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Source mechanism of intermediate and deep earthquakes in southern Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Focal mechanisms of 10 intermediate-depth earthquakes (30delamination process. The existence of the very deep activity at 650 km of depth may be explained in terms of a block of lithospheric material that still cold and rigid, generates the very deep earthquakes.  相似文献   
岩石圈结构和深部过程对理解成矿带和大型矿集区的形成十分重要。岩石圈尺度的地球动力学过程将在地壳中留下各种结构的或物质的"痕迹",这些"痕迹"可以通过地球物理的手段去探测。为深入理解长江中下游成矿带形成的深部动力学过程,作者在国家深部探测专项(SinoProbe)和国家自然科学基金重点项目支持下,在长江中下游成矿带开展了综合地球物理探测。方法包括宽频地震、深地震反射、广角反射/折射和大地电磁测深。数据处理和反演结果取得一系列新发现:(1)成矿带上地幔顶部存在低速体,在中心深度300km处有一向SW倾斜的高速体;(2)S波接收函数证实成矿带岩石圈较薄,只有50~70km;横波分裂结果显示,成矿带上地幔各向异性方向和强度与邻区有较大区别,显示平行成矿带(NE-SW向)的上地幔变形和流动;(3)深反射地震揭示成矿带上地壳曾发生强烈挤压变形,以紧闭褶皱、逆冲和推覆为特征;在宁芜火山岩盆地、长江断裂带和郯庐断裂之下出现"鳄鱼嘴"构造,指示上下地壳在挤压变形过程中解耦;深反射地震证实发生过陆内俯冲和叠瓦,并认为是岩石圈增厚和拆沉的主导机制;(4)广角反射和大地电磁反演给出了跨成矿带地壳剖面的速度和电性结构,速度和电阻率分布总体上与构造单元相吻合。本文分析和解释了这些发现的地质意义,并结合近年在长江中下游地区的地球化学研究进展,提出了成矿带地球动力学模型。该模型认为:中、晚侏罗世陆内俯冲、岩石圈拆沉、幔源岩浆底侵和MASH过程造就了长江中下游世界级成矿带的形成。  相似文献   
TheTonglingarea,whichiscalledtheChineseCopperCapital,isoneofthemostimportantnon-ferrousmetalproducersinChina(e.g.Cu,AuandAg,especiallyCu).ManyresearchershavenotedthatthemetaldepositsarecloselyrelatedtotheMesozoicintrusiverocksinthisarea.Therefore,theTongl…  相似文献   
对安妥岭斑岩钼矿床矿石中辉钼矿和黄铁矿进行了Pb同位素分析。安妥岭黄铁矿样品投点位于下地壳铅演化趋势线附近,辉钼矿样品投点位于上地幔铅演化趋势线附近;在Pb同位素Δβ-Δγ图解中,安妥岭样品数据点位于地幔源区和造山作用源区。这些Pb同位素特征表明安妥岭斑岩钼矿的成矿物质来源于上地幔-下地壳。同时,安妥岭斑岩钼Pb同位素示踪揭示了成矿期的构造运动波及到上地幔-下地壳,与安妥岭岩石圈拆沉作用这一深部动力学过程相吻合,安妥岭斑岩钼矿受控于太行山板内造山过程,其形成与太平洋板块的俯冲作用无关。  相似文献   
The Songpan–Garze fold belt covers a huge triangular area (> 200,000 km2), confined by the South China (Yangtze), North China and Tibetan Plateau continental blocks. In the Songpan–Garze fold belt, Triassic adakitic granitoids have been identified. However, whether there are Triassic A-type granites is unclear. Here, we report our first finding of an A-type granite (Nianbaoyeche), which occurs in the central part of the Songpan–Garze fold belt. The Nianbaoyeche granite ( 820 km2) is characterized by arfvedsonite in its mineral assemblage. Using both LA-ICPMS and TIMS U–Pb zircon dating methods, we obtain a magma crystallization age of 211 ± 1 Ma, which is slightly younger than Triassic adakitic granitoids (216–221 Ma) in the Songpan–Garze fold belt. The Nianbaoyeche granite is enriched in Si, K, Na, Rb, REE, HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf), with elevated FeOtot/(FeOtot + MgO) and Ga/Al ratios, but is depleted in Al, Mg, Ca, Ba and Sr. The REE compositions show moderately fractionated patterns with (La/Yb)N = 2.67–7.54 and Eu/Eu = 0.09–0.34. These geochemical characteristics indicate that the Nianbaoyeche granite has an A-type affinity. Geochemical data and U–Pb zircon age, combined with regional studies, show that the Nianbaoyeche granite formed in a post-collisional tectonic setting. Sr–Nd isotopic data for the granite exhibit ISr = 0.7090–0.7123 and εNd(t) = − 2.72 to − 4.26 with TDM = 1.15–1.51 Ga, suggesting that the magma has a dominantly crustal source, though a minor contribution from the mantle cannot be ruled out. Melting to produce an A-type granite may have resulted from Triassic lithospheric delamination after Triassic crustal thickening of the Songpan–Garze fold belt due to convergence between the Yangtze, North China and North Tibet continental blocks. The lithospheric delamination model also helps to explain the Triassic adakitic magma generation in the Songpan–Garze belt. We conclude that association of A-type granite and adakitic granitoids in post-collisional environment could be a useful indicator of lithospheric delamination.  相似文献   
梁涛  卢仁 《地质论评》2023,69(5):1741-1762
