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以一座主跨为820 m的双塔非对称单侧混合梁斜拉桥为研究对象,对其进行动力特性分析。运用相对运动法进行多点激励地震响应计算,分析行波效应对塔顶、主梁、塔底等关键位置动力响应的影响,同时对比分析入射角方向(即斜拉桥两侧相对方向)对其动力响应的影响。结果表明:与一致激励分析结果相比,多点激励使得主塔内力结果偏小,而使得主梁内力结果偏大;不同入射角地震激励对非对称大跨度斜拉桥的内力也会产生较大影响,内力变化可达20%。因此,在进行该类型非对称混合梁斜拉桥设计中,应考虑非一致激励效应和地震动输入方向的影响因素。  相似文献   
大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的动力特性分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
介绍了福建泉州后渚大桥——大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的现场环境振动实验.并利用频域中的单模态识别法(SDOFI)、峰值法(PP)和时域中的随机子空间识别法(SSI)分别进行桥梁动力特性识别。利用ANSYS建立了全桥三维有限元模型并进行了理论模态分析,基于参数分析和环境振动测试结果对有限元模型进行了标定,建立了该桥的基准有限元模型,该模型可服务于桥梁长期健康监测与状态评估。  相似文献   
为探究旋转地震动在大跨度悬索桥中的应用,首先,从线弹性理论和功率谱角度基于随机振动理论提出了6维地震动加速度功率谱模型;其次,基于MATLAB编制旋转地震动人工地震合成程序,从反应谱角度对合成地震动进行了正确性验证和拟合精度迭代调整;最后,分析了旋转地震动与地震动入射角对桥梁结构地震响应的影响。研究表明:人工合成的地震动平动分量反应谱与实测地震动的平动分量反应谱吻合度较高;六维地震动的主梁跨中竖向位移越是三维平动地震动的3倍,而主缆轴力峰值接近2.25E+05kN,约是三维平动地震动的1.3倍;旋转地震动和地震动入射角将会加大桥梁结构的位移响应和内力响应,且会减小塔底截面和桩最不利截面的安全性。  相似文献   
根据平截面假定,考虑超高桥墩大位移变形产生的几何非线性影响,建立超高桥墩的振动控制微分方程,利用变步长的龙格-库塔法进行求解,结合B-R运动判定准则,对超高桥墩在地震作用下的动力失稳机理进行研究。理论分析表明,超高桥墩的动力失稳与桥墩的几何尺寸、质量分布、边界条件有密切关系;桥墩动力失稳时刻随地震波加速度峰值的增大而减小;失稳时刻与失稳加速度荷载有对应关系。算例结果表明:本文方法正确,利用本文理论能够准确计算超高桥墩的失稳时刻及失稳加速度,对超高桥墩动力失稳的理论分析及工程实践有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
In order to study the dynamic performance of seismically isolated bridges under the most unfavorable loads in the longitudinal direction,a dynamic equation for vehicle braking in the longitudinal direction is established.A four or fiveorder Runge-Kutta method is adopted to obtain the time-history response of a wheel set under braking force.The quadratic discretization method is then used to transform this time-history into a braking and bending force time-history of a structural fixed node,and a dynamic response analysis of the seismically isolated bridge under the vehicle’s braking force is carried out using ANSYS,a universal finite element analysis software.According to the results,seismic isolation design results in a more rational distribution of braking force among piers;the influence of the initial braking velocity on the vehicle braking force is negligible;the location where the first wheel set leaves the bridge is the most unfavorable parking location;a seismic isolation bridge bearing constructed according to typical design methods enters into a yield stage under the braking force, while the shearing force at the bottom of the pier declines as the isolation period is extended;the design requirements can be met when the yield displacement of the seismic isolation bearing is less than 5 mm and the yield strength is greater than the braking force.  相似文献   
大跨度悬索桥几何非线性主要来自3个方面:缆索垂度效应、梁柱效应、大位移引起的几何形状变化。鉴于地震波高频成分振幅大,低频成分振幅小的特点,很难对地震作用下大跨度悬索桥几何非线性的影响做出定性判断。目前大跨度桥梁的几何非线性研究主要集中在斜拉桥,且不同的学者得出了不同的结论。本文以逐级加大振幅的Ⅳ类场地多条地震波为激励,通过对称与非对称的2座典型大跨度悬索桥的几何非线性影响对比分析,探讨了几何非线性对大跨度悬索桥重要地震响应量的影响程度及其原因,并提出了相应的抗震设计参考建议。  相似文献   
Nonlinear finite element (FE) modeling has been widely used to investigate the effects of seismic isolation on the response of bridges to earthquakes. However, most FE models of seismic isolated bridges (SIB) have used seismic isolator models calibrated from component test data, while the prediction accuracy of nonlinear FE models of SIB is rarely addressed by using data recorded from instrumented bridges. In this paper, the accuracy of a state‐of‐the‐art FE model is studied through nonlinear FE model updating (FEMU) of an existing instrumented SIB, the Marga‐Marga Bridge located in Viña del Mar, Chile. The seismic isolator models are updated in 2 phases: component‐wise and system‐wise FEMU. The isolator model parameters obtained from 23 isolator component tests show large scatter, and poor goodness of fit of the FE‐predicted bridge response to the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake is obtained when most