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湖北省随州杨家棚地区辉长岩Rb-Sr同位素年龄   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对湖北省随州地区组成花山蛇绿混杂岩的杨家棚MORB型辉长岩进行了RbSr同位素分析,其矿物(辉石、斜长石)等时线年龄为435±49(2σ)Ma,ISr为0.70516±28(2σ),与该地区出露的三里岗二长花岗岩的RbSr等时线年龄(422Ma)在误差范围内是一致的;反映了该地区在加里东期曾受到强烈地质事件的作用,并进一步表明花山洋盆可能是一个形成年龄较老的洋盆,以前有关花山洋盆存在时限(海西印支期)的推测在这里没有得到确证。  相似文献   
蒙古科布多省阿拉腾索音博地区地处阿尔泰构造带南缘,由一系列弧盆系及增生杂岩带组成。区内发育一条近东西向辉长岩带,辉长岩15颗锆石分为2类:一类具明显条带韵律环带,一类内部均匀干净,二者均不具核边结构,不含包体,结合高Th/U值(0.46~0.68),确定为典型的基性岩浆锆石;锆石LA-ICP-MS年龄加权平均值为317.6±1.6Ma,厘定其成岩时代为晚石炭世。研究对比表明,该辉长岩带形成于板块俯冲碰撞的尾声阶段,是阿尔泰造山运动大背景下区域基性岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   
在乌拉特后旗—达茂旗—四子王旗一带的内蒙古中部地区分布着超基性-酸性连续岩浆系列,开展其岩体年代学、地球化学研究可为内蒙古中部地区与超基性-基性岩有关的铜镍矿成矿规律研究提供基础地质资料,还可以推断岩浆侵位时期的区域大地构造背景。本文以达茂旗黄花滩铜镍矿区出露的辉长岩为研究对象,采用LA-ICP-MS仪器对无裂隙、高透明度、阴极发光均匀、环带清晰的锆石进行U-Pb定年,获得岩体加权平均年龄为262.4±1.1 Ma,并利用XRF和ICP-MS进行岩石地球化学分析显示黄花滩辉长岩具有后碰撞拉伸环境下的岩浆特征。综合前人相关研究认为,内蒙古中部地区于中二叠世晚期(255~275 Ma)已经进入后碰撞构造阶段,而古亚洲洋在该区域的闭合应发生在晚二叠世前(~285 Ma),此结论丰富了古亚洲洋闭合时间上限及中晚二叠世期间内蒙古中部地区构造背景方面的证据。  相似文献   
The La Peña alkaline complex (LPC) of Miocene age (18–19 Ma) lies on the eastern front of the Precordillera (32°41ʹ34ʺS, 68°59ʹ48″W, 1400–2900 m a.s.l.), 30 km northwest of Mendoza city, Argentina. It is a subcircular massif of 19 km2 and 5 km in diameter, intruded in the metasedimentary sequence of the Villavicencio Formation of Silurian-Devonian age. It is the result of integration of multiple pulses derived from one or more deep magma chambers, which form a suite of silicate rocks grouped into: a clinopyroxenite body, a central syenite facies with a large breccia zone at the contact with the clinopyroxenite, bodies of malignite, trachyte and syenite porphyry necks, and a system of radial and annular dikes of different compositions. Its subcircular geometry and dike system distribution are frequent features of intraplate plutons or plutons emplaced in post-orogenic settings. These morphostructural features characterize numerous alkaline complexes worldwide and denote the importance of magmatic pressures that cause doming with radial and annular fracturing, in a brittle country rock. However, in the LPC, the attitude of the internal fabric of plutonic and subvolcanic units and the preferential layout of dikes match the NW–SE extensional fractures widely distributed in the host rock. This feature indicates a strong tectonic control linked to the structure that facilitate space for emplacement, corresponding to the brittle shear zone parallel to the N–S stratigraphy of the country rock. Shearing produced a system of discontinuities, with a K fractal fracture pattern, given by the combination of Riedel (R), anti-Riedel (R′), (P) and extensional (T) fracture systems, responsible for the control of melt migration by the opening of various fracture branches, but particularly through the NW–SE (T) fractures. Five different pulses would have ascent, (1) an initial one from which cumulate clinopyroxenite was formed, (2) a phase of mafic composition represented by dikes cross-cutting the clinopyroxenite, (3) a malignite facies that causes a small breccia in the clinopyroxenite, (4) a central syenite facies that develops breccias at the contact with the clinopyroxenite and, finally, (5) porphyry necks and a system of radial dikes intruding all units. At the moment of the emplacement different mechanisms would have acted, they summarized in: 1) opening of discontinuities synchronous to the magma circulation as the principal mechanism for formation of dikes and conduits; 2) stoping processes, that play an important role in the development of the breccia zone and enabling an efficient transference of material during the emplacement of the syenitic magma and 3) shear-related deformation (regional stress), affected the internal fabric of the facies, causing intracrystalline deformation and submagmatic flow, which is very evident in the central syenite intrusive. The kinematic analysis of shear planes allows proposing that emplacement of the LPC took place in a transtensive regime, which would have occurred in the back-arc of the Andes orogen, during a long period spanning from Miocene to the present, of the compressive deformation responsible, westward and at the same latitude, for the development of the Aconcagua fold and thrust belt.  相似文献   
北天山巴音沟蛇绿岩中堆晶辉长岩的LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb测年结果确定:巴音沟蛇绿岩中辉长岩形成的同位素地质年代为344.0±3.4Ma。表明巴音沟蛇绿岩所代表的洋盆形成于早石炭世。综合前人天山石炭纪蛇绿岩及构造演化的研究成果,笔者认为巴音沟蛇绿岩是大陆板内强烈拉张的产物。  相似文献   
柴北缘绿梁山地区辉长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄及意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
