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以油页岩灰渣制备的水玻璃为原料,结合传统沉淀法和热风干燥工艺成功地制备了白炭黑。实验过程中研究了各种因素对白炭黑性质的影响,并确定了白炭黑的最佳制备工艺:水玻璃中w(SiO2)为8.1%、c(H2SO4)为1.5 mol/L,陈化时间为8 h,反应温度为70~80 ℃,pH值为8.0。透射电镜分析结果表明:采用热风干燥技术制备的白炭黑平均粒径约为50 nm,而且团聚体较少,性能优于烘箱干燥制备的白炭黑。  相似文献   
温度对藨草(Scirpus triqueter)分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在5℃、15℃和25℃温度下,研究蔗草(Scirpus triqueter)烘干样品和鲜样品的分解状况,探讨夏季受淹死亡的藨草分解动态及其与正常凋落物分解的差异.结果表明,5个月后,25℃处理下,藨草剩余干物质质量分别为初始时的31.20%(烘干样品)和19.30%(鲜样品);5℃处理下,蔗草剩余干物质质量分别为初始时的65.15%(烘干样品)和62.12%(鲜样品);25℃处理下的蔗草剩余干物质质量明显低于5℃处理下的蔗草剩余干物质质量;藨草的前处理亦会影响其分解过程,在5℃和15℃处理下,藨草鲜样品在前期的分解速度低于藨草烘干样品,但它们后期的分解速度无明显差别,而在25℃处理下,蔗草鲜样品的分解速度明显大于烘干样品.因此,在夏季丰水期,具有明显水文动态的河流中的矮小水生植物,在受淹死亡后,其分解速度较快,能对生态系统的物质循环和水质环境产生影响.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the effects of temperature, thickness of soil layer, wetting and drying cycles and soil types on geometrical structure of surface shrinkage cracks in clayey soils, special software Crack Image Analysis System (CIAS) for analyzing shrinkage crack patterns was developed. Eight groups of soil samples were prepared and subjected to drying to crack in laboratory. The number of crack segments and intersections, average crack length, width and aggregate area, crack intensity factor (CIF), and the corresponding probability density functions (PDF) of these parameters were determined by analyzing several crack patterns derived from different experimental conditions. The results show that the soil cracking behavior and the geometrical structure of crack patterns are significantly influenced by these considered factors. There is a tendency of crack length, width, aggregate area and their most probable value (MPV) related to the PDF increases with temperature increase. With thicker soil layers, the average crack length, width, aggregate area and CIF are increased, and the main distribution ranges of crack length, width and aggregate area are increased also. When the soil is subjected to multiple wetting–drying cycles, the soil surface generates more irregular and coarse cracks. The number of short and narrow crack segments increases significantly, and the CIF decreases with an increase in wetting–drying cycles. It is also observed that the extent of cracking is directly related to the soil fines fraction and its plasticity index (IP). The greatest CIF and crack width are observed in the soils with the largest fines fraction and highest IP. In addition, the ratio of numbers of crack segments to intersections ranges from 1.5 to 2, and cracking mainly takes place in three stages: main-cracks initiation stage; sub-cracks initiation stage; terminal stable stage.  相似文献   
华北地区气候暖干化的农业适应性对策研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对华北地区1951-2000年的气温和降水的统计资料进行分析,并作出年平均气温距平变化图和平均降水变化图,得出华北地区50多年来气候呈现暖干化趋势,气温明显升高,冬季表现最为明显,降水明显减少,夏季表现最为明显。接着采用降水量减去同时期蒸发力的方法,从水分平衡的角度分析了气候暖干化对地表水资源的影响,得出近50年来,华北地区年及季的水分亏缺量总体呈增加趋势,春季亏缺尤为严重,加剧了对农业生产的不利影响。然后通过大量农业实验数据,分析了气候暖干化对农作物产量、品质、病虫害及化肥农药的使用的影响,得出气候暖干化对农业生产的影响害处远大于利处。在此基础上分析得出华北地区农业应对气候暖干化的主要问题是水问题,然后通过具体实例和对实验数据的分析,提出以下具体建议与适应性对策:积极推广和普及农业节水技术;推广集水保水技术;因水制宜调整农作物类型,发展优势作物;合理调整种植结构,优化作物布局;加强宣传教育,增强农民气候适应意识。  相似文献   
对中国灵台黄土剖面1MaB.P.粒度时间序列和赵家川剖面3.6Ma风尘通量时间序列进行经验模态分解,探讨东亚冬季风和亚洲内陆干旱化的演变特征,发现,1)1MaB.P.以来,东亚冬季风波动主要周期是100ka,40ka和20ka,其中100ka的周期为主导周期;2)在100ka,40ka和20ka周期即偏心率周期、黄赤交...  相似文献   
