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针对犯罪人空间出行距离测量及影响因素考虑上存在的不足,本文利用X市2015—2017年入室盗窃案件数据,基于百度地图计算了犯罪人居住地到作案地之间的步行、骑行和驾车等3种交通出行距离,作为实际空间出行距离的近似拟合,随后利用最优尺度回归模型分析了居住地和作案地所在区域的空间环境特征、作案时间特征和主体特征对犯罪人空间出行可能产生的影响。实证分析表明:(1)计算得到的3种距离的频次分布均表现为距离衰减效应,超过50%的案件中犯罪人作案地到其居住地的交通距离均不超过10 km;(2)在影响因素方面,犯罪人的空间出行距离分布主要受其作案地所在区域的空间环境特征影响,具体表现为目标较为集中、交通通达性较好的区域对邻近空间内的犯罪人具有较强的吸引性,而发案量较高的区域对距离较远的犯罪人具有较强的吸引性;(3)在主体特征上,团伙犯罪人较独狼式犯罪人有更长的空间出行距离,反映出团伙犯罪人在空间认知上有着更好的优势。本文有助于进一步深化对犯罪出行现象的理解,对犯罪预测具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   
在柴达木盆地北缘全吉山、团鱼山地区的煤炭钻孔和泥页岩解吸气中发现了体积分数较高的氦气显示。对2个地区的6件样品进行甲烷C同位素和He同位素分析,其中2个样品的δ13C1值分别为-38.4‰和-39.9‰,属于有机成因。4个样品的3He/4He同位素测试结果在0.03×10-6~1.3×10-6之间,表明氦气来源以壳源氦为主,个别样品有少量幔源氦加入。通过区域背景资料和物探资料分析认为,柴北缘壳源成因的氦可能主要来源于基底富U、Th花岗岩体的放射性衰变,而柴北缘的山前深大断裂则可为氦的运移提供良好通道。氦气产生后,在垂向运移过程中结合其他烃类或非烃类气体,在侏罗系、古近系-新近系良好的储盖条件下,有可能形成独特的富氦天然气富集。  相似文献   
库尔勒断层氡气观测实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李德成 《内陆地震》1999,13(3):238-242
根据库尔勒断层氡气在观测中遇到的一些问题,做了一系列观测实验,结果表明,氡探头的标定值的大小反映了氡探头的灵敏度,决定了测值的高低,因为地下1m内的浅层气体与大气连通,所以观测值受气象因素影响较大,同时认为,在土壤相对潮湿的寒冷地区,冬季较厚的冻土层形成了良好的封闭系统,使地下氡气浓度相对增高,测值呈“冬高夏低”的变化形态,实验中还根据氡的衰变规律验证了所观测的大幅变化的测值确为氡气含量。  相似文献   
The Ulysses Unified Radio and Plasma Wave Experiment (URAP) has observed Langmuir, ion-acoustic and associated solar type III radio emissions in the interplanetary medium. Bursts of 50–300 Hz (in the spacecraft frame) electric field signals, corresponding to long-wavelength ion-acoustic waves are often observed coincident in time with the most intense Langmuir wave spikes, providing evidence for the electrostatic decay instability. Langmuir waves often occur as envelope solitons, suggesting that strong turbulence processes, such as modulational instability and soliton formation, often coexist with weak turbulence processes, such as electrostatic decay, in a few type III burst source regions.  相似文献   
The role of shear and inversion strength on the decay of convective turbulence during sunset over land is systematically studied by means of large-eddy simulations. Different decay rates have been found for the vertical and horizontal velocity fluctuations, resulting in an increase of the anisotropy for all the studied cases. Entrainment, which persists during the decay process, favours the appearance of vertical upward movements associated with a conversion from kinetic to potential energy. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the characteristic length scale of the various turbulent variables during this process. The length scale evolution is found to depend on the wind shear characteristics, but not on the strength of the inversion. In general the length scales of the variables grow during decay because small-scale fluctuations dissipate faster than large-scale fluctuations. Only the length scale of the vertical velocity component remains nearly constant during decay. Spectral analysis of the variance budgets shows that pressure correlations are responsible for fixing this length scale, effectively compensating the strong but oscillating influence of buoyancy. In the shear cases, after an initial period of growth, the length scales start to decrease once the buoyancy-generated variance has sufficiently subsided. Also here the effect of pressure redistribution is crucial, as it transfers the spectral influence of shear to the other velocity components.  相似文献   
Since before the inception of work by Okabe, the intermingling of spatial autocorrelation (i.e., local distance and configuration) and distance decay (i.e., global distance) effects has been suspected in spatial interaction data. This convolution was first treated conceptually because technology and methodology did not exist at the time to easily or fully address spatial autocorrelation effects within spatial interaction model specifications. Today, however, sufficient computer power coupled with eigenfunction-based spatial filtering offers a means for accommodating spatial autocorrelation effects within a spatial interaction model for modest-sized problems. In keeping with Okabe’s more recent efforts to dissemination spatial analysis tools, this paper summarizes how to implement the methodology utilized to analyze a particular empirical flows dataset.
