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末次冰消期东亚季风区西北缘气候快速变化事件   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对中卫剖面和米浪沟湾剖面的年代学与高分辨率气候地层记录的研究,认为末次冰消期东亚季风区西北缘发生气候快速变化事件,它可分辨出古仙女木、波令、老仙女木、阿勒鲁德、IACP和新仙女木等6个气候阶段,并可与格陵兰冰心(GISP2)检出的6个气候阶段相对比。气候快速变化事件以快速变化、不稳定、多波动为特征,表现为冷干-暖湿-冷干-凉湿-暖干-冷干-冷湿的交替变化。冰消期冬、夏季风有较为复杂的消长关系,冰阶时二者互为消长,间冰阶时并不完全互为消长。冬季风在波令和阿勒鲁德暖期较新仙女木冷期强盛,这是北半球高纬度海区海冰面积在暖期缩小、冷期扩大而影响亚洲大陆蒙古一西伯利亚高压暖期增强、冷期减弱的结果;夏季风则与格陵兰冰心δ^18O的变化具有一致性,其强弱与北半球高纬地区有紧密联系,这种联系可能不是通过季风锋面降水带建立起来的,而可能是海冰面积变化导致厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)爆发造成的。  相似文献   
Cyclostratigraphic analysis conducted on a continuous high-resolution marine record from the western most Mediterranean reveals well-identified paleoclimate cycles for the last 20,000 yr. The detrital proxies used (Si/Al, Ti/Al, Zr/Al, Mg/Al, K/Al, Rb/Al) are related to different sediment-transport mechanisms, including eolian dust and fluvial runoff, which involve fluctuations in the atmosphere–hydrosphere systems. These fluctuations are accompanied by changes in marine productivity (supported by Ba/Al) and bottom-water redox conditions (Cu/Al, V/Al, Zn/Al, Fe/Al, Mn/Al, U/Th). Spectral analysis conducted using the Lomb–Scargle periodogram and the achieved significance level implemented with the permutation test allowed us to establish major periodicities at 1300, 1515, 2000, and 5000 yr, and secondary peaks at 650, 1087, and 3000 yr. Some of these cycles also agree with those previously described in the North Atlantic Ocean and circum-Mediterranean records. The periodicities obtained at 2000 and 5000 yr support a global connection with records distributed at high, mid, and low latitudes associated with solar activity, monsoonal regime and orbital forcing. The 1300- and 1515-yr cycles appear to be linked with North Atlantic climate variability and the African monsoon system. Thus, the analyzed record provides evidence of climate cycles and plausible forcing mechanisms coupled with ocean–atmosphere fluctuations.  相似文献   

内蒙古东部植被是我国北方重要的生态系统屏障,东亚夏季风降水变化是影响当地水资源分布、植被演替、农牧业经济发展的重要因素。为了更好预测未来季风边缘带植被景观、降水变化趋势和评估干旱事件可能产生的影响,需要在该区域开展更多地质增温期历史相似型研究。本文选择生态系统脆弱、对夏季风变化响应敏感的内蒙古东部布日敦湖作为研究点,通过钻取长386 cm的湖泊沉积物并选取底部厚度176 cm(386~210 cm),分析其中的花粉指标,结合高精度AMS 14C测年,来重建该地区末次冰消期高分辨率植被演替过程和降水不稳定性特征。结果表明,布日敦湖岩芯386~210 cm沉积物年代跨度为14918~10693 a B.P.。湖泊周围植被在14918~14167 a B.P.为以蒿属、禾本科等草本植物为主的草原景观;而在14167~12695 a B.P.,以桦属为代表的先锋树种出现在湖泊西部山地丘陵区,并逐渐发展成为以桦属为建群种的温带落叶阔叶林;12695~11505 a B.P.,桦属和其他阔叶乔木明显减少,湖泊西部地区植被迅速退化为开阔的疏林草原景观;11505~10693 a B.P.,植被逐渐恢复为与现今类似的森林草原交错生长群落。乔木/非乔木花粉含量比值(AP/NAP)和主要陆生植物花粉百分比主成分分析(PCA)结果说明,研究区植被演替主要受降水控制。将该结果与沉积相、沉积速率变化相结合,证明14512 a B.P.布日敦湖流域内降水突然增加,在14512~12695 a B.P.期间气候最为湿润,并伴随3次百年尺度降水波动事件。而12695 a B.P.时降水迅速减少,在12695~11505 a B.P.发生千年尺度干旱事件。布日敦湖地区降水变化总体趋势与北方季风边缘带其他高分辨率湖泊记录相似,但内部结构存在一定差异。在年代误差范围内,降水突变与北高纬博令-阿勒罗德(BA)间冰阶和新仙女木(YD)冰阶温度异常事件发生时间相一致。北半球夏季太阳辐射岁差周期变化、北大西洋经向反转环流(AMOC)循环速率、西风急流强度和位置等均可能导致西太平洋副热带高压位置异常偏移,进而影响东亚夏季风北部边缘带降水变化。

