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针对CINRAD/SA天气雷达双偏振升级,阐述了通过WRSP信号处理器、晶振频率源、标定技术、相位编码技术、信号处理新技术新算法等关键技术的升级,提升了雷达的整体性能。济南雷达升级后,接收机灵敏度由-109 dBm提升至-113 dBm,接收机动态范围由89 dB提升至101 dB,发射机输出改善因子由59.34 dB提升至61.64 dB,系统相位噪声由0.107°提升至0.041°,系统实际地物对消最大值由45.1 dB提升至49.7 dB,距离分辨率由1 000 m提升至250 m,改善了雷达对弱信号的探测能力,增强了对电磁干扰、超折射的识别能力,增强了地物抑制能力;天线伺服系统通过改碳刷结构汇流环为金属丝免维护汇流环,减少了天线动态故障报警率,提高了伺服系统运行的稳定性和可靠性;通过CW与TS信号在线标定技术,检验了升级后双偏振雷达双通道的一致性。  相似文献   
人工与自动土壤水分平行观测资料对比分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用对比差值、差值概率和相关分析等方法对南城2005年9月8日至2007年1月28日期间HYA-SF型土壤水分自动监测站与人工平行对比观测的土壤湿度资料进行统计和一致性分析。结果表明,人工与自动观测资料的一致性在40 cm、50 cm土层表现最好,在5 cm、10 cm土层表现相对最差;总体上自动观测值高于人工观测值,二者数据差异在少雨或干旱季节常小于多雨季节;对比观测时段内人工与自动观测数据序列的相关性在各层均表现为显著,多项式回归趋势基本能反应土壤含水量的变化趋势。分析结果可为评估HYA-SF型土壤水分自动站的监测能力提供客观依据。  相似文献   
我国有近200部地基多普勒天气雷达,已经积累了近20年的观测数据,这些数据对雷达气候学研究非常重要。但由于不同雷达的标定误差不同,雷达之间存在观测值不一致性的现象(与美国的地基雷达类似),有的反射率因子差异超过了3 dB。这种不一致影响了多雷达联合降水估计的精度和雷达组网临近预报的效果。为此,采用筛选比较法对地基雷达与TRMM/PR(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/Precipitation Radar)进行空间匹配和异常数据剔除,以TRMM/PR为参照计算并订正地基雷达偏差。对2013年5—9月长江下游7部S波段雷达数据订正后,结果表明:订正后7部雷达之间的平均反射率因子差异从1.8 dB降至0.5 dB,任意两部雷达之间的差异均小于1.0 dB,多雷达的观测一致性和空间连续性有明显改善。与传统的几何匹配法比较,筛选比较法订正结果相对稳定,不存在过量订正的问题。  相似文献   
Many small earthquakes occurred intensively and continuously and formed an earthquake sequence after the ML3.8 earthquake happened at Rushan County, Shandong Province on October 1, 2013. Up to March, 2017, more than 13 000 events have been recorded, with 3 429 locatable shocks, of which 31 events with ML ≥ 3.0. This sequence is rarely seen in East China for its extraordinary long duration and the extremely high frequency of aftershocks. To track the developing tendency of the earthquake sequence accurately, 20 temporary seismometers were arranged to monitor the sequence activities around the epicenter of the sequence since May 6, 2014. Firstly, this paper adopts double difference method to relocate the 1 418 earthquakes of ML ≥ 1.0 recorded by temporary seismometers in the Rushan earthquake sequence (May 7, 2014 to December 31, 2016), the result shows that the Rushan earthquake sequence mainly extends along NWW-SEE and forms a rectangular activity belt of about 4km long and 3km wide. In addition, the seismogenic fault of Rushan earthquake sequence stretches along NWW-SEE with nearly vertical strike-slip movement and a small amount of thrust component. Then we apply the P-wave initial motion and CAP to invert the focal mechanism of earthquakes with ML ≥ 1.5 in the study area. The earthquakes can be divided into several categories, including 3 normal fault earthquakes (0.9%), 3 normal-slip earthquakes (0.9%), 229 strike-slip earthquakes (65.8%), 18 thrust fault earthquakes (5.2%), 37 thrust-slip earthquakes (10.6%)and 58 undefined (16.6%). Most earthquakes had a strike-slip mechanism in Rushan (65.8%), which is one of the intrinsic characteristics of the stress field. According to the focal mechanism solutions, we further utilized the LSIB method (Linear stress inversion bootstrap)to invert the stress tensor of Rushan area. The result shows that the azimuth and plunge of three principal stress (σ1, σ2, σ3) axes are 25°, 10°; 286°, 45°; 125°, 43°, respectively. Based on the stress field inversion