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方钢管混凝土柱与钢梁的外肋环板节点抗震性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究外肋环板节点的抗震性能,本文对3个十字型足尺试件进行了低周反复循环加载试验,分析了各试件的破坏过程及特征,然后根据实测的滞回曲线对节点的承载力、延性、耗能能力、强度退化、刚度退化等抗震性能指标进行了详细的比较分析。研究结果表明,外肋环板节点构造措施简单合理,具有较好的抗震性能。通过空钢管试件和填充混凝土试件的对比分析,表明在钢管中填充混凝土有利于改善节点的抗震性能。  相似文献   
朱可欣  王荣 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):2016-2024
抚仙湖有近210亿m3的优质淡水资源,具有重要战略价值,但是近年来出现水质退化的现象.沉水植被是湖泊生态系统功能维持的重要生物门类,其演变过程能反映和影响整个生态系统的变化,目前还缺乏对抚仙湖沉水植被长期连续地观测记录.本文基于Landsat遥感数据分析了抚仙湖北部沉水植被面积的动态变化,结合气候变化和水质水文要素分析发现:抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植物在1987—2020年间存在先减少后增加的变化趋势;1987—1995年,沉水植物分布面积约占北部湖区面积的1.64%;1996—2010年北部湖区沉水植被分布面积缩减,湖泊处于高水位低营养状态,水位上升是此时期沉水植物面积减少的主要原因;2011—2020年,水位降低,营养增加,营养和水位的共同作用导致抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植物面积显著增加.沉水植物覆盖度变化伴随着沉水植被以苦草为优势种群转为以穗花狐尾藻为优势种群,沉水植被结构转向耐污染性更强的属种.通过抚仙湖北部湖区沉水植被发育与营养、水位等驱动因子的关系分析,建议现阶段需要严格限制入湖氮磷排放,强化水生植被的长期动态监测,构建水量、水质、水生态一体化监测体系,并开展抚仙...  相似文献   
钟祥浩 《山地学报》2005,23(3):257-259
青藏高原平均海拔4 000 m以上,有"世界屋脊"之称,总面积达250×104km2,占中国陆地面积1/4.1950年代以来,中国政府和中国科学院等部门曾多次组织青藏高原多学科综合考察,取得了大量第一手科学资料和丰硕成果.1990年代中期以来,青藏高原研究进入了一个新的阶段,实现了从定性到定量、从静态到动态、从宏观到微观、从区域到全球研究的转化和深入,在高原地球动力学、高原大气科学、高原环境变化和生态系统演变等领域取得了突破性进展.近来学术界在继续重视高原地球动力学研究的同时,十分关注全球变暖下的高原各种地表过程变化及其对周边地区生态与环境影响研究.青藏高原生态与环境极其脆弱,在日益增长的人口压力影响下,出现一系列生态与环境问题,表现为草地严重退化、土地沙漠化和土壤侵蚀加快等不良地表过程.与此同时,高原广大农牧民生活水平仍停留在以传统农牧业为生计的落后状态,与中国发达地区相比,反差极大,这些问题已引起学术界的极大关注.为更好地促进青藏高原在全球变化和人类活动综合影响下,各种地表过程的深入研究和加强不同学科之间的交流,本刊从今年起开设"青藏高原研究"栏目,近期稿件内容为①环境与生态,②全球变化与青藏高原,③高原山地灾害,④资源开发与区域发展.  相似文献   
Most of the available models of monolithic reinforced concrete joints under seismic action focus on estimation of cracking and ultimate shear strengths. Very few studies have been directed towards developing expressions for the associated joint deformations at the milestone response points so as to compose a limit-state model for joints that would be compatible with the emerging framework of deformation based seismic assessment and design methods. This objective is pursued in the present paper with particular emphasis on monolithic bridge joints. Deformation capacity at yielding and failure of joints is derived by establishing equilibrium and geometric compatibility of smeared stresses and strains, and satisfying material constitutive relationships. Expressions and model parameters are calibrated with the database of published bridge joint tests assembled from International literature, using statistical evaluation. From the mean values of the design parameters simplified equations for shear strength and ultimate shear strain of bridge joints are proposed.  相似文献   
Quantitative estimate of residual or palaeo-oil column height   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method to quantitatively estimate residual or palaeo-oil column heights is proposed using criteria based on the presence or absence of oil shows in a single heterogeneous reservoir rock sample. The residual or palaeo-oil column height below the sample is constrained through the determination of the displacement pressure of regions in the sample containing oil shows (Pd-o) and the displacement pressure for regions that are devoid of any evidence of oil shows (Pd-w). The height of the residual or palaeo-oil column below the sampling depth can then be estimated to be greater than the equivalent height corresponding to Pd-o, but less than the height corresponding to Pd-w. Three examples from two basins in China were investigated using the method to determine their residual and palaeo-oil column heights.  相似文献   
This paper identifies imbalanced columns (or rows) as a significant source of ill‐conditioning in the preconditioned coefficient matrix using the standard Jacobi preconditioner, for finite element solution of Biot's consolidation equations. A simple and heuristic preconditioner is proposed to reduce this source of ill‐conditioning. The proposed preconditioner modifies the standard Jacobi preconditioner by scaling the excess pore pressure degree‐of‐freedoms in the standard Jacobi preconditioner with appropriate factors. The performance of such preconditioner is examined using the symmetric quasi‐minimal residual method. To alleviate storage requirements, element‐by‐element iterative strategies are implemented. Numerical experiment results show that the proposed preconditioner reduces both the number of iteration and CPU execution time significantly as compared with the standard Jacobi preconditioner. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
l.Introducti0nTwoflightsoftheSAGEIIIinstrumentwereplanedbeinglaunchedinJune2O00byRussianMeteor-3Mandin2002byInternationalSpaceStation(ISS).Itisexpectedthattheywouldofferinformationofalmostglobalcoverage.Theseinstrumentswillutilizetheselfcal-ibratingsolaroccultationtechniquetomeasureprofilesofaerosoIextinctionfrom0to4Okm,ozonefrom6to85km,nitrogendioxidefroml0to5Okm,andwatervaporfrom0to5Okm,andutilizelunaroccultationobservati0nstomonitorthekeynighttimesPecies,nitrogentrioxidefrom22to55k…  相似文献   
提出了沿异型住框架楼层变刚度设支撑的设计方法,进行了1/3结构模型试验研究,测试分析了弹性侧移刚度、结构的承载力、延性、滞回曲线、破坏机制及刚度衰减特性。计算所得的结构弹性侧移刚度与实测值符合较好.  相似文献   
建筑结构利用TLCD减振的神经网络智能控制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文提出了建筑结构利用调谐液体柱型阻尼器(TLCD)减振的神经网络智能控制方法。首先阐述了确定TLCD半主动控制策略;然后利用BP人工神经网络方法计算并控制TLCD隔板孔洞的面积,以调节和控制阻尼比&T,实现对建筑结构的智能控制。地震作用下的数值分析表明,本文所述的方法是十分有效的。  相似文献   
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