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在石油、天然气的勘探和开发研究中,涉及到深部空间的介质、结构和属性,在沉积建造上涉及到陆相沉积、海相沉积和火山岩相,在油、气成因理论上涉及到有机成因和无机成因,在机制上涉及到深部流体的分异、调整、运移和动力作用.这些本质性问题的研究和探讨是人们十分关注的科学领域.基于油、气生、储和形成的理论、应用和成效的研究提出,有几个基础性的理念问题必须重新认识,特别是沉积建造与古老变质岩结晶基底;双相(海相和陆相)沉积建造与盆地的内涵和双基(有机和无机)混合油、气成因理念.清晰地厘定这些认识不仅有益于对油、气形成、聚集和勘探及开发给出一个更为科学的深部空间,即第二深度空间(5000~10000 m)的油、气勘探,而更为重要的是基于对这些理念的重新认识和深化研究可构建新的思路或理论,且在新的理念导向下,强化油、气深部勘探,以期能在理论研究和实践应用中取得新的成效,发现大型与超大型油、气田.  相似文献   
Gimli beach in Manitoba is one of the lowest elevation beaches in the southern Lake Agassiz basin, and is a distinct ridge composed of bedded sand and gravel that rises above the lake plain and extends for more than 40 km. Ten new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from Gimli beach yield ages mostly ranging from 9.7 ± 0.7 to 10.5 ± 0.8 ka (average 10.3 ± 0.5 ka), which is older by 0.6 to >1.0 ka than age estimates of previous researchers. Two of our new OSL ages are notably older than the others, dating to ~11.3 ± 0.8 and 13.9 ± 1.0 ka, which we attribute to poorly bleached sands. We ascribe an age of about 10 ka to Gimli beach, which is several centuries before overflow from Lake Agassiz and its vast drainage basin shifted from the western Great Lakes to glacial Lake Ojibway and the St. Lawrence Valley.  相似文献   
正20141283 Bai Daoyuan(Hunan Institute of Geological Survey,Changsha 410016,China);Zhong Xiang Nature,Origin and Tectonic Setting of Jinzhou Basin in the South Segment of Xuefeng Orogen(Geology in China,ISSN1000-3657,CN11-1167/P,40(4),2013,p.1079-1091,10 illus.,47 refs.)Key words:foreland basins,strike-slip faults,Hunan Province  相似文献   
The Acquadolce Subunit on the Island of Elba, Italy, records blueschist facies metamorphism related to the Oligocene–early Miocene stages of continental collision in the Northern Apennines. The blueschist facies metamorphism is represented by glaucophane- and lawsonite-bearing metabasite associated with marble and calcschist. These rock types occur as lenses in a schistose complex representing foredeep deposits of early Oligocene age. Detailed petrological analyses on metabasic and metapelitic protoliths, involving mineral and bulk-rock chemistry coupled with PT and PTX(Fe2O3) pseudosection modelling using PERPLE_X, show that the Acquadolce Subunit recorded nearly isothermal exhumation from peak pressure–temperature conditions of 1.5–1.8 GPa and 320–370°C. During exhumation, peak lawsonite- and possibly carpholite- or stilpnomelane-bearing assemblages were overprinted and partially obliterated by epidote-blueschist and, subsequently, albite-greenschist facies metamorphic assemblages. This study sheds new light on the tectonic evolution of Adria-derived metamorphic units in the Northern Apennines, by showing (a) the deep underthrusting of continental crust during continental collision and (b) rapid exhumation along ‘cold’ and nearly isothermal paths, compatible with syn-orogenic extrusion.  相似文献   
The transition from the last glacial and beginning of Bølling–Allerød and Pre‐Boreal periods in particular is marked by rapid increases in atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations. The CH4 concentrations reached during these intervals, ~650–750 ppb, is twice that at the last glacial maximum and is not exceeded until the onset of industrialization at the end of the Holocene. Periods of rapid sea‐level rise as the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheets retreated and associated with ‘melt‐water pulses’ appear to coincide with the onset of elevated concentrations of CH4, suggestive of a potential causative link. Here we identify and outline a mechanism involving the flooding of the continental shelves that were exposed and vegetated during the glacial sea‐level low stand and that can help account for some of these observations. Specifically, we hypothesize that waterlogging (and later, flooding) of large tracts of forest and savanna in the Tropics and Subtropics during the deglacial transition and early Holocene would have resulted in rapid anaerobic decomposition