This paper is a review of the recent development of researches on the stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). In particular, we will review recent studies that attempt to best assess the stability of the AMOC in the past, present, and future by using a stability indicator related to the freshwater transport by the AMOC. These studies further illustrate a potentially systematic bias in the state-of-the-art atmosphere-ocean generM circulation models (AOCCMs), in which the AMOCs seem to be over-stabilized relative to that in the real world. This common model bias in the AMOC stability is contributed, partly, to a common tropical bias associated with the double intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in most state-of-the- art AOGCMs, casting doubts on future projection of abrupt climate changes in these climate models.  相似文献   
对青藏高原北缘共和盆地沙珠玉河的尾闾湖达连海钻孔沉积柱(40.92 m)进行了~(14)C年代测定(10个控制点)和粘土矿物分析(按20cm/70 a间隔的分辨率)。沉积柱底部年龄为14.5 cal ka BP。根据沉积柱粘土矿物的类型、组合、比率指标综合分析,重建了共和盆地14.5 cal ka BP以来气候环境的演化历史。冰消期(14.5~10.0 cal ka BP)盆地气候总体特征表现为干冷,盆地物理风化强:早中全新世(10.0~5.0 cal ka BP)气候表现为温湿,盆地化学风化为主,气候最宜期发生在中全新世的6.0 cal ka BP前后;晚全新世(5.0~0.0 cal ka BP)气候表现为干冷,盆地物理风化盛行。末次冰消期以来,共和盆地粘土矿物记录的气候环境变化阶段与高原其它湖泊指标记录的阶段基本一致。共和盆地粘土矿物记录的气候环境兼有西风、季风模式的特征。  相似文献   
Late Glacial to Holocene ice retreat was investigated along a 120 km long fjord system, reaching from Gran Campo Nevado (GCN) to Seno Skyring in the southernmost Andes (53°S). The aim was to improve the knowledge on regional and global control on glacier recession with special emphasis on latitudinal shifting of the westerlies. The timing of ice retreat was derived from peat and sediment cores, using mineralogical and chemical characteristics, and pollen as proxies. Stratigraphy was based on 14C-AMS ages and tephrochronology. The ice retreat of the Seno Skyring Glacier lobe is marked by an ice rafted debris layer which was formed around 18,300 to 17,500 cal. yr B.P. Subsequently, fast glacier retreat occurred until around 15,000 to 14,000 cal. yr B.P. during which around 84% of Skyring Glacier were lost. This fast recession was probably also triggered by an increase of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) from 200 to 300 m. Subsequently, the ice surface was lowered below the ELA in an area that previously made up more than 50% of the accumulation area. Much slower retreat and glacier fluctuations of limited extent in the fjord channel system northeast of GCN occurred between around 14,000 to 11,000 cal. yr B.P. during both the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Younger Dryas. This slow down of retreat indicates a decline in the general warming trend and/or increased precipitation, due to a southward migration of the westerlies. After around 11,000 cal. yr B.P. pollen distribution shows evolved Magellanic Rainforest and similar climate as at present, which lasted throughout most of the Holocene. Only Late Neoglacial moraine systems were formed in the period 1220–1460 AD, and subsequently in the 1620s AD, and between 1870 and 1910 AD. The results indicate that the Gran Campo Nevado ice cap has reacted more sensitive and partly distinct to climate change, compared to the Patagonian Ice Field.  相似文献   
