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对当前坡面汇流计算方法的研究进展进行了较为系统的总结与分析,并对坡面汇流的非线性效应以及城市低影响开发中的雨水入渗与蓄集对坡面汇流的控制作用进行了简要分析。从模型简单实用的角度出发,认为以流域时间-面积关系与线性水库相串联的ModClark法等为代表的概念性分布式坡面汇流模型具有良好的发展前景;考虑到基于等流时单元的变动等流时线法在反映雨强非线性影响中存在的问题,认为根据水文响应单元在不同雨强条件下汇流时间的变化,调整其汇流参数以反映坡面汇流的非线性效应,对于流域坡面汇流的分布式模拟更具有实际意义;针对目前低影响开发设施长时间序列大空间尺度的室外降雨径流监测资料普遍较为缺乏的现状,给出了后期应积极选择合适的技术以加强低影响开发性能监测工作的建议。  相似文献   
采用VIC-3L大尺度分布式水文模型,对老哈河流域的径流及其相关要素进行模拟,分析其变化趋势,研究老哈河流域水文要素变化的影响因素。模拟结果表明:在率定期和验证期内,模拟的流量过程线反映了实测流量过程线的变化趋势,而1997年和1999年模型模拟效果较差的原因是人类活动的影响、枯水年影响、下垫面情况变化等因素影响及VIc-3L模型自身的局限性等。  相似文献   
高性能计算技术在气象领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高性能计算通过应用超级计算机与并行处理技术解决复杂的计算问题,是信息技术发展比较迅猛的领域之一。气象应用始终是高性能计算的重要领域,高性能计算技术有效地解决了高分辨率、高精度气象数值预报模式发展限制,在气象预报预测业务中发挥着核心支撑作用。数十年以来,由于数值天气模式研究和业务运行对计算资源的强烈需求,国内外气象领域高性能计算机及应用迅速发展起来。气象领域对高性能计算能力及系统的可靠性需求日益提升。高性能计算技术将与气象预报应用日益融合,相互影响促进,不断创新发展。为满足气象预报预测业务和科研工作需求,中国气象部门将进一步提升高性能计算能力,并致力于优化集约高性能计算系统布局,高效管理计算资源,发挥最大效益。  相似文献   
杨晓霞 《山东气象》2017,37(3):62-72
利用常规观测资料、自动气象站加密观测资料、GPS/MET水汽监测资料、FY-2E卫星云图和NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料,对副热带高压边缘山东南部连续两次强降水的形成机制进行分析。结果表明,两次强降水都是由副热带高压边缘500 hPa弱西风槽过境影响产生的,副热带高压主体加强西移,850~700 hPa有较强的西南急流。强降水产生在西南低空急流的前方、暖式切变线附近;西南低空急流加强北上强降水开始,急流减弱强降水结束。强降水区与CAPE的高值区、低层水汽通量高值舌、水汽辐合中心、暖平流中心有较好的对应关系。西南低空急流、GPS/MET水汽监测对强降水的短时预报有一定的指示性。对流云团TBB最低为-78~-62 ℃,各观测站对应最大小时雨量为40~90 mm。强降水期间,850 hPa及以下有中尺度涡旋发展,涡旋尺度小,气压场上表现很弱,流场上表现明显,有明显的气旋性环流中心,在925 hPa涡旋中心东南部的暖平流中心降水强度最大。第一次强降水的中尺度涡旋源地发展,稳定少动,在其东南部上升运动强且降水强度大;第二次强降水中,冷空气在低层从西北部侵入,形成气旋,向东北移动,强降水产生在冷锋前部的暖区中,对流不稳定能量高,降水强度大、范围大。  相似文献   
利用自动站资料、探空资料、NCEP再分析资料以及雷达资料,对2016年6月26日浙西地区一次暴雨过程的列车效应特征、物理量特征以及中尺度特征进行诊断分析。结果表明:暴雨产生于中低层暖切及地面低压倒槽的背景场中。强降水时段内回波在江西地区生成并沿同一路径东移影响浙西地区,产生列车效应,同时雷达速度场的低层辐合区有利于列车效应中东移回波增强并产生强烈降水。中低层湿度增加、垂直上升速度增大以及暖式切变线的加强有利于水汽辐合抬升的加强,使得列车效应增强,有利于降水的增大。26日11时以后衢州中北部地区列车效应的产生与维持与中低层正涡度和水汽通量辐合在这个区域的持续作用密不可分。Barnes滤波显示中尺度辐合线的维持和移动与列车效应的维持和生消有较好地对应关系,同时地面加密风场中稳定的低压环流有利于列车效应回波源地的维持,实际业务中应加强对地面加密风场和低层中尺度辐合线的分析。  相似文献   
Observations of gravity can be aliased by virtue of the logistics involved in collecting these data in the field. For instance, gravity measurements are often made in more accessible lowland areas where there are roads and tracks, thus omitting areas of higher relief in between. The gravimetric determination of the geoid requires mean terrain-corrected free-air anomalies; however, anomalies based only on the observations in lowland regions are not necessarily representative of the true mean value over the topography. A five-stage approach is taken that uses a digital elevation model, which provides a more accurate representation of the topography than the gravity observation elevations, to reduce the unrepresentative sampling in the gravity observations. When using this approach with the Australian digital elevation model, the terrain-corrected free-air anomalies generated from the Australian gravity data base change by between 77.075 and −84.335 mgal (−0.193 mgal mean and 2.687 mgal standard deviation). Subsequent gravimetric geoid computations are used to illustrate the effect of aliasing in the Australian gravity data upon the geoid. The difference between 'aliased' and 'non-aliased' gravimetric geoid solutions varies by between 0.732 and −1.816 m (−0.058 m mean and 0.122 m standard deviation). Based on these conceptual arguments and numerical results, it is recommended that supplementary digital elevation information be included during the estimation of mean gravity anomalies prior to the computation of a gravimetric geoid model.  相似文献   
A heavy rainfall event caused by a mesoscale convective system (MCS), which occurred over the Yellow River midstream area during 7–9 July 2016, was analyzed using observational, high-resolution satellite, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, and numerical simulation data. This heavy rainfall event was caused by one mesoscale convective complex (MCC) and five MCSs successively. The MCC rainstorm occurred when southwesterly winds strengthened into a jet. The MCS rainstorms occurred when low-level wind fields weakened, but their easterly components in the lower and boundary layers increased continuously. Numerical analysis revealed that there were obvious differences between the MCC and MCS rainstorms, including their three-dimensional airflow structure, disturbances in wind fields and vapor distributions, and characteristics of energy conversion and propagation. Formation of the MCC was related to southerly conveyed water vapor and energy to the north, with obvious water vapor exchange between the free atmosphere and the boundary layer. Continuous regeneration and development of the MCSs mainly