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An adaptive 2 D nonhydrostatic dynamical core is proposed by using the multi-moment constrained finite-volume(MCV) scheme and the Berger-Oliger adaptive mesh refinement(AMR) algorithm. The MCV scheme takes several pointwise values within each computational cell as the predicted variables to build high-order schemes based on single-cell reconstruction. Two types of moments, such as the volume-integrated average(VIA) and point value(PV), are defined as constraint conditions to derive the updating formulations of the unknowns, and the constraint condition on VIA guarantees the rigorous conservation of the proposed model. In this study, the MCV scheme is implemented on a height-based, terrainfollowing grid with variable resolution to solve the nonhydrostatic governing equations of atmospheric dynamics. The AMR grid of Berger-Oliger consists of several groups of blocks with different resolutions, where the MCV model developed on a fixed structured mesh can be used directly. Numerical formulations are designed to implement the coarsefine interpolation and the flux correction for properly exchanging the solution information among different blocks. Widely used benchmark tests are carried out to evaluate the proposed model. The numerical experiments on uniform and AMR grids indicate that the adaptive model has promising potential for improving computational efficiency without losing accuracy.  相似文献   
The Gibbs thermodynamic potential of a proton vortex interacting with the normal core of a neutron vortex of radius r << λ (λ is the penetration depth) that is parallel to it and has an outer boundary of radius b is calculated. It is shown that, under this assumption, the capture of only one vortex by the core is energetically favorable. The force acting on the proton vortex owing to the entrained current is found and it is always directed toward the core. The corresponding force for a proton antivortex is directed toward the outer boundary of the neutron vortex. The Ginzburg-Landau equation is solved for a vortex-antivortex system and its Gibbs function is calculated. It is shown that at large distances from the core, vortex-antivortex pairs can form because of fluctuations. Acted on by the entrainment current, the antivortex moves outward, while the vortex stays inside the neutron vortex. It is shown that the best conditions for fluctuational pair production, followed by separation, exist near the outer boundary. It is shown that new proton vortices can develop only in a region where the entrainment magnetic field strength H (ρ) > HC1 (HC1 is the lower critical field). __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 139–149 (February 2008).  相似文献   
张青海 《探矿工程》2019,46(10):53-57
小秦岭北矿带上部覆盖层为第四系沉积物,其厚度700~950 m,钻探施工中经常出现卡钻、埋钻、塌孔等恶性事故,甚至造成钻孔报废,严重制约钻探效率,造成钻探成本过高。针对这些技术难点开展技术分析和研究,通过优化钻孔结构,采用适宜该矿区厚覆盖层的绳索取心钻进方法,合理选择护壁性能好的冲洗液等技术措施解决了厚覆盖层钻进难题,提高了钻探施工效率和质量,降低了工程成本。  相似文献   
南黄海CSDP-2钻井上泥盆统五通组擂鼓台段2 068.00~2 069.02 m段岩心识别出了早期真蕨类植物。该植物具有至少三次羽状复叶,末二次羽片互生,小羽片扁平,呈扇状、楔状或舌状,基部收缩,至少一次深裂,裂片边缘钝圆,二分叉的叶脉明显。据此,可鉴定为优美守刚蕨(比较种)(Shougangia cf.S.bella)。本研究为南黄海地区上泥盆统五通组增加了古植物学新资料。  相似文献   
During the last quarter-century, global demand for energy has increased by more than 60%, and a similar increase is anticipated to occur by 2030 (Raymond, Deming, & Nichols, 2007). In the U.S., oil and gas development is projected to continue across western states within sage-grouse habitat. Greater sage-grouse, recently a candidate species for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), have well documented negative responses to oil and gas disturbance. In this study, we create spatially-explicit oil and gas future development scenarios, baseline and high, and link them to sage-grouse population and habitat maps to quantify future exposure risk within Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) sage-grouse