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Abstract  Abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) extensively distribute in granitoids in the Gangdisê giant magmatic belt, within which the Qüxü batholith is the most typical MME‐bearing pluton. Systematic sampling for granodioritic host rock, mafic microgranular enclaves and gabbro nearby at two locations in the Qüxü batholith, and subsequent zircon SHRIMP II U‐Pb dating have been conducted. Two sets of isotopic ages for granodioritic host rock, mafic microgranular enclaves and gabbro are 50.4±1.3 Ma, 51.2±1.1 Ma, 47.0±1 Ma and 49.3±1.7 Ma, 48.9±1.1 Ma, 49.9±1.7 Ma, respectively. It thus rules out the possibilities of mafic microgranular enclaves being refractory residues after partial melting of magma source region, or being xenoliths of country rocks or later intrusions. Therefore, it is believed that the three types of rocks mentioned above likely formed in the same magmatic event, i.e., they formed by magma mixing in the Eocene (c. 50 Ma). Compositionally, granitoid host rocks incline towards acidic end member involved in magma mixing, gabbros are akin to basic end member and mafic microgranular enclaves are the incompletely mixed basic magma clots trapped in acidic magma. The isotopic dating also suggested that huge‐scale magma mixing in the Gangdisê belt took place 15–20 million years after the initiation of the India‐Asia continental collision, genetically related to the underplating of subduction‐collision‐induced basic magma at the base of the continental crust. Underplating and magma mixing were likely the main process of mass‐energy exchange between the mantle and the crust during the continental collision, and greatly contributed to the accretion of the continental crust, the evolution of the lithosphere and related mineralization beneath the portion of the Tibetan Plateau to the north of the collision zone.  相似文献   
黑龙江省张广才岭南部早侏罗世花岗岩具有明显的岩浆混合特征。岩体中暗色微粒包体发育,主要为细粒闪长质岩浆包体,包体形态多样,与寄主岩呈截然、过渡关系。包体的矿物组合明显不平衡,如矿物具有定向排列的特点,斜长石发育自形环带并存在新、老两个世代,发育针状磷灰石。由电子探针对斜长石、角闪石和黑云母等矿物分析结果可知,寄主花岗岩和包体中各主要矿物含量基本一致。岩石地球化学特征研究显示,包体与寄主花岗岩关系密切,两者在稀土元素和微量元素方面也表现为明显的地球化学亲缘关系。这表明张广才岭南部早侏罗世花岗质岩石具有壳幔混合成因特征,暗色微粒包体是由较基性的地幔岩浆进入寄主岩浆中淬火结晶而成,花岗质岩浆的源区主要为新生的地壳物质。  相似文献   
松嫩盆地的地下水化学特征及水质变化规律   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
廖资生  林学钰 《地球科学》2004,29(1):96-102
松嫩盆地位于东北腹部, 是我国主要的大型地下水盆地之一.地下水资源十分丰富, 但水质问题复杂, 原生水质状况不佳, 人为污染比较严重.根据水利、地质部门多年积累的地下水水质监测资料, 对地下水中原生有害组分和人为污染组分的形成机理和区域分布规律进行了比较全面、深入的研究, 着重分析了在人为活动影响下, 盆地不同地下水系统内地下水水质的多年变化规律.认为地质构造上的封闭性、强还原/弱碱性/富含有机质的水文地球化学环境、地下水运动滞缓是盆地地下水中多种原生有害组分富集的基本条件.近半个世纪以来强烈的人类活动, 则是导致地下水水质发生趋势性变化的主要原因.提出了改善区域地下水交替循环条件, 治理环境污染, 治理和更新已成为污染通道的水井, 利用洁净松花江水开展地下水人工回灌等改良与保护地下水水质的主要措施.   相似文献   
全新世岱海流域化学风化及其对气候事件的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对岱海 12.08 m沉积岩芯 210Pb和 AMS- 14C精确定年及地球化学、物理指标的综合分析,重建了包括 8.2 ka冷期、中世纪暖期 (MWP)和小冰期 (LIA)等典型气候事件在内的全新世以来所经历的化学风化及其环境演化过程.全新世早-中期 (9.0~ 3.5 ka),岱海流域处于温暖湿润气候环境,主要环境特征表现为流域化学风化显著增强、生物生产力逐步提高、湖泊水位大幅度抬升.在 7.90~ 8.25 ka期间存在一次冷气候事件,其发生时间与来自湖沼、海洋、生物组合和极地冰芯等在内的全球环境记录基本一致,具体表现为流域化学风化减弱、湖泊生产力降低以及湖泊水位下降. 2.5 ka以来,岱海沉积物中环境指标的显著变化,表明进入气候波动更频繁的新冰期.岱海沉积物中的指标变化也展示了本世纪以来的气候增暖过程,但其化学风化强度还没有达到 MWP的程度.  相似文献   
