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根据特定震源机制、震级、断层距和场地条件选取69条地震动记录并进行分组,利用Nspectra软件计算隔震结构的弹塑性位移反应谱,分析断层距、场地条件、震级、阻尼比对弹塑性位移谱的影响,探讨隔震层的力学参数对地震能量耗散的影响。研究结果表明:相较于远场,处于近场的隔震结构最为不利,隔震层位移谱值受场地条件、地震加速度和速度大小影响较大;随着断层距的增大,位移谱值衰减较快,且在软土场地中隔震层的位移谱值衰减幅度大于硬土场地;地震震级大小对位移谱形状的影响不明显,但能够使隔震层的位移谱值产生整体缩放效应;阻尼比在小于0.4的范围内,隔震层在不同地震动特性作用下位移谱值差别较大,但在大于0.4以后,位移谱值及谱形基本趋于一致;屈服力较小(恢复力/重力小于等于1)的隔震层随自振周期增大其耗能性能更加突出。  相似文献   
In 1992 the Asian Development Bank coordinated a meeting between government representatives from China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to discuss regional economic integration. From that meeting the Greater Mekong Subregion was formed to promote peace and prosperity within the Mekong countries. Yet, despite more than more than USD 14 billion being spent on facilitating trade, development and infrastructural ties between these nations, poverty remains widespread. This article provides a critical analysis of the Asian Development Bank and its approach to development and poverty alleviation within the Greater Mekong Subregion. It suggests that the institution's technocratic neoliberal development ideology provides a discursive legitimation to processes of displacement and dispossession that has seen the production of new forms of poverty. To make this argument, the article draws on an ethnographic study of the local‐scale implications of forced resettlement at the Luang Prabang Airport. It conducts an analysis of how the Asian Development Bank defines and measures poverty, and critiques the institution's resettlement guidelines for the airport project.  相似文献   
王观石  熊鹏  胡世丽  孟世明  龙平  谭谈 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2175-2183
考虑节理质量对应力波传播的影响,运用波的位移位函数推导了谐波在厚黏弹性节理的透、反射系数计算公式,采用波形相关系数描述子波穿过黏弹性节理的波形变化,讨论具有一定厚度的黏弹性节理简化位移不连续模型的适用条件。设厚黏弹性节理模型和位移不连续模型的透射波波形相关系数为0.9时对应的节理厚度为临界厚度,岩体与节理的阻抗比对临界厚度的影响很小;临界厚度随子波中心频率增大呈负指数减小,入射角越大,临界厚度随中心频率减小得越慢。试验数据分析表明:当节理厚度为0.03 m时,采用位移不连续模型和厚黏弹性模型计算得到的节理力学参数非常接近,随节理厚度和子波中心频率增加,运用位移不连续模型的计算结果偏差越大,试验结果与理论分析是一致的。  相似文献   
The northern segment of the Chelungpu Fault shows an unusually large co-seismic displacement from the event of the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in western Taiwan. Part of the northern segment near the Fengyuan City provides an excellent opportunity for characterizing active thrust-related structures due to a dense geodetic-benchmark network. We reproduced co-seismic deformation patterns of a small segment of this Chelungpu Fault using 924 geodetic benchmarks. According to the estimated displacement vectors, we identified secondary deformations, such as local rigid-block rotation and significant shortening within the hanging wall. The data set also allows us to determine accurately a 3D model of the thrust fault geometry in the shallow subsurface by assuming simple relations between the fault slip, and the horizontal and vertical displacements at the surface. The predicted thrust geometry is in good agreement with borehole data derived from two drilling sites close to the study area. The successful prediction supports our assumptions of rigid displacement and control of displacement in the hanging wall by the fault geometry being useful first approximations.  相似文献   