management zones (MZ) I and II. We then analyze recent land use decisions from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) along with enacted policy from the State of Wyoming to estimate how these management actions might minimize the exposure risk of sage-grouse to oil and gas development into the future. Our results show that BLM and Wyoming conservation plans could reduce the exposure of sage-grouse to oil and gas development from 15-27% to 11–17% (31–37% reduction) in MZ I and from 15-27% to 5–9% (64–68% reduction) in MZ II. Our estimates of exposure to future oil and gas development, and conservation measures designed to ameliorate those threats, represent the upper and lower extents of potential impacts within scenarios. Our work demonstrates how spatial modeling and GIS visualization can be used by managers to assess likely outcomes of conservation decisions.  相似文献   
任向宁  董玉祥 《热带地理》2018,38(4):546-556
区域土壤耕层有机碳含量的精确测算,对于研究全球碳循环至关重要,但其影响因素多,空间变异性强,现有插值测算方法精度偏低。从提高测算精度出发,基于地理探测器技术,改进传统的协同克里格插值方法,构建多元复合模型进行区域土壤耕层有机碳含量的测算,并以珠三角核心区为例进行实际验证。结果表明:1)珠三角核心区土壤耕层有机碳含量空间变异与地形、水文、土壤和农田利用方式等有关,不同因素的贡献力存在较大差异,各因素贡献力(q统计量)在0.076~0.201之间,其中土壤理化性状与农田利用方式的贡献力大于地形、水文,区别不同因素的贡献力进行土壤耕层有机碳含量的精确测算应是客观要求。2)依照地理探测器分析结果,基于不同因素贡献力构建土壤耕层有机碳含量多元复合模型,插值测算精度明显提升,在珠三角核心区普通克里格、地理加权回归克里格和BP神经网络克里格的土壤耕层有机碳含量插值结果精度较多元复合模型下降16.62%、23.86%和37.33% 。由结果发现,多元复合模型突破了现有算法中辅助因素数量的局限,有效抑制了区域SOCC测算过程中的影响因素耦合噪声,降低了测算结果的不确定性。  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter(DOM) is an important component of ice cores but is currently poorly characterized. DOM from one Holocene sample(HS, aged at 1600–4500 B.P.) and one Last Glacial Maximum sample(LS, aged at 21000–25000 B.P.) from the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling(NEEM) ice core were analyzed by ultra-high resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR-MS). CHO compounds contributed 50% of the compounds identified in negative-ionization mode in these two samples, with significant contributions from organic N, S, and P compounds, likely suggesting that marine DOM was an important source in these samples. Overall, the chemical compositions are similar between these two samples, suggesting their consistent DOM sources. However, subtle differences in the DOM between these two samples are apparent and could indicate differences in source strength or chemistry occurring through both pre-and post-depositional processes. For example, higher relative amounts of condensed carbon compounds in the HS DOM(5%), compared to the LS DOM(2%), suggest potentially important contributions from terrestrial sources. Greater incorporation of P in the observed DOM in the LS DOM(22%), compared to the HS DOM(13%), indicate more active microbiological processes that likely contribute to phosphorus incorporation into the DOM pool. Although these two samples present only a preliminary analysis of DOM in glacial/interglacial periods, the data indicate a need to expand the analysis into a broader range of ice-core samples, geographical locations, and glacial/interglacial periods.  相似文献   
梁流涛  翟彬  樊鹏飞 《地理科学》2016,36(10):1522-1530
在农户土地利用引起的环境问题日益严重的背景下,如果农户土地利用效率的测度只考虑“好”产出,而忽略“非意欲”的环境产出,可能造成测度结果不准确。因此,将“非意欲”产出引入农户土地利用效率评价模型,利用河南省粮食生产核心区农户抽样调查数据测度环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率,并探讨其效率状况及影响因素。主要的结论如下:调查区域环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率平均值仅为0.612,效率值总体不高,有较大的提升空间。不同规模农户的土地利用效率差异较大,二者呈现“U型”变化趋势。环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率的影响因素来自多个方面。其中,农户生计方式兼业化在一定程度上降低了环境约束下的农户土地利用效率;种植结构调整虽然能够增加农户农业收入,但不利于环境因素约束下的农户土地利用效率的提升;农地经营规模扩大对环境约束下的农户土地利用效率产生正面影响,但现实中普遍存在的小规模化经营和土地细碎化消减了正面影响。土地产权的稳定性能够提升环境约束下的农户土地利用效率,但无论是集体土地产权还是承包经营权以及农户间非正式的土地流转产权关系稳定性较差,不利于环境约束下的农户土地利用效率的提高。  相似文献   
讨论了内核地球模型的形变场( 位移、速度) 和地球参考系的确立, 为内核地球动力学的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
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