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P. Pato M. Otero M. Válega C.B. Lopes M.E. Pereira A.C. Duarte 《Marine pollution bulletin》2010,60(10):1658-1666
After having estimated the patterns of flow to the ocean and found some seasonal and tidal differences, mainly with regard to the relative importance of dissolved and particulate fractions, mercury partitioning at the interface between a contaminated lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean was investigated during four tidal cycles in contrasting season and tidal regimes. Mercury was found to be located predominantely in the particulate fraction throughout the year, contributing to its retention within the system. Seasonal conditions, variations in marine and fluvial signals and processes affecting bed sediment resuspension influenced the character and concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water column. Variation in the nature, levels and partitioning of organic carbon in the particulate fraction affected levels of particulate mercury as well as mercury partitioning. These results highlight the dominant role of suspended particulate matter in the distribution of anthropogenic mercury and reinforce the importance of competitive behavior related to organic carbon in mercury scavenging. 相似文献
中国避暑型气候的地域类型及其时空分布特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
由于中国各地纬度、地形及海陆位置的地域差异,形成了多种多样的避暑型气候。本文采用1993-2012年756个国家基本站和122个辐射站逐日气象数据,基于通用热气候指数(UTCI)模型计算各气象站点的人体感知温度,结合聚类分析方法对避暑型气候的地域类型进行了研究,并对其空间分布、时间变化和舒适特征进行了分析。结果表明:中国避暑型气候主要包括西南高原型、中东部山岳型、东北山地平原型、西北山地高原型和环渤海低山丘陵型5种地域类型;各类避暑型气候具有显著的地域特色:西南高原型避暑气候纬度低、海拔高,太阳辐射较强;中东部山岳型避暑气候地势高、风速大,夏季舒适偏冷;环渤海低山丘陵型避暑气候地势低、湿度大,夏季舒适偏热且舒适度受海风影响明显;西北山地高原型避暑气候温度适宜、天气晴朗,但略显干燥;东北山地平原型避暑气候凉爽、风速不大、辐射不强、湿度适中,综合条件相对优越。从各类避暑型气候夏季人体感知温度的变化来看,环渤海低山丘陵型舒适期较短,其余类型舒适期相对较长,东北山地平原型和西北山地高原型人体感知温度曲线呈良好的单峰对称变化,其余类型大致呈单峰不对称形态。本文不仅丰富了避暑型气候研究的理论成果,而且也可为避暑型旅游资源的开发与规划提供科学依据,进一步指导人们的避暑旅游活动。 相似文献
精氨酸/赖氨酸特异性半胱氨酸蛋白酶(Metacaspase)在浮游植物程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death.PCD)过程中起着关键作用。本文利用生物信息学方法分析metacaspase基因在浮游植物中的分布,并以海洋球石藻(Emilianiahuxleyi)metacaspases(EhMCs)为代表分析其结构和功能,依据Uniprot和String数据库挖掘与metacaspase功能相关并参与浮游植物PCD过程的互作蛋白。结果发现:共计29条、四种类型的metacaspases分布于11种浮游植物中,它们的metacaspase蛋白一级结构存在明显差异,但位于p20的组氨酸和半胱氨酸活性位点均具有高度的保守性;EhMCs三级结构与酵母的metacaspase十分相似,暗示它们具有类似的功能;浮游植物metacaspases与多种蛋白存在直接或间接的互作关系,在细胞PCD过程、响应环境胁迫和能量代谢等方面发挥重要作用。另外.metacaspase的磷酸化修饰可能在浮游植物PCD信号转导过程中起调节作用。 相似文献
Proxy climate data can be obtained from reconstructions of hydrological changes on ombrotrophic (rain‐fed) peatlands using biological indicators, such as testate amoebae. Reconstructions are based on transfer functions, relating modern assemblage composition to water table and moisture content, applied to fossil sequences. Existing transfer functions in Europe and elsewhere are limited geographically and there are often problems with missing or poor analogues. This paper presents a new palaeohydrological transfer function based on sampling raised mires from across Europe. Relationships between assemblages and hydrological variables are described using ordination analyses. Transfer functions are developed for depth to water table (n = 119) and moisture content (n = 132) with root mean squared errors (RMSEP) of 5.6 cm and 2.7% respectively. Both transfer functions have an r2 of 0.71, based on ‘leave one out’ cross‐validation. Comparisons with an existing transfer function for Britain show that the European transfer function performs well in inferring measured water tables in Britain but that the British data cannot be used to infer water tables for other European sites with confidence. Several of the key missing and poor analogue taxa problems encountered in previous transfer functions are solved. The new transfer function will be an important tool in developing peat‐based palaeoclimatic reconstructions for European sites. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
