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王龙  万刚  黄河 《测绘工程》2015,(2):42-46
街景地图是全景图与二维在线地图的结合,它以实景作为辅助传统地图抽象描述的表达手段,提高地图的空间认知功能。街景地图为用户提供固定视点的360°自由漫游与全景图点间漫游。街景地图中全景图布设呈线状分布,点间距离短、漫游频繁,因此,漫游需保持一定的空间连续与空间纵深。文中对街景地图这一全景图漫游技术应用环境的特点进行分析,引入能够从单张照片恢复一定深度信息的TIP算法,并将其运用渲染到纹理、着色器等技术,对TIP算法实现过程进行改进,在保证一定运行效率的前提下,提高街景地图的漫游效果。  相似文献   
基于格网的洪水灾害危险性评价分析——以巴基斯坦为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪水灾害已成为给当今人类带来严重损失的自然灾害之一,因此,灾害风险评价是区域经济持续发展的前提与条件。本文从致灾因子和孕灾环境两方面进行分析,综合考虑降水(累计降雨量和最大降雨量)、河流(河网密度)、地形(高程值和坡度值)、土地利用和植被(NDVI)共5种相关因子,以1km格网数据为基础,运用AHP(层次分析法)对巴基斯坦洪水灾害进行了危险性评价。结果表明:巴基斯坦洪水灾害危险性受降雨和地形的影响较大,其危险程度东南部大于西北部,并由东南部向西北部逐渐递减。  相似文献   

Geospatial data is often spatially aggregated by the use of Discrete Global Grid Systems. References to grid cells are needed for the communication of such data, and different identifier schemes have accordingly been introduced in literature. These schemes suffer, however, from being hard to understand for non-experts, and the geometry of a cell cannot be inferred from its identifier without complex computations. In this article, a novel identifier scheme that encodes the geographic coordinates of the centroid of a cell is proposed, which comes at the cost of potentially being ambiguous in case of a very fine-grained grid. We reason and computationally demonstrate that ambiguity does though not occur for real-world applications. The novel identifier scheme minimizes the amount of data to be communicated, for example, between a server and a client application, and it allows to infer approximate geometries of the cells only by their identifiers.  相似文献   
本文介绍了基于点云的Delaunay三角形格网的贴图原理和方法以及对点云直接贴图的原理和方法,并通过实验比较这两种贴图方法的效果,说明了直接对点云贴图的方法的可行性。  相似文献   
根据WMO规定的数值预报标准化检验方案开发的数值预报格点产品检验系统,可以实时检验广西中尺度数值预报产品及9210下发的多种数值产品,可为数值模式的改进及数值产品的业务化应用提供直接的参考依据。  相似文献   
以美国橡树岭国家实验室二氧化碳信息分析中心的中国碳排放数据、统计年鉴中的分省化石能源消费与水泥产量数据为基础,选取NDVI植被指数、DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据、GDP、工业总产值、人口5个指标,对中国2000年及2010年的分省碳排放结果采用5km×5km格网,运用空间滞后回归模型(SLM)进行空间分布模拟,并对空间模拟结果进行误差分析及纠正,获得2000年及2010年地均碳排放强度空间分布图。结果表明,中国地均碳排放强度存在以下特征:区域差异分布特征明显,主要表现为从东部地区向中西部地区逐渐变小;存在几个明显高值热点及低值冷点区域;随着时间的推移,地域差异特征越发明显,冷点和热点区域分布特征更加显著;2010年各地区地均碳排放强度明显大于2000年。  相似文献   
随着空间地理信息以及各种新型地图产品在各个领域的广泛应用,人们发现不同时期,应用需求对空间地理信息组织表达的要求是不同的,不同领域和部门对地理信息的组织表达方式也是不同的。但是,目前空间地理信息的共享和互操作、空间地理信息的多尺度分析与表达等,都要求空间地理信息的组织与表达要科学、合理和规范,否则难以满足测绘信息服务化及信息化测绘体系的建设。本文以交通类信息组织表达为例,详尽阐述当前空间地理信息组织表达的现状,分析其原因,并提出了解决这一问题的思路和方法,为今后信息化测绘体系建设、数据库数据组织和地理信息表达,提供理论和方法借鉴。  相似文献   
A sequence of prograde isograds is recognized within the Dalradian Inzie Head gneisses where pelitic compositions have undergone variable degrees of partial melting via incongruent melting reactions consuming biotite. Three leucosome types are identified. At the lowest grades, granitic leucosomes containing porphyroblasts of cordierite (CRD‐melt) are abundant. At intermediate grades, CRD‐melt mingles with garnetiferous leucosomes (GT‐melt). At the highest grades, CRD‐melt coexists with orthopyroxene‐bearing leucosomes (OPX‐melt), while garnet is conspicuously absent. The prograde metamorphic field gradient is constrained to pressures of 2–3 kbar below the CRD‐melt isograd, and no greater than 4.5 kbar at the highest grade around Inzie Head. A petrogenetic grid, calculated using thermocalc , is presented for the K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH) system for the phases orthopyroxene, garnet, cordierite, biotite, sillimanite, H2O and melt with quartz and K‐feldspar in excess. For the implied field gradient, the reaction sequence predicted by the grid is consistent with the successive prograde development of each leucosome type. Compatibility diagrams suggest that, as anatexis proceeded, bulk compositions may have been displaced towards higher MgO content by the removal of (relatively) ferroan granitic leucosome. An isobaric (P = 4 kbar) TaH2O diagram shows that premigmatization fluids must have been water‐rich (aH2O > 0.85) and suggests that, following the formation of small volumes of CRD‐melt, the system became fluid‐absent and melting reactions buffered aH2O to lower values as temperatures rose. GT‐ and OPX‐melt formed by fluid‐absent melting reactions, but a maximum of 7–11% CRD‐melt fraction can be generated under fluid‐absent conditions, much less than the large volumes observed in the field. There is strong evidence that the CRD‐melt leucosomes could not have been derived by buoyantly aided upwards migration from levels beneath the migmatites. Their formation therefore required a significant influx of H2O‐rich fluid, but in a quantity insufficient to have exhausted the buffering capacity of the solid assemblage plus melt. Fluid : rock ratios cannot have exceeded 1 : 30. The fluid was channelled through a regionally extensive shear zone network following melt‐induced failure. Such an influx of fluid at such depths has obvious consequences for localized crustal magma production and possibly for cordierite‐bearing granitoids in general.  相似文献   
自适应非线性有限元的多重网格法求解及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
描述了非线性自适应有限元的多重网格法求解过程。 通过算例说明了方法的有效性以及自适应多重网格有限元用于开挖施工过程模拟分析的优越性。  相似文献   
王本淳 《湖南地质》1996,15(2):107-111
本文剖析了柿竹园钨锡钼铋矿床地勘阶段地质观察粗浅,勘探投入超前,探明储量积压、B+C级储量比例偏大等不合理的勘查工作及其原因。在此基础上,探讨矿区合理的勘探程度,储量比例及由此带来的经济效益。  相似文献   
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