of standing biomass and emission of methane to the atmosphere. This novel mechanism, akin to the consequences of filling new hydroelectric reservoirs, provides a mechanistic explanation for the apparent synchronicity between rate of sea‐level rise and occurrence of elevated concentrations of ice core CH4. However, shelf flooding and the creation of transient wetlands are unlikely to explain more than ~60 ppb of the increase in atmospheric CH4 during the deglacial transition, requiring additional mechanisms to explain the bulk of the glacial to interglacial increase. Similarly, this mechanism has the potential also to play some role in the rapid changes in atmospheric methane associated with the Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
林伟 《地质与勘探》2016,52(6):1116-1128
文章通过对中条山地区郭家沟基性-超基性岩体的岩石学、矿物学和岩石地球化学方面的分析研究,讨论了该岩体的形成时代、岩石成因、及其地质意义。郭家沟岩体侵入时代为元古代,可能与绛县群形成时代较为相近(2200Ma左右)。郭家沟岩体具有岩相分带现象,边缘相为辉长岩,向内渐变过渡为含长辉石岩、变余辉石岩(角闪石岩)等,在岩体的中心发育着磁铁透闪石岩;岩石中Mg O与其他主量元素线性相关,各类岩石地球化学特征较为相似,显示出岩石受分离结晶作用的影响,具有岩浆同源演化的趋势;岩石总体显示出低硅、低镁、高铁、高钛、高钙的特征,相对富集LREE和LILE,而亏损HREE和Nb、Ta、Zr、Y等高场强元素,轻重稀土分馏明显,具有较弱的Eu异常,V含量较高,具有阿拉斯加型侵入岩体和与火山弧相关的岩浆特征。从岩石组合及地球化学特征结合区域构造演化,认为岩体形成于大陆边缘弧的构造环境,从侧面也说明绛县群的形成环境应该是大陆边缘俯冲后的伸展环境,而非陆内裂谷。  相似文献   
长江中下游庐枞火山岩盆地南侧钾质侵入岩带的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庐枞火山岩盆地南侧的钾质侵入岩带由正长岩-石英正长岩-正长花岗岩组成,以石英正长岩为主。它们的形成时间介于123"130 Ma之间,峰值约为126 Ma,其中正长岩和石英正长岩的形成时间稍早,而正长花岗岩的形成时间略晚。整个钾质侵入岩带的侵位时间晚于庐枞盆地内的橄榄玄粗质火山作用约4"7 Ma,也是长江中下游地区除最东段的宁镇地区外中生代最晚的岩浆活动产物之一。地球化学上,该钾质侵入岩带以高钾、富碱、富集Rb、Th、U、K等强不相容元素和轻稀土元素、亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta和Ti为特征。它们的母岩浆主要是由富集型上地幔部分熔融形成的,从正长岩经石英正长岩到正长花岗岩的演化主要受矿物的分离结晶作用控制,地壳物质同化所起的影响不大。但与同样来自富集型上地幔部分熔融的庐枞盆地内火山杂岩的母岩浆相比,前者的母岩浆来源深度可能更大些或其中包含了更多来自软流圈地幔的组分。两者的演化路径也完全不同,钾质侵入岩带的母岩浆除经历过高压下的分离结晶作用外,晚期在低压下还经历过长石为主,可能还有黑云母的分离结晶,甚至上地壳物质一定程度的混染作用;而盆地内火山杂岩的母岩浆低压下矿物的分离结晶作用及上地壳物质的混染都不明显。庐枞盆地南缘的富钾侵入岩与盆地内的火山杂岩一样,地球化学上都具有明显的大陆弧的特征,暗示它们的岩浆源区可能形成于俯冲带环境,意味着扬子地块北缘先前(推测为古元古代晚期)曾发生过俯冲作用,上地幔的交代富集可能就与这次的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   
徐秋枫  陈建文  姚泉  周志  王胜建 《地质通报》2016,35(203):348-355
针对柴达木盆地北缘鱼卡凹陷中侏罗统大煤沟组泥页岩,利用地震频谱曲线在不同流体介质储层中的形态、斜率、主频与中心频率的差值等属性参数特征,识别陆相泥页岩层系的地震频谱属性特征,预测含气性。研究结果表明,中侏罗统大煤沟组上部能量系数较低,平均为0.6719,下部能量系数较高,平均为0.7521,结合现场含气量和全烃特征认为,可以以能量系数0.7为界线,作为识别下部和上部含气性的标志,下部明显比上部含气性好。平面上进一步圈定了2个有利目标区,得到柴页1井勘探验证。因此,频谱分解技术可应用于中国陆相页岩气的勘查开发。  相似文献   
陆相红层型铜铅锌矿床与红层盆地热卤水成矿作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
杨兵 《中国地质》2018,45(3):441-455
新疆乌恰县乌拉根超大型铅锌矿是中国发现的首个产于陆相红层盆地中的红层型铅锌矿床,对其成矿作用及成因有多种不同认识,但都将其归入现有的一些矿床类型,如喷流沉积型、砂岩型等,却均不能反映其独特的成矿环境与成矿作用。为此,在广泛收集和研究全国陆相红层盆地及其矿产的地质资料基础上,通过区域地质构造背景、含矿建造、矿床特征、控矿因素、成矿物质来源、成矿流体等方面对比分析,认为乌拉根铅锌矿与中国大量产于陆相盆地内红色建造中的红层铜矿,在矿床特征、控矿条件、矿床成因等方面具有高度的一致性,均为陆相红层盆地热卤水作用的结果,是同一类型的矿床。红层型矿床是地洼区的特有矿产,是地球地质演化到地洼阶段才出现的新的矿床类型,陆相红层盆地热卤水作用是一个完全独立的成矿系统,因此将其作为一个单独的矿床类型——红层型矿床是合理的,既具有重要理论意义,也具有重要的实践意义,为铅锌矿找矿开辟了新的方向和领域。  相似文献   
U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the sandstones of the Mamakan Formation has been made. Geochemical and isotope parameters of the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation in the Vendian-Cambrian cover of the North Muya continental block have been estimated. It has been established that only the Neoproterozoic (630-915 Ma) rocks of the North Muya block were the provenances of terrigenous material. In the least altered carbonate rocks of the Yanguda Formation, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio is within 0.70814-0.70879 and δ13C varies from -0.4 to + 1.9‰. Comparison of the evaluated isotope parameters with those of carbonate rocks of typical Vendian-Cambrian sections shows that the carbonate deposits of the Yanguda Formation accumulated in the Early Cambrian, about 520 Ma. Sedimentation of the Mamakan and Yanguda Formations took place in the local sedimentary basin in the Vendian-Early Cambrian, in the absence of tectonic activity within the North Muya block. Detrital material that formed during the destruction of the rocks of the Siberian Platform basement and cover was not supplied into the basin.  相似文献   
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