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基于GIS的日照市气温分布式模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表气温分布受多种因素的影响,尤以海拔高度和地形最为显著。以山东省日照市为例,利用1?5万DEM数据,借助研究区及周边6个气象站点1971-2000年的气温资料,运用ARC/INFO软件对气温数据进行样条函数法内插后,通过气温直减率法和辐射差值与温度的相关关系对内插结果进行海拔高度和地形的订正,得到研究区实际地表温度空间分布图,为日照市农业实践活动提供气温空间分布资料。  相似文献   
联合国教科文组织创意城市网络“设计之都”神户市在日本率先明确将城市设计运用于创意城市建设,提出涵盖外观形状和颜色设计以及计划与制度体系、意图与思维方式的“大设计”概念,并在此基础上制定了以建设优裕的创意城市为目标的城市发展规划,提出城市发展的方向是建设“高质量生活”,以安全、安心、健康为基础,以多样性交流与融合创造新价值为特征的创意城市.“设计之都”是创意城市建设的步骤之一,其特征是充分利用神户的优势资源,进行空间的设计、经济的设计和文化的设计.  相似文献   
根据泰安市区域矿产开发特点,及时掌握矿山企业开采情况,通过加强采矿登记现场预审查、开展矿山开采督察和采矿权人矿产资源开发利用年查等措施,强化了矿产资源开发过程中的监督管理,维护了正常开采秩序及采矿权人的合法权益。  相似文献   
MT时间序列的FIR数字滤波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大地电磁测深法(MT)野外观测得到的原始资料是包含多种频谱的时间序列,这种时间序列中常包含不需要的信息和50 Hz及其谐波的干扰。结合FIR数字滤波技术与MT时间序列的特征,提出了一种基于FIR数字滤波技术的MT时间序列去噪方法,讨论了FIR数字滤波器的原理和实现,分析了理论数据通过FIR数字滤波的带通和陷波处理,探讨了对实测时间序列的带通和陷波所取得的效果。  相似文献   
To quantify landscape change resulting from processes of erosion and deposition and to establish spatially distributed sediment budgets, ‘models of change’ can be established from a time series of digital elevation models (DEMs). However, resolution effects and measurement errors in DEMs may propagate to these models. This study aimed to evaluate and to modify remotely‐sensed DEMs for an improved quantification of initial sediment mass changes in an artificially‐created catchment. DEMs were constructed from photogrammetry‐based, airborne (ALS) and ground‐based laser scanning (TLS) data. Regions of differing morphological characteristics and vegetation cover were delineated. Three‐dimensional (3D) models of volume change were established and mass change was derived from these models. DEMs were modified region‐by‐region for rill, interrill and alluvial areas, based on logical and hydro‐geomorphological principles. Additional DEMs were constructed by combining multi‐source, modified data. Models were evaluated by comparison with d‐GPS reference data and by considering sediment budget plausibility. Comprehensive evaluation showed that DEM usability depends on a relation between the technique used to obtain elevation data, surface morphology and vegetation cover characteristics. Photogrammetry‐based DEMs were suited to quantification of change in interrill areas but strongly underestimated surface lowering in erosion rills. TLS DEMs were best suited to rill areas, while ALS DEMs performed best in vegetation‐covered alluvial areas. Agreement with reference data and budget plausibility were improved by modifications to photogrammetry‐ and TLS‐based DEMs. Results suggest that artefacts in DEMs can be reduced and hydro‐geomorphic surface structures can be better represented by applying region‐specific modifications. Photogrammetry‐based DEMs can be improved by combining higher and lower resolution data in defined structural units and applying modifications based on principles given by characteristic hydro‐geomorphic evolution. Results of the critical comparative evaluation of remotely‐sensed elevation data can help to better interpret DEM‐based quantifications of earth‐surface processes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
大力发展“数字重庆”建设,是充分发挥重庆独特的区位优势,实现社会生产力跨越式发展,推动重庆经济快速发展的最佳切入点,是跻身世界级城市的必由之路。本文结合重庆本地的实际情况,因地制宜,在“数字重庆”的建设方略与发展思路上进行了初探。  相似文献   
程叶青  翟梦潇  王莹  张金萍 《地理科学》2019,39(12):1902-1909
在中国社会经济转型过程中,快速的城镇化导致城镇人口剧增、基础服务设施滞后、城乡差距拉大等系列问题,新型城镇化战略为解决这些问题提供新的思路和方向,为建设可持续城市和城乡一体化发展提供美好蓝图。以城镇化和城乡统筹发展等理论为指导,分析了海南省琼海市城镇化建设过程及成效,并以潭门镇、博鳌镇和龙寿洋国家农业公园为案例,提炼出3种不同类型区域的新型城镇化发展模式,并分析其特征及驱动力,为海南省其他类似地区新型城镇化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
LBS (location-based service) is a remarkable outcome of the development from GIS to geospatial information service. Faced by the requirements of geospatial information from the masses and the opportunity provided by the next generation Internet and Web 2.0, a new model of geospatial information service based on DMI (digital measurable image) is presented. First, the concept of LBS and the opportunities of Web 2.0 are introduced, then the characteristic of DMI is discussed. Taking the Image City·Wuhan as an ...  相似文献   
针对城区内涝淹没范围和水深模拟问题,该文提出了一种基于约束Delaunay不规则三角网与三棱柱的城区内涝淹没模拟算法。该算法以沿地面三角形的顶点垂直向上引垂线形成的三棱柱为计算单元,通过"等体积"的方法,建立时间序列切片下的淹没水深和积水量的关系,据此实现淹没范围和水深模拟。以北京师范大学(简称"北师大")主校区为例,对单汇水区的水面高程上升模拟结果与实际观测值进行对比,基本吻合;并与传统栅格DEM的淹没效果进行了对比,表明该算法正确有效。  相似文献   
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