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用主曲率法研究裂缝性油气藏   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究裂缝分布是油气勘探中一个很关键的环节。目前,工程实践中一直靠经验对裂缝分布下定性结论。本文通过对裂缝的形成因素、特征、以及裂缝性油藏分布的研究,给出刻划裂缝分布发育程度的数学方法主曲率方法。并应用该方法研究某地区的裂缝分布情况。所得结论与地质资料和测井资料完全吻合,为下一步探井部署提供有效、科学的指导。  相似文献   
Semivariogram is applied to fracture data obtained from detailed scanline surveys of nine field sites in western New York, USA in order to investigate the spatial patterns of natural fractures. The length of the scanline is up to 36 m. How both fracture spacing and fracture length vary with distance is determined through semivariogram calculations. In this study, the authors developed a FORTRAN program to resample the fracture data from the scanline survey. By calculating experimental semivariogram, the authors found five different types of spatial patterns that can be described by linear, spherical, reversed spherical, polynomial I (for a<0) and polynomial II (for a>0) models, of which the last three are newly proposed in this study. The well-structured semivariograms of fracture spacing and length indicate that both the location of the fractures and the length distribution within their structure domains are not random. The results of this study also suggest that semivariograms can provide useful infor  相似文献   
为研究不同围岩条件下锚杆肋间距与锚固性能的关系,基于厚壁理论,对肋间距分别为12、24、36、48 mm的左旋螺纹钢锚杆锚固试件在套筒壁厚4.5 mm和6.0 mm条件下进行拉拔试验,通过测试拉拔力、拉拔力大于100 kN的位移量、套筒周向应变、耗能值等参数,探讨了不同围岩条件下锚杆肋间距与锚固性能的关系。试验结果表明:在不同的套筒中,即不同围岩条件下,随着肋间距的增加,锚杆拉拔力大于100 kN的位移量、套筒周向应变、拉拔耗能值相应增大;肋间距为24 mm时,锚杆拉拔力最大,相同肋间距的锚杆在围岩强度较大的条件下拉拔力较大;壁厚为4.5 mm的套筒周向应变均大于壁厚为6.0 mm的套筒,即不同围岩条件对锚杆控制其变形能力有重要影响;在不同围岩条件下,增大肋间距均可以提高锚杆的锚固性能。  相似文献   
为了解决低渗透油田不规则面积注水井网中油井见水时间的计算及其影响因素的定量表征问题,将面积注采井网单元细分为一源一汇三角形最小计算单元,运用非达西渗流流管微元法得到不同面积注采井网类型条件下的生产井见水时间计算通式.以鄂尔多斯盆地X油田为例,研究井网类型、储层非均质性和裂缝发育程度对低渗透油田油井见水时间的影响,并通过统计回归得到沿裂缝方向、裂缝半长与油井见水时间之间的经验公式.结果表明:储层非均质性和裂缝规模对油井见水时间的影响最大,井网类型对其影响程度最小;不规则井网或油井所在最小三角形井网单元差异较大时,油井见水存在一个阶梯上升规律;油井见水时间与裂缝半长呈幂指数减小关系.  相似文献   
三维起伏地表条件下的地震波走时计算技术是研究三维起伏地表地区很多地震数据处理技术的基础性工具.为了获得适应于任意三维起伏地表且计算精度高的走时算法,提出三维不等距迎风差分法.该方法采用不等距网格剖分三维起伏地表模型,通过在迎风差分格式中引入不等距差分格式、Huygens原理及Fermat原理来建立地表附近的局部走时计算公式,并通过在窄带技术中设定新的网格节点类型来获得三维起伏地表条件下算法的整体实现步骤.精度及算例分析表明:三维不等距迎风差分法具有很高的计算精度且能够适应于任意三维起伏地表模型.  相似文献   
董志良  周琦  张功新  邱青长  罗彦  李燕 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1306-1312
分析天津滨海新区浅层超软土加固处理存在的问题,提出常规方案、单排单管方案和单排单管加密方案。依托天津滨海新区某工程,开展现场对比试验。结合各种监测检测成果,对比分析3种方案加固效果,并提出进一步优化改进建议。工程实践表明,经过3种方案加固处理,吹填淤泥表层会形成具有一定强度和厚度的硬壳层,土体物理力学性质明显改善,均能满足后续吹填砂垫层和机械插板的施工要求。另外,单排单管方案和加密方案加固效果明显优于常规方案,尤其有利于硬壳层厚度的形成。从长远加固效果角度出发,单排单管方案及加密方案更可取。  相似文献   
史海莹  龚晓南  俞建霖  连峰 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):351-0355
基坑支护桩桩间距设计通常基于经验取值,并不考虑土拱的作用和桩间土的稳定性。基于Hewlett理论分析了基坑支护桩桩间土拱效应,并开展了对桩间土整体稳定性的研究,分别得出了满足两种稳定条件的桩身荷载分担比公式和桩间距公式。通过对设置在四种土质中的支护桩桩间土拱的计算分析发现:对于强度指标较高的黏土、粉土,桩宽比为0.5时,荷载分担比即达到100%,而对于强度指标较低的淤泥质黏土,桩宽比为0.8时,荷载分担比方达到100%;桩间土整体稳定性对于桩间距的要求较为宽松。对于常规桩径的支护桩,桩间距的设计应按土拱稳定为控制准则,但对于设置在内摩擦角较大而黏聚力较小土层中的大直径桩,应按桩间土整体稳定为控制准则  相似文献   
This article presents a new approach for the implementation of a planar-free surface boundary condition. It is based on a vertical grid-size reduction above the free surface during the explicit computation of a free surface boundary condition. This technique is very much similar to the well-known stress imaging technique. VGR-stress imaging technique name is proposed for this new free surface boundary condition (VGR stands for ‘vertical grid-size reduction’). To study the performance of the proposed VGR-stress imaging technique, it was implemented in a newly