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The development of a definitive predictive model that accurately accounts for the nonlinear hydrodynamics and structural response behavior observed in arrays of closely spaced risers on deep water structures will require a more detailed understanding of this fluid–structure interaction. Through the analysis and interpretation of data from model basin tests on single and paired tandem cylinder configurations this study is directed at uncovering the nature of some aspects of this nonlinear response behavior using an orthogonal third-order Volterra technique that can delineate between linear, quadratic and cubic nonlinear frequency dependent behavior. As part of the analysis procedure the data was organized in input–output pairs that would provide logical groupings of the measured quantities. The data pairs presented in this study include wave excitation and inline cylinder displacement, wave excitation and transverse cylinder displacement, wave excitation and inline reaction force, and, upstream cylinder and downstream cylinder response. This information is presented in terms of spectral and coherence plots. The single cylinder data is presented as a means to contrast the behavior of the tandem cylinders. Both configurations were analyzed at two different pretensions adding another dimension to this investigation. It is shown that although a primary variable such as displacement may be more easily measured, pretension and force measurements provide an important key to our understanding of this difficult problem.  相似文献   
In conventional slowness-time coherence(STC)method,slowness and time need to be searched at the same time,which limits the precision and lowers the efficiency.The dichotomy method combined with slowness-time coherence algorithm aims to enhance the efficiency of data processing and to improve the precision.The algorithm changes the searching pattern of conventional slowness-time coherence method to acquire the slowness of component waves in array acoustic logging data.Based on energy ratio of short time window versus long time window and slowness-time coherence method,the algorithm first acquires the arrivals of the component waves using energy ratio of short time window versus long time window method.It then uses the calculated results as the arrivals in conventional slowness-time coherence method,so the slowness-time two-dimensional searching process is simplified to slowness searching process.Based on dichotomy method,the searching pattern is further optimized in replace of the ergodic searching pattern in conventional slowness-time coherence method,which means that as the iteration proceeds,the current searching interval is reduced to half of the former,so the number of searching times is decreased.The dichotomy method combined with slowness-time coherence algorithm is applied to well L in the data processing.Compared with conventional slowness-time coherence method,for compressional wave,the searching efficiency of the algorithm is 4.53 times better,while for Stoneley wave,the searching efficiency is 1.85 times better.Compared with conventional logging data,the average absolute error of the results of the dichotomy method combined with slowness-time coherence algorithm is 1.14μs/ft smaller than that of the conventional method,while the average relative error is 1.2 percent lower.The dichotomy method combined with slowness-time coherence algorithm shows good results in its application,which can enhance the processing efficiency remarkably while getting reliable results at the same time.  相似文献   