冲绳海槽中段末次冰消期以来的元素地层   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在对冲绳海槽中段180号岩心进行高分辨率取样的基础上,测定了沉积物中的23个地球化学指标,通过对各元素与Al2O3含量的比值在岩心中的垂向变化规律的分析,结合氧同位素、黏土矿物、粒度、AMS14C测年和R型因子分析方法,可将岩心从上至下划分为5层:第1,3,5层具有相似的元素组合特征,第2,4层为明显的异常变化层位,将元素的地球化学行为、元素组合与物质来源联系起来,并与碎屑矿物、古生物资料对比,探讨岩心中元素组合垂向变化的制约因素,据此讨论了冲绳海槽中段末次冰消期以来陆源、火山源及生物源物质的分布规律。结果表明,冲绳海槽中段末次冰消期以来的沉积物来源以陆源物质为主,但在局部层位可因生源组分和火山源组分的强烈影响而发生实质性的变化。  相似文献   
Pollen and dinoflagellate cysts from marine sediments in core A180-48 (15°19′N, 18°06′W; 2450 m water depth; 530 cm length) are used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions of nearshore tropical west Africa during the last deglaciation. High concentrations and influxes of pollen and dinoflagellate cysts between 11 000 and 10 000 yr BP are interpreted as reflecting an increase in continental trade-wind circulation and related coastal upwelling at 15°N latitude. The sea-surface temperature difference between glacial and interglacial times was not as strong as previously suggested. Together with local (fresh) ground-water input, this smaller temperature difference may explain the persistence of the Rhizophora mangrove and Guinean gallery forests near the shore until their massive extension during the early Holocene humid maximum around 9500 yr BP. Pollen data from the core are compared with data from Rosilda N110-Z, from the continental shelf at the same latitude.  相似文献   
通过对白令海盆中部BR02岩芯高分辨率的颜色、粒度和元素地球化学地层的研究发现:(1)该岩芯较为完整地记录了末次盛冰期结束以来(约16.3 ka BP)的多期冰筏碎屑事件,包括H1、OD、YD和北方2期,其中以H1和YD最为显著,反映了末次冰消期以来该地区海冰/冰山以及区域性冰川的消长变化;(2)BR02岩芯上部17—25 cm段出现富Mn、富Ba的氧化型沉积,说明在全新世高海面时期,白令海与北太平洋、北冰洋之间的水体交换达到极点,白令海环流加强,海盆底层水含氧状况明显改善,并引发海洋生产力增加;(3)CaO、Na2O、Sr、Zr及Na2O/K2O比值的分布说明,海盆冰筏碎屑主要来自富碳酸盐的育空河流域,其次为阿拉斯加半岛和阿留申群岛等火山岩区;岩芯上部Na2O/K2O比值的递增暗示10 ka BP以来与火山物质输运有关的北太平洋入流(阿拉斯加流)可能增加。  相似文献   

The source of the world's largest river has fascinated scientists and adventurers for a long time. Extensive studies have been undertaken in the unexplored Llogueta River valley, Cordillera Chila, to identify the main stream of the Amazon River. Analysis of the Lloqueta River network and measurements of its hydrographic and hydrometric characteristics are presented in this study. On the basis of the acquired data, the northern hillside of the Cordillera Chila massif, concretely the basins of four mountainous courses—the Carhuasanta, Apacheta, Ccaccansa and Sillanque rivers—should be regarded as the headwaters territory of the Amazon River. Factors influencing the river system—glaciers and soils—were examined for each catchment. Glacier retreat in the last 50 years has left perennial snowfields only in the highest part of the study area, resulting in modification of the headwater runoff regimes. Preliminary results are afforded by the continual automatic water-level monitoring of the Lloqueta River since June 2008. Our investigations have determined that all types of soil in the area could be classified into two main categories: hydromorphic soils or poorly developed cryic soils.

Citation Janský, B., Engel, Z., Kocum, J., ?efrna, L. & ?esák, J. (2011) The Amazon River headstream area in the Cordillera Chila, Peru: hydrographical, hydrological and glaciological conditions. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(1), 138–151.  相似文献   
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