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Levels of formate and acetate in dew were measured at Dayalbagh, India, usingsurrogate surfaces. The dew formed per night ranged between 0.06 lm–2 and 1.38 l m–2, with an average of 0.59l m–2. pH ranged between 6.7 and 7.4. Mean concentrations offormate and acetate in dew were 10.2 ± 10.2 eql–1 and 7.5 ± 4.5 eq l–1,respectively. The correlation coefficient between the two ions was 0.80 (p =0.001), which suggested that concentrations of these species in dew are linkedtogether. They have either common or different sources with fairly constantstrengths or products of same reaction. Good correlation of formate andacetate with Ca (r = 0.82 and r = 0.70, respectively) and Mg (r = 0.74 and r= 0.71, respectively) suggested that these ions may be associated with Ca andMg after the neutralization process. Deposition rates for formate and acetatein dew per night were 10.2 ± 7.22 mol m–2 pernight and 4.6 ± 2.2 mol m–2 per night,respectively. The theoretical Henry's law constant (K* H)and the field-observed Henry's law coefficient (K* H) ascalculated from concurrent measurements of gas phase and dew for both acidsshowed large discrepancies of three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
裂变径迹定年法Zeta常数的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用第6届国际裂变径迹测定地质年代学术讨论会推荐的三种锆石、两种磷灰石和一种榍石国际年龄标样对Zeta值进行了系统刻度,对NBS-SRM612铀标准玻璃测定的锆石Zeta值为(335.6±8.2)acm ̄2,磷灰石(343.3±14.6)acm ̄2,榍石为(347.7±15.8)acm ̄2,三种矿物之间的Zeta值无很大差异,统一的加权平均Zeta值为(339.2±6.6)acm ̄2。  相似文献   
朱俊高  赵晓龙  何顺宾  田雨 《岩土力学》2020,41(12):3873-3881
对3种粗颗粒土进行了常规三轴CD试验、K0压缩试验和等应力比路径试验,根据三轴试验数据标定UH(unified hardening,统一硬化)模型的参数,然后模拟另外两种路径下的应力-应变关系,并与邓肯E-B模型进行比较。结果表明:UH模型能合理地描述不同应力路径下粗颗粒土的力学特性,而邓肯E-B模型的预测结果则较差,验证了UH模型对粗颗粒土的适用性。最后利用UH模型对某心墙堆石坝进行了应力变形三维有限元分析,并将计算结果与邓肯E-B模型及现场监测值进行比较。对比显示:在坝体变形和应力的定性分布规律上,UH模型的计算结果与邓肯E-B模型基本一致;而在定量上,UH模型得到的坝体变形总体上更接近现场监测值,验证了UH模型在土石坝工程中的适用性和合理性。  相似文献   
朱巧云  张志林  乔红杰 《水文》2019,39(3):75-79
三峡工程蓄水后,长江流域的来水来沙特性发生了一定程度的变化,从而可能使长江河口段的潮汐特征发生变化。以分布于长江河口段6个潮位站的各6个代表年的实测潮位资料为基础,利用潮汐调和分析方法,对比分析长江河口段的潮汐特征。结果表明:三峡工程蓄水后,长江河口段的主要分潮的调和常数和潮汐特征参数发生了变化,但幅度比较小。  相似文献   
周爱兆  卢廷浩 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):44-48
等应力增量比路径单剪试验条件下,部分土体与结构接触面表现出明显的应变软化和剪胀特性。基于广义位势理论,将土与结构的接触面问题看作应力空间上的二维问题,势函数取法向应力和切向应力,用塑性状态方程取代传统的屈服面,建立等应力增量比路径条件下的土与结构接触面应力-应变软化模型。采用指数函数,拟合单向压缩试验中法向应力与法向应变的关系,采用复合指数函数,拟合应力比与切向应变的关系,采用另一复合指数函数,拟合法向剪胀分量与切向应变的关系。通过对拟合函数进行微分,确定模型中待定系数的求解方法。结合试验结果对模型进行验证,模型拟合效果良好,具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   
王叶  延晓冬 《第四纪研究》2009,29(6):1055-1063
新元古代(650MaB.P.)是地球演化历史上最重大的转折时期之一,这一时期地球气候的模拟研究,对于了解气候变迁、现代气候的形成、自然地理环境的演变有重要意义; 在地质学上,对于地层划分和对比,地壳演化研究以及矿产资源成因和探测都有重要意义。本文在借鉴国内外已有研究的基础上,应用MPM­2——一个中等复杂程度的地球系统模式(EMIC),通过太阳常数和大气二氧化碳浓度的敏感性试验,对新元古代地球气候进行了模拟研究,结果表明在650Ma前,地球全球平均温度一直低于零度,即地球一直是“雪球”,直到650Ma前,全球平均温度大于零,“雪球”消融,雪球时代才结束。  相似文献   
Rock joints play an important role in the behavior of rock masses under normal and shear loading conditions. Numerical simulation of the behavior of jointed rock masses is not an easy task due to complexities involved in the problem such as joint roughness, joint shear strength, hardening and softening phenomenon and mesh dependency. In this study for modeling purposes, a visco-plastic multilaminate model considering hardening and softening effects has been employed. For providing the necessary data for numerical simulation, a series of laboratory experiments have been carried out on regular tooth-shape asperities made by gypsum, under constant normal load conditions. Shear stress–shear displacement and normal displacement–shear displacement of artificial joint specimens are simulated using the proposed numerical model at constant normal load condition (CNL). The results indicate the capability of the model for simulating rock joints behavior in both strength and deformation field. Although the numerical model has been developed for simulating the behavior of artificial joints, the concept of the method can also be used for natural rock joints.  相似文献   
The influence of topographic effects in optical satellite imagery is not investigated very extensively in the Himalayan terrain. The topographic variability causes a problem of differential illumination due to steep and varying slopes in rugged Himalayan terrain. Therefore, topographic corrections are essential for qualitative and quantitative analysis of snow cover applications. The present paper discusses the implementation of different topographic correction models on AWiFS sensor onboard IRS P6 satellite images and the qualitative and quantitative comparative analysis in detail. Both the Lambertian and non-Lambertian assumptions have been considered in the present analysis with the aim to explore best suitable empirical model for rugged terrain. The main topographic methods implemented are:
•  C-correction
•  Minneart corrections
•  Civco’s modified version of cosine correction
•  two-stage normalization and
•  slope matching technique.
