The response relationship between equivalent neutral wind speed anomaly(ENWSA) and sea-air temperature difference anomaly(SATDA) has been analyzed over four typical sea regions, i.e., the Kuroshio Extension, the Gulf Stream, the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence and the Agulhas Return Current. The results show that ENWSA is more sensitive to SATDA than sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA), which implies that SATDA seems to be a more suitable parameter than SSTA to analyze the mesoscale air-sea interac... 相似文献
Social upgrading does not inherently follow economic upgrading;rather,they pre-sent a complex interplay.This paper,focusing on China,utilizes the coupling coordination degree and a panel regression model to shed light on the intricate interaction between social upgrading and economic upgrading.It is found that the coupling coordination degree of social and economic upgrading in China has improved from 0.33 to 0.49 since the mid-1990s,un-dergoing a shift from a stage of slight imbalance to low-level coordination.However,signifi-cant regional disparities are present in terms of economic upgrading,social upgrading,and their coupling coordination degree.Developed areas exhibit a higher degree of coupling co-ordination compared to less developed regions,indicating a connection between the coupling coordination degree and the level of economic growth.Economic globalization,public gov-ernance,and the legal environment positively impact the coupling coordination between so-cial and economic upgrading,while economic privatization and corporate violations of law exert negative effects.The paper concludes with policy discussions for enhancing the cou-pling coordination between social and economic upgrading. 相似文献
A hierarchical multiscale modeling framework is proposed to simulate flowslide triggering and runout. It couples a system-scale sliding-consolidation model (SCM) resolving hydro-mechanical feedbacks within a flowslide with a local-scale solver based on the discrete element method (DEM) replicating the sand deformation response in the liquefied regime. This coupling allows for the simulation of a seamless transition from solid- to fluid-like behavior following liquefaction, which is controlled by the grain-scale dynamics. To investigate the role of grain-scale interactions, the DEM simulations replace the constitutive model within the SCM framework, enabling the capture of the emergent rate-dependent behavior of the sand during the inertial regime of motion. For this purpose, a novel algorithm is proposed to ensure the accurate passage of the strain rate from the global analysis to the local DEM solver under both quasi-static (pre-triggering) and dynamic (post-triggering) regimes of motion. Our findings demonstrate that the specifics of the coupling algorithm do not bear significant consequences to the triggering analysis, in that the grain-scale dynamics is negligible. By contrast, major differences between the results obtained with traditional algorithms and the proposed algorithm are found for the post-triggering stage. Specifically, the existing algorithms suffer from loss of convergence and require proper numerical treatment to capture the micro-inertial effects arising from the post-liquefaction particle agitation responsible for viscous-like effects that spontaneously regulate the flowslide velocity. These findings emphasize the important role of rate-dependent feedback for the analysis of natural hazards involving granular materials, especially for post-failure propagation analysis. 相似文献