of those parameter sets are used for the isolator elements of the bridge model. In contrast, good agreement is obtained between the FE‐predicted and measured bridge response when the isolator model parameters are calibrated using the bridge response data recorded during the mega‐earthquake. Nonlinear FEMU is conducted by solving single‐ and multiobjective optimization problems using high‐throughput cloud computing. The updated FE model is then used to reconstruct response quantities not recorded during the earthquake, gaining more insight into the effects of seismic isolation on the response of the bridge during the strong earthquake.  相似文献   
A new passive seismic response control device has been developed, fabricated, and tested by the authors and shown to be capable of producing negative stiffness via a purely mechanical mechanism, thus representing a new generation of seismic protection devices. Although the concept of negative stiffness may appear to be a reversal on the desired relationship between the force and displacement in structures (the desired relationship being that the product of restoring force and displacement is nonnegative), when implemented in parallel with a structure having positive stiffness, the combined system appears to have substantially reduced stiffness while remaining stable. Thus, there is an ‘apparent weakening and softening’ of the structure that results in reduced forces and increased displacements (where the weakening and softening is of a non‐damaging nature in that it occurs in a seismic protection device rather than within the structural framing system). Any excessive displacement response can then be limited by incorporating a damping device in parallel with the negative stiffness device. The combination of negative stiffness and passive damping provides a large degree of control over the expected performance of the structure. In this paper, a numerical study is presented on the performance of a seismically isolated highway bridge model that is subjected to various strong earthquake ground motions. The Negative Stiffness Devices (NSDs) are described along with their hysteretic behavior as obtained from a series of cyclic tests wherein the tests were conducted using a modified design of the NSDs (modified for testing within the bridge model). Using the results from the cyclic tests, numerical simulations of the seismic response of the isolated bridge model were conducted for various configurations (with/without negative stiffness devices and/or viscous dampers). The results demonstrate that the addition of negative stiffness devices reduces the base shear substantially, while the deck displacement is limited to acceptable values. This assessment was conducted as part of a NEES (Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) project which included shaking table tests of a quarter‐scale highway bridge model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对非规则人字形桥梁在地震作用下灾变严重的问题,以一座非规则人字形桥梁为研究对象,建立其空间分析模型,研究综合考虑支座摩擦滑移、结构碰撞对非规则人字形桥梁地震响应的影响。结果表明:邻梁间的碰撞作用可使得桥梁墩顶位移及内力相比不考虑时有所减小,但同时也使梁体产生了较大的加速度脉冲效应;当考虑支座摩擦滑移和结构碰撞时,固定墩墩顶位移和邻梁相对位移峰值有一定程度增大,然而对梁体加速度脉冲效应结果影响并无统一规律;纵向地震波作用下,非规则人字形桥梁不仅存在顺桥向的碰撞,横桥向的碰撞响应也不容忽视。非规则人字形桥梁进行抗震设计计算时应选取符合实际情况的计算模型,考虑支座摩擦滑移及结构间的碰撞。  相似文献   
冲刷桥墩基础的HHT振动频谱特性分析与判读研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尝试以移动车流为振动源,在明显受冲刷与未受冲刷桥墩系统上方一侧布设讯号传感器,接收桥梁下部结构因振动源所产生的振动讯号。再以经验模态分解法EMD与希尔伯特黄转换HHT作为讯号分解与振动频谱解析的方法,针对桥墩系统(桥梁下部结构)的Y方向振动讯号进行解析与判读。于EMD分析过程中导入间断性准则进行振动讯号分解。针对完整(未裸露)桥墩系统(P1),与跨河冲刷桥段桥墩系统(P2)的Y方向,进行频谱解析与比对探讨。由研究结果可知,EMD讯号分解过程可能产生模态混合现象,导致HHT图形中产生频率损失以及可判读区间缩短的现象。借由间断性准则的应用,可有效解决这些问题,获得判读性较高的HHT频谱图与边际频谱图。此外,HHT频谱图所得结果证实,桥墩系统Y方向的瞬时频率变化为一频宽带,其区间范围约在1~4 Hz之间。而由边际频谱图中可知,P1、P2的频率能量分别集中于2.5 Hz与1.7 Hz,可知P2的整体系统刚度小于P1。据此,明显受冲刷桥墩系统P2,其承载能力弱化的现象得以由HHT方法中明显呈现。  相似文献   
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