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应变累积对黏土动剪模量和阻尼比影响的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
通过对比试验,研究了分级循环加载试验中的应变积累现象,分析其对土动剪模量和阻尼比的影响,并指出:由于剪切应变的积累,分级循环加载试验得出的滞回曲线随着加载级数的增加,而沿着剪应变轴逐渐发生平移,但其形状特性并未发生变化。讨论了分级加载试验数据处理的方法,试验结果表明:先前的较小幅值荷载作用下产生的累积应变对后继较大幅值荷载下测得的动剪模量和阻尼比影响较小。最后,分析了分级循环加载试验方法的意义。  相似文献   
A new complex modal analysis‐based method is developed in the frequency domain for efficient computation of the earthquake input energy to a highly damped linear elastic passive control structure. The input energy to the structure during an earthquake is an important measure of seismic demand. Because of generality and applicability to non‐linear structures, the earthquake input energy has usually been computed in the time domain. It is shown here that the formulation of the earthquake input energy in the frequency domain is essential for deriving a bound on the earthquake input energy for a class of ground motions and for understanding the robustness of passively controlled structures to disturbances with various frequency contents. From the viewpoint of computational efficiency, a modal analysis‐based method is developed. The importance of overdamped modes in the energy computation of specific non‐proportionally damped models is demonstrated by comparing the energy transfer functions and the displacement transfer functions. Through numerical examinations for four recorded ground motions, it is shown that the modal analysis‐based method in the frequency domain is very efficient in the computation of the earthquake input energy. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
径潮相互作用是感潮河段水动力变化的典型特征,受其影响潮波传播具有明显的洪枯季及沿程变化。本文基于长江感潮河段天生港、江阴、镇江、南京、马鞍山及芜湖6个潮位站2002-2014年连续高低潮位资料及大通站月均流量数据,统计分析长江感潮河段潮波振幅衰减率、潮波传播速度及余水位坡度等传播特征值的洪枯季及沿程变化特征,并探讨这些潮波传播特征的变化规律及其主要影响因素。结果表明,潮波传播特征的洪枯季差异自上游至下游逐渐减小,其分界点位于天生港与江阴之间(其中,天生港和江阴站的多年平均洪枯季潮差差值约为0.01 m和-0.04 m);径流动力对潮波衰减的影响主要位于江阴以上河段,江阴以下河段主要受潮汐动力控制;径流驱动下余水位坡度引起的余水位及水深增加,导致潮波传播的有效摩擦减小,当流量超过某个阈值时潮波振幅衰减反而减弱,特别是上游马鞍山-芜湖段最为明显,统计结果表明该河段流量阈值约为33 000 m3/s。本文分析结果作为前人研究的重要补充,可为长江河口感潮河段径潮相互作用机制研究及河口治理等提供基础参考。  相似文献   
为了改良被动式调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对建筑结构的减震效果,本文提出了一种新型的可实时调节频率和电涡流阻尼的半主动调谐质量阻尼器(SATMD)。由Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)识别出结构的瞬时频率,通过基于HHT的控制算法实时调节SATMD的质量进行频率的调谐;通过基于线性二次型高斯(LQG)的控制算法实时调整磁导间距来调节电涡流阻尼系数。为了验证SATMD对建筑结构的减震效果,以一单自由度结构模型为例进行地震响应模拟,同时采用一经优化设计的被动TMD作为对比,并考虑由于主结构的累积损伤等引起自身频率下降而造成被动TMD的去谐效应。以主结构的加速度和位移时程峰值、整体均方根值及TMD的耗能性能作为评价指标,对比了SATMD在主结构发生损伤前后对被动TMD的改良效果。数值模拟结果表明,在主结构发生损伤前后,SATMD均比经优化设计的被动TMD有更好的减震效果及耗能能力。  相似文献   
为研究铅金属减震器对特高压互连电气设备的减震效果,进行由硬管母线连接的特高压避雷器设备和电容式电压互感器设备组成的互连耦合体系的地震模拟振动台试验。通过白噪声扫频、抗震及减震试验,测定互连耦合体系抗震结构及减震结构的自振频率以及关键部位的应变、加速度响应。试验结果表明:抗震结构中避雷器设备的最大应变响应大于互感器设备,互连耦合体系中的避雷器设备属于易损设备;安装减震器后互连设备频率降低幅度较小,减震器基本不会影响电气设备的正常运行;安装减震器后互连耦合体系中的避雷器设备和互感器设备在较大峰值加速度地震波作用下,设备顶端加速度响应和最大应变响应均有较大幅度的降低,避雷器设备和互感器设备的最大应变响应的减震效率分别为75%和50%,减震效果显著,减震器的应用大幅提升了互连耦合体系的抗震能力。  相似文献   
先略述莱斯默比拟法的形成;再由半空间理论等效为质弹体系,得出辐射阻尼比、刚度及参振土质量,并论述两体系的结合;最后经实测、分析和使用,考虑土体非匀质性折减阻尼比以作修正,使其更为实用。这有助于消除在我国长期认为阻尼比大而不安全、不便使用的疑虑,以便推动半空间理论在我国的实用化。  相似文献   
The effects of soil–structure interaction (SSI) while designing the liquid column damper (LCD) for seismic vibration control of structures have been presented in this study. The formulation for the input–output relation of a flexible‐base structure with attached LCD has been presented. The superstructure has been modelled by a single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) system. The non‐linearity in the orifice damping of the LCD has been replaced by equivalent linear viscous damping by using equivalent linearization technique. The force–deformation relationships and damping characteristics of the foundation have been described by complex valued impedance functions. Through a numerical stochastic study in the frequency domain, the various aspects of SSI on the functioning of the LCD have been illustrated. A simpler approach for studying the LCD performance considering SSI, using an equivalent SDOF model for the soil–structure system available in literature by Wolf (Dynamic Soil–Structure Interaction. International Series in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. Prentice‐Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985) has also been presented. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents an investigation into various factors that may affect the ground response to multi-directional earthquake loading, focusing mainly on the behavior of vertical ground motion and its relation with the horizontal counterpart. The factors investigated herein include the intensity of input motion and the associated soil nonlinearity, the location of input motion (rock outcrop versus bedrock), the variation of water table, and the damping property of soil. Influence of these factors is studied on the characteristics of site amplification in both vertical and horizontal directions, the response spectra of vertical and horizontal ground surface motions, the spectral ratio between the two components (V/H) at the ground surface, and the distributions of stresses and strains in the ground. One of the main results is that varying water table can bring about a significant impact on vertical motion and the relationship between vertical and horizontal motions. The surface response spectral ratio (V/H) can largely exceed the rule-of-thumb value of 2/3 at low periods with lowering the water table, but does not appear to be substantially affected at long periods.  相似文献   
