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鄱阳湖退田还湖及其对洪水的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
闵骞 《湖泊科学》2004,16(3):215-222
在详细分析鄱阳湖退田还湖现状基础上,建立了鄱阳湖退田还湖洪水位效应计算模型,估计退田还湖对典型年洪水位的效应.并对退田还湖对年最高水位频率的影响进行了预测.最后,探讨了退田还湖圩区适宜管理模式和退田还湖对湖泊环境的影响.  相似文献   
东营凹陷波动古湖相烃源岩沉积特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
陈中红  查明  金强 《湖泊科学》2006,18(1):29-35
以东营凹陷牛38井为例,研究显示,该井沙河街组沙三段烃源岩的沉积特征具有明显的波动性.宏观上体现为, 构造因素控制湖盆的整体升降和沉积构造旋回,但季节性气候及其它因素的影响使湖盆呈现次级旋回的复合性沉积.微观上表现为纹层的不连续性及生物扰动构造等事件性沉积.古湖面不同幅度的波动和变化导致相对稳定的泥岩沉积的不稳定性,有机质的分布也呈现较显著的非均质性.湖泊的沉积过程影响了微量元素、有机质以及烃源物质的分布,水体较深、盐度较高的沙三段下部多数微量元素含量较高以及B/Ca、Sr/Ba呈现高值;水体较浅、盐度较低的沙三段中部各元素的分布较为稳定,B/Ca、Sr/Ba比值及Sr的含量均显著降低.波动性沉积导致烃源岩呈现明显的优劣性分布,沙三段下部中的有机质富集,为优质烃源岩;沙三段中部的有机质分布较为分散,生排烃的资源潜力有限.  相似文献   
湖泊等内陆水体是大气N2O潜在的重要排放源,也是全球N2O收支估算的重要组成部分。目前全球湖泊普遍面临富营养化和蓝藻暴发等问题,明晰藻型湖泊N2O排放强度及其环境影响因子对准确估算湖泊N2O排放和预测其未来变化至关重要。本研究选择太湖藻型湖区为研究对象,同时选取人为活动影响较小的湖心区作为对比区域,基于2011年8月至2013年8月为期2年的逐月连续观测,探讨藻型湖区N2O排放特征及其影响因素。结果表明,藻型湖区呈现极强的N2O排放,其排放通量为(4.88±3.05) mmol/(m2·d),是参考区域(湖心:(2.10±4.31) mmol/(m2·d))的2倍多。此外,在藻型湖区中不同点位N2O排放差异显著,受河流外源输入影响,近岸区是N2O的热点排放区,其年均排放通量高达10.93 mmol/(m2·d)。连续观测表明N2  相似文献   
Biological communities in shallow lakes are often subject to the combined effects of eutrophication and wind-wave disturbance. However, their relative importance in regulating macrozoobenthic community assembly has not been well addressed. In the present study, a monthly sampling of macrozoobenthos and environmental parameters was conducted at ten sites from December 2012 to November 2013 in Lake Hongze, the fourth largest freshwater lake in China, which has undergone serious water quality deterioration over the past few decades. A total of 30 taxa were recorded during the 12 sampling occasions, including 6 chironomids, 6 bivalves, 4 gastropods, 4 oligochaetes, 4 polychaetes, 4 crustaceans and 2 other aquatic insects. The mean abundance and biomass of total macrozoobenthos varied greatly among the ten sites and presented distinctive taxonomic composition between the protected bays and the offshore zone. Three eutrophication parameters (including permanganate index (CODMn), chlorophyll a, and total phosphorus in surficial sediments) and three wind-wave variables (including Secchi depth, turbidity, and mean effective fetch) were highly related to spatial variation of macrozoobenthic assemblages. When eutrophication variables were controlled, there was a significant correlation between community similarity and wind-wave disturbance condition, and vice versa. Variation partitioning showed that wind wave disturbance explained 15.9% of the variation in benthic community composition, slightly lower than that explained by eutrophication (17.9%). These results indicate that wind-wave disturbance is as important as eutrophication in regulating benthic community structure in this large shallow lake. Wind-wave disturbance imposed opposite effects on benthic community relative to eutrophication, and were more prominent in the offshore zone weakening the role of eutrophication.  相似文献   
Glacier and permafrost hazards such as glacial‐lake outburst floods and rock–ice avalanches cause significant socio‐economic damages worldwide, and these processes may increase in frequency and magnitude if the atmospheric temperature rises. In the extratropical Andes nearly 200 human deaths were linked to these processes during the twentieth century. We analysed bibliographical sources and satellite images to document the glacier and permafrost dynamics that have caused socio‐economic damages in this region in historic time (including glacial lake outburst floods, ice and rock–ice avalanches and lahars) to unravel their causes and geomorphological impacts. In the extratropical Andes, at least 15 ice‐dammed lakes and 16 moraine‐dammed lakes have failed since the eighteenth century, causing dozens of floods. Some floods rank amongst the largest