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In batch cultures of Lake Taupo water, phosphorus was the nutrient limiting plant growth from January to June, and nitrogen took over this role from July to December. Chlorophyll production by algae was often stimulated by trace element additions, but it was uncertain whether total cytoplasmic production was also involved.  相似文献   
冬季南黄海浮游动物群落结构及其对黄海暖流的指示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王亮  李超伦  于非 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(4):853-859
2009年12月和2010年1月对南黄海进行浮游动物采集, 以了解冬季浮游动物群落结构及其对黄海暖流的指示作用。结果表明, 南黄海冬季仍然以温带和暖温带种为主, 中华哲水蚤Calanus sinicus、强壮滨箭虫Aidanosagitta crassa、细足法Themisto gracilipes等温带和暖温带种类在浮游动物数量组成中具有较大优势。与此同时, 一些暖水种在调查海域局部出现。2009年12月暖水种仅分布在南黄海东南部黄海暖流源地附近。位于黄海中部的调查区东侧温盐层化现象明显, 近底层低温、高盐、高营养盐的水文特征体现了黄海冷水团的残留; 2010年1月在35°—36°N区域暖水种种类明显增加, 截平头水蚤Paracandacia truncata、长尾基齿哲水蚤Clausocalanus furcatus出现的位置与暖流路径相吻合, 海洋真刺水蚤Euchaeta rimana数量相比12月有明显向北推进的趋势。主成分分析显示暖水种的分布与温度有良好的相关性。Shannon-Weaver指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数等没有呈现明显的分布规律, 对黄海暖流的指示作用不如种类明显。  相似文献   
A quantitative study on the community structure and biodiversity of free-living marine nematodes and their relationship with environmental factors in the northern South China Sea were carried out based...  相似文献   
The Sonneratia apetala artificial mangroves in the intertidal zone of Da Wei Bay at Qi’ao Island of Zhu-hai, South China were chosen as the macrofauna succession plots while bare tidal flats of the same size were established as control plots in surrounding interference-free areas. Conventional change indicators of community structure, such as biomass and biodiversity, and indicators, such as exergy and specific exergy, which reflect the information change of overall communities, were used to analyze the succession of macro-fauna communities inS. apetala artificial mangroves. The similarities and differences in variation tendency of the different ecological indicators and their reflected ecological principles were compared. The results showed that from D-1 to D-1275 after plantingS. apetala, the biomass of the macrofauna communities first increased, which was then followed by an increase in the network relationship between the macrofauna communities (analysis of the Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). The system in-formation (specific exergy) increased the slowest. Between D-1460 and D-2370 after plantingS. apetala, there was a decrease in biomass, network structure, and system information in the succession plots. After the decrease in the system information (the specific exergy), there was a decline in the network relationships (Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index). Biomass was the last indicator to decrease. The similarities and differences among the different ecological indicators varied during the succession pro-cess, which reflected the relativity and differences among the indicators. This study suggested that, although the species diversity index can be an effective indicator of two types of changes (network structure and system information), it was quite clear that species diversity measurement was not suitable for expressing the changes in biomass during the succession process. While exergy and specific exergy can provide useful information  相似文献   
江苏近岸紫菜养殖筏架区定生绿藻群落结构及其受控因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于2010年10月至2011年4月对苏北紫菜养殖筏架区定生绿藻及环境因素调查数据,分析研究了紫菜筏架上定生绿藻种群结构和数量变化及重要环境因子对其的影响并估算了调查区绿藻总生物量.结果表明,筏架上定生绿藻种类有浒苔(Ulva prolifera)、盒管藻(Capsosiphon groenlandicus)、缘管浒苔(Ulva linza)、肠浒苔(Ulva intestinalis)、条浒苔(Ulva clathrata)和扁浒苔(Ulva compressa).绿藻生物量变化呈倒抛物线型,4月份为主高峰14898吨,11月份为次高峰2034吨,2月份最低,仅为729吨,3-4月份绿藻几乎呈暴发性增长.种类多样性随季节变化有很大差异,养殖筏架刚入海的9、10月份,绿藻种类丰富,生物多样性高;12月至笠年2月,尽管生物量很低,但仍是多种并存;3-4月份随着生物量的猛增,种类多样性降至最低,盒管藻优势地位明显,生物量比例最大能到80%,浒苔比例呈指数增长,达20%~40%.水温对绿藻生物量及种类演替有直接调控作用,在水温< 10℃时,绿藻即能快速生长;而盐度作用不明显.开展紫菜筏架上定生绿藻群落动态变化及其生物量的估算,为追溯南黄海大规模绿潮发源地提供佐证,为绿潮预防和治理提供基础数据支撑.  相似文献   