developed second order accurate in time and fourth-order accurate in space (2, 4) staggered grid SH-wave finite-difference (FD) algorithm with variable grid size. It was confirmed that the effective thickness (ETH) of first soil layer becomes less by one-half of vertical grid size than the assigned thickness (ATH), if stress imaging technique is used as a free surface boundary condition. The qualitative and quantitative results of various numerical experiments revealed that the proposed VGR-stress imaging technique is better than the stress imaging technique since it is free from the thickness discrepancy arising due to the use of images of stress components across the free surface. On the basis of iterative numerical experiments, it was confirmed that the stability condition for this FD scheme with variable grid size is It was also inferred that at least five to six grid points per shortest wavelength are required to avoid the grid dispersion. The maximum grid-spacing ratio up to 12.5 or even more did not affect the accuracy of (2,4) SH-wave algorithm. The obtained reduction of 10.46 and 5.38 folds in the requirement of computational memory and time for a particular basin-edge model, as compared with the homogeneous grid size, reflects the efficacy of the new FD algorithm.  相似文献   
I. Takken  J. Croke  P. Lane 《水文研究》2008,22(2):254-264
This paper outlines a conceptual and methodological approach to evaluating the risk of road derived runoff delivery, which is based on the principle of hydrological connectivity. Three different types of runoff delivery pathways are identified (stream crossings, gullied pathways and diffuse pathways) and the volume of runoff that may reach the stream through these pathways during a one in 10 year 30 minute event is estimated. The methodology is applied to three catchments of contrasting forest use, both plantation and native. Results show that degree of connectivity of a road depends on catchment characteristics such as the topography, road placement, drain spacing and road and drainage density. Maps outlining the distribution of different delivery pathways within a catchment are used to assess the potential for runoff connectivity. In one of the selected study catchments, the Albert River, greatest potential connectivity can be isolated to a single road. The upper part of this road crosses many tributaries resulting in high connectivity via stream crossings, whereas the lower part of the road is located within the valley bottom, where the majority of drains will contribute runoff during a one in 10 year event through diffuse overland flow. The presented methodology is also used to highlight hot‐spots in terms of runoff and sediment delivery through the creation of risk assessment maps, which allows for the evaluation of different procedures for road rehabilitation. Using examples from the Albert River catchment, we demonstrate that minimizing diffuse overland flow can generally be achieved by the placement of additional road drains, whereas at highly connected road segments the relocation of the road might be the only option. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
谢芸菲  迟世春  周雄雄 《岩土力学》2019,40(Z1):486-493
变刚度优化设计对于复杂环境中的大规模桩筏基础始终是一个重要难题。基于有限元分析提出一种两阶段优化设计方法,该方法首先根据传统均匀布桩方案的桩顶应力分布对群桩进行分区,然后依据每个子区域桩顶应力之间的关系确定基桩数量调整系数,最后通过调整桩间距来改变各子区域的基桩数量,从而实现变刚度优化设计。运用该方法对多层土体中承担非均匀上部结构荷载的大规模桩筏基础进行变刚度优化设计,计算结果表明优化设计后筏板的差异沉降、平均整体弯矩和群桩顶部的差异应力均显著降低。该方法计算简单,应用范围广,且不受复杂土层条件、非均匀上部结构荷载以及桩基础规模大小形状的限制。  相似文献   
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