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Quantitative information on vegetation and climate history from the late glacial-Holocene on the Tibetan Plateau is extremely rare. Here, we present palynological results of a 4.30-m-long sediment record collected from Koucha Lake in the Bayan Har Mountains, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Vegetation change has been traced by biomisation, ordination of pollen data, and calculation of pollen ratios. The application of a pollen-climate calibration set from the eastern Tibetan Plateau to Koucha Lake pollen spectra yielded quantitative climate information. The area was covered by alpine desert/steppe, characteristic of a cold and dry climate (with 50% less precipitation than today) between 16,700 and 14,600 cal yr BP. Steppe vegetation, warm (∼ 1°C higher than today) and wet conditions prevailed between 14,600 and 6600 cal yr BP. These findings contradict evidence from other monsoon-influenced areas of Asia, where the early Holocene is thought to have been moist. Low effective moisture on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau was likely due to high temperature and evaporation, even though precipitation levels may have been similar to present-day values. The vegetation changed to tundra around 6600 cal yr BP, indicating that wet and cool climate conditions occurred on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the second half of the Holocene.  相似文献   
基于多元回归分析的铬污染地下水风险评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土-水分配系数(Kd)是表征重金属污染物在土壤包气带中迁移能力的重要参数,受污染物质量浓度、pH值、有机质质量分数、铁铝氧化物质量分数等多种因素影响。本文通过实验研究了分配系数与各种影响因素之间的关系,基于多元回归分析方法得到了分配系数与影响因素的关系方程;并以分配系数、泄漏量、土壤孔隙度、初始含水率为风险因子建立了地下水污染风险评价方法。以某工厂铬废液的泄露为案例,采用构建的方法进行地下水污染风险评价。结果表明:该处地下水被污染的风险等级为中等。地下水污染风险评价方法的建立为重金属污染地下水的监测管理提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   
Rainfall intensities measured at a few stations in Kerala during 2001–2005 using a disdrometer were found to be in reasonable agreement with the total rainfall measured using a manual rain gauge. The temporal distributions of rainfall intensity at different places and during different months show that rainfall is of low intensity (< 10 mm/hr), 65% to 90% of the time. This could be an indication of the relative prevalence of stratiform and cumuliform clouds. Rainfall was of intensity < 5 mm/hr for more than 95% of the time in Kochi in July 2002, which was a month seriously deficient in rainfall, indicating that the deficiency was probably due to the relative absence of cumuliform clouds. Cumulative distribution graphs are also plotted and fitted with the Weibull distribution. The fit parameters do not appear to have any consistent pattern. The higher intensities also contributed significantly to total rainfall most of the time, except in Munnar (a hill station). In this analysis also, the rainfall in Kochi in July 2002 was found to have less presence of high intensities. This supports the hypothesis that the rainfall deficiency was probably caused by the absence of conditions that favoured the formation of cumuliform clouds.  相似文献   
深成煤化作用是川南地区煤化作用的主导因素,本文着重阐明了构造对煤类分布的影响。  相似文献   
农业非点源污染的流域分配研究对于提高环境质量具有重要的现实意义。根据遥感技术得到的土地利用类型、河网、道路、圩区等信息,结合地理信息系统(GIS)的空间分析功能,对非点源污染负荷进行了定量计算及可视化分析,在此基础上,得到各主要河段的污染分配量,这可为寻求流域内合理的土地利用模式和农业非点源污染排放总量的控制方法提供决策依据。  相似文献   
在野外实地考察和追索的基础上,详细厘定了特提斯喜马拉雅带中段晚古生代以来火山岩的分布特点和迁移规律。结果表明,在特提斯喜马拉雅带中段晚古生代以来的地层系统中,从二叠纪→三叠纪→侏罗纪→白垩纪,共有11个层位含规模不等的火山岩,它们以透镜体、薄夹层或以块状玄武岩、玄武质安山岩等形式产出于不同地层系统中;从二叠纪→早中三叠世→晚三叠世→侏罗纪和白垩纪,具有由西向东、从南→北→南→北的迁移规律。这些火山活动的发现和厘定,对填补特提斯喜马拉雅带火山岩研究的空白,了解陆下岩石圈地幔和软流圈地幔之间的相互作用和新特提斯洋盆的形成演化都具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
刘尧  王红池 《天文学进展》2011,29(2):148-167
原行星盘是环绕在年轻星天体(如T Tauri型星,HAe/Be星)周围的气体尘埃盘,是具有初始角动量的分子云核在塌缩形成恒星过程中的自然结果,是行星系统的起源地。原行星盘研究不仅是恒星形成理论的重要组成部分,而且是行星形成理论的基础。首先介绍了盘的形成与演化规律;然后介绍了年轻星天体的能谱分布,盘的模型和参数(质量吸积率、质量、尺度、温度、寿命);随后讨论了尘埃颗粒在盘中生长的观测证据以及行星在盘中形成的大致过程;最后对原行星盘研究的现状和未来做了总结与展望。  相似文献   
利用上海天文台的照相底片资料,确定了疏散星团NGC6530天区364颗恒星的自行和成员概率,并对有关自行测定的方法、结果和精度等问题作了较为详细的介绍和讨论。使用的底片历元差为87年,全部恒星自行中误差的均方根值为1.09mas/a。  相似文献   
樊沛  黄文骞  于彩霞 《测绘科学》2008,33(6):103-104,62
同大多数的线阵推扫式影像相比,TM影像作为双向扫描型的影像其几何校正方法有其特殊性和复杂性。针对这个问题,本文简要介绍了一般多项式、空间斜墨卡托投影、有理函数模型等几种几何近似校正算法,并利用广州地区的TM影像进行了各种试验分析和精度比较。结果表明:同其他方法相比,空间斜墨卡托投影是一种较好的算法,校正精度最高,能够达到一个像素左右,而且该方法不受地形起伏的影响,无需地面高程信息。  相似文献   
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