relied on maintenance of an upward extension of a positive water vapor disturbance. The MCC rainstorm was triggered by large range of convergent ascending motion caused by a southerly jet, and easterly disturbance within the boundary layer. While a southerly fluctuation and easterly disturbance in the boundary layer were important triggers of the MCS rainstorms. Maintenance and development of the MCC and MCSs were linked to secondary circulation, resulting from convergence of Ekman non-equilibrium flow in the boundary layer. Both intensity and motion of the convergence centers in MCC and MCS cases were different. Clearly, sub-synoptic scale systems in the middle troposphere played a leading role in determining precipitation distribution during this event. Although mesoscale systems triggered by the sub-synoptic scale system induced the heavy rainfall, small-scale disturbances within the boundary layer determined its intensity and location.  相似文献   
Radiometric and palynological data of the Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene Soma Formation from the Kalk?m-Gönen Basin yield new results related to age and palynological contents. In this study, Upper Oligocene strata from the Dani?ment and Linfa areas and Lower Miocene strata from the Bengiler area were sampled palynologically and for radiometric dating. The Dani?ment assemblage, which is older than the Linfa assemblages, mainly contains coniferous and evergreen to deciduous mixed mesophytic forest elements. Relatively high quantities of the altitudinal plants Picea and Abies, indicate a cooler palaeoclimate. The Linfa associations mainly include coniferous and riparian elements. Pollen of the riparian plant Alnus and Taxodiaceae indicative for the swamp forest community was predominant, probably as a result of a high lake level. There is a hiatus during the Oligocene–Miocene transition, probably showing a non-depositional phase and sea-level fall indicating the Mi-1 glaciation event. Higher in the sequence, the Aquitanian Bengiler sediments include high amounts of coniferous forest elements as well as components indicative for the evergreen and deciduous mesophytic forest and also riparian forest and swamp forest. Due to presence of thermophilous taxa Reveesia, Mastixiaceae and Arecaceae, a warm and humid palaeoclimate is inferred according to quantitative analyses using the Coexistence Approach.  相似文献   
This study investigates the statistical linkage between summer rainfall in China and the preceding spring Eurasian snow water equivalent (SWE), using the datasets of summer rainfall observations from 513 stations, satellite-observed snow water equivalent, and atmospheric circulation variables in the NCEP/NCAR re-analysis during the period from 1979 to 2004. The first two coupled modes are identified by using the singular value decomposition (SVD) method. The leading SVD mode of the spring SWE variability shows a coherent negative anomaly in most of Eurasia with the opposite anomaly in some small areas of the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia. The mode displays strong interannual variability, superposed on an interdecadal variation that occurred in the late 1980s, with persistent negative phases in 1979--1987 and frequent positive phases afterwards. When the leading mode is in its positive phase, it corresponds to less SWE in spring throughout most of Eurasia. Meanwhile, excessive SWE in some small areas of the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia, summer rainfall in South and Southeast China tends to be increased, whereas it would be decreased in the up-reaches of the Yellow River. In recent two decades, the decreased spring SWE in Eurasia may be one of reasons for severe droughts in North and Northeast China and much more significant rainfall events in South and Southeast China. The second SVD mode of the spring SWE variability shows opposite spatial variations in western and eastern Eurasia, while most of the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia are in phase. This mode significantly correlates with the succeeding summer rainfall in North and Northeast China, that is, less spring SWE in western Eurasia and excessive SWE in eastern Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau tend to be associated with decreased summer rainfall in North and Northeast China.  相似文献   
分布式流域水文模型水量过程模拟——以黄河河源区为例   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
文章分析了分布式水文模型、遥感和地理信息系统技术在流域径流模拟过程中的结合点,采用数字网格技术,以流域水量变化对地表土地覆被和气候变化响应过程为目的,讨论利用分布式水文模型研究下垫面和气候变化下流域水量响应过程的一般方法,并以黄河河源区为实例进行验证。  相似文献   
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