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A comprehensive framework for potential failure modes (PFM) identification and quantification of concrete dams subjected to seismic excitation is presented. A quantifiable indicator of PFM is presented in the context of both linear and nonlinear analyses. As an illustrative example, a thin arch dam subjected to a set of ground motions at different seismic intensity levels is investigated and corresponding PFM quantified. An outcome of this analysis is the probabilistic‐based correlation between linear and nonlinear analyses and identification of the optimal intensity measure parameter. This study, is an adaptation and extension of well‐accepted procedures defined by the performance‐based earthquake engineering paradigm in buildings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The assessment of earthquake loss often requires the definition of a relation between a measure of damage and a quantity of loss, usually achieved through the employment of a damage‐to‐loss model. These models are frequently characterized by a large variability, which inevitably increases the uncertainty in the vulnerability assessment and earthquake loss estimation. This study provides an insight on the development of damage‐to‐loss functions for moment‐frame reinforced concrete buildings through an analytical methodology. Tri‐dimensional finite element models of existing reinforced concrete buildings were subjected to a number of ground motion records compatible with the seismicity in the region of interest, through nonlinear dynamic analysis. These results were used to assess, for a number of damage states, the probability distribution of loss ratio, taking into consideration member damage and different repair techniques, as well as to derive sets of fragility functions. Then, a vulnerability model (in terms of the ratio of cost of repair to cost of replacement, conditional on the level of ground shaking intensity) was derived and compared with the vulnerability functions obtained through the combination of various damage‐to‐loss models with the set of fragility functions developed herein. In order to provide realistic estimates of economic losses due to seismic action, a comprehensive study on repair costs using current Portuguese market values was also carried out. The results of this study highlight important issues in the derivation of vulnerability functions, which are a fundamental component for an adequate seismic risk assessment. © 2015 The Authors. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
基于时间因素(材料内部作用、荷载作用和环境影响)和事件因素中的地震因素和抗震加固,通过结构可靠度理论研究和结构材料与构件的试验分析,结合现有的结构动态抗力函数以及不同极限破坏状态和结构抗力之间的对应关系,建立结构的动态易损性。研究事件因素中的拆迁和新建对城市建筑结构数量和类型的影响,以及未来城市不同结构类型的变化特点,给出未来城市的动态震害矩阵;研究群体震害矩阵的异地应用和事件因素中拆迁和新建建筑对震害矩阵的影响,在已有震害预测城市的建筑结构基础资料上,应用模糊数学中可信度方法,形成目标城市的动态震害矩阵,有利于进行结构的抗震设防和地震风险分析。  相似文献   
在细观层次上,混凝土可以被看作由水泥基、分散粒子和界面过渡层组成的三相复合材料。首先,基于骨料分布和形态的随机特性,将瓦拉文公式推广应用于确定二维混凝土试件截面凸多边形骨料分布,提出圆形骨料模型中以圆骨料的面积为控制参数,以圆内接多边形为基架的凸多边形随机骨料算法。进而以C80高强高性能混凝土为例,对数值试样进行单轴受压的数值模拟,得到相应的应力-应变曲线和损伤演化图。数值模拟结果与物理试验结果对比表明本文提出的数值模型合理可行。  相似文献   
利用服从Weibull分布的岩石微元强度表示方法,基于Drucker-Prager破坏准则,通过引入损伤变量的修正系数,利用应力-应变关系曲线峰值点处的应力、应变确定Weibull分布参数的关系式,建立不同围压下的损伤软化本构模型。该模型参数较少且易于确定,其参数的确定方法揭示了模型参数的物理意义。与前人的研究成果进行对比分析,结果表明该模型比未修正前有着明显的优越性,且与实测结果吻合较好,分析结果显示出该模型的合理性。  相似文献   
由于沿海地区的钢结构建筑常暴露在露天,不可避免地受到大气环境的腐蚀。本文在材料力学和结构分析的基础上,研究沿海地区钢框架结构自振频率的变化,进而对结构在近海大气环境下存在的潜在损伤进行评估。基于工字形与箱形截面,提出结构自振频率与结构构件厚度变化的关系式,并分别考虑构件内外表面腐蚀的影响。以一榀钢框架结构为例,分析其在腐蚀5、10、20年后结构前10阶自振频率的变化。分析结果表明,随着腐蚀程度的增加,结构自振频率降低的越大。研究成果可为锈蚀钢框架损伤评估提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
K形高强钢组合偏心支撑(K-HSS-EBF)是指耗能连梁和支撑采用Q345钢,而框架梁、框架柱采用高强度钢(如Q460)。为研究其在罕遇地震作用下的抗震性能,在试验研究的基础上,采用直接基于位移的抗震设计方法设计了5层、8层和12层算例,分别进行静力推覆分析和动力弹塑性分析,研究高强钢组合偏心支撑钢框架在罕遇地震作用下层间侧移分布和破坏模式。研究结果表明:直接基于位移的抗震设计方法设计的算例在罕遇地震作用下,结构的层间侧移满足我国现行抗震规范的要求,结构呈理想的渐进式梁铰屈服机构,并证明该设计方法的合理性和可靠性。  相似文献   
对于田2014年2月12日Ms7.3地震灾区各类房屋破坏现象进行了调查和整理,从房屋破坏、场地条件和房屋结构类型等几方面分析不同类型房屋的震害特征和震害原因,总结这次地震房屋的震害经验,提出今后抗震设防工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

A comprehensive hydro-ecological investigation was conducted to determine the ecological response of increased groundwater withdrawals from the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, an important source of water supply in southern New Jersey, USA. Collocated observations were made of aquatic-macroinvertebrate assemblages and stream hydrologic attributes to develop flow–ecology response relations. A sub-regional transient groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was used to simulate three plausible high-stress groundwater-withdrawal scenarios which resulted in stream baseflow reductions of approximately 0.12, 0.20, and 0.26 m3 s-1. These reduction scenarios were used to construct flow-alteration ecological response models to evaluate aquatic-macroinvertebrate response to streamflow reduction. For example, flow-alteration ecological response models indicate that if groundwater withdrawals diminish mean annual streamflow from 1.1 to 0.6 m3 s-1, the abundance of intolerant taxa could be reduced by as much as 20%. These flow-alteration ecological response modelling results could be used by resource professionals to evaluate alternative water management strategies to determine maximum basin withdrawal rates that meet ongoing human water demand while protecting biological integrity.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Kennen, J.G., Riskin, M.L., and Charles, E.G., 2014. Effects of streamflow reductions on aquatic macroinvertebrates: linking groundwater withdrawals and assemblage response in southern New Jersey streams, USA. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 545–561.  相似文献   
In May 2008 a shallow Mw6.3 earthquake struck South Iceland with an epicentre close to two small towns. Nearly 5000 low-rise residential buildings were affected. The recorded maximum PGA was 0.88 g. A great deal of damage occurred, but there was no loss of life. In Iceland all buildings are registered in a detailed official database and insurance against natural disasters is obligatory. As the repair costs for every affected building had to be assessed for insurance purposes this provided an unusual opportunity to review structural performance across the whole population of buildings in the affected area. The estimated repair cost was classified in a number of subcategories covering structural and non-structural damage for five different residential building typologies. Study of these buildings showed that non-structural damage dominated the overall damage. The main monetary damage was cosmetic damage of partition walls and flooring. The structural systems performed quite well and no buildings collapsed.  相似文献   
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