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Neural network prediction of nitrate in groundwater of Harran Plain, Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring groundwater quality by cost-effective techniques is important as the aquifers are vulnerable to contamination from the uncontrolled discharge of sewage, agricultural and industrial activities. Faulty planning and mismanagement of irrigation schemes are the principle reasons of groundwater quality deterioration. This study presents an artificial neural network (ANN) model predicting concentration of nitrate, the most common pollutant in shallow aquifers, in groundwater of Harran Plain. The samples from 24 observation wells were monthly analysed for 1 year. Nitrate was found in almost all groundwater samples to be significantly above the maximum allowable concentration of 50 mg/L, probably due to the excessive use of artificial fertilizers in intensive agricultural activities. Easily measurable parameters such as temperature, electrical conductivity, groundwater level and pH were used as input parameters in the ANN-based nitrate prediction. The best back-propagation (BP) algorithm and neuron numbers were determined for optimization of the model architecture. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was selected as the best of 12 BP algorithms and optimal neuron number was determined as 25. The model tracked the experimental data very closely (R = 0.93). Hence, it is possible to manage groundwater resources in a more cost-effective and easier way with the proposed model application.  相似文献   
The zoned pluton from Castelo Branco consists of Variscan peraluminous S-type granitic rocks. A muscovite>biotite granite in the pluton's core is surrounded successively by biotite>muscovite granodiorite, porphyritic biotite>muscovite granodiorite grading to biotite=muscovite granite, and finally by muscovite>biotite granite. ID-TIMS U–Pb ages for zircon and monazite indicate that all phases of the pluton formed at 310 ± 1 Ma. Whole-rock analyses show slight variation in 87Sr/86Sr310 Ma between 0.708 and 0.712, Nd310 Ma values between − 1 and − 4 and δ18O values between 12.2 and 13.6. These geological, mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data indicate a crustal origin of the suite, probably from partial melting of heterogeneous Early Paleozoic pelitic country rock. In detail there is evidence for derivation from different sources, but also fractional crystallization linking some of internal plutonic phases. Least-squares analysis of major elements and modelling of trace elements indicate that the porphyritic granodiorite and biotite=muscovite granite were derived from the granodiorite magma by fractional crystallization of plagioclase, quartz, biotite and ilmenite. By contrast variation diagrams of major and trace elements in biotite and muscovite, the behaviours of Ba in microcline and whole-rock δ18O, the REE patterns of rocks and isotopic data indicate that both muscovite-dominant granites were probably originated by two distinct pulses of granite magma.  相似文献   