2013年春季崂山湾浮游植物群落及其环境控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2013 年春季(3、4、5 月)对崂山湾海域浮游植物群落及其理化环境进行了3 个航次的调查研究。共鉴定浮游植物40 属75 种, 硅藻是调查区主要的浮游植物类群; 浮游植物细胞丰度平均为1.27×106个/m3,3 月份的平均丰度显著高于4、5 月份(P<0.01); 优势种主要为冰河拟星杆藻(Asterionopsis glacialis)、加拉星平藻(Asteroplanus karianus)、密联角毛藻(Chaetoceros densus)和夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans), 浮游植物群落演替明显, 由3 月份硅藻控制逐步过渡到4、5 月份硅/甲藻共同控制; 相对较低的硝酸盐水平是导致4、5 月份浮游植物丰度显著低于3 月份的主要原因; 物种–环境数据的冗余分析(RDA)结果显示, 温度、硝酸盐含量是控制崂山湾春季浮游植物分布的重要环境因子。  相似文献   
根据2014年8月和10月、2015年2月和5月使用单船底拖网进行的4个航次调查数据,对山东半岛近岸海区的莱州湾及渤海南部、山东半岛北部和山东半岛南部等3个海域蟹类种类组成、时空分布、优势种、群落结构稳定性等群落结构特征进行了研究。结果显示,4次调查共捕获蟹类20种,隶属于10科17属,其中日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)是主要经济种类,其余均为小型饵料型蟹类;海区内主要的优势种为双斑蟳(Charybdis bimaculata)、日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus),3个海域优势种季节更替均十分明显;莱州湾及渤海南部和山东半岛南部2个海域生物量季节变化明显,春季较低,在夏季达到峰值,夏季到冬季呈降低趋势,山东半岛北部海域生物量季节变化不明显。3个海域蟹类群落物种多样性指数(H')、丰富度指数(D)及均匀度指数(J')均处于较低水平,并有一定的季节变化;水深、水温和盐度是影响蟹类群落结构的重要因子,渤莱沿岸流、黄海暖流和黄海冷水团通过影响海域内水温与盐度影响蟹类群落结构。研究表明山东半岛近岸海区蟹类以小型饵料型蟹类为主,蟹类多样性水平较低,优势种更替明显,群落季节更替指数较高,季节间迁移频繁,蟹类群落不稳定。  相似文献   
为研究海洋附着细菌的群落结构及动态变化,在厦门近岸海区进行挂板实验.将无菌玻璃板浸没于海水中,连续放置14 d.分别于放置1 h和7、14 d后取玻璃板上附着生物样品.用细菌通用引物构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库,每个克隆文库随机挑选约40个克隆子测序,序列同源性分析和系统进化分析结果表明,所有的克隆子可分为六大类群:γ-变形菌纲(γ-Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、α-变形菌纲(α-Proteobacteria)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)和真核硅藻类叶绿体,各类群分别占42.0%、4.5%、2.2%、2.2%、1.1%和45.0%.γ-变形菌纲变形斑沙雷氏菌(Serratia proteamaculans)为优势附着细菌,占测序克隆子的31.5%.这类细菌在1 h样品中的比例超过一半,说明变形斑沙雷氏菌在生物膜形成初期发挥着重要作用.随着挂板时间延长,检测到的细菌类群有所增加:附着7 d后检测到拟杆菌门细菌,附着14 d后检测到厚壁菌门细菌.γ-变形菌纲细菌所占比例随挂板时间的延长而逐渐降低,从挂板1 h的81%降至7 d的21%,14 d的18%.另外,在各阶段的附着样品中,都检测到较多的真核克隆子序列,约占16%~64%.本研究为进一步阐明海洋附着细菌的附着动态及其在生物膜形成过程中的作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   
本文根据2014年6月长江口邻近海域大型底栖生物的调查资料, 采用优势度指数, 物种多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数, Bray-Curtis相似性聚类和非参数多维标度排序(nMDS)标序方法, 分析了长江口邻近海域夏季大型底栖生物的群落特征。本次调查共采集大型底栖生物135种, 其中多毛类66种, 甲壳动物33种, 棘皮动物14种, 软体动物13种, 其他类群9种。调查海域的大型底栖生物平均丰度为122.2ind/m2,平均生物量为7.8g/ m2。丰度、生物量和多样性指数在不同海区间的空间差异均不显著。大型底栖生物在20%的相似性水平上可以划分为8个群组,各站位间相似性水平较低。ABC曲线表明,伴随海岸带开发及人类活动的持续影响, 长江口邻近海域底栖生境的稳定性受到轻微扰动, 建议继续开展长期连续的监测, 为研究长江口海域环境变化和大型底栖生物群落演替提供基础资料。  相似文献   
Coastal ecosystems are complex and species rich, but are vulnerable to degradation from a variety of anthropogenic activities. Nevertheless, information on inter‐tidal community composition in the Caribbean Basin and at other oceanic sites is lacking. Such information is essential to developing a more comprehensive understanding of rocky inter‐tidal systems and their responses to global change. The goals of this study were to determine the relative importance of environmental (wave power density, wave height), habitat (e.g. algal cover, slope, complexity of rock surfaces) and anthropogenic (distance to roads, population density) factors associated with the structure of local assemblages at multiple shore heights and the regional metacommunity of mobile invertebrates on oceanic rocky inter‐tidal habitats. Environmental characteristics associated with habitat complexity (algal cover, rock surface complexity) and human population density were most strongly associated with abundance and biodiversity of invertebrates. Species richness was positively correlated with surface complexity, but abundance was negatively correlated with both surface complexity and per cent algal cover. By contrast, abundance of invertebrates was positively correlated with human population density, and diversity was negatively correlated with human population density. Abundance of invertebrates was greatest in the mid inter‐tidal zone, whereas diversity was greatest in the lower inter‐tidal zone. Metacommunity structure was Gleasonian, but the gradient along which species turnover occurred was correlated with measures of wave exposure, rather than anthropogenic activity. Unlike in previous studies, mostly at mainland sites, human activity primarily altered dominance patterns of communities, while having relatively little effect on species richness or composition.  相似文献   
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