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Statistical change-point analysis was applied to a spring time series of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) in Korea, and this showed that the total analysis period can be divided into two periods: a wet period (1975–1990) and a dry period (1991–2014). To investigate the deepening of the spring drought in Korea, a difference in the spring means between the 1991–2014 and 1975–1990 periods was analyzed with respect to large-scale environments. In the recent spring, a typical pressure system pattern in winter, which was an anomalous west-high east-low pressure system pattern, was strengthened throughout the troposphere around Korea. Due to the anomalous pressure system pattern, Korea was affected by relatively cold and dry anomalous northerlies. Furthermore, the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) was not intensified, and thus the supply of warm and moist airs into Korea was further reduced due to the upper-level jet moving further to the south. In order to determine the reason for the development of the anomalous west-high east-low pressure system pattern in East Asia, the difference in spring snow depth between the two periods was analyzed, and the analysis results showed that positive anomalies were predominant throughout most regions in East Eurasia. As a result, in the analysis of the ground heat net flux, negative anomalies were strengthened in most regions in East Eurasia. The cooling effect in the surrounding regions due to the high snow depth in East Eurasia strengthened the anomalous pressure system pattern as a west-high east-low type.  相似文献   
应用土壤水模拟模型研究区域干旱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
旨在应用平原地区土壤水模拟模型,给出区域旱精分析所需的干旱信息。以多年平均土壤含水量为判断旱情发生的临界函数,经过统计分析后,提出了一种适用于平原地区分析 区域旱情严重程度的实用方法和拟定评价旱情的定量标准。  相似文献   
淮河流域汛期20 d内最大日降水量概率分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用淮河流域158个站点1980—2007年夏季降水量资料,选取淮河上游、淮河中上游、淮河中下游、洪泽湖以下和沂沭河5个子流域,采用Γ分布函数分析了淮河流域首雨日 (前1日无雨) 和连续雨日 (前1日有雨) 的夏季多年降水的概率分布特点。通过对代表站息县、阜阳、商丘、淮安、连云港Γ分布概率密度与样本频率的对比分析和K-S检验表明:Γ分布函数能较好拟合分条件的淮河流域夏季雨日的概率分布,用该分布函数递推得到的1 d, 10 d, 20 d内最大日降水量概率分布比较规则合理。淮河流域5个子流域中淮河上游、淮河中下游、沂沭河流域在10 d,20 d内最大日降水量不低于10 mm,25 mm,50 mm的可能性更大。  相似文献   
2004年我国天气气候特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐良炎  姜允迪 《气象》2005,31(4):35-38
2004年,全国平均年降水量较常年偏少,且时空分布不均。春李至初夏,东北西部、内蒙古东部地区出现近50年来最严重的干旱;秋季,华南、长江中下游地区发生大范围的严重干旱。汛期,我国大江大河未发生大的流域性洪涝灾害,但局地性强降雨造成的暴雨洪涝和滑坡、泥石流等灾害比较频繁,四川、重庆、云南、河南、湖北、湖南等省市损失较重。全国年平均气温较常年明显偏高,但阶段性起伏变化较大,冬、春、秋季部分地区遭受低温冻害或雪灾,夏季南方出现持续高温天气。年内,有8个台风(热带风暴)登陆我国,其中台风“云娜”给浙江造成严重损失。雷雨大风、冰雹、雷击等局地强对流天气发生频繁。春季北方沙尘天气较上年同期增多。综合分析,2004年我国气候总体正常,气象灾害偏轻,属于偏好年景。  相似文献   
以四川盆地东部再生稻高温伏旱区为研究区,基于气象条件对腋芽萌发期再生稻生长发育的影响机理,采用结构方程模型探明了腋芽萌发的影响因素、影响路径及影响强度。进一步结合隶属函数和层次分析法,构建了再生稻腋芽萌发气象适宜度模型,并分析了1981—2021年研究区腋芽萌发期气象影响因素及气象适宜度的变化特征。结果表明:气温、空气湿度、降水是四川盆地东部再生稻高温伏旱区腋芽萌发的关键影响因素,基于以上因素的气象适宜度模型能较好地评价再生稻腋芽萌发期的气象影响。1981—2021年研究区气温适宜度、空气湿度适宜度及综合气象适宜度均呈下降趋势,降水适宜度没有表现出明显的变化趋势。气温适宜度、空气湿度适宜度及综合气象适宜度总体呈“西高东低”的空间分布特征,降水适宜度则表现为“东西高、中部低”。1981—2021年研究区气温上升趋势与空气湿度下降趋势显著,导致致害高温(日平均气温≥32℃)积温和致害低湿(日平均相对湿度≤65%)日数明显增加,这是再生稻腋芽萌发期气象适宜度总体呈下降趋势的诱因。  相似文献   
利用地面自动站逐小时观测、多普勒天气雷达及WRF模式高分辨率数值模拟,分析2016年7月塔里木盆地东北缘一次强对流天气过程中的阵风锋特征。结果表明,阵风锋前沿较强的辐合抬升运动不断触发多个对流单体,其中大部分单体与其后方的对流系统合并且进一步发展,使得强对流天气不断发展和维持。在对流系统快速发展阶段,阵风锋前沿水平风的垂直切变造成湿位涡的斜压分量显著增强,从而增强局地的条件对称不稳定,为对流系统的发展和维持提供了重要的不稳定能量。不稳定能量释放需要的锋生强迫作用主要是由阵风锋前方的辐合辐散项和倾斜项决定,而阵风锋前沿附近的水平形变项及其上方的非绝热加热项提供相对较弱的贡献。  相似文献   