In this paper the efficiency of various dissipative mechanisms to protect structures from pulse‐type and near‐source ground motions is examined. Physically realizable cycloidal pulses are introduced, and their resemblance to recorded near‐source ground motions is illustrated. The study uncovers the coherent component of some near‐source acceleration records, and the shaking potential of these records is examined. It is found that the response of structures with relatively low isolation periods is substantially affected by the high‐frequency fluctuations that override the long duration pulse. Therefore, the concept of seismic isolation is beneficial even for motions that contain a long duration pulse which generates most of the unusually large recorded displacements and velocities. Dissipation forces of the plastic (friction) type are very efficient in reducing displacement demands although occasionally they are responsible for substantial permanent displacements. It is found that the benefits by hysteretic dissipation are nearly indifferent to the level of the yield displacement of the hysteretic mechanism and that they depend primarily on the level of the plastic (friction) force. The study concludes that a combination of relatively low friction and viscous forces is attractive since base displacements are substantially reduced without appreciably increasing base shears and superstructure accelerations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Many strong motion records show that under the strong seismic vibration of, the torsional disfigurement of building structures is a common and serious damage. At present, there are no special sensors for measuring seismic rotation in the world. Most of the experts obtain rotational components through observing deformation, theoretical analysis and calculation. The theory of elastic wave and source dynamics also prove the conclusion that the surface of the earth will rotate when an earthquake occurs. Based on a large number of investigations and experiments, a rotational acceleration sensor was developed for the observation of the rotational component of strong ground motions. This acceleration sensor is a double-pendulum passive servo large-damped seismic rotational acceleration sensor with the moving coil transducer. When an earthquake occurs, the seismic rotational acceleration acts on the bottom plate at the same time. The magnetic circuit system and the middle shaft fixedly connected to the bottom plate follow the bottom plate synchronous vibration, and the moving part composed of the mass ring, the swing frame and the moving ring produces relative corners to the central axis. The two working coils mounted on the two pendulums produce the same relative motion with respect to the magnetic gaps of the two magnetic circuits. Both working coils at this time generate an induced electromotive force by cutting magnetic lines of force in the respective magnetic gaps. The generated electromotive forces are respectively input to respective passive servo large damper dynamic ring transducer circuits and angular acceleration adjusting circuits, and the signals are simultaneously input to the synthesizing circuit after conditioning. Finally, the composite circuit outputs a voltage signal proportional to the seismic rotational acceleration to form a seismic rotational acceleration sensor. The paper presents the basic principles of the rotational acceleration sensor, including its mechanical structure diagram, circuit schematic diagram and mathematical models. The differential equation of motion and its circuit equation are derived to obtain the expressions of the main technical specifications, such as the damping ratio and sensitivity. The calculation shows that when the damping ratio is much larger than 1, the output voltage of the passive servo large damping dynamic coil transducer circuit is proportional to the ground rotation acceleration, and the frequency characteristic of bandpass is wider when the damping ratio is larger. Based on the calibration test, the dynamic range is greater than or equal to 100dB and the linearity error is less than 0.05%. The amplitude-frequency characteristics, the phase-frequency characteristics and their corresponding curves of the passive servo rotational acceleration sensor are acquired through the calculations. Based on the accurate measurement of the micro-vibration of the precision rotating vibration equipment, the desired result is obtained. The measured data are presented in the paper, which verify the correctness of the calculation result. The passive servo large damping rotational acceleration sensor has simple circuit design, convenient operation and high resolution, and can be widely applied to seismic acceleration measurement of earthquake or structure.  相似文献   
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