的动态分布与群落结构及细菌分布与生态因子的相关性进行了分析。结果表明, 不同的排污口之间细菌总数差别很大, 数量在(1.6—500.0)×104cfu/mL之间; 排污口与其邻近水域差异明显, 排污口、邻近5m、100m和500m距离的细菌总数全年平均分别为77.94×104、 34.00×104、 4.520×104和0.448×104 cfu/mL。不同季节之间, 远距离水样季节性差异较大, 而排污口间季节性差异相对较小。在群落构成上, 假交替单胞菌属、肠杆菌科、假单胞菌属、弧菌属和希瓦氏菌属为优势菌属, 检出率较高, 数量较大。细菌分布与多种生态因子具有不同程度的相关。  相似文献   
在时域内分析深水钢悬链立管在平台运动和波流载荷共同作用下的非线性动力响应;采用雨流计数法处理立管节点应力的时间历程,选用DoE.E型S-N曲线分析立管在单一海况和平台运动联合作用下的疲劳损伤;将各方向含概率分布的疲劳损伤进行叠加,得到立管整体的全方向疲劳损伤及疲劳寿命。平台的运动为六自由度的运动预报数据,波流载荷由某海域实际的波浪统计数据采用Morison公式计算所得。计算结果表明钢悬链立管疲劳寿命的极值点分别位于悬挂点附近和触地点附近,对立管疲劳寿命极值点各方向疲劳损伤分布情况进行了分析。所提方法为钢悬链立管疲劳分析提供了新思路,给出的结论对钢悬链立管设计分析有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
杨和振  姜豪  杨启 《海洋工程》2014,28(3):363-379
This paper proposes an enhanced approach for evaluating the fatigue life of each metallic layer of unbonded flexible risers. Owing to the complex structure of unbonded flexible risers and the nonlinearity of the system, particularly in the critical touchdown zone, the traditional method is insufficient for accurately evaluating the fatigue life of these risers. The main challenge lies in the transposition from global to local analyses, which is a key stage for the fatigue analysis of flexible pipes owing to their complex structure. The new enhanced approach derives a multi-layer stress-decomposition method to meet this challenge. In this study, a numerical model validated experimentally is used to demonstrate the accuracy of the stress-decomposition method. And a numerical case is studied to validate the proposed approach. The results demonstrate that the multi-layer stress-decomposition method is accurate, and the fatigue lives of the metallic layers predicted by the enhanced multi-layer analysis approach are rational. The proposed fatigue-analysis approach provides a practical and reasonable method for predicting fatigue life in the design of unbonded flexible risers.  相似文献   
This paper studies negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) under alternant and alternating current (AC) stress. Under alternant stress, the degradation smaller than that of single negative stress is obtained. The smaller degradation is resulted from the recovery of positive stress. There are two reasons for the recovery. One is the passivation of H dangling bonds, and another is the detrapping of charges trapped in the oxide. Under different frequencies of AC stress, the parameters all show regular degradation, and also smaller than that of the direct current stress. The higher the frequency is, the smaller the degradation becomes. As the negative stress time is too small under higher frequency, the deeper defects are hard to be filled in. Therefore, the detrapping of oxide charges is easy to occur under positive bias and the degradation is smaller with higher frequency.  相似文献   
本文采用分层分类和决策树分类方法,对黄河三角洲1986、1996、2009年3个时期Land-sat-TM数据进行了处理,提取了黄河三角洲湿地信息,分析了三角洲湿地20年间的动态变化。结果表明,湿地变化整体呈先增多后减少的趋势,其中人工湿地比重不断增加,面积增加最多的是盐田湿地,减少最多的是滩涂湿地,土地盐碱化加重;采用分层提取湿地信息的方法精度达到90%,结果优于监督分类和非监督分类。  相似文献   
空心块体具有良好的阻水和促淤功能,近年来被广泛用于生态修复工程。本文结合水槽试验及Flow-3D数值模拟,分析了开敞型和半封闭型空心块体的阻水效应和泥沙淤积特性。结果表明:空心块体的开孔率对内部水流流速、紊动强度起主导作用,开孔率较小的半开敞型空心块体减速、制紊效果更强;开敞型和半封闭型空心块体近底层悬沙浓度分别增大56%和75%,两者均有利于促进泥沙在块体内部淤积,近底层水流紊动越强,泥沙淤积形态差异越大;空心块体所营造的低流速、泥沙微淤、内外连通的水沙环境是大型底栖生物的生境需求,半封闭型空心块体内部的低紊动水流结构更有利于大型底栖生物的栖息、繁衍。  相似文献   
韩聪聪  刘君 《海洋工程》2016,34(5):92-100
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚高速(15~25 m/s)贯入地基过程中涉及到高应变率、流固耦合、土体软化和大变形等难题,模型试验可避免上述计算困难,能直接得出不同的贯入速度所对应的沉贯深度。本文首先推导了模型相似关系,然后在常规重力条件下,进行了两组26个工况的板翼动力锚在均质黏土中动力安装过程的模型试验,根据试验结果确定了率效应参数的取值范围,并研究了每一项受力对沉贯深度的影响。最后提出了在均质黏土中预测板翼动力锚沉贯深度的经验公式。  相似文献   
The offshore jacket platform is a complex and time-varying nonlinear system,which can be excited of harmful vibration by external loads.It is difficult to obtain an ideal control performance for passive control methods or traditional active control methods based on accurate mathematic model.In this paper,an adaptive inverse control method is proposed on the basis of novel rough neural networks (RNN) to control the harmful vibration of the offshore jacket platform,and the offshore jacket platform model is established by dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) method.Benefited from the nonlinear processing ability of the neural networks and data interpretation ability of the rough set theory,RNN is utilized to identify the predictive inverse model of the offshore jacket platform system.Then the identified model is used as the adaptive predictive inverse controller to control the harmful vibration caused by wave and wind loads,and to deal with the delay problem caused by signal transmission in the control process.The numerical results show that the constructed novel RNN has advantages such as clear structure,fast training speed and strong error-tolerance ability,and the proposed method based on RNN can effectively control the harmfid vibration of the offshore jacket platform.  相似文献   
珠江磨刀门水道咸潮上溯加剧的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对磨刀门水道不同年份地形资料和多年枯季潮位资料进行了对比分析,结果表明:大规模的河床采砂,引起磨刀门上游河段河床大幅下切,河道深泓平均加深0.59~2.25 m,河槽容积平均增加8.91×106~12.11×106m3,使该河段枯季潮差增大,进潮量增加,潮汐动力增强,导致咸水界向上游河段推移;口门围垦整治后,磨刀门口门区由众多岛屿环抱而成的内海区变成人工导堤控制的一主一支两条水道,水域面积减少了80%,河槽容积减少了40%,深槽趋于顺直加深,使口门区的调淡作用消失,这是咸潮上溯的重要原因;根据多年水文频率分析,发生严重咸潮灾害时,西、北江枯季流量并非都是枯水流量,因此枯季上游来水量变化并不是近年来咸潮灾害加剧的主要原因。  相似文献   
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