基于GPD分布的黑河流域极端降水频率特征分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用广义帕雷托分布(GPD)对黑河流域极端降水的频率特征进行了分析。采用百分位数法、Hill图法、年交叉率法选取了极端降水阈值,借助L矩法对GPD分布的参数进行了估计;采用Mann-Kendall和Pettitt方法对超阈值日极端降水序列的平稳性进行了检验。结果表明:① 采用百分位数法和Hill图法得到的日极端降水阈值差别很大,在综合考虑以上两种方法的基础上,结合年交叉率法,最终确定了流域各站点日极端降水的阈值;② 根据Mann-Kendall和Pettitt方法,超阈值日极端降水序列基本满足平稳性假定;通过Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验以及理论频率曲线和经验频率曲线的拟合程度可以看出,GPD分布能够很好地拟合研究区极端降水的分布特征;③ 通过分析理论累积频率达到90%以上的极端降水可以发现,黑河流域20世纪60年代发生极端降水的次数最多,其次是90年代以后,70年代、80年代发生极端降水次数较少;在过去51年间,下游发生极端降水的次数最多,其次是中游和上游。 相似文献
极限平衡分析方法是斜坡稳定性评价中的常用方法,在长期的工程实践中积累了丰富的经验,但其不能考虑斜坡岩土体中实际存在的不确定性,在应用中具有一定的局限性。可靠度分析方法可有效地考虑斜坡系统内的不确定性和相关性,但因状态函数偏导数的求解比较困难,使可靠度分析方法在实际中应用不便。为解决上述问题,根据二元函数插值逼近原理,在矩形区域上构造拉格朗日不完全双二次多项式逼近状态函数,从而近似地计算状态函数的偏导数,求得状态函数的均值和方差,并利用精度较高的一次二阶矩方法来计算斜坡的可靠指标和破坏概率。据鄂西恩施地区马堡营滑坡实例分析表明,引入二元函数插值逼近的一次二阶矩方法计算结果与剩余推力法及Monte-carlo模拟方法结果一致,其精度可满足工程需求。 相似文献
When ordinary Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used to simulate wave propagation in a wave tank, it is usually observed that the wave height decays and the wave length elongates along the direction of wave propagation. Accompanied with this phenomenon, the pressure under water decays either and shows a big oscillation simultaneously. The reason is the natural potential tensile instability of modeling water motion with ordinary SPH which is caused by particle negative stress in the computation. To deal with the problems, a new sextic kernel function is proposed to reduce this instability. An appropriate smooth length is given and its computation criterion is also suggested. At the same time, a new kind dynamic boundary condition is introduced. Based on these improvements, the new SPH method named stability improved SPH (SISPH) can simulate the wave propagation well. Both the water surface and pressure can be well expressed and the oscillation of pressure is nearly eliminated. Compared with other improved methods, SISPH can truly reveal the physical reality without bringing some new problems in a simple way. 相似文献
Robert Shcherbakov Jordan Van Aalsburg John B. Rundle Donald L. Turcotte 《Tectonophysics》2006,413(1-2):53
Correlations in space and time play a fundamental role in earthquake processes. One direct manifestation of the effects of correlations is the occurrence of aftershocks due to the stress transfer in the vicinity of a main shock. Less obvious and more speculative changes in correlations may occur in the background seismicity before large earthquakes. Using statistical physics it is possible to introduce a measure of spatial correlations through a correlation length. This quantity characterizes how local fluctuations can influence the occurrence of earthquakes over distances comparable with the correlation length. In this work, the physical basis of spatial correlations of earthquakes is discussed in the context of critical phenomena and the percolation problem. The method of two-point correlation function is applied to the seismicity of California. Well defined variations in time of the correlation length are found for aftershock sequences and background seismicity. The scaling properties of our obtained distributions are analyzed with respect to changes in several scaling parameters such as lower magnitude cutoff of earthquakes, the maximum time interval between earthquakes, and the spatial size of the area considered. This scaling behavior can be described in a unified manner by utilizing the multifractal fit. Utilizing the percolation approach the time evolution of clusters of earthquakes is studied with the correlation length defined in terms of the radius of gyration of clusters. This method is applied to the seismicity of California. 相似文献