Drought is a normal, recurrent feature of climate that affects virtually all countries to some degree. The number of drought-induced natural disasters has grown significantly since the 1960s, largely as a result of increasing vulnerability to extended periods of precipitation deficiency rather than because of an increase in the frequency of meteorological droughts. This increase in drought-induced natural disasters has resulted in a considerable growth of interest in drought mitigation and preparedness worldwide. The purpose of a national preparedness plan is to reduce societal vulnerability to drought through the adoption of preventive, anticipatory policies and programs. This paper describes a ten-step planning process that nations can follow to develop a drought preparedness plan. This process, originally developed in 1987, has been the basis of discussions at training seminars on drought preparedness for developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It has also been adopted, with appropriate modifications, by state or provincial governments and by municipalities. The process is intended to be flexible so that governments can add, delete, or modify the suggested steps, as necessary.Published as Paper No. 10946, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research Division. The work reported here was conducted under Nebraska Agricultural Research Division Project 27-007. This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ATM-8704050.  相似文献   
Truncation of the distribution of ground-motion residuals   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Recent studies to assess very long-term seismic hazard in the USA and in Europe have highlighted the importance of the upper tail of the ground-motion distribution at the very low annual frequencies of exceedance required by these projects. In particular, the use of an unbounded lognormal distribution to represent the aleatory variability of ground motions leads to very high and potentially unphysical estimates of the expected level of shaking. Current practice in seismic hazard analysis consists of truncating the ground-motion distribution at a fixed number (ε max) of standard deviations (σ). However, there is a general lack of consensus regarding the truncation level to adopt. This paper investigates whether a physical basis for choosing ε max can be found, by examining records with large positive residuals from the dataset used to derive one of the ground-motion models of the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) project. In particular, interpretations of the selected records in terms of causative physical mechanisms are reviewed. This leads to the conclusion that even in well-documented cases, it is not possible to establish a robust correlation between specific physical mechanisms and large values of the residuals, and thus obtain direct physical constraints on ε max. Alternative approaches based on absolute levels of ground motion and numerical simulations are discussed. However, the choice of ε max is likely to remain a matter of judgment for the foreseeable future, in view of the large epistemic uncertainties associated with these alternatives. Additional issues arise from the coupling between ε max and σ, which causes the truncation level in terms of absolute ground motion to be dependent on the predictive equation used. Furthermore, the absolute truncation level implied by ε max will also be affected if σ is reduced significantly. These factors contribute to rendering a truncation scheme based on a single ε max value impractical.  相似文献   
对万州区滑坡滑带土干重度的86个测试数据进行拟合优度检验,发现多种传统的检验方法都既可以接受正态分布也可以接受对数正态分布.在传统检验方法失效的情况下,引入了有限比较法,确定了干重度的最优概率分布为正态分布,并用统计模拟的方法分析了有限比较法选中真实分布的概率.  相似文献   
广西贺州地区气温和干旱的气候变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近30年的实际观测资料,分析贺州地区年平均气温和干旱指数的变化特征,结果表明:(1)贺州地区年平均气温有增高趋势,冬季和春季较大幅度变暖,带来"暖冬",夏季反而稍微降温,出现"凉夏",秋季稍有增温,但不明显;(2)贺州地区的年平均气温存在11 a和4a左右的两个振荡周期;(3)在上世纪80年代初,贺州地区干旱指数有一次明显的年代际变化,由负值转为正值,干旱有加重的趋势,未来几年贺州地区干旱指数仍处于增强的趋势中,这与11~13 a左右的振荡周期处于正位相有关.贺州地区4个站的干旱指数都有一个11~13a左右的振荡周期和一个2~6 a左右的振荡周期.  相似文献   
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