采用交叉小波变换与小波相干方法,利用NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料以及 NOAA 卫星观测的 OLR 资料,分析了2006年夏季西太平洋副高的异常活动及其与东亚夏季风系统相关的时延位相特征.分析结果表明,副高指数与东亚夏季风系统成员特征指数的交叉小波功率谱和小波相干谱能够有效揭示周期尺度为14~20 d的不同影响因子与副高指数的时频特征和时滞相关性.分析证实,马斯克林高压和南亚高压对副高的西伸、北跳有较好的预报意义;热带ITCZ和副热带高空急流的加强北移与副高脊线的北跳同步;副高北跳利于降水在华南发生,反过来,雨带的产生又有利于副高的进一步西伸.  相似文献   
以2010年11月-2011年3月磨刀门水道挂定角、联石湾、竹排沙、平岗和竹银5个测站的盐度、马口水文站流量、三灶站潮位和竹银站的主流向风速为基本数据,应用偏相干谱估计方法分析了各测站盐度变化对潮汐、流量和风的频率响应。经验诊断分析结果表明:1)马口站入海径流存在准1日、半日、1/4日和1/3日等显著的潮致振荡周期;2)各测站盐度变化与潮汐主要振荡周期并不一致,沿磨刀门水道向上游,潮汐对盐度变化的影响递减,竹银站盐度可作为潮汐直接作用下咸潮上溯的平均上限位置;3)消除潮汐和径流的影响后风对盐度变化的作用明显加强;4)各测站盐度变化对潮汐、流量与风的响应过程存在时间超前或滞后但无特定规律,说明磨刀门水道盐度变化过程十分复杂。  相似文献   
冰川变化监测对生态灾害预防、区域水资源调控、气候变化研究等意义重大。利用冰川在雷达干涉影像上表现出失相干这一特性,选用1998年ERS 1/2与2018年 Sentinel-1A重轨单视复数SAR数据,通过相干系数取阈值的方法获取东帕米尔高原两个时期的冰川边界,以Landsat TM/OLI影像和全球陆地冰川空间监测计划发布的数据验证本文冰川边界提取的精度,从而分析冰川变化。结果表明:① 拟合研究区相干系数图上相干系数γ与对应像元个数的曲线关系,冰川区像元个数会在低相干区域积累形成一个小的波峰。曲线一阶导数变缓的点(冰川区向非冰川区过渡的转折点)即为所选阈值点,利用SAR相干系数取阈值法提取的冰川边界与光学遥感影像结合RGI6.0数据提取的验证冰川边界具有较好的一致性,SAR干涉相干系数提取冰川边界的方法是可行而有效的,ERS 1/2与Sentinel-1A提取的冰川总面积精度均在90%以上,而且SAR数据能够有效提取光学遥感影像难以识别的冰川表碛覆盖;② 1998年和2018年东帕米尔高原冰川总面积减少了318.59 km2,年平均变化速率为-15.93 km2/a,冰川退缩面积占冰川总面积的23%;③ 对大、中型规模冰川来说,表碛覆盖型冰川退缩较其他冰川明显;从坡向上来看,20年各个坡向冰川均有所退缩,其中东南坡冰川退缩最多,西坡冰川退缩最少;从海拔上来看,1998年冰川集中分布在4519~5421 m海拔区间内,2018年集中分布在4682~5320 m海拔区间内;在3325~5710 m海拔区间内冰川退缩明显,4915 m海拔附近达到退缩极大值。  相似文献   
Stratigraphic modeling based on physical and geologic principles has been improved by more sophisticated process models and increased computer power. However, such efforts may reach a limit in their predictive power because of the stochastic, multiscaled nature of the physical processes involved. Building on techniques from the geostatistical literature, a conditional simulation method, dubbed SimStrat, has been developed to improve predictions of stratigraphic architecture from limited data. No physical processes are invoked. Rather, the prediction is based solely on geometric and statistical principals. The method takes as input sonar bathymetry, seismically defined stratigraphic horizons, and core-defined horizons. Each stratigraphic horizon is characterized using spectral modeling and coherence modeling for adjacent horizons. Predictions of subsurface horizons are improved where seafloor bathymetry conforms with the underlying strata. Conditional simulations can then be generated that conform to available data constraints and statistical characterization. Tests with synthetic data in one and two dimensions for differing spectral models confirm the reliability of the method.  相似文献   
本文研究了新场、东泰及合兴场三维地震相干及应用后认为:①断层、地层特征的不连续性通过三维地震相干数据体的低相干异常,能够获得十分清晰、直观的展示;②地层特征的连续性通过三维地震相干数据体的高相干异常能够得到非常清楚、明显的表现  相似文献   
带有多道相关的抛物线Radon变换法分离P-P、P-SV波   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
因为多波多分量地震勘探中P-P波和P-SV波通常混杂在一起,所以较好地分离P-P波和P-SV波能够提高数据处理和解释的质量.抛物线Radon变换法在分离P-P波和P-SV波时取得了一定效果,但是在离散叠加的计算过程中会带来假频,这些假频会干扰波场分离.本文针对这一问题,将多道相关算法引入抛物线Radon变换,发展了带有多道相关的抛物线Radon变换法.该方法利用叠加信号具有相似性的特点,依据多道相关中衡量多道信号相似性的能量比标准,对叠加过程加以控制,压制变换中出现的假频.本文用该方法对合成地震记录进行了波场分离,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
选取3种波长的干涉SAR数据对提取沼泽湿地区域的DEM,并随机从1:10 000地形图中选取111个点数据进行精度验证,最后对比分析了沼泽湿地植被对于不同SAR波长的干涉相干性差异。结果表明:L-band ALOS-1 PALSAR精细模式的HH单视复数数据与1:10 000地形图数据吻合度较好,76.58%的高程值差异在3 m以内,其相干系数比C-band Sentinel-1A IW模式的VV单视复数数据和X-band TerraSAR HH单视复数数据要高;更适合利用雷达干涉测量技术提取沼泽湿地的DEM;不同湿地植被类型的相干系数有较大差异,岛状林和灌草结合的湿地植被分布区相干系数值较大,而浅水沼泽植被区和深水沼泽植被区相对较低。  相似文献   
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