柴达木盆地北缘绿梁山地区的辉长岩侵入到古生代滩间山群及超基性岩中,地球化学、微量元素、稀土元素显示出源幔特征.选自其中的锆石明显具岩浆型锆石特点,4个单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素年龄均为谐和年龄,206Pb/238U表面年龄统计权重平均值为(496.3±6.2)Ma,代表了该岩体的结晶年龄,从而间接地否定了本区滩间山群的时代为晚奥陶世-志留纪的认识.辉长岩与滩间山群是柴北缘活动大陆边缘火山岛弧的组成部分.此类岩体同位素地质年龄的确定对柴北缘榴辉岩、滩间山群时代及大地构造性质的重新认识具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Geochemical data are presented for the meta-igneous, mafic-ultramafic complex near Finero. This complex is in contact with a phlogopite-bearing mantle peridotite and is subdivided into the Internal Gabbro unit, the Amphibole Peridotite unit, and the External Gabbro unit. The Internal Gabbro and the Amphibole Peridotite units consist of coarse-grained, chemically heterogeneous cumulates, whereas the External Gabbro unit is generally massive, chemically more uniform and approximately representative of the residual melt with MgO contents between 6.6 and 9.1% and Mg numbers between 38 and 58. Both whole-rock and mineral contents of Ni and Cr are significantly higher (at similar Mg numbers) in the Amphibole Peridotite unit than in the Internal Gabbro unit. The most straightforward interpretation of this is that the Amphibole Peridotite unit accumulated after the influx of fresh mafic (or ultramafic) magma into the magma chamber. Major-element chemical trends are continuous from the Amphibole Peridotite unit to the External Gabbro unit and are consistent with closed-system fractionation with no further addition of magma or contamination by wall or roof rock assimilation. In the External Gabbro unit, total FeO and TiO2 contents are strongly correlated with each other (and with P2O5 and Zr) and reach values as high as 19 and 4%, respectively, indicating an advanced degree of crystal fractionation along a tholeftic trend. The External Gabbro samples have generally smooth normalized trace element patterns, which are consistent with being representative of a liquid composition. The residual nature of the External Gabbro magma is also indicated by negative Eu and Sr anomalies, clear evidence for prior feldspar fractionation. REE patterns are otherwise indistinguishable from N-type MORB, but Th and U are significantly more depleted than in MORB. This Th and U depletion is similar to that found in olivine basalts and picrites on Iceland and Hawaii; its origin is not well understood. No evidence is seen for any assimilation of crystal material, in sharp contrast with the situation of the igneous complex in Val Sesia near Balmuccia, where the magma composition is dominated by assimilation of crust. We suggest that the heat provided by at most two injections of magma near Finero was insufficient to induce crystal anatexis, in contrast with the excess heat supplied by multiple magma injections at Balmuccia.  相似文献   
用SHRIMP U-Pb和Sm-Nd定年技术,对攀西红格矿区含矿层状辉长岩、碱性正长岩进行了年龄测定。获得红格辉长岩中3种不同晶形锆石的U-Pb年龄分别为258.4±4.1Ma、1841±34Ma、2487±12Ma,由辉长岩、辉石和磷灰石所构成的Sm-Nd等时线年龄为253±14Ma;碱性正长岩中锆石的U-Pb年龄为257.2±1.5Ma。结果表明,红格辉长岩中具有典型基性岩锆石特征的锆石U-Pb年龄(258Ma)与同一地质样品的Sm-Nd年龄(全岩+矿物内部等时线年龄),以及同一矿区的正长岩锆石U-Pb年龄在测定误差范围内一致。鉴于层状辉长岩和碱性正长岩在空间上密切共生,在形成时间上一致,可以认为它们都属于晚二叠世末岩浆活动的产物;而1841Ma和2487Ma的锆石,可能是在基性-超基性岩浆的上侵过程中,从基底所捕获的岩浆锆石和继承锆石,其年龄信息,揭示了康滇地轴岩浆岩带的下部或结晶基底存在元古代甚至新太古代末期的岩石或物质。  相似文献   
Ultramafic and mafic xenoliths of magmatic origin, sampled in the Beaunit vent (northern French Massif Central), derive from the Permian (257 Ma) Beaunit layered complex (BLC) that was emplaced at the crust-mantle transition zone (∼1 GPa). These plutonic xenoliths are linked to a single fractional crystallisation process in four steps: peridotitic cumulates; websteritic cumulates; Al-rich mafic cumulates (plagioclase, pyroxenes, garnet, amphibole and spinel) and finally low-Al mafic cumulates. This sequence of cumulates can be related to the compositional evolution of hydrous Mg basaltic magma that evolved to high-Al basalt and finally to andesitic basalt. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions confirm the co-genetic character of the various magmatic xenoliths and argue for an enriched upper mantle source comparable to present mantle wedges above subduction zones. LILE, LREE and Pb enrichment are a common feature of all xenoliths and argue for an enriched sub-alkaline transitional parental magma. The existence of a Permian magma chamber at 30 km depth suggests that the low-velocity zone observed locally beneath the Moho probably does not represent an anomalous mantle but rather a sequence of mafic/ultramafic cumulates with densities close to those of mantle rocks.  相似文献   
X射线衍射分析和化学成分研究表明,磷灰石为氟磷灰石,榍石成分中存在着的主要类质同象替代是(Fe~(3+)、Al)+(F,OH)~-=Ti~(4+)+O~(2-)。磷灰石和榍石是碱性辉长岩的REE、Ba、Zr等微量元素的主要载体;它们是在较高氧逸度的条件下结晶的。磷灰石的Sr同位素特征说明形成双龙桥碱性辉长杂岩的物质来源于上地幔。  相似文献   
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