路基拓宽工程的基本特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘金龙  张勇  陈陆望  王吉利 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2159-2163
基于非线性有限元方法, 对路基拓宽工程的基本特性进行探讨。对比分析表明: 拓宽部分竖向沉降与侧向位移的数值明显大于旧路基的相应值,且侧向位移在新旧路基结合处取得最大值,这必然导致新旧路基结合处容易出现拉应力区,从而形成常见的纵向裂缝。对于指定的拓宽宽度来说,在路基两侧进行拓宽比仅在某一单侧拓宽更容易减小新旧路基的沉降差,工程实际中应尽量在旧路基两侧同时进行拓宽。路面竖向沉降的峰值随着土体变形模量的增大而减小,随着土体重度的增大而增大。路基的稳定性随着土体黏聚力或内摩擦角的增大而增大,随着填土重度及车辆等效均布荷载的增大而减小。工程实际中应尽量选用重度小、变形模量大且强度高的土体作为路基拓宽部分的填料。  相似文献   
This article reports a method to determine the storey‐wise column size for displacement‐based design of reinforced concrete frame buildings with a wide range of storey drift and building plan. The method uses a computer program based algorithm. The basic relation used in the algorithm is formulated by considering the various possible deformation components involved in the overall frame deformation. As a necessity to represent the deformation component due to plastic rotation of beam members, a relation between the beam plastic rotation and the target‐drift is adopted. To control the dynamic amplification of interstorey drift, a target‐drift dependant design‐drift reduction factor is used. The dynamic amplification of column moment is accounted with the help of an approximate conversion of fundamental period of the building from the effective period of the equivalent SDOF system. To avoid the formation of plastic hinge in column members, a design‐drift dependant column–beam moment capacity ratio is used. The method successfully determines the storey‐wise column size for buildings of four plans of different varieties, heights up to 12 storeys and target‐drift up to 3%. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
顾国华 《地震》2006,26(2):19-28
利用IGS及中国地壳运动观测网络GPS连续观测站6年多时间的观测结果, 以中国大陆东部的稳定点组作为水平位移与垂直位移解的参考基准, 得到了2004年12月26日印尼苏门答腊8.7级与2005年3月28日8.5级大震前后GPS观测站的地壳水平及垂直位移时间序列的结果。 尽管所采用的GPS站点少, 且分布范围大, 但仍可看到在如此大的地震震前、 同震与震后地壳运动的特征, 为今后观测研究提供了十分有意义的结果。 文中所采用稳定点组基准有效消除水平位移场的平移与旋转, 而局部椭球面的不平性对计算区域地壳运动结果, 特别是对垂直位移的影响很小, 说明了位移解所描述的大范围区域位移场是合理的。 这两次地震的同震水平位移及震后的垂直位移影响量级达数厘米, 范围达远离8.7级地震震中4500 km之外, 甚至更远。  相似文献   
张义强  王小龙 《探矿工程》2010,37(11):35-38
在现今的基坑支护结构设计中,常会遇到周边存在高层建筑和地下车库而造成场地狭小的情况。通过对华彬大厦二期基坑支护结构的设计和施工,说明在小型深基坑采用桩锚支护结构的可行性。  相似文献   
2018年精河5.4级地震前地磁日变化畸变异常分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2018年10月16日新疆精河5.4级地震发生时,震中附近的台站不同程度上记录了地磁日变化畸变异常,如地磁总强度F02时每日一值空间相关异常、地磁垂直分量加卸载响应比异常、地磁低点位移以及地磁日变化空间相关异常等。统计震前观测到的所有地磁异常,并分析研究了其震前异常变化特征。得到如下结论:(1)从全国每日一值相关分析结果看,震前114天出现每日一值空间相关异常,异常高值台为乌鲁木齐和克拉玛依;(2)震前59天沿北天山断裂带分布的地磁台站加卸载响应比均成组出现超限的高值,且异常高值的空间分布跟震中位置有一定关联;(3)中国大陆地磁台站震前37天出现低点位移突变分界线,且异常集中于震中附近;(4)震前出现地磁垂直分量日变化空间相关异常,异常台站空间上也主要集中于北天山地区。因此地磁垂直分量日变形态及有关的计算方法短期内具有一定的预报效能,可为今后利用地磁方法预测地震积累经验和震例。  相似文献   
利用自动经验基线校正方法,分析2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0级地震13个近场强震动台的观测资料,以估算同震位移场分布,并据此反演了震源滑动模型.经与GPS结果比较,两种不同方法给出的芦山7级地震的水平近场同震位移场幅度都不超过cm级,均显示为典型的逆冲型地震(兼有少量左旋走滑错动).强震最大水平和垂直永久位移分别为4.9 cm和4.4 cm,分别出现在51YAM台和51QLY 台.两种资料反演的震源滑动模型虽显示多事件特征,但主要滑动均集中在第一次事件,即初始滑动点两侧的走向长约30 km、倾向长约25 km的相对集中的较小范围内,强震和GPS模型的最大滑动量分别为1.14 m和1.09 m,较为一致.其余子事件滑动量小且分布零散,不能排除其数值效应的因素.反演矩震级均在Mw6.7左右,地表破裂应该不明显.文章还讨论了目前在我国利用近场强震动记录估计Mw6~7级地震同震位移场存在的困难和问题,为今后类似工作提供参考.  相似文献   
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