Groundwater in Sfax City (Tunisia) has been known since the beginning of the century for its deterioration in quality, as a result of wastewater recharge into the aquifer. An average value of 12 × 106 m3 of untreated wastewater reaches the groundwater aquifer each year. This would result not only in a chemical and biological contamination of the groundwater, but also in an increase of the aquifer piezometric level. Quantitative impacts were evaluated by examining the groundwater piezometric level at 57 surface wells and piezometers. The survey showed that, during the last two decades, the groundwater level was ever increasing in the urban area with values reaching 7 m in part; and decreasing in Sidi Abid (agricultural area) with values exceeding −3 m. Groundwater samples for chemical and microbial analysis were collected from 41 wells spread throughout the study area. Results showed significantly elevated levels of sodium, chlorides, nitrates and coliform bacteria all over the urban area. High levels (NO3: 56–254 mg/l; Na >1,500 mg/l; Coliforms >30/100 ml) can be related to more densely populated areas with a higher density of pit latrine and recharge wells. Alternatively results showed a very variable chemical composition of groundwater, e.g. electrical conductivity ranges from 4,040 to19,620 μs/cm and the dry residual varies between 1.4 and 14 g/l with concentrations increasing downstream. Furthermore a softening of groundwater in Set Ezzit (highly populated sector) was observed.  相似文献   
水泥土搅拌桩桩身质量的电阻率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志彬  刘松玉  经绯  曹德洪 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):625-630
通过对某高速公路软基处理试验段水泥土搅拌桩芯样强度与电阻率指标的分析发现,水泥土搅拌桩的桩身质量与其施工工艺密切相关;在特定的施工工艺条件下,水泥掺入比与搅拌均匀性是影响桩身质量的2个重要因素;在相同深度处,桩身水泥土芯样的竖向电阻率高于其水平向电阻率;桩身水泥土芯样的电阻率与其无侧限抗压强度之间存在着很好的线性相关关系;水泥体芯样水平向电阻率的标准差在一定程度上反映了水泥掺入量和搅拌均匀性。综上所述,利用水泥土的电阻率及其相关指标对大规模施工条件下水泥土搅拌桩的桩身质量进行定量分析是一种经济、无损、简便和科学的方法。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于ARM7的嵌入式三维电阻率采集子站设计方法,采用24位A/D转换器(ADS1258)和ARM7微处理器(LPC2378),使三维电阻率法数据采集系统具有体积小、功耗低、成本低、精度高等特点,同时实现μC/OSⅡ操作系统在ARM的移植,为数据采集的实时性提供可能。  相似文献   
于忠杰 《贵州地质》2010,27(2):151-154
简要介绍了MAPGIS和AutoCAD的基本特点,详细分析了两者数据特点和数据转换过程中要注意的问题,重点阐述了AutoCAD的DXF和DWG两种数据格式与MAPGIS的MPJ数据格式之间转换的实现过程与方法,最后总结了对AutoCAD数据和其他GIS软件间的数据转换的参考意义,从而达到数据资源的共享。  相似文献   
针对城市地下空间不断建造和发展的过程中,越来越多出现的基坑邻近既有地铁结构开挖的现象,通过收集国内及广州地区的工程实例,分析了基坑开挖后土体位移场的变化,总结了邻近基坑施工对既有地铁结构的影响,并选取广州农贸园工程,采用有限元分析方法对其进行了三维数值模拟,通过与实测数据对比分析,得出一些能对今后类似工程起到一定借鉴作用的结论.  相似文献   
气象驱动数据质量是影响流域水文过程模拟精度的一个重要因素。基于新疆额尔齐斯河流域及周边区域8个气象站记录的数据,对ERA-Interim再分析资料和中国区域地面气象要素驱动数据集(CMFD)在流域的适用性进行了评价,并对比了ERA-Interim和CMFD气象要素年均值在流域的空间分布。结果表明:ERA-Interim和CMFD记录气温、相对湿度、向下短波辐射和向下长波辐射数据与观测数据具有较高的一致性,但降水和风速数据与观测数据的一致性比较差。小时尺度上ERA-Interim记录的气温、相对湿度、降水量、向下短波辐射准确度略高于CMFD数据,而日尺度上CMFD记录的所有气象要素的准确度均高于ERA-Interim数据,结合Noah-MP模型的模拟结果,认为CMFD数据在新疆额尔齐斯河流域的适用性整体优于ERA-Interim数据。从两种驱动数据获取的流域气象要素空间分布来看,ERA-Interim和CMFD获取的年平均气温、风速、相对湿度、降水量、向下长波辐射在流域空间具有高度一致性,但向下短波辐射空间分布差别较大。  相似文献   
通过对山西省马兰煤矿2号煤层采掘面在开采和封闭时期的矿井水和沉积物的研究,揭示采掘面封闭前后对矿井水水质和沉积物的影响机理。研究结果表明:马兰煤矿矿井水均为SO4-Ca型水质,矿井水均富含SO42-和Fe离子;随着上部煤层的不断开采,3处矿井水呈现相同的变化规律,矿井水的pH值升高,Eh值降低,SO42-、Fe、Mn和Zn离子浓度随之下降,其中北一暗斜井处的矿井水水质变化最显著;矿井水水质指标和流速变化能够控制其沉积物的矿物组成和结晶程度,北一暗斜井处的沉积物在两次采样中由斯沃特曼铁矿变为针铁矿,而其他两处的矿井水沉积物矿物组分没有发生变化,主要由针铁矿组成。研究结果能够提高对老空区积水水质的预测精度,并对煤矿突水水源判识具有重要意义。  相似文献   
隧道洞顶围岩竖向全位移量测及变化规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围岩内部位移通常是在工作面开挖后再进行量测,因而导致现场量测结果存在一定损失。为得到隧道施工过程中围岩内部位移的变化规律,自行研制开发了适用于量测隧道洞顶围岩竖向全位移的多点位移测试仪,该仪器具有测试原理简单、现场埋设方便、测试数据精度高的特点,且比传统多点位移计的测点多。结合阿拉坦隧道,利用该仪器对隧道洞顶处的围岩内部位移进行了量测,得到了隧道浅埋段洞顶围岩内部位移的变化规律,经分析发现,如果采用传统多点位移计进行洞内量测围岩内部位移的方式,围岩内部位移的损失程度将达25%以上,这将给围岩稳定性的判定造成直接影响;此外,通过对监控数据的分析,还得到了隧道开挖引起的围岩松弛范围。其结果对隧道的开挖与支护具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
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