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曹彦伟  李谦 《探矿工程》2021,48(11):84-93
钻进时的振动会引起钻具疲劳失效和损坏,为提高井下钻具的稳定性,本文设计了依靠行星齿轮系驱动内外钻头同轴双向回转的钻具结构。通过对其核心的齿轮、密封、轴承等部件进行的强度校核,证明该结构的设计强度能够满足正常的使用工况。同时基于数值模拟对该结构的振动效果进行了验证,将钻进时钻头与岩石的相互作用简化为简谐荷载,对双向回转钻具整体结构进行谐响应分析。结果显示,相比于普通单向回转钻进结构,同等条件下双向回转的钻具结构能够有效抑制扭转振动。  相似文献   
为研究径流式低坝影响下的水流流动与泥沙淤积特性,开展水槽试验,基于图像测量技术,获取并解析坝附近区域流场信息及典型淤积形态。结果表明:坝前附近流段纵向流速在垂线上出现衰减区,减幅随水流强度增大而减小;坝顶断面纵向和垂向流速沿垂线的分布均呈现显著的分区特性,分区界限几乎不受水流强度的影响;随坝顶水深增加,坝下游漩涡涡心向下游及河底移动,面积和强度皆增大;坝上游淤积形态特性对水流强度的变化非常敏感,在较低强度来流下,呈接近坝体的稳定曲面斜坡,而在高强度来流下,不形成稳定淤积体;坝下游形成动态稳定的淤积斜坡,纵剖表面线呈抛物线规律,随来流强度变异程度小。  相似文献   
Dam-related downstream adjustments of riverbeds are normally investigated by analysing the trend in sediment supply and high flow events during the pre- and post-dam periods. The required data for existing predictive models is not measured at river gauges, which limits the application of these tools. We derived the frequency of sediment-transporting streamflow events (T*) and upstream sediment supply (S*) in the pre- and post-dam periods with widely available gauged records and predicted changes in the downstream riverbed by adapting an existing model. Ten gauging stations in the Godavari River Basin, India, located downstream of dams, were chosen as study sites. Annually surveyed cross-sections at each site validated the accuracy of the predicted dam-related downstream changes. Then, a regression equation (R2 = 0.75) was established between T*/S* (independent variable) and changes in the downstream bed elevation (dependent variable) for the Godavari Basin. We recommended that similar local empirical equations be formulated for larger river basins. Models of large-scale rainfall-runoff and sediment transport processes that can account for the influence of dams, such as the Soil & Water Assessment Tool, can be paired with the proposed regression equation to estimate dam-related downstream erosion and deposition with globally available data.  相似文献   
China is home to nearly half of the world’s 50,000 large dams, which provide irrigation, flood protection, and hydroelectricity. Most of these projects involve substantial population displacement, which can disrupt social capital, the webs of interdependence and support that community members maintain with one another through relationships of trust and reciprocity. We use new empirical evidence to examine the association between dam-induced displacement and social capital in China and interpret our findings in the context of social–ecological resilience theory. Our focus is on agricultural households on the Upper Mekong River, where four large hydropower dams have been constructed over the past twenty years.Our broad finding is that resettlement is associated with diminished social capital, as measured by two key indicators: inter-household exchange of financial resources, and inter-household exchange of agricultural labor. These effects differ across the four dam sites in the study based on local economic conditions and changes in resettlement policy. We find that population resettlement is associated with markedly lower levels of agricultural labor exchange. In an economically under-developed setting, this reduces the depth and breadth of social support that agricultural households rely on to produce crops for subsistence and income. This in turn diminishes social–ecological resilience because social capital is a key factor that helps agricultural or resource-dependent communities manage risk and adapt to changes and stressors.We consider the policy implications of our findings in the context of scientific and industry efforts to minimize social harm, promote economic vitality, and improve the sustainability of hydropower as a form of renewable energy.  相似文献   
