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Coring tips     
This commentary is intended as a practical guide for the non-motorized use of piston corers to obtain undisturbed sections of lake sediments. Good recovery is essential for accurate reconstruction of environmental and limnological history. Emphasis is placed on the square-rod piston corer, which is widely used for acquisition of sediment cores in meter-long sections from lakes as much as 30 m deep. Coring platforms for open water can be easily prepared on pairs of boats or canoes or (in water depth up to 15 m) even a single small rubber raft, but firm anchoring is essenial to maintain the vertical position of the casing and to assure re-entry into a single hole. Incomplete recovery on individual drives is not a result of sediment compaction but rather the build-up of friction on the tube interior, by which the core forms a plug that prevents further recovery.Short cores of soft sediment for the study of recent changes in lakes are also best acquired with a piston corer, for a gravity corer without a piston may be subject to the same type of plug formation. In cases in which the structure of the sediment must be preserved (e.g. annual laminations), freezing the sediment in place with a dry-ice solution is the best procedure.  相似文献   
A lightweight, percussion corer, suitable for use in remote lakes of moderate depth, is described. The operation of the corer and suggestions for securing and transporting long sediment cores are presented. In particular, the design and use of a recovery pot, which allows the retrieval of undisturbed cores from sediments of unknown depth, is detailed.  相似文献   
松花湖富营养化现状及其影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过2002年和2003年对东北地区松花湖水体富营养化状况进行调查和采样分析,对大量数据的多元相关分析和多元逐步回归分析、AGP试验和利用综合营养状态指数法进行评价。结果表明:松花湖处在中营养和轻度富营养状态;总磷是限制水体富营养化的主要因子之一。水体中变温层的形成,限制了上、下层湖水的混合,对下层水体中的溶解氧、无机氮和可溶性磷酸盐产生影响,随着变温层的消失,下层内的营养物质转移到湖上层,为藻类的繁殖提供条件。  相似文献   
城市湖泊湿地是城市重要的生态基础,具有许多生态功能和社会服务功能。合理开发和利用湿地资源是确保城市可持续发展的重要前提。针对武汉月湖的水体污染问题,围绕城市受污染水体的生境改善、生态系统结构优化与系统稳定等问题,开展水生植物定植、湖滨人工湿地、藻类控制、受污染底泥修复等水质改善技术的研究,并相应建设示范工程对月湖湿地进行管理和生态恢复。  相似文献   
Easily discernible sediment varves (annual laminations) may be formed in temperate zone lakes, and reflect seasonal changes in the composition of the accumulating material derived from the lake and its catchment (minerogenic and organic material). The appearance of varves may also be influenced by chemical processes. We assessed the role of iron (Fe) and sulfur (S) in the appearance of varves in sediments from Lake Nylandssjön in northern Sweden. We surveyed Fe in the lake water and established whether there is internal transport of Fe within the sediment. We used a unique collection of seven stored freeze cores of varved sediment from the lake, collected from 1979 to 2004. This suite of cores made it possible to follow long-term changes in Fe and S in the sediment caused by processes that occur in the lake bottom when the sediment is ageing. We compared Fe and S concentrations using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) in specific years in the different cores. No diagenetic front was found in the sediment and the data do not suggest that there is substantial vertical transport of Fe and S in the sediment. We also modeled Fe and S based on thermodynamic, limnological, and sediment data from the lake. The model was limited to the five components H+, e?, Fe3+, SO4 2?, H2CO3 and included the formation of solid phases such as Fe(OH)3 (amorphous), FeOOH (aged, microcrystalline), FeS and FeCO3. Modeling showed that there are pe (redox) ranges within which either FeS or Fe(OH)3/FeOOH is the only solid phase present and there are pe ranges within which the two solid phases co-exist, which supports the hypothesis that blackish and grey-brownish layers that occur in the varves were formed at the time of deposition. This creates new possibilities for deciphering high-temporal-resolution environmental information from varves.  相似文献   
四方湖湿地资源现状及保护管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四方湖湿地是淮河中游重要的淡水湖泊湿地,生物多样性丰富,具有调蓄防洪、保护生物多样性、维护生态平衡等多项功能。由于不合理的开发利用,四方湖湿地生物多样性下降,生态环境出现了退化的趋势。采取有力措施,保护和恢复四方湖湿地生态功能,迫在眉睫。分析了四方湖湿地资源现状及存在问题,提出了四方湖湿地资源保护及恢复对策。  相似文献   
王冠民 《矿物岩石》2000,20(4):37-41
西藏它日错地区是中特提斯的一个重要深坳陷区,发育了巨厚的下白垩统海陆交互相和浅海碳酸盐岩沉积,其中多巴组厚度超过了地500m,主要沉积相类型包括陆源碎屑湖坪相、碳酸盐浅海、水下浅滩,混合沉积过渡带等,在它日错一带形成坳陷中心,主要物源从南、西南方向进积,多巴组的烃源岩主要为浅海相地,向它划方向增多、加厚、有机质类型为混合型,可能的集集岩是浅滩相介壳灰岩、浅海相泥晶灰岩及潮坪相砂岩,裂隙是其主要的储集空间,而潮下带泥岩则可成为有利盖层,垂向上由于多旋回叠加,具有较好的生储盖盖组合,但所发现的烃源岩厚度较薄是其不利因素。  相似文献   
陆相咸化湖泊沉积硫酸盐岩硫同位素组成及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代海洋中的硫酸盐矿物和海水硫酸盐本身常有相似的硫同位素组成,因而可根据现代蒸发岩的硫酸盐同位素来判断古环境。据李任伟[1]引用Holser和Kaplan及格里年科的资料报道,海相蒸发岩及其所反映的古海洋硫酸盐的硫同位素组成只在较狭窄的范围内变化,现...  相似文献   
太湖湖泊生态系统健康评价   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:19  
五里湖作为太湖富营养化最严重的区域,内源污染和生态退化成为困扰五里湖最主要的两个问题.生态清淤工程的特点是对所要疏浚污染底泥污泥厚度通过采样分析后精确测定,并且在施工过程中的控制精度也高于一般的工程疏浚.所以生态清淤既可以清除五里湖的内源污染,又能为其生态恢复创造条件.本文通过对五里湖生态疏浚对生态系统的影响,疏浚区底泥、水质质量的改善的效果以及对原位培养生物的抗氧化系统组分变化等多个方面进行分析评价,发现,五里湖生态疏浚区底泥中磷含量下降了30%,左右,重金属含量升高的地质积累指数小于1级.疏浚后半年内水体中总磷和溶解磷含量比疏浚前下降10%-25%左右,叶绿素a含量下降40%,左右,其它水质理化参数保持正常.作为生物标志物原位培养生物的抗氧化系统组分在疏浚前后变化较小所以认为,五里湖疏浚达到了一定的效果,并且控制了对生态的压力,为下一步生态修复创造了条件.  相似文献   
近30年来太湖流域湖泊岸线形态动态变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李新国  江南  王红娟  刘新 《湖泊科学》2005,17(4):294-298
湖泊的岸线特征是表征湖泊形态特征的一项重要内容.本文应用分形理论中的计盒维数,基于岸线长度与面积 关系的分形维数及岸线发育系数,对太湖流域主要湖泊的湖泊岸线变化进行了研究.结果表明,分形维数可以更好的对 湖泊岸线进行量化描述,太湖流域主要湖泊的岸线具有自相似性;近30年来,太湖流域湖泊的岸线曲折度降低,岸线长度 减少,岸线结构趋于单调.  相似文献   
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