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苏鲁超高压变质带的形成时代究竟是印支期还是新元古代争议始终很大。对山东胶南地区超高压变质带中超镁铁岩和榴辉岩的锆石激光拉曼、阴极发光和离子探针原位定年的研究获得超高压变质作用发生的时代为印支期。其中超镁铁岩含柯石英锆石的年龄为221±12Ma,该深成岩侵位时代为新元古代(581±44Ma)。此外,锆石中另有约400Ma年龄记录,可能代表岩石形成后另有一期热事件。榴辉岩的下交点年龄为228±29 Ma,与超镁铁岩含柯石英锆石年龄一致,代表超高压变质时代;上交点为中元古代(1821±19Ma),代表原岩年龄,后者与其片麻岩围岩时代相一致,说明榴辉岩是原位俯冲。  相似文献   
Coesite is typically found as inclusions in rock‐forming or accessory minerals in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks. Thus, the survival of intergranular coesite in UHP eclogite at Yangkou Bay (Sulu belt, eastern China) is surprising and implies locally “dry” conditions throughout exhumation. The dominant structures in the eclogites at Yangkou are a strong D2 foliation associated with tight‐to‐isoclinal F2 folds that are overprinted by close‐to‐tight F3 folds. The coesite‐bearing eclogites occur as rootless intrafolial isoclinal F1 fold noses wrapped by a composite S1–S2 foliation in interlayered phengite‐bearing quartz‐rich schists. To evaluate controls on the survival of intergranular coesite, we determined the number density of intergranular coesite grains per cm2 in thin section in two samples of coesite eclogite (phengite absent) and three samples of phengite‐bearing coesite eclogite (2–3 vol.% phengite), and measured the amount of water in garnet and omphacite in these samples, and also in two samples of phengite‐bearing quartz eclogite (6–7 vol.% phengite, coesite absent). As coesite decreases in the mode, the amount of primary structural water stored in the whole rock, based on the nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs), increases from 107/197 ppm H2O in the coesite eclogite to 157–253 ppm H2O in the phengite‐bearing coesite eclogite to 391/444 ppm H2O in the quartz eclogite. In addition, there is molecular water in the NAMs and modal water in phengite. If the primary concentrations reflect differences in water sequestered during the late prograde evolution, the amount of fluid stored in the NAMs at the metamorphic peak was higher outside of the F1 fold noses. During exhumation from UHP conditions, where NAMs became H2O saturated, dehydroxylation would have generated a free fluid phase. Interstitial fluid in a garnet–clinopyroxene matrix at UHP conditions has dihedral angles >60°, so at equilibrium fluid will be trapped in isolated pores. However, outside the F1 fold noses strong D2 deformation likely promoted interconnection of fluid and migration along the developing S2 foliation, enabling conversion of some or all of the intergranular coesite into quartz. By contrast, the eclogite forming the F1 fold noses behaved as independent rigid bodies within the composite S1–S2 foliation of the surrounding phengite‐bearing quartz‐rich schists. Primary structural water concentrations in the coesite eclogite are so low that H2O saturation of the NAMs is unlikely to have occurred. This inherited drier environment in the F1 fold noses was maintained during exhumation by deformation partitioning and strain localization in the schists, and the fold noses remained immune to grain‐scale fluid infiltration from outside allowing coesite to survive. The amount of inherited primary structural water and the effects of strain partitioning are important variables in the survival of coesite during exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust. Evidence of UHP metamorphism may be preserved in similar isolated structural settings in other collisional orogens.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions in coesite‐bearing eclogites and jadeite quartzite at Shuanghe in Dabie Shan, East‐central China, have preserved remnants of early, prograde and/or peak metamorphic fluids, reset during post‐UHP (ultrahigh‐pressure) metamorphic uplift. Inclusions occur in several minerals (e.g. omphacite & epidote), notably as isolated, primary inclusions in quartz included in various host minerals. Two major fluid types have been identified: non‐polar fluid species (N2 or CO2) and aqueous, the latter is by far the most predominant. Aqueous fluids cover a wide range of salinity, from halite‐bearing brines to low salinity fluids. For non‐polar fluids, few N2 inclusions occur in undeformed eclogite, whereas a number of CO2‐rich inclusions have been found in