events ever recorded (5000 × 106 m3 and 229 × 106 m3, respectively). Outburst flood frequency has increased in the last three decades, partially as a consequence of long‐term (decades to centuries) climatic changes, glaciers shrinkage, and lake growth. Short‐term (days to weeks) meteorological conditions (i.e. intense and/or prolonged rainfall and high temperature that increased meltwater production) have also triggered outburst floods and mass movements. Enormous mass failures of glaciers and permafrost (> 10 × 106 m3) have impacted lakes, glaciers, and snow‐covered valleys, initiating chain reactions that have ultimately resulted in lake tsunamis and far‐reaching (> 50 km) flows. The eruption of ice‐covered volcanoes has also caused dozens of damaging lahars with volumes up to 45 × 106 m3. Despite the importance of these events, basic information about their occurrence (e.g. date, causes, and geomorphological impact), which is well established in other mountain ranges, is absent in the extratropical Andes. A better knowledge of the processes involved can help to forecast and mitigate these events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下青藏高原山地灾害及其风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于青藏高原1930-2010年山地灾害实例,分析了气候变暖对青藏高原山地灾害的影响。结果表明:在气候变暖背景下,冰湖溃决灾害增多,冰川泥石流趋于活跃,特大灾害出现频繁,灾害链生特征明显,表现出时间和空间上的延拓性,巨灾发生概率增大;在藏东南地区表现出雨热同期的气候特征,构成了利于冰川类泥石流形成的条件;波密县城位于两条泥石流危险区的建筑物占地面积由1988年0.014 km2扩展到2012年1.004 km2,人口与经济密集区与灾害高风险区重叠,加之气候变化导致的灾害危险性增加,青藏高原灾害风险显著增大。上述结果提供了气候变化对青藏高原山地灾害影响的证据,初步阐述了其影响特征,有助于山地减灾和进一步认识气候变化对山地灾害的影响机理。  相似文献   
Changes in the hydrological processes in alpine soil constitute one of the several key problems encountered with studying watershed hydrology and ecosystem stability against the background of global warming. A typically developing thermokarst lake was chosen as a subject for a study using model simulation based on observations of soil physical properties, infiltration processes, and soil moisture. The results showed that the selected thermokarst lake imposed certain changes on the soil infiltration processes and, with the degree of impact intensifying, the initial infiltration rate decreased. The greatest reduction was achieved in the area of moderate impact. However, the stable infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration gradually increased in the surface layer at a depth of 10 and 20 cm, both decreasing initially and then increasing, which is correlated significantly with soil textures. Moreover, the cumulative infiltration changed in line with steady infiltration rate. Based on a comparative analysis, the Horton model helps better understand the effect on the soil infiltration processes of the cold alpine meadow close to the chosen thermokarst lake. In conclusion, the formation of the thermokarst lake reduced the water holding capacity of the alpine meadow soil and caused the hydraulic conductivity to increase, resulting in the reduction of runoff capacity in the area of the thermokarst lake.  相似文献   
湖泊生态恢复的关键因子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是一个多湖泊的国家。由于经济快速发展及湖泊资源不合理的开发利用,中国湖泊的污染问题和生态系统退化相当普遍。特别是由于氮、磷等营养元素的富集造成的水体富营养化,导致蓝藻水华频繁发生,甚至出现了饮用水危机事件。由于缺乏基础理论的指导,中国湖泊富营养化治理曾经走过弯路。在没有实现控源截污的条件下,片面强调生态恢复来净化湖泊水环境,一度成为富营养化湖泊治理的主流思想。实际上,湖泊生态恢复是有条件的,而对这些条件的诊断和分析是开展湖泊生态恢复的前提和基础。通过对太湖水生植物分布及其影响因子分析,确定沉水植物恢复的核心条件是水下光照条件。水下光照条件受富营养水平、悬浮物浓度与水深等因子的影响。只有当一个水域的真光层深度接近水深的情况(比值>0.8),恢复水生植物才有可能。改善水下光照条件,包括降低水深,提高透明度,消除风浪等措施,实际上,都是增加真光层深度与水深的比值。在上述生态恢复条件不具备的情况下,湖泊治理与恢复的工作更多地应该聚焦在控源截污方面。这对中国湖泊污染治理与生态恢复具有普遍的意义。  相似文献   
通过对东营凹陷和东濮凹陷的层序结构的差异进行了对比,并对东营凹陷和东濮凹陷的体积和地形进行了分析,认为陆相湖盆古地形、可容空间变化与总可容空间的比值(可容空间的体积变化率)与层序结构有密切关系。沙三段沉积期,东营凹陷三级湖平面变化引起的可容空间的体积变化率与东濮凹陷四级湖平面变化引起的可容空间的体积变化率相近。东营凹陷沙三段沉积时期盆地体积大、地形陡,层序的发育主要受三级湖平面变化的控制,因此层序厚度大,层序内部砂体厚度大,分布相对集中。而东濮凹陷沙三段沉积时期,盆地体积小,地形较缓,层序的发育主要受四级湖平面变化的控制,因此层序厚度小,层序内部砂体厚度小,分布广,不稳定。  相似文献   
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