羊庄盆地地下水资源丰富,是枣庄市和滕州市的主要供水水源之一。该文采用中子法和烘干法相结合的监测方法,对羊庄盆地不同位置、不同深度和不同时间段的土壤水分进行了监测,分析了土壤水分在空间和时间上的变化规律;土壤水分监测为求取有关水文地质参数和地下水资源评价提供了基础性数据。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the moisture exchanges occurring between soils and the surrounding atmosphere. Convective drying tests are performed on Awans silts at different drying temperatures and air relative humidities in order to reproduce the natural drying conditions. The experiments improve the understanding of the vapour transfers kinetics between the soil samples and the atmosphere. The experimental results are analysed assuming that the transfers take place in a boundary layer existing at the surface of the porous medium. The influence of the thermal conditions on the evaporation is also taken into account. In our model, coupled vapour and energy exchanges are controlled by mass and heat transfer coefficients characterizing the boundary layer. These coefficients are determined from the drying experiments. The modelling of the drying tests in non‐isothermal conditions is performed in order to validate the formulation of the vapour and heat exchanges. The numerical results present a good agreement with the kinetic of the materials desaturation determined during the tests. The analysis of the moisture transport mechanisms into the sample and at the boundary shows that at the beginning of the test, the drying is first achieved by the transport of moisture in its liquid form and its evaporation at the sample outer boundary in contact with the atmosphere. In a second step, vapour diffusion becomes predominant into the sample and it corresponds to the most important decrease of relative humidity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Drying of deformable porous media results in their shrinkage, and it may cause cracking provided that shrinkage deformations are hindered by kinematic constraints. Herein, we focus on slow drying of an initially water‐saturated sample of a microheterogeneous poroelastic material damaged by parallel mesocracks. The cracking risk is analyzed by means of the thermodynamics‐based microporoelasticity model described in the companion paper (Part I), which is extended toward consideration of the hierarchical organization of cracked argillite. Drying of a material sample is studied in a framework where macrodisplacements in direction of the crack normal are blocked, while elsewise macrostress‐free boundary conditions prevail. The model implies that the opening/closure behavior of the cracks is governed by an effective pressure, in which the average crack (under)pressure, making the crack opening smaller, competes with the average micropore (under)pressure that makes the crack opening larger. The driving force for crack propagation is a quadratic function of this effective pressure. The model proposes that if drying shrinkage deformations are hindered by kinematic constraints, onset of cracking becomes possible once air entry into the cracks is observed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To deal with the moving boundary hydrodynamic problems of the tidal flats in shallow water flow models, a new wetting and drying (WD) method is proposed. In the new method, a “predicted water depth” is evaluated explicitly based on the simplified shallow water equations and used to determine the status (wet or dry) together with the direction of flow. Compared with previous WD method, besides the water elevation, more factors, such as the flow velocity and the surface shear stress, are taken into account in the new method to determine the moving boundary. In addition, a formula is deduced to determine the threshold, as critical water depth, which needs to be preset before simulations. The new WD method is tested with five cases including three 1D ones and two 2D ones. The results show that the new WD method can simulate the wetting and drying process, in both typical and practical cases, with smooth manner and achieves effective estimation of the retention volume at shallow water body.  相似文献   
陕北榆林市既是我国重要的能源重化工基地, 又是生态环境极端脆弱的危急区。如何在气 候干旱化背景下围绕事关区域经济可持续发展的先导因素———水资源, 实现能源矿产资源可持 续开发, 保障基地的稳定发展是关系能源重化工基地生死存亡并危及国家能源安全的大事。本文 通过分析研究区气候变化及区域产业发展面临的各类问题, 提出应在科学发展观指导下, 以保护 性利用水资源为核心, 因地制宜地选用发展农业对策, 促进能源矿产资源合理开发。  相似文献   
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