microshear zones of eclogite or jadeite quartzite in close proximity to marble occurrences. The primary character of N2 and high‐salinity aqueous inclusions indicates that they are remnants from UHP metamorphic fluids and for some there is the distinct possibility that they are ultimately derived from pre‐metamorphic fluids. This conclusion is supported by the preservation, in some samples, of microdomains containing synchronous inclusions of variable salinities, which tend to relate to the chemical composition of the host crystal. Carbonic fluids may be derived from neighbouring rocks, notably marble and carbonate‐bearing metasediments, during post‐metamorphic uplift. During post‐UHP exhumation, a limited decrease of the fluid density has occurred, with formation of new sets of fluid inclusions. Fluid movements, however, remained exceedingly limited, at the scale of the enclosing crystal.  相似文献   
华中高压变质柯石英的拉曼谱学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用光学显微镜、X衍射仪和拉曼分子探针对华中皖西南榴辉岩中的柯石英的晶体结构和分子配位体结构进行了研究,在中国自己的实验室中首次测定了自然柯石英的拉曼散射谱并获得下列结论:①通常高压变质柯石英是不可能结晶成大的颗粒,其大小为几个微米至几十微米。②根据因子群分析理论确定石英的465cm~(-1)峰为对称伸缩振动A_1,柯石英的521cm~(-1)峰为反对称伸缩振动Bg。③利用拉曼分子微探针鉴定SiO_2多形具有独特的效果,研究表明在α-方石英(CR)石英(QZ)和柯石英(CS)中Si-O键长基本不变,但是[SiO_4]配位体密度从CR、QZ至CS是递增的,并导致矿物密度及[SiO_4]架状结构振动频率的增加,这为研究分子结构与地质体温度、压力之关系提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
本文对大别山地区的柯石英榴辉岩进行了详细全面的岩相学和矿物化学研究,确定了柯石英榴辉岩的变质条件,识别出了榴辉岩化前的矿物包体及其角闪岩化、绿帘角闪岩化和绿片岩化3期退变质作用,进而再塑了一个呈顺时针方向旋转的复杂P-T-t轨迹。由此讨论了柯石英榴辉岩的形成机制和地球动力学意义。  相似文献   
Coesite relics were discovered as inclusions in clinopyroxene in eclogite and as inclusions in zircon in felsic and pelitic gneisses from Higher Himalayan Crystalline rocks in the upper Kaghan Valley, north‐west Himalaya. The metamorphic peak conditions of the coesite‐bearing eclogites are estimated to be 27–32 kbar and 700–770 °C, using garnet–pyroxene–phengite geobarometry and garnet–pyroxene geothermometry, respectively. Cathodoluminescence (CL) and backscattered electron (BSE) imaging distinguished three different domains in zircon: inner detrital core, widely spaced euhedral oscillatory zones, and thin, broadly zoned outermost rims. Each zircon domain contains a characteristic suite of micrometre‐sized mineral inclusions which were identified by in situ laser Raman microspectroscopy. Core and mantle domains contain quartz, apatite, plagioclase, muscovite and rutile. In contrast, the rim domains contain coesite and minor muscovite. Quartz inclusions were identified in all coesite‐bearing zircon grains, but not coexisting with coesite in the same growth domain (rim domain). 206Pb/238U zircon ages reveal that the quartz‐bearing mantle domains and the coesite‐bearing rim were formed at c. 50 Ma and 46.2 ± 0.7 Ma, respectively. These facts demonstrate that the continental materials were buried to 100 km within 7–9 Myr after initiation of the India–Asia collision (palaeomagnetic data from the Indian oceanic floor supports an initial India‐Asia contact at 55–53 Ma). Combination of the sinking rate of 1.1–1.4 cm year?1 with Indian plate velocity of 4.5 cm year?1 suggests that the Indian continent subducted to about 100 km depth at an average subduction angle of 14–19°.  相似文献   
喜马拉雅造山带西构造结含柯石英榴辉岩的发现及其启示   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
着重介绍了最近几年外国学者在喜马拉雅西北部发现高压榴辉岩和含柯石英超高压榴辉岩的新成果。这项重要发现,对于正确了印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞动力学过程,大陆俯冲,折返和鼓民拉雅造山带是变质演化历史有着重要意义,同时对我国学者从喜马拉雅东构造结下地壳高 为质岩和结晶基底升研究有着重要的启迪。  相似文献   
新疆西天山超高压变质榴辉岩   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在新疆西天山3类榴辉岩中均发现了超高压变质矿物:在第Ⅰ类与蓝片岩互层的榴辉岩中发现了柯石英假像;在第Ⅱ类枕状榴辉岩的绿辉石中发现了石英出溶叶片;在第Ⅲ类产于大理岩中呈透镜状的方解石/白云石榴辉岩中发现了变质成因的菱镁矿。详细的岩石矿物学研究表明,第Ⅰ类榴辉岩3个阶段的变质演化温压条件为:UHP前变质阶段(356-433℃,0.8-1.0GPa)、峰期UHP榴辉岩相阶段(496-598℃,2.572-2.666GPa)和退变绿帘蓝片岩相阶段(500-530℃,1.0-1.2GPa),并建立了在NCMASCH(Na2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-CO2-H2O)体系中出现蓝闪石、石榴石、绿辉石、菱镁矿、白云石、黝帘石、柯石英、CO2和H2O的相平衡关系。经变质反应分析和相平衡理论计算西天山含菱镁矿的蓝闪石榴辉岩的变质峰期温压条件为:2.7-2.8GPa和525-607℃,XCO2低于0.006。超高压变质矿物的发展表明西天山榴辉岩经历了超高压变质作用,所谓的南天山造山带可能是世界上规模最大的由洋壳俯冲形成的超高压变质带。  相似文献   
超高压变质岩中柯石英-石英相变动力学研究的评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
含柯石英超高压变质岩的发现是陆过 幔深部俯冲的岩石学语气也揭示了深部变质深种物折返地表的可能性。超高压变质岩的开 折返机制是当前地球科学中最有挑战性的前沿课题之一,具有深刻的大陆动力学意义。  相似文献   
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