文章以吉尔吉斯库鲁铜金矿床为研究对象,借助Surpac软件建立了矿区三维地质模型;基于地质统计学原理,对样品数据进行三参数对数转换后建立了变异函数结构模型;利用普通克里格和距离幂次反比法分别对矿床进行资源量估算,并以矿区的南矿体为例对估算结果进行分析,绘制矿体在不同方向上品位变化趋势曲线来对模型进行验证与评估。结果表明,采用Surpac软件所建模型可靠,估值精度较高,可为今后合理开发矿山资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The dynamics of a coupled concrete gravity dam-intake tower–reservoir water–foundation rock system is numerically studied considering two hollow slender towers submerged in reservoir of gravity dam. The system is investigated in the frequency-domain using frequency response functions of the dam and the towers, and in the time-domain using time-history seismic analysis under a real earthquake ground motion. The analyzes are separately conducted under horizontal and vertical ground motions. The coupled system is three-dimensionally modeled using finite elements by Eulerian–Lagrangian approach. It is shown that presence of the dam significantly influences the dynamic response of the towers under both horizontal and vertical excitations; however the dam is not affected by the towers. When the dam is present in the model, the water contained inside the towers has different effects if the foundation is rigid, but it alleviates the towers motion if the foundation is flexible. It is concluded that the effects of foundation interaction are of much importance in the response of tall slender towers when they are located near concrete gravity dams.  相似文献   
The Mekong floodplains, which encompasses the region from Kratie Township in Central Cambodia to the Vietnamese East Sea, is a region of globally renown agricultural productivity and biodiversity. The construction of 135 dams across the Mekong basin and the development of delta‐based flood prevention systems have caused public concern given possible threats on the stability of agricultural and ecological systems in the floodplains. Mekong dams store water upstream and regulate flow seasonality, while in situ flood prevention systems re‐distribute water retention capacity in the floodplains. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate possible impacts of the recent development of both hydropower dams and flood prevention systems on hydrological regimes in the Mekong floodplains. An analysis of measured daily and hourly water level data for key stations in the Mekong floodplains from Kratie to the river mouth in Vietnam was conducted. Hydropower dam information was obtained from the hydropower database managed by the Mekong River Commission, and the MODIS satellite imagery was used to detect changes in flooding extent related to the operation of flood prevention systems in the Vietnam Mekong Delta. Results indicate that the upper part of the floodplains, the Cambodian floodplains, may buffer upstream dam impacts to the Vietnam Mekong Delta. Flood prevention up to date has had the greatest effect on the natural hydrological regime of the Mekong floodplains, evidenced by a significant increase of water level rise and fall rates in the upper delta and causing water levels in the middle delta to increase. The development of flood prevention systems has also effected spatial distribution of flooding as indicated via a time series analysis of satellite imagery. While this development leads to increase localized agricultural productivity, our historical data analysis indicates that development of one region detrimentally affects other regions within the delta, which could increase the risk of future conflicts among regions, economic sectors and the ecological value of these important floodplains. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
甘肃省测震台网地震台站地震计方位角检验与校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2007年8月—2013年9月甘肃省测震台网记录的549个MS≥6远震事件的P波资料,对所属44个地震台站分量方位等问题进行检核计算。考虑到地震计维修、更换等因素,提供了甘肃省测震台网地震台站按时间序列计算的方位角偏差及方位校正变化情况,以保障测震台网数据的连续性与可靠性。研究结果表明,反演的方位偏差与文献[1]的结果基本一致,表明中国\"十五\"数字地震网络确实存在部分台站方位偏差较大等方面问题。因此,在进行现代地震学研究中应充分考虑台站地震计方位误差较大和研究时间段内方位角变动等因素的影响。  相似文献   
介绍了语音压缩处理技术在武汉市供电局 1 1 0联动报修系统中的应用。该系统需要对大量用户电话进行录音和压缩存储,因而语音处理技术在该系统中占据重要地位。  相似文献   
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