Daniel A. GriffithEmail:
To find out the decay character of residual chlorine (RC) in the sea water, the concentration of RC was analyzed by N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) method under different simulation experimental conditions, in which salinity, temperature, and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were selected. The water used in the experiment was the mixture of aging ocean water, coastal water and extracting solution of coastal sediment at appropriate level. Results are shown as follows:(1) Piecewise function can well reflect the decay dynamics of RC in the cooling seawater. Concretely, the decay dynamics of first 1 min is too rapid to ascertain using a specific kinetic function, and that of the time from 1 to 30 min is fit for the first-order kinetic model. (2) The results could be the foundation of the chemical behavior of RC in seawater, and be used as not only the guidance of the coastal power plants production and sea water desalting companies, but also the establishment of the correlative trade standard.  相似文献   
Cities separated in space are connected together by spatial interaction (SI) between them. But the studies focusing on the SI are relatively few in China mainly because of the scarcity of data. This paper deals with the SI in terms of rail passenger flows, which is an important aspect of the network structure of urban agglomeration. By using a data set consisting of rail O-D (origin-destination) passenger flows among nearly 200 cities, inter-city rail distance O-D matrixes, and some other indices, it is found that the attenuating tendency of rail passenger is obvious. And by the analysis on dominant flows and spatial structure of flows, we find that passenger flows have a trend of polarizing to hubs while the linkages between hubs upgrade. However, the gravity model reveals an overall picture of convergence process over time which is not in our expectation of integration process in the framework of globalization and eco- nomic integration. Some driven factors for the re-organization process of the structure of urban agglomeration, such as technique advance, globalization, etc. are discussed further based on the results we obtained.  相似文献   
在航空电磁测量工作中发现,由于地面障碍物的存在以及气流的变化,吊舱离地的高度会发生起伏变化,同时伴随有吊舱姿态的变化,并产生干扰航电异常;据此航空瞬变电磁测量的原始数据需要进行高度校正和姿态校正,但目前引进的国外航空电磁测量系统未配有姿态测量设备。本文根据航空瞬变电磁理论分析吊舱的离地高度和姿态的变化对电磁响应影响的变化情况,通过2条测线数据的校正效果,证明高度校正和姿态校正的有效性及必要性,提出航空瞬变电磁测量系统加装吊舱姿态测量设备的建议。  相似文献   

2020年1月19日新疆伽师发生MS6.4地震, 震前约45小时震源区曾发生MS5.4地震, 构成典型的前-主-余型地震序列, 显著且丰富的前震活动为研究主震成核过程提供了宝贵的基础数据.本文收集了MS6.4地震震中100km范围内6个地震台站的波形数据, 以重定位后的地震目录作为模板, 利用匹配定位方法(Match & Locate)对MS6.4地震前后(2019年12月1日至2020年1月31日)的小地震进行了检测和定位, 检测得到4664个地震事件, 其中261个事件发生在伽师MS6.4地震之前, 序列目录的完备震级从ML1.6降低到ML1.1.基于检测目录, 利用修正的大森公式计算MS5.4前震序列的p值偏低, 表明前震序列衰减缓慢.根据地震活动时空分布, 伽师MS5.4地震前26天内和伽师MS6.4地震前2天内, 发震断层附近存在由地震活跃转为相对平静的过程.另外, 伽师MS6.4主震前2天内的地震活动存在向主震位置迁移、收缩的现象, 可能标志着断层已进入亚失稳阶段.

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