Lambertian assumptions are found to be very unrealistic over Himalayan terrain as these lead to either underestimation or overestimation of physical parameters significantly both on sunlit slopes as well as the slopes away from the Sun. This problem is overcome by considering non-Lambertian assumption. Minneart constant and C-correction coefficients for all AWiFS satellite bands are estimated using regression analysis. All the results due to topographic effects are investigated qualitatively and quantitatively using four criteria namely visual analysis, validation with field measurements (in-situ observations), spectral reflectance of training samples of snow on the south and north aspects and graphically. The visual analysis confirms the minimization of three dimensional relief effects in two-stage normalization and slope matching methods and retrieves some of the information under mountain shadow. Due to the very bright surface of snow fields there is likely to be more diffuse reflected light in these areas than over darker vegetated surfaces. The qualitative analysis in other methods does not extract any information on shady slopes. The quantitative validation of topographic results in satellite imagery with in-situ observations shows underestimation of spectral reflectance of snow significantly except for slope matching technique. It is also apparent that although all the topographic methods correct the reflectance of training snow samples on the south and north aspects but most acceptable values are achieved using slope matching. The results obtained from graphical analysis reveal that mean reflectance after all topographic corrections are independent of illumination. This study also suggests that the suitability of topographic models can not be concluded as successful based on single criterion. Slope matching technique is the only technique which satisfies all the four criteria successfully and produces the best result for Himalayan terrain.  相似文献   
超高压变质岩提供了研究大陆俯冲隧道中岩石的变形机制和流变差异性的窗口。文章使用电子背散射衍射技术分析了大别山超高压变质带的榴辉岩和长英质片麻岩的显微构造。榴辉岩中的石榴子石基本呈无序分布,绿辉石发育较强烈的晶格优选定向,[001]轴的极密平行或近平行于拉伸线理,(100)面的法线近垂直于面理,退变榴辉岩中角闪石的(100)[001]组构可能继承了绿辉石的晶格优选定向。退变榴辉岩和长英质片麻岩中的石英记录了(0001)低温底面滑移和{1010}中温 柱面滑移,反映了超高压变质岩折返到中地壳的韧性变形;而斜长石的(001)<110>和(010)[100]组构形成于折返到下地壳的角闪岩相变质条件(>600℃)。根据主要矿物的流变律计算了俯冲与折返过程中无水矿物的有效黏度变化。俯冲过程中,钠长石=硬玉+石英的分解反应以及石英-柯石英相变导致长英质片麻岩的有效黏度和密度都显著增高,有利于陆壳深俯冲。但是折返过程中由于温度较高,这两个反应带来的有效黏度变化较小。>80 km深度,石榴子石的流变强度>硬玉>绿辉 石>柯石英,俯冲上地壳的流变由柯石英和硬玉控制,下地壳的流变由绿辉石和石榴子石控制。超高压变质岩流变强度的差异有助于上—下地壳力学解耦,使相对低密度、低黏度的上地壳物质在俯冲隧道内快速折返。  相似文献   
As is well known, numerically handling, by means of finite element codes, localisation problems involving softening materials is still quite delicate. As soon as strain localisation occurs, mesh dependence and serious problems of convergence take place. This paper deals with this type of problem in the case where localisation occurs in an ideal naturally cemented granular specimen tested under plane strain conditions. Different versions (a local elasto-plastic, a local viscoplastic and a non-local viscoplastic) of the same strain softening model are taken into consideration and the relative numerical results are critically discussed and compared. The snap-back problem is numerically taken into account and it has been demonstrated to be affected not only by the softening parameters but also by the viscous nucleus definition. To highlight the relationship between viscosity and non-locality, the results of a numerical parametric analysis are finally discussed.  相似文献   
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