崤山北部早白垩世侵入岩的简单年龄结果中包含了复杂地质信息,6个岩株的侵位年龄集中于~130 Ma和~145 Ma两期,复杂的单颗粒锆石年龄谱为反演区域构造背景提供了新途径。白石崖岩株锆石的U-Pb年龄和微量元素特征不仅对探讨其岩石成因和深部过程具有重要作用,而且为建立崤山北部燕山期侵入岩的精细的年代学框架和整合的成因模型提供新限定。白石崖岩株定年样品BSY03为斑状黑云母二长花岗岩,3次LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测试中分析了77个测点,其中73个有效测点的年龄值分成~132 Ma(15个)、~145 Ma(49个)和~158 Ma(9个)3个年龄组,形成了锆石年龄谱,最晚一组加权平均年龄132.1±1.0 Ma为白石崖岩株的形成时代。3组年龄锆石均显示了轻稀土亏损和重稀土富集的特征,整体为Ce正异常及Pr、Nd负异常,~145 Ma和~158 Ma两组锆石的稀土总量分别为694×10-6~2213×10-6(平均值1309×10-6)和950×10-6~1849×10-6(...  相似文献   
关于华北克拉通燕山期岩石圈减薄作用,主要有两种模型:(1)岩石圈拆沉;(2)热侵蚀和/或化学交代。文中主要从岩浆活动与构造变形两个途径,通过(1)燕山带造山幕和结构要素组合以及造山过程的p-T-t轨迹;(2)收缩构造变形、火成岩构造组合和下地壳岩石捕虏体3个独立证据提出陆壳的构造加厚;(3)火成岩成因的壳幔相互作用模型和热模拟等,试图讨论华北地区克拉通有浮力的岩石圈如何转变为密度大的岩石圈,随之发生拆沉作用,而不是热侵蚀或化学交代机制使岩石圈地幔改造为EMI印记实现的减薄作用。大量对流的软流圈物质注入克拉通是诱发陆壳发生局部熔融所必需的条件。底侵玄武质岩浆的加热并弱化先前的冷和强的克拉通地壳,创造一个流变学条件,以使收缩构造变形和陆壳加厚成为可能。陆壳最下部和岩石圈地幔中形成的大量玄武质岩石,在构造加厚作用下,相转变为榴辉岩,致使原先有浮力的岩石圈转变为密度大的岩石圈,随之发生拆沉作用。  相似文献   
The Dexing adakitic porphyries (quartz diorite–granodioriteporphyries), associated with giant porphyry Cu deposits, arelocated in the interior of a continent (South China). They exhibitrelatively high MgO, Cr, Ni and Sr contents, high La/Yb andSr/Y ratios, but low Yb and Y contents, similar to adakitesproduced by slab melting associated with subduction. However,they are characterized by bulk Earth-like Nd–Sr isotopecompositions (Nd(t) = –1·14 to +1·80 and(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0·7044 – 0·7047), and highTh (12·6–27·2 ppm) contents and Th/Ce (0·19–0·94)ratios, which are different from those of Cenozoic slab-derivedadakites. Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP)geochronology studies of zircons reveal that the Dexing adakiticporphyries have a crystallization age of 171 ± 3 Ma.This age is contemporaneous with Middle Jurassic extension withinthe Shi-Han rift zone, and within-plate magmatism elsewherein South China, indicating that the Dexing adakitic porphyrieswere probably formed in an extensional tectonic regime in theinterior of the continent rather than in an arc setting. Theirhigh Th contents and Th/Ce ratios, and Middle Jurassic age,argue against an origin from a Neoproterozoic (1000 Ma) stalledslab in the mantle. Taking into account available data for theregional metamorphic–magmatic rocks, and the present-daycrustal thickness (31 km) in the area, we suggest that the Dexingadakitic porphyries were most probably generated by partialmelting of delaminated lower crust, which was possibly triggeredby upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle due to the activityof the Shi-Hang rift zone. Moreover, the Dexing adakitic magmasmust have interacted with the surrounding mantle peridotiteduring their ascent, which elevated not only their MgO, Cr andNi contents, but also the oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the mantle.The high fO2 could have induced oxidation of metallic sulfidesin the mantle and mobilization of chalcophile elements, whichare required to produce associated Cu mineralization. Therefore,the Cu metallogenesis associated with the Dexing adakitic porphyriesis probably related to partial melting of delaminated lowercrust, similar to the metallogenesis accompanying slab melting. KEY WORDS: adakite; lower crust; delamination; porphyry copper deposit, South China  相似文献   
豫西崤山后河岩体LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
与豫西小秦岭和熊耳山地区相类似,崤山北部也出露一系列中酸性小岩体,但与之相关的成矿作用明显较弱,因此长期未获得应有的关注。崤山北部小岩体的形成时代与区域成岩成矿时代之间的匹配关系对其深部构造演化研究及成矿潜力评价具有重要意义,鉴于此,作者对后河岩体进行了LA—ICP—MS锆石U-Db定年。后河岩体定年样品HH01的岩性为中一细粒黑云母二长花岗岩,30个锆石测点中有27个测点的测定值位于207PB/235U-206Pb/238U一致线上,相应的206Pb/238U年龄介于124~134Ma之间,加权平均年龄为128±1Ma(MSWD=I.02),属早白垩世。后河岩体是岩石圈拆沉作用的产物,其形成时代处在东秦岭地区广泛而强烈的成岩成矿作用时限内,且显示了Au、Ag、Cu、Mo、W等元素的异常富集,具有较大的内生金属成矿潜力。  相似文献   
秦岭造山是一个非常有特色的碰撞造山带,来自地球物理、地球化学以及地质学的证据说明秦岭造山带中发生过拆沉作用,笔者主要讨论了北秦岭造山发生拆沉作用地地球物理、地球化学以及地质学证据,重点运用北秦岭地壳的地球化学特征进行对经,并用拆沉作用解释商丹地区的一些特殊地质现象。  相似文献   
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