To this day, deterministic physical models capable of explaining the evolution of grain-size distributions in the course of transport are still lacking. For this reason, various attributes of particle frequency distributions, in particular curve shapes and textural parameters, have for many decades been investigated for potential information about transport behaviour and size-sorting processes of sediments in numerous environments. Such approaches are essentially conceptual and hence rely heavily on the validity of the assumptions on which they are based. A factor which has to date been largely ignored in this context, is the fact that different methods of grain-size analysis (e. g. sieving, laser absorption and diffraction, settling velocity measurements), when applied to the same sample material, produce variable curve shapes, and hence incongruous textural data. This is illustrated by selected examples showing the differences between sieving and settling results, conversion of settling velocities into equivalent settling diameters (psi-phi-transformations), and the influences of particle shape, particle density, and water temperature. It is demonstrated that particle-size distributions are not only method-dependent but also dependent on the adopted post-processing procedure. As a result, only frequency curves generated by the same method and subsequently processed by identical computational procedures can be meaningfully compared. Furthermore, the computation of textural parameters from bi- or multimodal size distributions produces spurious results which are unrelated to the processes leading to the mixing of different size populations frequently observed in nature. In such cases, only the decomposition of such distributions into individual populations and the spatial comparison of such populations makes any sense. Because a physical explanation for the generation of size distributions is lacking, a particular curve shape of a grain-size population has no meaning on its own. Only a systematic comparison of progressively changing curve shapes (and associated textural parameters) of sediments collected on a closely spaced grid can yield data suitable for sediment trend analysis.  相似文献   
黄土高原风尘序列的碳酸盐成因及其风化过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碳酸盐是黄土高原风尘序列的主要组成部分,其含量与原生碳酸盐溶解、再沉淀,以及含钙硅酸盐化学风化强度等密切相关。碳酸盐在表生环境下极易移动,且其迁移变化受大气降水、温度等古气候所制约,因此黄土次生碳酸盐记录了古气候的重要信息。甘肃西峰赵家川剖面碳酸盐含量、磁化率的系统测定和风尘序列地质特征研究表明,在整个剖面中,碳酸盐含量和磁化率曲线呈显著的负相关,并从剖面上部到红粘土底部,碳酸盐含量有增加趋势。黄土、古土壤和红粘土沉积分别处在不同风化阶段:黄土化学风化最弱,处于钙质残积阶段,古土壤处于强烈钙质淋溶阶段和硅铝残积阶段,红粘土化学风化最强烈,处于硅铝残积阶段或红土化阶段;不同的化学风化阶段古气候性质有别。  相似文献   
李宪洲 《矿物岩石》1992,12(3):80-84
本文依据21件黄铁矿样品的电子探针成分分析数据,讨论了Au,Ag,Fe,Co,Ni,S,As,Sb,Cu,Te,Sn,Se等13个元素在黄铁矿中的含量和S/Fe,As/Sb比值在时间和空间上的变化规律。对矿体上的黄铁矿单晶体进行的能谱扫描电镜成分分析,Fe,S,As等成分在黄铁矿内部呈环带状分布,由晶体中心向边缘,它们的含量呈脉动式变化,反映成矿热液活动频繁。  相似文献   
河北汉诺坝玄武岩中长英质麻粒岩、镁铁质麻粒岩和辉石岩捕虏体的主量元素和微量元素特征,反映了下地壳及壳幔过渡带组成具有高度化学不均一性。不相容元素原始地幔标准化曲线特征的差异表明捕虏体成因复杂。MgO与不相容元素无或仅有很弱的相关性,与相容元素的相关性则相对较明显。这些特征反映了下地壳及壳幔过渡带存在较强和多元的混合作用。捕虏体的加权平均值比基于麻粒岩地体资料估算的下地壳平均组成偏基性,揭示了二者可能的成因差异。  相似文献   
山西义兴寨金矿床地球化学研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
晋东北地区以唐河大断裂为核心的一组早燕山期 NW向张剪性断裂与区域 NE向复向斜复合部位 ,控制着区内燕山期中酸性浅成侵入体及其与之有关的铁、金、铜矿化 ,义兴寨金矿是该地区具代表性的典型矿床。金矿床为热液型脉状金 -多金属矿床 ,矿体受岩体和断裂构造控制。金矿床分 4个成矿期 ,8个亚期。对金矿床的矿床地质特征、成矿流体成分、性质、成矿物理化学条件及成矿时代的研究表明 ,成矿溶液的 p H值为 6 .1 6~ 6 .5 3:Eh值为 -0 .2 81~-0 .2 80 ;lgf O2 =-3.6~ -2 9,lgf CO2 =4 .3~ 5 .2 ;成矿温度为 1 90~ 349℃ ;成矿压力为 2 0 .0~ 76 .0 MPa;矿床主成矿期石英的 40 Ar— 3 9Ar坪年龄为 ( 1 31 .4± 3.1 ) Ma。  相似文献   
金昌市铜镍矿区周围土壤中重金属的迁移特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对金昌矿区不同区域土壤5~20 cm层中重金属各化学形态及活性态的迁移行为进行了研究,结果表明:土壤中重金属不同化学形态迁移率不同,弱酸提取态、可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态平均迁移率分别为0.13、0.51、0.30和0.54。重金属总量和活性态(包括弱酸提取态、可还原态、可氧化态)迁移率也表现出很大差异,尾矿区土壤Cr总量迁移率较高为0.65,而其活性态迁移率较低为0.26,Ni与Cr迁移特征完全相反,总量迁移率为0.26,而活性态迁移率为0.67;农田土壤中Pb总量迁移率低而活性态迁移率高,Ni与Zn特征相似,总量迁移率高而活性态迁移率相对较低;大棚地土壤中重金属迁移率均较低,Cu和Ni活性态几乎未发生向下迁移。可见,重金属的迁移与其化学形态分布关系密切,与重金属总量的迁移率相比,活性态迁移率能够更有效地反映出土壤中重金属的迁移特征和潜在危害性。  相似文献   
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