results, we calculated the focal mechanism solutions consistency parameter (θ)and the angle (θ1)between σ1 and P axis. The trend lines of θ and θ1 were relatively stable with small fluctuation near the average line over time. Furthermore, the earthquake sequence can be divided into three stages based on θ and θ1 values. The first stage is before September 16, 2014, and the variation of the θ and θ1 values is relatively smooth with short period. All focal mechanism solutions of the three ML ≥ 3.0 earthquakes exhibited consistence. The second stage started from September 16, 2014 to July 1, 2015, the fluctuation range of θ and θ1 values is larger than that of the first stage with a relative longer period. The last stage is after July 1, 2015, values of θ and θ1 gradually changed to a periodic change, three out of the four ML ≥ 3.0 earthquakes (strike-slip type)displayed a good consistency. Spatially, earthquakes occurred mainly in green, yellow-red regions, and the focal mechanism parameters consistency θ was dominant near the green region (around the average value), which presents a steady state, and the spatial locations are concordant with the distribution of θ value. Moreover, all of ML ≥ 3.0 earthquakes are located in the transitional region from the mean value to lower value area or region below the mean value area, which also indicates the centralized stress field of the region.  相似文献   
分析了光纤传输系统的特性,及其对太阳射电频谱日像仪的影响。根据日像仪系统的传输性能要求,对四种光纤传输方案进行了综合比较,最终选择模拟光纤传输系统作为建设方案。在选定方案的基础上对相关设备的性能进行了测试,并针对设备测试与对卫星信号的现场实际相关接收测试结果进行分析,验证了拟定方案的可行性。最后,提出构建太阳射电频谱日像仪光纤传输系统需要进一步解决的问题和需深入探讨的内容.  相似文献   
通过计算2003—2021年吴忠—灵武地区ML≥2.0地震的震源机制解,利用震源机制解结果和叠加应力场反演方法计算了吴忠一灵武地区的应力张量方差,得到应力张量方差的空间和时序分布特征,分析吴忠—灵武地区4次MS≥4.0地震和该地区震源机制一致性参数的关系,提取了该地区震源机制一致性参数预测指标,并讨论了其预报效能。结果表明,2003—2021年吴忠—灵武地区的应力张量方差空间值范围主要介于0.13~0.22之间,以38.1°N为分界线,呈现南低北高的分区特征,4次MS≥4.0地震均发生在应力张量方差高低值的过渡区域附近,应力张量方差的时序图存在两处显著的“异常”变化,其变化特征为应力张量时序方差持续低于0.1且维持1年左右,并呈现显著的“V”型变化,该两处“V”型变化之后各自对应了2012年永宁MS4.6和2021年灵武Ms4.0地震,即震前其应力张量时序方差均经历了“下降—转折—回升—发震”的变化,回升到发震的时间间隔约为1年左右。该地区的预报效能分析结果认为,可以将震源机制一致性参数作为吴忠—灵...  相似文献   
Sediment core samples collected during geotechnical surveys along the West Coast of India in the near shore areas of Arabian Sea have generated data on the geotechnical index properties of clayey sediments up to nearly 5 m depth below seafloor. A comparative study of three sectors within themselves is attempted before carrying out a final evaluation between the sectors. Cohesive clayey sediments of Gujarat sector are comparable though widely variant in a few aspects; in the Maharashtra-Goa-Karnataka sector though, plasticity levels and clay type vary, and activity and consistency levels are quite similar. Though broadly comparable, the clayey sediments of Kerala-Tamilnadu sector have quite diverse characteristics that fail to conform to any particular pattern as each area has an exclusive set of geotechnical properties.  相似文献   
主要论述了基于校园一卡通的网上支付系统的总体设计方案,详细介绍了网上支付流程,并重点研究了系统的数据一致性与安全性技术。  相似文献   
分析了法方程层面ITRF解算不一致的原因和观测值层面组合解算在提高产品一致性方面的优势。在总结观测值层面组合研究现状的基础上,重点对观测值层面组合解算步骤和关键问题进行系统研究。为解决观测值层面组合计算强度大的问题,提出基于分布式处理技术实现组合解算的策略,设计了地球参考框架并行计算的算法和流程。由研究可知,观测值层面组合解算能有效提高产品一致性,分布式处理技术能有效提高参考框架解算效率。  相似文献   
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